Brexit 'likely to cause cancer test delays'

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

Radiologists warn doctors to prepare for possible drug delays as a result of a no-deal Brexit.

The five-page guidance to doctors from the Royal College of Radiologists , seen by Newsnight, warns that some radiopharmaceutical suppliers"anticipate there may be some delay to their delivery times".

The guidance refers to the radioisotopes commonly used in the diagnosis and treatment of some cancers. "We will need to book clinics less heavily so that we've got more wriggle room if we don't have the radioisotopes in order to diagnose and treat the patients." Dr Graham said it would have been"much easier" for medics if they had known that a no-deal Brexit was not going to happen.

But the guidance states that"some companies feel their plans will ensure no delays but others anticipate there may be some delay to their delivery times". UK-based financial firms have already had to establish offices elsewhere in the EU in case they suddenly find themselves unable to service European clients from 29 March.


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So many want to be in the EU spending billions bailing out bankrupt countries instead of investing in our own country

Maybe the money the politicians waste on the EU and themselves can now be spent on our NHS after brexit instead? 🤷🏼‍♀️


No way

Oh I'm sure we'll manage somehow. Stop with the scare mongering and bring on Brexit

Keep trying to scare us


Yes whatever

Yea baby.. why not

It causes cancer too.

Brexit also likely to cause aids, drought and a mild irritation between the bowls if you aren’t careful as well

And the world continuous to spin without delay

What absolutely disgusting shameful project fear

Why will there be delays with cancer detection drugs? The ports have all said they will be ready. The shipping couriers have all said they will be ready. The transport couriers have all said they will be ready. The only delay would be at the manufacturer if 🇪🇺 asks them to delay.

This is utter lunacy.

Fear mongering favourite words. “Might,could,likely,possible, fucking cowards comes to mind

BBC you've now become the utter pits in broadcasting !! I have gave you chance after chance but now you have nothing left to give us. Anyone wanting a dose of depression just watch this God forsaken miserable channel. It doesn't deserve a single viewer .I wont watch again, Banned are Easter bank holidays!

I pay my BBC licence fee for this crap?


How dare the BBC spread false news again I have cancer and this has made me so f off shame on you bbc

Not to mention plagues of locusts, frogs and boils. Better keep a eye on your first born.

Here we go again.😠

I'm surprised you didn't put 'test delays' in the smallest font you could find !

Seriously yet another pathetic attempt from project fear from the bias try reporting something interesting for once

Stop lying, why am I forced to pay my licence fee just for this bullshit?

Enough now it’s getting boring !!

Hopefully it will only affect the people that write this bollocks...

Wow whatever next will McDonald’s run out of hash browns ?

Don't be fucking ridiculous. Scaremongering, risible propaganda from the state sponsored propagandists

🙄💤 ProjectFear FakeNews

One thing that Brexit has exposed is how corrupt our politicians and mainstream news outlets are, people are waking up all around .

It is actually shocking when you print stories like this!! You are frightening people who will be going for tests, when you have NO actual proof that this will happen! I have a friend who will have waited nearly three months from diagnosis to treatment, nothing to do with Brexit!

Show your facts or it’s fake news.

Didn't the Health Secretary say just this week on LBC that it's all in hand for drugs? Listen at point 6.58

ProjectStupid BrexitDerangementSyndrome Wake me up when you cvnts have something more scary. Snore


Brexit 'likely to cause lower limb disease'

Absolutely disgusting and ridiculous. Time for people to sue the bbc i think

Another vote PLEASE


Do we put a cancer test on the back of the lorry and send it to Germany to come back this is ridiculous now please stop doing this.

I want to live in a world where there is no European Union telling countries how they should be run, and a world where there is no BBC telling people what they should think. And we pay for this crap. Unbelievable.

The propaganda push should seriously be investigated. You wonder why so many call you bias. When are you going to do an article on the advantages of WTO? Or promote the ways in which the UK can be stronger out of the EU? I guess that would go against EU sponsorship.

Come on really

Then sort it out and this just shows the abusive power of the EU and make a better place this is more about control and abuse. why being out make it unfair why why why

What a crazy world we live in when politics dictate over sense at the expense of playing with peoples lives!! 😡😡 feel the need to name and shame your idiocy across the globe! CNN FRANCE24 dwnews EU_Commission FoxNews

Shame on you BBC .

