Medicare meltdown: Wait-weary Canadians ready to embrace private care

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

No one knows how long the backlog for health care in Canda and the effects could be felt for years to come.

As Ontario reached the two-year mark of the pandemic earlier this year, it secured another grim milestone: the province’s surgical backlog had pushed past a million procedures.Sign up to receive the daily top stories from the National Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.By clicking on the sign up button you consent to receive the above newsletter from Postmedia Network Inc. You may unsubscribe any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails. Postmedia Network Inc.

In response, the Ontario government has spent nearly a billion dollars battling the backlog. The government hopes to push through more than 200,000 surgeries and procedures in 2022-23 with incentives to hospitals and Ontario is training surgical staff to better manage waitlists and prioritize the most urgent cases.Article content

Proponents of private delivery are at pains to point out that this is perfectly acceptable under the Canada Health Act. But are Canadians ready for more health care being provided by private clinics?When the Ontario government rolled out its updated strategy in August, the name told a story. It was dubbed the “Plan to Stay Open,” which won’t win any public policy awards for vaulting ambition.

The government hasn’t been eager to talk about private delivery since then, but some proponents think there’s no reason to make this policy a temporary thing. When Saskatchewan launched its surgical initiative in 2010, it was accompanied by a goal to reduce wait times by 2014 and MacKinnon credits former premier Brad Wall’s ability to stay single-mindedly focused on that goal for its success.Article content

And with pandemic burnout causing staffing shortages and early retirements among nurses, private clinics could be a tempting option for nurses looking to stay in the workforce, but with less stress.Article content


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Any one wanting private health care never had to pay 1000s. Don't forget Insurance runs out or jobs are lost...then what do you do if you get sick?

NationalPost is a rag written by talentless hack! Only an utter buffoon would support a failed two tier health system

Exactly what they want

Only the really rich ones.

We absolutely don't want that, actually.

Canada has a majority conservative media. Now I'll sit back back and watch your simps further emasculate themselves by lying about it.

Nah, we should be looking to criminally prosecute the premiers who have deliberately undermined the health system in order to justify privatization for the deaths they have caused in so doing.

With respect, that is unadulterated nonsense. Wait-weary Ontarians are ready for Boss Hog to release the many millions Federal Gov has given Ontario for health care instead of hoarding it or wasting it on asphalt futures to finish his destruction of any uppity wetland.

Everyone involved in this can and should go commit *******


This article was dictated by the American hedge fund Chatham asset group who owns Post Media. They are doing media relations for the Ford government. This is not what Canadians want. We want a properly funded vibrant health care system! We do NOT want billions spent on the 413.

Manufacturing consent for healthcare privatization won't work. We know how bad it is. Even if the provincial amd federal governments privatize it, we will never be okay with it.


Cons are committing crimes against humanity


it's interesting that nowhere in this enormous piece do you even try to demonstrate the claim in the headline. why can't you rapacious demons ever just make an argument honestly?

As a Canadian I did not miss my yearly diagnostics throughout the pandemic! And neither did my elderly parent with CHF. And there were no delays with Cardiologist appts. There are lengthy wait times in ER. But you are Triaged quickly! Canadians let’s be more patient & grateful.

No, we’re not. Nice try. What we really want is for provincial governments to start spending the money they were given for healthcare on healthcare.

False. We want our Premiers to invest in and properly fund it.

No. Not for one second

Only the rich ones

This article by NP is bullshit. Canadians know what is going on here. Read the replies to it. I am so proud of Canadians right now.

Oh this is more BS talking points from private companies and Conservatives. Our system would be better off if fordnation stopped withholding transfer payments from being used.

Manufacturing consent

Wait-weary Canadians not buying your conservative agenda-pushing bullshit.

Absolutely not. I have seen the devastation of for-profit healthcare in the states, and I will not welcome it here. We’re not ready to embrace it, we’re ready to vote out anyone who tries to push it on us.

The great thing about private healthcare is you'll have the same delayed access but when they do finally get to you you might be able to enjoy a medical bankruptcy

No we're not.

No, we’re not. fordnation, I want public healthcare to be properly funded by the Ontario government. Stop underfunding healthcare.

You don’t work for people trying to privatize healthcare, or you shouldn’t. Why aren’t you holding Ford and his government to account every day? Who writes your cheques?

No, we bloody-well aren't.

National post is just another conservative tabloid

I've been waiting for hip surgery for 2 years. I can't take pain killers and the pain in the last month has been, at times, unbearable. I would rather the wait as long as every BODY gets the medical treatments they need. Not just the rich.

The problem is a shortage of staff. Expanding private care takes staff. The same expansion could occur in existing public facilities with more staf, and for less money. onpoli

Private health care wait times won’t be better given the acute global shortage of all health care professionals. Private health care can’t wave a magic wand and produce more doctors, nurses and allied health.


This is History becoming Nature. Myth!


No we’re not. We want fordnation to do his job and properly fund/fix our healthcare system. Instead Doug is nowhere to be found. Healthcare should remain a right, not a privilege.

No, wait-weary Canadians are ready for Premiers to prioritze healthcare funding over their pet projects during respiratory virus season. 🤦‍♂️

No, we are not ready to embrace private care. DimebagDougie and other Con Premiers are trying to force private care on us by underspending and purposely trying to crash the public healthcare system. What a disgusting, blatantly untrue, PC bought and paid for, headline.

Conservative Party-linked free marketeers: We should have a health care system like in Sweden. Canadians: Yes we should. Tho not in the way you mean.

Ummm no. God I hate this trash “news”

Feckin hell we are. What a load of no-effort, cherry-picked BS. That piece reeks of bought-and-paid partisanship.

The fuck we are.



lol, no the fuck we aren't, you gross little bootlickers

No we are not. Privatization is not the answer to the deliberate underfunding of public health care. The answer is to properly fund public health care in the first place.

Screw this. We don’t want private health care. Don’t turn us into the USA

No, most of us are not

No we’re absolutely not. We want our PUBLIC healthcare to be properly funded. Privatization is never the answer

No!!! We are not!!! I want Ford the useless to resign.

No the patients I talk to but ok .. keep spinning it.

They want it until they can't afford it, then it's 'unfair.'

Yep, privatize, and drastically lower taxes


Our institutions are not failing, they are being sabotaged by capitalists who want to commoditize everything.

Took long enough.