Thought the BBC was above this sort of scare mongering, APPARENTLY NOT.

Look for headline Brexit will see the end of The BBC Brussels broadcast corporation

Unbelievable reporting putting fear of leaving the EU into people from The BBC Brussels broadcast corporation

The BBC receives money from the EU. They clearly have cannot be treated as being impartial given that fact. Along with the fact that they keep spreading nonsense like this. Nobody believes you any more!

Rubbish - who believes this crap!

Unfair and unacceptable fear campaign against those already scared and afraid. Shameful reporting and bigoted media.

I’ll go to the vets, same day service there

And continental quilts won’t work.

Brexit gives you cancer, you must write for the daily mail.

And who is responsible?

What else is the scare mongering media going to try and blame Brexit for time the BBC sky and the re-moaning MPs started backing Britain and not the EU

For goodness sake stop trying to scare people! When did any medical tests have to go via Europe? We should ALL be looking forward to any challenge coming our way.

aceebee Oh what a surprise. Then what about supporting RevokeA50 by doing some journalism on the fraud behind the referendum, like Channel4News or carolecadwalla ?

How in Hells name have we got ourselves in this place of dependency on others for every damm thing imaginable. Lesson to be learnt here Brexit or not, we must start to become more independent for items of necessity and importance. 🇬🇧 Made 🇬🇧 supplied.

Brexit can cause cancer I heard. And the black plague and not to mention there will be oxygen tariffs

Of course it is BBC! Isn’t it time we close you down in favour of an impartial broadcasting org? Perhaps self funding and not quite so biased?

I saw that as ‘brexit causes cancer’

Just let me know when Brexit will stop the toilets from flushing, because it’s only then that we will know that we are in the shit.

Media circus is going all out again leading up to the vote we need facts not the worse case scenarios all the time as they very rarely ever happen

robynegee Won't worry me as I'll be in bed suffering from the effects of lettuce deprivation.

Brexit is cancer


Absolute ✊💦

Haha you lot are so corrupt it's breathtaking. The way you promote fear regarding brexit is actually a disgrace.

Stop this your not helping

yet even more scaremongering

Can we have some actual news rather than speculations please! I thought this was the BBC!😤

And in other news, Brexit at fault for square wheels, acid rain, Monday mornings, the morning commute, lumpy porridge and sour milk...groan.

Can someone have a chat with Auntie? The old bat is now totally off her rocker - great innings at 96, but probably time for the old girl to retire.

Bullshit. BBC lying AGAIN!

How exactly? Because someone didn’t do their job?

When will the fifth columnists at the BBC realise that these scare stories encourage us to stand up for Britain, against their EU masters.

Oh BBC...clearly yet another project fear story


Scaremongering again BBC?

How many people who voted to leave the EU understand half-life, radio-isotopes, cancer treatment. Certainly not on the fingers of 17 million hands.

Scaremongering wankers

Let’s turn the internet off - this shit is out of control

How true is this? All I see now is what Brexit will do to the population.

Tell us how pumping extra money into the NHS rather than sending it to Brussels is gonna be bad, go ahead

Errrrr, they’ve never been on time.....

For f**ks sake stop this bullshit getting very bored with the doom and gloom coming from the BBC

Oh for God's sake, WHY!!!

In a recent survey, 98.7% of people who think no deal brexit is a good idea also believed the earth was flat. The remaining 1.3% were just daft

I can't even get an appointment to see my doctor, so it could be that many tests are being delayed.. is that also to do with brexit?

Sounds like it’s going to provide a good excuse for anything going pear shaped.

Such bollocks.

A family member has been waiting for treatment since November- this headline is not true because it’s already happening

Rubbish more project fear

BBC is fake news.


britexit blamed for everything it seems

Yep it's also caused my constipation, my overdraft, my bad tooth, my tax bill, my argument with my wife, my cold coffee, the rain, the flight delays, late trains, my flat tyre, my middle age spread, my hair loss, my dog's farts, my wife's farts and finaĺly my farts

We’re actually paying for this nonsense

OMG stop it for God’s sake! How many more disasters are going to affect the UK after this fiasco ends. Next it will be the Zombie apocalypse!

Project fear 🔥 🔥 🔥

You are shameless I’m screenshotting all your reports from now on.

More bull

Typical of the BBC. Here’s an update my amazon order delivery date March 6-8th. Thanks to Brexit it’s now confirmed it’s the 8th. OMG that bloody Brexit. What have I done voting to save all that money we hand out when our NHS could have a big chunk of it when we stop paying

Scaremongering again BBC

Crap 💩😡

How much lower will they stoop with this utter bullshit?

The BBC continues the project fear bombardment. Now suddenly hospital delays are due to Brexit as if there have never ever been any whilst part of the EU.

Scaremongering again! 😡

Very exciting


Bullshit! I hope someone holds all these journalists to account after Brexit, a disgrace to broadcasting!

What a load of BOLLOCKS

The BBC are just scaremongering as usual, want everyone subdued into accepting this supposed awful deal, just a puppet for government basically.

Absolute bullshit again.

Likely, maybe,could be ,perhaps ,there is enough facts without sloppy reporting I DONT CARE just LEAVE

Fake news

More Bollocks from the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.

We have delay test now (well some)

No point in telling this...People are thick... They don’t believe anything till they actually face it till when everything is Project fear... That’s what easy life does I guess ! Hope and pray that no one goes through a sad experience ! stopbrexit

What a load of scaremongering codswallop!! Will people stop attending for tests?No! Will nurses stop taking tests No!! Will technicians suddenly stop working in labs running the tests or work slower? No! No! No! 😡😡😡😡

Someone needs to get a grip!!!!!

Why cheap holidays?

Even delays to feeding

The BBC really are scraping the bottom of the barrel.wonder what shite they’ll be spouting tomorrow ?

Is there much more Brexit can be blamed for. 🙄

MikeMol1982 To all those quoting “ project fear”, I hope you don’t come to regret your words.

And alien chest burster outbreaks 👾

Brexit likely to cause cancer...

Oh for fuck sake!🙄🙄

No project fear. No Scare tactics. This is REALITY. Why are so many people in total denial about the horrors of Brexit? The blind leading the blind.... horrific


What Jesus this is on par with a dingo ate my baby

Omg yawn

Utter nonsense. BBC you have been utterly shameless and dishonest over Brexit. Lord Reith must be spinning in his grave.

GreenBadgeKOL Stop lying.

And to think some people believe this BBC pro-European tripe masquerading as news. What a joke.

What next? We’ll run out of beer?

What do they think of next to try and force 2nd refourendom

The BBC News - champion of project fear!!

Oh please !!!!!! Stop this media downfall with blaming brexit on everything !

Absolute lie

BBC ..still digging up a daily dose of propaganda!!

Another scare story? Am not reading it. Who put this about!

Not as much as eating burnt toast!!

I heard Brexit will cause neighborhood dogs to bark during the night.

Scare tactics have restarted already?

We need to stop paying the BBC, a people’s vote on it. I vote for it to leave Britain.

And plagues, WW3, the moon will crash into the earth and the bbc will be abolished for incurable bias.

Are people starting to see these BBC headlines for what they really are

Really isn’t it time for the BBC to self fund. It is riddled with bias and has an agenda way beyond to entertain and to educate.

A deal has been reached with Euratom another remain argument trashed .....not many left now 😂

More BS from the BBC. The EU has already assured cancer patients would not suffer no matter the Brexit outcome!!

Watch the zealots tweet 'project fear.' Is there any sacrifice people won't be expected to make at the altar of brexit?

You’re stooping to a new low now, pathetic

The BBC don't half come up with some bullshit!


Oh so underfunding the NHS isn't?

The NHS is screwed anyway, so this really isn’t anything new

Cancer seems to be malignant in the department. Blatant projectfear fakenews clickbait

This truly is scare mongering, it's not likely at all 😁

BBCWorld Jesus wept, what’s tomorrow’s? Brexit will affect oxygen saturation in UK “I’m leaving because of Brexit” -O2, 28,London

Cobblers 🙄🙄🙄

Brexit will definately impact on fracking, beer consumption and frog fishing. We need a fresh vote.

BBC scraping the barrel again for the slightest thing that's anti- Brexit . Look at the gloating about BMW Mini production may(?) be moved. Same about Toyota and Honda and Nissan. Nothing about what job losses causing recession here will do to EU business?