That hilarious yes the .05 that can afford are ready the rest of us aren’t thanks!!!

no we most certainly are not. Governments need to get back to funding public healthcare and stop starving the system in hopes that we will all swallow the private model.

100% percent NOT true from my perspective! Private healthcare is absolutely the opposite of what me and my family want or need! Invest in public health!!

No. No. No! Why? Because it will cost less? Give everybody better care? Nope we can fix this if we stop playing politics.

This is why they made all those cuts. To wear people down into thinking this is the only option. Don't believe them. Don't embrace medical bankruptcies and people dying because they can't pay for care. Demand the system be properly funded.

Get lost with your right wing partisan bull shit. Canadians want to be bankrupted by illness? Charged for every bandaid and alcohol swab? Join the U.S. with most expensive and worst HC outcomes? Con Premiers could solve this, but won’t. Shame on you.

I don’t think so

This was the goal. Drain the publicly funded system until it appears broken and then slide in private care. The Canadian public does not want this. Your American owners do...which is why they push you to write nonsense like this.

No we aren't

No TF we don't

That's a load of BS!


Lol no, just hold provincial governments accountable.

Speak for yourself stuartxthomson

I'm ready for my government to reinvest in healthcare. Y'know, with the taxes that I pay.

Canadians do not want private health care. We want our governments to not underspend by millions on health care. Is the National Post foreign owned or something?

I'm absolutely NOT ready to embrace private care & I'm SICK of the sabotage & subsequent privatization of so many public services (healthcare & otherwise). LTC, for example, was privatized & we saw massive waves of preventable death by neglect of our seniors. NO TO PRIVATIZATION!

No! Ford is wrecking Healthcare so he can pay his Buddies for privatization

No we are fucking not. Stop the propaganda FFS!

No we don't.

Only the wealthy would ever support the idea of private healthcare. Every day Canadians know what are important privilege it is to have universal healthcare. Gfy.

National Post is a scam.

No we are not! Never said majority of CDNs. You guys make stories up?

No thank you. Please stop.

Way to enable the parasites. Your rag is a joke.

Racist newspaper who kisses the asses of the rich wants what


The Conservative strategy of destroying the health care system instead of fixing it is working marvelously.

National post = rebel news = Fox News. All three are not a source of news.

Fake. No one wants this. Maybe the 1% of the rich folks. That’s it. 99% of the population does not want it. Lol. Who paid for this paper to be published? Conservatives.


Colluding with Fraud Nation I see

Foreign NGO interference

Says who? The National Post, paper of the people?

Bullshit. We're ready to take our premiers out behind the woodshed for a little talk.

Have you tried being a news outlet and not a right-wing propaganda machine? I bet it would look good on you.

No. We’re not.

Never in a million years

The National Post is a joke. Just nonsense and lies. Propaganda for Canadians who want to be like sick America.

No we're not. Why mislead? Why not push for better public healthcare instead of pandering to this bullshit? oh yeah it's the national post. Keep licking boots

Uh no, I want you to put my taxes towards better public healthcare.

national post has always been a far-right maga outlet that transcends red hats and wants what maga *really* wants; privatization where all of society is a billionaire playground np can't express its raison d'être better than this

Says the government sponsored state media organizations

With what money? So does this mean only the rich will survive an illness? That's what privatization says to me - out of reach for most people, myself included.


Let me fix that headline: Wealthy Canadians ready to embrace private care so they can jump the line while the rest of us wait even longer.

Are you KIDDING me? This is pure trash. NO ONE I know is looking for private healthcare. Not one person. We want the public health system we pay for with our tax dollars & that the federal government funds to be FIXED. fordnation won’t invest. Kids are DYING. Unforgivable.

Absolutely not…this is an egregious lie! Get lost. Bet you donate to Ford & PP too. Or are you on Ford’s kick-back books? Unfollowed.

No and also no again

Most certainly are not. Privatization doesn’t equate to more medical professionals completing more surgeries. It just means those who can’t afford and the marginalized population will never get the care they need.

No we are not ready to go with private heath care . We need accountable premiers who care about the Canadian population enough to follow the science and do better . We don’t want their lies and their controlling behaviour and policies anymore . We need true leaders !

Not really, Postmedia.

No. No we are not ready to do that. We are ready for our healthcare system to look at other proven ways to become more efficient and less burdensome on the workers.

No we aren’t. Healthcare wait times can be fixed with more funding. On top of that, wait times aren’t any better in private systems then our current underfunded public system for general services. Go take a flying leap.

Nope. Just because you say it doesn’t make it so. We want the conservative governments to spend the money they’ve received on healthcare. It’s very simple. If our taxes actually went where they were supposed to go we would be very happy. onpoli

No. Never.

Nonsense headline. Nobody wants private health care. Who wants to go in debt because they have diabetes.

No we are not ready to embrace private healthcare! Screw that! Con shill rag.

Misleading. Canadians are not ready to accept private healthcare. It is the worst aspect of life in the USA

Really? I think a lot of Canadians are struggling enough in this economy


Pure propaganda! Shameful fabricated lies.

No fucking way

No the fuck I am not.

NO WE'RE NOT FuckFord and FuckYourTabloidJournalism

No they're not. Let's fix public Healthcare.


Promoting for your sponsors right not for your countrymen.


No we are not. We want conservative premiers to invest in public healthcare instead of highways/developers in Ontario.


Trying to manufacture consent again National Post? We know the real cause of this your owners are paying massive donations to the cons to create a crisis in public health care so they can bring in private healthcare and make billions. No one is fooled.

No we're not.

jordanbpeterson 'I'd like to buy health care with money, please' 'Best I can do is kill you.'

I am ready for it

Two tear society where if you have money you live and if you don’t yo die.I remember the conservatives pushing online school to reduce cost then the pandemic happened and we found out what a bad idea online schooling is. Let’s learn the hard way again.

How will private healthcare function w/insufficient of doctors/nurses/healthcare workers? How will creating 2-tier healthcare help? It's up to Premier Ford to expand of spots in medical/nursing/HCW schools. That's the shortfall. We have lots of beds. Not enough doctors/GP's.

This was the plan all along. Congrats. You just made Doug Ford cream his pants. Now do schools.

This is the farthest thing from the truth

lol no

If this isn't the most transparent attempt to do Fords bidding, I don't know what is.

Who are you surveying exactly?

Screw that!

Uh, NOT this 'wait-weary' Canadian!!

🗣 no the fuck we aren't 🗣


have you considered: no we arent

Spot the propaganda for eroding social democracy & socialized healthcare. New Headline: Pilfering pariah post, promotes privatization.

Things might get better 😌

Things might get better 😌

So conservative governments create a crisis and American Hedge fund owned newspaper pushes their agenda along.

Not at all. Ready to oust Ford. Ready to invest in Medicare. Not ready for privatization.

Oh hell no!

I’m in. The medical system has become a complete joke.

No, we're not.

NO we are not! We're ready to embrace more funding to our beloved public health care system.

Nice try. NO, we’re not.

They've crossed a seagull with a bull. They call it a Gullibull. Really they did!

It’s almost as if government is the problem. 🤔

this message paid for by american conservatives.

Hell NO ☝️ FYI: we all HATE premierbhiggs deeply. He IS holding NBers hostage in multiple ways: Killing people w anti science policies, dangerously understaffing healthcare facilities, withholding tax dollars allotted for HC, promoting spread of covid in schools, ete. He's evil.

You mean the ones who couldn't be bothered to get out and vote so Ford and other provincial conservative flunkies have far too much power?

Just like our Politicians wanted . They could have least done it in a more humane way if that was their goal . Instead they leave behind a trail of death and sorrow on the road to privatization . Shameful .


This type of shit is dangerous. No one I know says they want private healthcare.

Should read Canadian support public health care. Keep the privateers out!

This is fake news.

Not in the slightest. I do not want Private healthcare in any way, shape or form.

Conservative plan all along

Delete your account propaganda cdnpoli

The introduction of private health care services does not mean the dissolution of public health care - it means relief

No. They're not. I'm not Canadian but I'm also not an idiot, and neither are they. They know what the fuck we go through down here.

Fuck off, you Conservative-backing propaganda. We most fucking are not.

nope. i call bs

jordanbpeterson I definitely don’t agree with nationalizing private healthcare (making it the only kind), cause that’s unethical. However I’m the kind of person that puts my health above all else, so I’d spend money on it to get in faster

lol no they aren't

Um , i guess it’s impossible for our gov’t to look at other countries in europe to see how they do better, why is it always a US comparison? Just to scare people? What’s wrong with looking at france or germany or norway?

piss off

Shut up


March 2023 The Liberal Government is tackling the mental health crisis by including mental illness as a reason to assist with your suicide. It's the very least he could do. MAiD

Well that was the master plan all along so that really isn't a surprise that is happening. Next step is we pay for it ourselves and all our taxes remain the same. I already have over $7000 of medical expenses for this year. And it isn't like that amount comes off taxable income.

Helllllllll no

Not this Canadian.


Oh f*ck off.

How long have you been sitting on that one? partoftheproblem

Sad thing is, the rich conservatives are and we all need to understand what is happening.. this will not shorten wait times, unless you have cash money. There are only so many medical professionals.... It's not like they can be trained up over night.

Absolutely not, no

go away you are making the country worse with your conservative privatization bullshit

Idiocy seems to be running rampant around the world. Mirror the American insurance industry and it will be a lose lose for everyone but the very, very, very wealthy insurance industry. Pay attention.

i disagree

jordanbpeterson I’d take bankruptcy over watching my kids die because they can’t get treatment in our broken system.

But I pull they go if they knew almost all of those clunics in privatecarw are owned by Gates, Trudeau, Schwab .. or some other politician? Give it a thought! Canada cdnpoli healthcare



No we aren’t ‘National’ post.

The fuck we are.

Absolutely not.

Not even a little bit. Are you high?

Lies. Misinformation. Misinterpretation. Remember, please, you speak only for you, and you do not and cannot speak on behalf of all Canadians.


Absolutely not, and we will fight every step of the way to keep public healthcare public

Best health service I ever had was at a private care in Vancouver BC. False Creek. Expensive but really nice and great service. What one would imagine everyone deserves. Not sure if it still exists.

Never. NOT. EVER. Bought and paid for journalism is just sad.

Of course what are you waiting for

Actually, this wait-weary Canadian is ready for the provinces to get their act together and deliver proper health care to the citizens of their provinces. Which by the way are the voters who elected the politicians to their office. AKA Their Bosses.

Step 1: Throw conservatives out. Yep, that's it.

No, I'm fucking not. Fund healthcare more.

Get lost with this garbage. Nobody but the wealthy are asking for this, and that's only because you lie to them about it. We all suffer under two tier systems.

jordanbpeterson If i can, i want all my private healthcare money back in taxes, i’d do it. I pay too much in taxes anyways. I should be able to opt out of public health care while saving in taxes. My health, my money, my choice?

Our healthcare has been getting worse for decades. Why do people think it's one or the either? A hybrid system would work. I do think it should still be more public than private. The problem arises when people are in it strictly for the money, and not the welfare of the people.

Eff that noise. How about we properly fund public healthcare instead of demolishing a public service through privatization?

No. Wait-weary Canadians are ready for their politicians to stop underfunding Healthcare at the behest of private companies; & they're tired of corporate shills such as this publication pushing for privatization. We see the dumpster fire that is the US system and nothankyou

Holy fuck could you have a worse take? How about 'Conservatives so successful at destroying public healthcare, that rich folks are the only ones that can get care now, everyone else can go die'

Another dumb easy poll question. Wait till those who want private care see the bill.

The fact that the byline says 'special to' is telling. But no more than the fact that this is the NatPo

We don’t want private health care. Look at USA and see the hellish nightmare private HC always been.

Not bloody likely. This is a bad take of bad takes. Very unCanadian.


Actually no. It's being forced on us by those who stand to profit from privatization. You sound like you're their campaign advisor too.

So what you're saying is ontario gutted services and pandemic health protections, so now they're ready to throw away their life savings for worse care with similar wait periods as we have now in the states?

lol, no we’re not.

Ahh yes, the PropaganadaMachine keep chugging along. What you're forgetting to add National Joke, is that those same Wait-weary Canadians, are BROKE, working 2+ jobs, weary Canadians. To quote my favorite Conservative saying 'where is the money going to come from?'

Remember: Privatization is magic, and it will allow more to be done at a lower cost AND leave enough left over to skim a profit off the top. Because... Magic. And magic is where all the extra staff for less money will come from too!