Queue of dick heads commenting, all shooting the messenger. If you have a beef with the Royal College of Radiologists just get to the point. Also maybe do some research on the word “possibly”?! BBC is elitist in that it aims a lot of its output at people who understand words

You cant find anything else? What the hells the matter with you people? I dont know why I pay licence fees

That probably looked like an xray before someone photoshopped some odd red stuff on it.

If the time was right, and it is not too much trouble, do you think you could, for once, report a fact.

Of course. It was the headlines in the brexit debates, we just ignored it


Grow up BBC. You’re a national disgrace

BBC causes premature ejaculation


A once proud institution, admired worldwide, now reduced to biased, gutter journalism and propagating hysteria. You should be ashamed. dailysport

Being a BBC “journalist” is even easier than being one of their weather forecasters... only you don’t need to be as accurate with your “predictions” 😏


Headline delay 'likely' Read story delay 'possible' Doctors asked to keep work load low don't ask for tests. That will put lives at risk because a test is either necessary and justified or it isn't. Daft remoaners are everywhere 😕 night Scaremongering Brexit

Will somebody please shut this foreign broadcasting corporation down,so Brexit will stop cancer treatment “give us a f**cking Break “!these weak minded Remain cretins might believe it but anyone with a bit of character will laugh!!!

We’re all doomed do u here doomed. If we leave the EU there will be volcanos, earthquakes, locusts, the second coming fire. typical BBC alt liberal bollocks


When do the plagues of frogs and locusts arrive?

All these car firms are behind a government plan to put pressure on MPs to vote for her deal with other project fear propaganda you have not heard nothing yet wait till the weekend just before the vote.

Project Fear on the BBC😡

Stop scaremongering please

And cancer?


Oh F*^k off

Everybody that voted leave needs to stop paying the TV tax it’s very easy to do. Live tv is almost irrelevant now anyways.

Haha that's comic relief starting early

Only thing we need is ' Brexit likely to end Licence fee'

Oh yes. How about toilet paper. How are we doing with that. Newspaper on a string again. Oh dear, probably no ink for the papers so thats out. We really are going to be right up **it street.

What a right bunch of cheery news reporters you have at the bbc ? 🤔

Brexit likely to attract large meteorites on Earth.

More scare mongering

What a load of bull, scaremongering again..

This has been debunked several times.... can't want for the enquiry into the BBC's bias!

I do love a good joke...

Bollox bbc dribble

That's it will the last one please turn the light out. It will rain tomorrow because of Brexit.

Brexit likely to cause lack of oxygen to journalist brains

A new low even for State anti-Brexit propagandist the BBC ProjectFear


Of course it is...

BBC - You are a joke. Nobody takes you seriously nor believes a word you say anymore. You are nothing but paid for EU propaganda. When we leave you will be screwed as well and you know it. ScrapTheTVLicense

This is how you use my hard earned money to pay for your licence fee The BBC used to be respected around the world now it’s just a propaganda machine pumping out FAKE NEWS

vespasian91 But only for the many, for theresa_may and her cohort they won’t see any change. May continues to serve her Tory RW masters while taking the UK over the cliff. ToryBrexitShambles CorruptToTheCore

Oh for crying out loud BBC News why not just come out and say it! Brexit will cause men's knobs to fall off and women's boobs to grow over their shoulders. There! I've said it now so go back to the Brexit Horror Story HQ & let them know the knob is out of the bag. And shut up!

Gawd 'elp us. What will they think of next. My cat has fleas. It must be because of Brexit.

When you can't think of any argument or state any valid facts just write ' project fear'. It saves thinking...

They say it will anialate the mouse population so there will be a silver lining after all.

you just rotate between scare stories about Brexit and LGBT rights these days. Why should I have to pay for what is effectively, propaganda.

I'm surprised the last two words were included. That would be the ultimate Project Fear threat.

Pt2537 Give it a rest now eh. Screamin desperation. On the upside tho...24 days 👍👍

“The government said it had 'robust' plans for however the UK leaves the EU. “ We’re in good hands.