This is outrageous that to renew prescription one must physically go the the doctor office and wait for over 4 hours. Why this procedure cannot be done over the phone. What for we have all these technology now?

Absolutely not.

Allowing people to go private will reduce the wait times for those who can't afford it.

National post writers got into the soup again

I’m actually not ready to do that at all

That's a no from me.


Fox News north


No we aren't, you absolute zeroes

We sure as fuck are not.

Absolutely not.

SUCH BULLSHIT‼️ In no way is this accurate🤬🤬🤬 It’s outright propaganda!!!! propaganda nationalpostpropaganda

Like Americans who pay a lot more for poorer outcomes? No thanks.

No, actually we are not.

No. We are urging our governments to get it together and properly fund the system.

I'm a USA citizen. I just had dental care in Thailand. Paid less than US$3000 for what would have cost me over US$10,000 in the USA. Excellent service. Perfect results. JustinTrudeau LegacyOfFraud .

This is what the criminal Conrad Black founded the national post to achieve.

No we are not. Go stuff yourself

No, we know exactly what Conservative premiers are doing by neglecting Healthcare and carrying surpluses!

This is absurd. We don't want private care. We want provincial conservative governments to stop dismantling our public healthcare system. We want high-quality accessible healthcare for all Canadians. HStefansonMB fordnation

Our taxes better drop, retroactive for all services and utilities that have been privatized What are we even paying for? All of our public services are being gutted EI and pensions come out of our paycheques

Nope. Wait weary Canadians want to protect our public healthcare system & for provincial premiers to stop underfunding public healthcare & to stop their cutting social & public health services that people need.

billionaires: thanks national post 😘

F*cK O*f.

And that was the plan the whole time.


Nope. You're thinking of the very rich. The rest of us need a public healthcare system. Please stop contributing to its decay.


Among OECD nations, Americans pay the most for their private healthcare, and they get the worst results. Keep shilling for crooks, though.

Go back to your own country gringo.


I'm ready for private care...throwing more money into a broken system isn't going to fix it.

Exactly fordnation's plan.

The atrocities in healthcare standard and wait times is fabricated. This is the reaction they want in order to reform health care therfore justifying any and all drastic measures. If it sounds familiar is because we have been living under the same tactic the last 2.5 years.


jordanbpeterson A six month wait? What if i just gave you some cash? (Thats how its supposed to work)

The fuck I am. No effing way. You really want to see us shut down the whole province over this issue? GeneralStrike GeneralStrikeON publichealth UniversalHealthCare FreeHealthCare justintrudeau maritstiles MikeSchreiner

I have news for the lower and middle class two tier healthcare already exists first tier USA if you can pay and I have and many upper slugs have to.


No one wants that but private-care providers.

I can't wait for your industry to finish [redacted]

Canadians are ANGRY at what the Government has done to our health care, and want it fixed, not private care.

Fuck that

no we aren't

Hell no!!!

Conservative weary certainly.

embrace deez nuts


No we aren't you subhumans

What a bunch of disingenuous bullshit. Ford has been in the process of permanently crippling public health care, cutting funding, etc. so he can say. 'See? it doesn't work.' so he can end it and set up a private health care structure that most people won't be able to afford.


I ain’t embracing a god damn thing.

Those who have the means, are all for it.

Absolutely not

Canada, where you can pay nearly half your income in tax and STILL have to pay for private health care. Thank you National Post for this pernicious manipulation attempt. You know where you can put your manufactured consent. Muted, blocked, no links ever clicked again.


Most definitely not.

Please yes. This would be wonderful. Now political views won't put you on a waiting list.

When the Ford government tries to push for privatized healthcare due to failing hospitals, just remember the following states are currently in a similar situation. Rhode Island Washington New Hampshire Massachusetts Minnesota Georgia Missouri W. Virginia Oregon

What the actual hell is wrong with you.

Shut up

Do it! Do it now!

But....'tHe LiBs OwN tHe MeDiA'


The fuck they are

Bullshit we are!People in the US lose their homes,go bankrupt,die w/o needed meds etc. Who ever wrote this crap article hasn’t investigated how much the costs are for US surgeries etc.Not all can afford insurance down there so they roll the dice on seeking treatment or not.

How fucking predictable.


No we aren’t. Btw, US wait times and expenditures are much higher than our’s. Even for corporate shills, this is really pathetic

Maybe RICH Canadians who DGAF about anyone but themselves. No one else has the luxury of opting to pay.

Nope. And this is ghoulish. You should be ashamed to push this garbage Private for profit care is exactly why most Americans can't afford basic medical care.

ummmm, huge NOPE.

No - now is not the time. With the staff shortages it would cause chaos in the public healthcare sector.

US style healthcare? Fuck that garbage.

Well done you are officially CPC_HQ propaganda.

No. No. No. No. ...and, also, No.

Was that not part of the plan of the WEF for Canada ? Yes it was ....

Did Doug pay for this article?

Well I guess whatever province this was written is is crapy because I'm sask there's no wait hospitals are half empty

Media meltdown: Canadians are weary of the degradation of our country’s journalism. SHAME. PrivatizationPimps ManufacturedConsent 😞 😔 😢

It is rather simple - healthcare resources are finite. My elective non-oncologic surgery waitlist is over two years. It will get longer because cancer patients that need surgery are a priority. The only answer is to make the ship larger or to start throwing people off.


Yes we’re all very excited for bankruptcy because we got sick.

No way! Medicare is for everyone, not just the privileged!!!!

No. No we’re not.

No I’m not

Too many bureaucrats and administrators not enough healthcare workers. This is what government unionized medicine brings you.

Nope. We want our premiers to stop holding us hostage to push through their agenda to privatize. They aren't well liked. We need an intervention.

Go look who is investing in the private sector. The people pushing and manipulating this will be rich and health care will be for the select.

Absolutely not. What the actual f'ck?

Fuck no. Crawl back under your rock.

Hard disagree.

This is ridiculous!!!

I've been waiting 2 years to even hear from the surgeon I was referred to.

Nooo we ARE NOT - our health care is Paid!

We knew a crush was coming b/c of the baby boomer bubble? The Provincial gov'ts chose to not plan/spend appropriately. That is not an argument for privatization. It's an argument for we, the electorate, to demand better planning and management by those who wish to govern.

No, I don't accept private health care.

No we are not!

If I had the financial means, I would totally embrace private care. But for those who can afford it - God bless. They will take some of the pressure off for the rest of us.

The f*** we are! How about we get our system tuned back up and capable again?

How about we improve the system we got rather than going all “death by a thousand cuts”.

hey this spin sucks

Absolutely not. It's disgusting what the National Post has become. Blatant right-wing propaganda that wants to turn everything over to corporations for profit.

jordanbpeterson Lol

End republican ownership of Canadian media.

Should be 'wait weary well heeled Canadians ready to embrace private care.'

Tell us that wasn't the goal.

Good. The sooner the better 👏👏👏

Get fucked. Public, tax paid healthcare is one of the greatest things this country has. Only far right conservatives want it. Because money.

Don't bet on that. Canadians aren't as weary as you might think and we won't give up something that was championed by Douglas and Pearson over 60 years ago that easily cdnpoli

Why don't you want to fix it instead?

Fuck no we aren't

No fucking way. We need a publicly funded health system, accessible to all.

I work in a hospital and all I hear is how thankful patients are for the care and not having to pay- even with the short staffed nightmare the govts have manufactured. National post needs to hold governments responsible.

Wasn’t this the plan all along? All those conservative provincial governments starving the public system to the point of collapse so people start losing faith in universal healthcare? Let’s try electing some progressive governments instead of public service hating conservatives.

According to plan.

Absolutely not

This would be a terrible blow to thousands of already struggling people across the country.

sunshine22kas Bring it on already. Other countries, i.e. Switzerland, have been doing this successfully for many years.

No, were not.

Bullshit, to put it politely. No, we won’t be tricked into accepting private care by deliberately deceitful headlines and a partisan article. Go tell your right-wing American hedge fund masters their message goes in the toilet, along with their ideology

jordanbpeterson Post should be banned like all MSM

F🖕ck no

Where are the staff going to come from, because that is the problem with public healthcare: lack of workers. The baby boomers and Gen Xers are retiring in droves.

This Canadian is not. I'm ready for the premiers to stop running healthcare surpluses while crying the feds won't give the money. Ontario also needs to repeal bill 124 and pay the nurses what they are worth.

Fuuuuuuuucccckkkkk yyyyyyoooouuuuuuu

It's time for more options and more competition in health care. The government's incompetence in running the whole show is more than obvious.

No, we don’t.

Absolutely not.

No, we hecking aren’t.

Maybe you should ask fordnation to account for the under spending on healthcare during a pandemic instead of trying to normalize for profit medicine. The is doing their ownes for profit bidding.

Typical conservatives.

Bullshit. I've experience private healthcare in California. Private health care is good only for the really rich and the lawyers.

No the fuck we aren't.

The f*ck we are.


Said no one ever.

It was going to happen

you are a violence to our country. they aren't

National Post wants Canada to become Merica

Uhhhhhhh nope. Ready for the 905 to wake up and stop trading human suffering for a highway.

Um, no, we’re actually ready for our elected representatives to properly fund public health services. We don’t want to be like the USA with a brazenly 2 tiered system.

Nope. Not even a little.

The wealthy impatient are ready to embrace. The rest of us not so much. Not at all for me. The system can be fixed without privatizing.

Me when the National Post tries to manufacture consent:


No. Canadians are ready for our healthcare system to stop being underfunded in an attempt to force privatization.

I PROMISE that you will absolutely HATE it. You really have no clue. Even if you think you can afford it, one serious illness or injury will end that fantasy.

Good try but nope.

Blatant manufacturing consent. Trying to sway Canadians into thinking that privatization is the only way forward

time to start mass reporting of all postmedia accounts for misinformation, let elon sort it out, this is our twitter and I'm sick of being force fed this garbage in my newsfeed

Our health care was designed to limit patient access because we are sinister lesser beings than the real people administering our healthcare

Nope. No we are not. Stop trying to pretend the Con agenda is something people want.


Where in this bloated piece of opinion do you have anything to support your biased headline that canadians are ready to embrace private care.

This is a lie.

Not a snowball’s chance in hell


Is The National Post all op Ed pieces now? Or what?

Nope. We’re not.

Don't need to pay, just need to eradicate the WEF from our health care, problem fixed !

No we are fucking not. FordFailed

the fuck we are

No US healthcare

I live in Quebec where there is plenty of private healthcare and the situation here is worse than ever. Two tiered does not help. It actually makes things worse.

Hard no.

Absolutely not. Actual headline: Wait weary Canadian's ready for conservative provincial governments to stop destroying healthcare.

'Yay, we get to watch rich people get to front of line, while we go bankrupt!'

Aaaaaand there it is. Right wing media taking the pass from their Conservative gvt buddies. They trash the system, you manufacture consent to rebuild it for private profit.

NO. Canadians are NOT ready to embrace private healthcare. Our govs are sitting on surpluses. The money is there. We shouldn’t have to settle for this bs.

some european countries have both if you dont want to pay, you wait if you want to skip the line, you gotta pay

Fuck that

No we're not, fix the system which we are already paying a LOT for!!

The fuc*ing 1% who can afford it. This is an absolute bullshit article.

if medical, dental, schools are all becoming privatized then they dont need provincial or federal monies or subsidies to keep in up with the cost of inflation the private market can pay for its own cost from its own funds from the private market

Fuck no.

Absolute horseshit. Blatant, in-your-face, destructive corruption, and you're right there cheering them on. Disgusting.

Give us back our taxes and I'll gladly get health insurance. Everything the government touches turns to 💩

bullshit. canadians are tired of conservative premiers who underspend on their healthcare budgets in order to cause a crisis in healthcare so they can then promote privatization as the cure. we're too smart to fall for this shit CDNpoli CanadaCons

Conservative premiers are INTENTIONALLY ruining public health care so they can sell it off.

You're trying to normalize the theft of an important public system to line the pockets of a small number of already-rich individuals - and literally everybody knows it.

No we fucking are not!!!! We know it’s a conservative driven plot to bring in profit driven insurance companies and private hospitals. We want our government to stop cutting the budgets of our system, not introduce the failed American system.

Private care exists. I’ve been paying for my own tests for years 🤷🏻‍♀️

I'm wait-weary...but embrace private care? never


No, I’m not ready to embrace it.

Hard NO


No we are not ready!! fordfailed healthcare


I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer on June 13, 2020 and two weeks later had surgery. I have received excellent and timely care from BCCancer all for free so F*ck private care BS!