Oh shut up!!!!! Who makes this 💩 up seriously?🤬🤬🤬🤬


Oh Jesus ....perhaps the BBC have been asleep on the job for the last 10 years

Brexit....... the answer to all the troubles of the UK !!!!!! get a grip bias BBC

Today there is as usual no pro Brexit news from the BBC brexit

Project Fear

Brexit will cause actual cancer. Probably definitely.

johnsweeneyroar gets sacked for gross misuse of license fee funds & trying to manipulate his own narrative onto what was once respected journalism on Panodrama

‘Likely’ 😂😂🤣

Ineverheardthelikeofit Project Fear or what 🤔

More outright lies from the EU funded BBC AxeTheTVtax ProjectFear FakeNews WTOBrexit

Project fear

Wow people's ignorance is outstanding. Are people really ignorant enough to think the BBC just makes it up?

One of the best Brexit 'stories' yet 😂

Can the BBC report this without gasping? When you get a cancer diagnosis your world implodes yet these bastards can do this? I don’t think so!

I really do hope the BBC is closed down , Why do honest people have to pay for a licence fee so that this detestable institution can spew their filth

Gordy_Mc1ntosh This has been warned about by pharma, doctors', NHS etc for months. You can't just leave Eurotom and all other treaties overnight and expect no consequences.

Surprised you left ‘test delays’ in at the end of that sentence


Likely, could, might..........but probably won’t

Project fear yet again

Seriously?!!! For goodness sake, get real.

I've heard that Brexit may cause my mobile battery to run out. I'm on 23% should I start panicking?


At the prices the NHS are changed,all drugs will be flown in by private jet....

If we stay in the EU will it speed up the already delayed medical treatments/cancelled surgeries?

Oh shut up, it’s time the work experience kid was home in bed.

This is the best one I've heard yet.

BREAKING: Brexit will cause an increase in red traffic light waiting time

More Project Fear guff!

24 days to go so get ready for Brexit being blamed for everything from sunspots to the bubonic plague.

Nice ratio.

How the hell did you guys win world war 2?

For the fake news brigade, this is actually a massive concern. I work in cancer & drug delivery research, with oncologists on a daily basis. short half life of the isotopes means wo EU licence the material can't be shipped in.Companies delaying delivery of cancer supplies already

The BBC Remain channel is still at it I see !

Bottom of the barrel headlines now !!

Pants on fire

2 genuinely adversarial parties faced with this issue could try to blame each other for it not being addressed long ago but the political risks would be huge. I'm definitely getting the feeling that the fact that this issue is (seemingly) unresolved points to collusion. Brexit

Please stop it

I’d really like to know how many bots & trolls are jumping on this thread, and people who didn’t read the article clearly saying:“The Royal College of Radiologists has told doctors to prepare for possible delays for some drugs used to detect cancer if there is a no-deal Brexit.”

Oh dear the world is going to stop turning.


BBCWorld oh ffs give it a rest! I suppose we are all going to stop breathing too!


It doesn’t really matter. According to the Bollocks broadcasting corporation we will all be dead anyway due to a no deal and blue necked parakeets will rise up to conquer the Earth.

Brexit likely to stop the sun from entering the UK and staying in mainland Europe. 😁😁😁😎😎👌👌

Nothing to do with importing millions of “asylum seekers”


Brexit likely to make an asteroid hit the earth and destroy all has also been linked to the dinosaur extinction of 65 million yrs ago

Brexit is the gift that keeps on taking. I’m not aware of any benefits it is likely to give which hasn’t changed since 23 June 2016. 🤬



Don’t be so bloody ridiculous

Not fooling anyone anymore

That's true the X-Rays may have to go through checks at the border.

Jess Christ how bloody low are you going to stoop to try and change people's minds. Have you not got it, the more shit you print the more people believe it is right to leave. Try having some thought for people who are suffering from this disease.


So sad because when I was growing up in England many (MANY) years ago the BBC was well respected all over the world as an impartial and factual news source. Now you're just writing headlines worthy of the tabloid press

I suggest all the people disbelieving this should consider that it’s from a report by the Royal College of Radiologists, a group of experts who know a whole lot more about it than you do.

What is brexit unlikely to have a catastrophic impact on? 🙄

Getting stupid now this project fear, grow up

Gordy_Mc1ntosh You mean EVEN MORE DELAYS. Yeah. All that 'project fear' stuff turn out to be 'project optimism' because it was not as harsh as reality is. We tried to tell people but some simply would not listen...