Yes please bring it on!!!

Does this mean we get 1/3 of our takes back, and buy coverage in the United States?

Hahahaha absolutely not!

Nobody wants privatized care. Stop trying to push Ford's messed up agenda

Mouthpiece of the neoliberal pirate party plays its part.

The wait-times are due to lack of staff. Do private clinics have a secret horde of doctors and nurses waiting behind the bushes ready to jump into position, or will it be robots?

The f*ck we are !

how bout you embrace these privates you loser

Who are all these people having to wait so long to see a doctor. I can get an appointment within a couple of days.

People have to choose either food or rent, are they willing to give up rent to pay for healthcare?

Misinformation Meltdown: wait-weary Canadians ready for right-wing propaganda rag to stop pretending it's a newspaper rather than a millionaire's bully pulpit

Not at all.

Health Care is a human right. Universal health care is what we want.

Screw that..

Literally noone but greedy cons want the nightmare of a US style health system. Remember, Gaslighting is the word of the year.

Crappy Healthcare is part of the Canadian identity.

We have private care in the US. I am trying to get my daughter in to see a pulmonologist. Guess how long the wait is? Three, 3!, months. Private won't solve your problems.

Repeating this doesn't make it true.

If that’s the case let’s have a referendum on it. Take it to the people first.

No thank you.

Believe me, you don't want this. Love, America.


Don't fall for this shit. We do it down here constantly. Cheap government goons underfund social programs, say see it doesn't work this way, then the sharks come and suddenly your friends & family have to gofundme to not die of diabetes.

People think two-tier healthcare will gut the public healthcare system, cause doctors to quit public system. It's possible, but has it been studied extensively? This wait time crisis is really escalating, getting worse in most provinces.

Privatization of healthcare is death of personal liberty Never having to worry about the cost of sickness Just wait until you have to decide btwn curing your child and being homeless Universal healthcare is an integral part of Canada We need to start treating it as a privilege

Omg. What did you do to all our tax money over the last 40 years.. ugh.. and its gone....

No we arent

The weariness is with the results of recent decisions made by those in power, not with a system based on the fundamental principle that everyone has a right to public healthcare.


I’m not. I can’t afford privitised healthcare.

The fuck we are….

No we aren’t. We want the provincial governments to properly fund public health care, and not give it to their cronies like Jack Mintz.

jordanbpeterson Better odds in Vegas, these days...

And it's the leftist-elite-communist-sjws who want to destroy our institutions?

That is the whole point of destroying our health care system.

No, I'm not about to embrace private care. I'm tired of conservatives like fordnation stripping away what we had.

Delete your whole rag of a paper

Exactly how the government planned it

Absolutely not, this is not what most Canadians want... Great for your best interest but not mine. How about we hire back non vacs nurses and doctors over you political mandates and jabs that never worked. How about you quit pushing a agenda?

jordanbpeterson hopefully for better price conditions

I dont mind a 2 tier system if itmeans improved wait times & moreaccess to services but the gov needs to make sure that the public system remains equally fundedA model like the NHS would be great we have the rich able 2 go2 the US for procedures when we could be keeping them here

We’re not ready to reward sabotage, so no thanks Tory Media.

No we don’t.

Just because you write the headline, doesn’t make it true.

Fake news. Delete your account.

Agreed. Hospital wait times here are outrageous, and are only getting worse. Doctors don't even want to work here any longer and I can't blame them.

Why is main-stream media embracing this narrative?!? Canadian's want more Doctor's and Nurses in well equipped hospitals. Not private care.

No the fuck we are not!

This is absolutely 💯 garbage propaganda. People are NOT willing to mortgage their homes for medical care. Corrupt Premiers are sabotaging Canadian Healthcare and the public knows this.

It’s everything you’ve worked towards your entire careers.

Blocking you for misinformation.

No. Not true at all. Do better.

peggy_blair Um, no we don’t.

This is literally propaganda from the same ghouls who are defunding and intentionally starving the health system from resources and leadership precisely so it would fail and be replaced by an inefficient and worse private system.

BULL 💩 Conservatives ready for Canada to implement private health. CoruptAF NeverVoteConservative

No. We. Don’t.

It's like embracing man-thing. NP what the hell are you doing?

That is why it's happening. Duscredit the legit hospitals so privatization goes through easily. Come on people. When are we going to get the big pic!?!

Utter BS. What Canadians are weary of is a bunch of Conservative Premiers deliberately destroying our public healthcare in order to enrich their donors further.

Bad faith journalism

Perhaps that was the plan of the LIBDIPS all along. You can't drop funding by 28% without expecting it to fail.

This is propaganda.

peggy_blair NP lies.

NOPE. We are not.

Biggest load of bullshit you've published recently 👏👏👏

No we aren't

The fuck we are

The privatization of public services must be opposed by any and all means necessary. You people are sick, loathesome freaks.

Hybrid is the only way forward. These public care absolutists need to get out of the way of actual progress on this issue.

This is just blatant propaganda

Since we pay massive taxes and we have a crappy system, we get to pay more for private care. Why do we pay so much and get so little? Government.

No they’re not this is made up trash to push the narrative. Where they gonna get enough staff for private? Clone them?

No, we aren’t.

Oh, to be forced to spend your entire life savings on a single medical procedure. Oh, to be denied a medical procedure because you have no insurance.

No way. We are going to bear hug the con MPs

Long overdue

No. We are not.

Bullshit. We want the governments to FUND our so-called universal healthcare so we don't HAVE to wait.

Hell no! We are not idiots!

I guess that's part of the plan... we're not embracing anything we have no choice.

jordanbpeterson All going as planned

No. Quit pushing that for profit propaganda.

Hello from the US! This year my doc ordered a test that my insurance decided not to cover so I was billed $6,000 for it and also wait six months to be scheduled. 😁

What a load of pro Ford hooey. Do the public a favour, go find yourself a copy of the 2019 Ontario PC budget which outlines billions in cuts that have landed us in this overwhelming situation. Overwhelm the health care system, hand it over to private capital.

No thanks.

Years of defunding and destroying forces waiting patients into private healthcare

General strike across Ontario. That's the meltdown.

Pissed-off Ontarians ready to bring torches to Queen's Park & burn down the goddamn place, and then repeat at a cottage on Fawn Lake.

No we are not. Fix the system we have now by investing in it not cutting funding.

jordanbpeterson Where does one signup.

'starved citizens finally willing to accept offered slavery if fed'

It was all planned. It is our Healthcare System we pay taxes for it don't let them do this to our public Healthcare System.

No we’re not. We’re waiting for the Premiers to work with the feds to accept more money with accountability as to where those funds are being spent & used only for healthcare.

Thanks to the Cons for screwing medical care and pushing their 'private medicine' agenda for decades. The libs, fearing push-back, went along with their BS. Now we're facing a crisis and both parties who run Canada won't do anything to protect what should be a basic right.

No we're not 'ready to embrace private care'. We want public care fucking fixed.

jordanbpeterson That’s nice to hear after decades of Americans being lectured by the Canadians on how much better their socialist health care was compared to ours.

Almost like it was on purpose

No we don't. We want our system fixed. Many countries have successful public healthcare as we should have. Private, for profit, is wrong! Just look at US. They spend twice as much for healthcare and their life expectancy is lower than many countries. Just properly fund ours!

Just wait until we get national pharmacare, then we’ll have wait times for prescription drugs as well.

This is a pretty poor way of positioning what’s actually going on and does a disservice to the majority of Ontarians who just want their public healthcare properly funded.

Phase one: systematically defund healthcare with no regard for the lives of the population Phase 2: propaganda blitz pushing to privatize healthcare Phase 3: the most callous people in the world make $$$ off of your suffering, and the healthcare system remains broken

I would be Happy if ya just - Allowed the Doctors to fix us. Seems to me Y'all got them Doctors on a Leash

‘Canadians forced to seek private healthcare to save their lives prefer that to dying on a wait list’ There. Fixed it for you.

Pay for healthcare or die on a waiting list. Seems like a no brainer to me.

'The privatisation of NHS care accelerated by Tory policies a decade ago has corresponded with a decline in quality and “significantly increased” rates of death from treatable causes, the first study of its kind says.' cdnpoli onpoli PrivatizationKills

No we are not you liars

Don't you people have one of world's highest taxes because of the alleged free healthcare? Taxes will remain and then you go private.... have seen this before...

Sure - 'cause that solved it for everybody in the US. But PP can't wait, right?

Stop deleting comments you commies:

When they remove any alternative, that's what we're left with...

jordanbpeterson Having used both.. Private healthcare is vastly superior


No we're not. Good try though.

Breadline medicine

Drop vaccination mandates for non- vaccinated medical personnel.

no, we're not.

Swear to god, privatizing healthcare will make me into a domestic terrorist

standard con operating procedure: sabotage then privatize

No we're fucking not

About time.

The con propagandists are saying the quiet part out loud now. They want to take taxpayer money and give it to private con supporters. Remember the private long-term care homes in Ontario that resulted in people dying of starvation, dehydration in their own feces? This is that.

jordanbpeterson People tried, the best they could, to tell you it wasn't going to work. Todays current vernacular would be . . . . . You fucked around Now you're finding out.

That's a negative. Your source is out to lunch on that one.

Canadians ready to embrace private care - That's certainly the line you & your corporate sponsors want to feed them. What Canadians want is to be healthy. US-style healthcare doesn't work in US, so why would it work in Canada? Just another attempt for a few to take from the many


Guess what the number one cause of bankruptcy in the US? Those who support a private health insurance system are fucking themselves

Don't do that that will ruin our public health care. It's the people not getting vaccinations 💉 like flu shots etc. that are causing a lot of the chaos at hospitals

jordanbpeterson 😂 good luck

jordanbpeterson CDA has been thus for more than a generation.

Then, we want all our money back

No, we don’t. We want the criminal conservative premiers to fund it properly and for the feds to only give them cash with chains attached to it. Cons caused this problem, is there nothing conservatives premiers can f up?

No, we want our provinces to restore funding for public care. Stop shilling for the Conservatives.

Lmao good try National Post 😂

Yep yep yep. Bring it on.


Some how I doubt that. Aren't like 50% of Canadians like on the verge of being backup? They can't afford private healthcare

Sure talk about pushing a bull crap narrative.

Schools are next.

Everything is going according to plan.

Wait-weary Canadians are ready to revolt against the Con game the Conservatives are playing. Private care? Been there, pay attention to our history.

jordanbpeterson It's funny how some Canadians ignore the fact that millions of Canadians already use private health care or they go to the U.S. and use their private health care system....

Nope. That isn’t what we want at all. It would be a huge disaster as we see from the US. The only ones it benefits is the insurance companies.

Controlled demolition!

lol you're supposed to wait for the conservatives to spend a bit more time intentionally sabotaging health care before you move on to this stage of propaganda

Yes private is the only way Canadians are going to clean up the back log in surgical operations.

This is what the government has wanted all along. Keep over taxing Canadians but now make them pay extra if they want decent healthcare. They have made sure our healthcare is failing while they squander our money by sending it overseas.


What a leading headline… just like the Sun. I suppose it’s likely true for 5% of Canadians who can afford private services and buy this rag. 95% prefer public health insurance in public hospitals (if health workers could a pay raise like Ford gave his cabinet(

no we aren't- we are ready for provincial governments to spend the taxes we pay for services on health care, education, instead of developers, and their pet projects.

There is no doubt in my mind that this is what’s in Doug Ford’s mandate letters. Ie to break the healthcare system and underfund it. With the goal of paving the way for Public acceptance of healthcare Privatization to solve the healthcare crisis he planned and created.

never so stop the pushing of your agenda

I'd say this. If ever Ontario goes with private care healthcare system is the day I start to not pay taxes any longer.

Not a fu**ing chance. ProtectOurHealthCare

Sadly, this naive idea misrepresents the healthcare crisis as only occurring in Canada. The US is in crisis with their system, Europe is in crisis with their system…this is a HEALTH crisis.

Yeah don't do that. You’ll still have the same resources but spread out more thinly, and the better off will always be at the front of the queue and it will be costing you more whether you participate or not. It’s a con. Yours sincerely, Australia.

Oh no! Look around, this is not the answer.

Why do we need private HC when we can simply kill off all the sick

Canada We have better HC than Americans, Americans why aren't you tsking your daughter to the doctor is she's sick, “uh we don't have a family doctor and the clinics and hospitals are overwhelmed”

Am I surprised that it was the was the first one to suggest this?