Too much now! What's next brexit will cause an asteroid wipe out Britain 😕

The reactions to this story are based on the BBCs failure to deliver balance when covering Brexit. The boy who cried wolf...

Compiling a list of all these anti Brexit threats with a view to publishing a book of them in a few years time. I'm sure it'll be a 'laugh out loud' recollection.


Who, the feck, do these scaremongers think they are talking to? Is it kids in kindergarten? Crows in a tree?

Yes and Pigs might fly


My soft close toilet seat isnt closing as softly recently. Do you think its because 17 million racists voted leave?


Ah scaremongering headlines, how unusual...

bbcnews British Bullshit Corporation 👍🤨


With how I’ve been treated by parts of the NHS pre-Brexit it would be hard for me to tell the difference.

What kind of tsunami the Brexit is?!

Talk about project fear. BBC should hang their heads in shame being the mouth piece of the Remoaners. All this nonsense day after day after day.

Fake news again

Is that all?

Really!! That is lower than low

So that’s the new excuse is it?



When will the BBC stop this lunacy? It takes 4 months to get my cervical smear results because there are so many people using the NHS it’s stretched to breaking point. It’s already happening and it’s NOT because of Brexit 🙄 Please just stop this.

Lmfoa, you people are desperate. MakeEnglandGreatAgain brexit MEGA

So remind me again, what are the benefits?

Is there any low you wont sink to!

I see the Russian Leave bots are out in force tonight.

Utter project fear bbc bullshit.

So again no actual proof just likely the BBC is the most corrupt organization in Britain. All funded by force but hey let's not mention that is it .

It doesn't matter, the Martian invasion or zombie apocalypse will have killed us all before cancer gets a chance.

Please keep up BBC!no one believes your biased lefty lies anymore ! any party that includes getting rid of the license fee,gets my vote and i expect millions more, who are sick of a company that is funded by all voters,having such a cynical disregard for the truth and democracy !

More fake news !

You do know you're about to be investigated for bias by Ofcom...I'd give it a rest if I were you!

That’s not acceptable, is it, MattHancock? Why should we suffer a drop in the standards of our medical care?

Brexit will cause this too

Scaremongering bar raised yet again by the BBC.

Seriously BBC, you need to stop with this rubbish now.

Wow thar is the worst propaganda scaremongering bullshit I have ever heard !

Listening to the press I think the world may come to an end!!!


BREAKING NEWS... The social media employee at the BBC is only 7 years old.


Who ultimately decides this headline? Completely false from the article itself

More fear mongering


Dr Richard FBPE Graham says.....

Royal College of Radiologists is a well-known fake-news Remainer organisation, funded by George Soros, and directed from Davos.


Oh ffs BBC. There really is no limit to the bullshit propaganda you churn out.

At first, I thought the headline read, Brexit likely to cause cancer

Oh please give up this nonsense, 🙄

This is getting obscene now.

Hey BBC 'journalist', isn't it past your bed time? It's school tomorrow.

Time to make plans, then. I do wonder what public and private sector bosses have been doing for the last three years? Brexit is happening whatever happens. The EU is disintegrating in front of our eyes, so it's time to stop faffing about and get planning!

Imagine if you or a loved one had cancer and you read that headline? Especially if it turned out this wasn't true at all. Don't know if it is or it isn't but either way it's thoughtless journalism.


Really going for it with the bollocks Brexit stories this week

They're really trying to scare us badly.

ANd no Mars Bars!

Who cares?!? We’re getting our country back and that’s all that matters!!!!!!

Yawn 😴 Another tumour rumour

Why? ...

Lets bring the C word into the debate. Many things can be likely if sun a particular way. Maybe after Brexit it may be likely test results are received sooner 🤷‍♂️

Not an extra 300 000 people entering the UK

You never hear a single good news after Brexit. What's up with you guys.

And the moon will fall on our heads.


Interesting - the major threat to cancer diagnosis delay is Lord carters report and its implementation to pathology through the country biomedicalscience toriesdestroyingnhs privatisationofthenhsishappening hereford coventry

oh please more project fear from the bbc !!!

Poor UK, honestly. Brexit is totally unnecessary. Join me on the 23rd of March. peoplesvote PutItToThePeople march. Let's save the uk

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

You just make this shit up don’t you

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