No, we aren't, you 27th rate rag.

You know what's a better idea throw another couple billion to ukrainias.

Headlong should read: “Rich people tired of waiting.” Privatization will not reduce wait times. How many times do we have to go over this nonsense. The most vulnerable among us will suffer the most.

lmao no

In the US with private insurance. My son recently had a seizure, he's ok now. Spent 8 hours in the ER where he received many tests including CT scan. Followed up by communication with his doctor day of and visit a few days later. The medical system here moves fast.

Ontario’s system is, counterintuitively, the best in the world. The strategy is so, so clever. Let the system turn to shit and force people to take better care of themselves—eat well, exercise, get proper sleep, etc.—because government healthcare just won’t be there for you.

Wishful thinking of the US private for profit Healthcare providers from the US. My sister had to pay between 40-60 thousand a day in the US for my brother-in-law's stay at US hospital.

How much will you make of privitization nation pest

Very few people could afford private healthcare. Private healthcare is a losing business proposition.

Don't believe this. People want and deserve a properly funded healthcare system, not one being deliberately emaciated to usher in consent for a profit-driven one for rich private interests.

Capitalism has stripped our socialist healthcare down to nothing in order to privatize it. It's what capitalism does. It's gross.

hahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahaha Like hell we are!!! we just want godo government back, government that properly funded healthcare... national post, the propaganda rag for the conservatives and big corporations.

Big Insurance companies obviously trying to push into Canada. With a little bribery here, some internal government corruption there. BAM! 200 billion more dollars in their pockets a year. Sounds like a no brainer to me. It's just sad, so many Canadians have to die for it.

The said it! They finally admitted the plan for ON from fordnation . Great job in announcing it 👏 Does anyone is still doubting the ending of our beloved and needed public healthcare? No more! 😡

Actually, no.

Ummmm NO

And there it is. - you are cancer. With luck, you can be beaten.

No this is not what we want.

No we aren't.

Lol no.

Ya…no we’re not

What vaccine shot are we on now, I lost count.

jordanbpeterson Guess I'll keep my taxes till you clowns sort this shit out

No, we don't want private care You're a liar!

jordanbpeterson How bout no collective care at all? My days in this place are as numbered as the hairs on my head. Wouldn’t give a dime, voluntarily, for any collective healthcare at all! Would rather die! Life in this present world is highly overrated anyway. 🤷‍♂️

That's been the playbook all along. Pathetic.

They broke it on purpose. Hey, did head of Pfizer resign and advise the MRNA vaxx was unsafe?

Wait-weary Canadians ready for Doug to find all the money he was given to fight COVID, must be under a pillow here somewhere.

No. Wait-weary Canadians are ready to ditch the lying, inept politicians and bureaucrats that brought the healthcare system to this point.

Yup. Chop enough holes in your own boat, and the passengers are gonna start looking for the lifeboats. Self-inflicted. All of it.

No, we are ready to embrace non-Conservative governments so we can get our quality healthcare back.

No, we are not, that is what the conservatives want, your gaslighting is showing

Yes we are. Bring it.

We need both. Privatized health care would not only take the pressure off the pubic healthcare system but it would also raise the standards of health care in general by making it competitive for the citizens that can afford it.

Here in Quebec I have had my file at a private clinic for years. It is expensive. The difference is no wait. The attitude is different from a public clinic where you are likely to be told what to do. At the private clinic the question is,'What would you like?'. Client vs patient.

No we fucking aren't.

National Post speaks for the CONSERTIVE PARTY

Having free Healthcare was one thing that made Canada an amazing country. I feel like Trudeau is giving millions and millions of dollars to causes and he looks good and he shines but life us getting much much harder.


Absolutely NO fricken' way! Cdns. want the PUBLIC health care system to provide top notch medical services - we've paid for this for generations (and continue to). What Cdns, want is for Conservative govt's to SPEND health budgets on HEALTH! Tommy Douglas w/b ashamed of the NP!

Canadians keep voting for the biggest clown ever, what do they expect

We spend 10% of our GDP on healthcare. The US 16%. And their GDP per capita is 40% higher than ours.

Canada should just sell Fast Passes for those who don't want to wait months for a surgery

Seems like that is what the government is planning. Make public healthcare bad as possible so people will beg for private healthcare. Insurance companies need this. In the not too distant future cars will be self driving and they will lose that revenue stream.


They'd rather create an entire private sector than hire unvaccinated nurses/doctors Canada is gone

All by design. There was never a problem until the government and its globalist cult members created one.


Postmedia sucks shit.

Hell no

no we're not you bedbugs

jordanbpeterson Quitters. They forget they can just get euthanized.


Warning to USA & commies who want that here 😬

NO!!! NO! NO!!!! Provinces “created” this “problem” - FOR PROFIT healthcare sure in fuck isn’t going to “fix” it. Restore PUBLIC healthcare.

National enquirer says what? 😂😂

Check Doug’s bank account….

Is this what the Post is recommending? A US system where too many people must pay for surgery out of their own pockets? That is a good idea

That’s a big HELL NO

jordanbpeterson What's this about then?

Private Healthcare can supplement the public system to clear backlogs, which use up a tremendous amount of resources. Other countries actually do this successfully. No question short term pain will result but for great long term gain. Time to stop crippling future generations.

jordanbpeterson This is why the USA firmly rejects government healthcare. It just doesn’t work!

Gee, almost as though that has been the plan right along, eh?

Small government please!

How many people where accused of being 'crazy conspiracy theorists' when they warned that Universal Healthcare would fail? Not believing Government makes me right FAR more often than wrong.

jordanbpeterson Competition is key

Survey size: Conrad Black and Doug Ford

What a joke. The idea of Canadians wanting the total shit show that Americans have is just hilarious.

jordanbpeterson My mother in law has been waiting so long, on a list, that there is now irreparable damage, resulting in permanent incontinence. Our “Healthcare “ is rationed. I’ve also been denied services that would have been otherwise performed, had it been a privatized system. (Back surgery)

The easy way to have Canadians embrace private healthcare is decades of mismanagement of public healthcare.

And that, folks, was the object of the healthcare scam all along!

our healthcare system is crippled. Even just to visit your GP could take months. Unacceptable. Fast track well trained experienced foreign medical workers who are already living here to fill in the gap. Would be a common sense start.

No we are not, really…this is all a ploy that is driving the response profiteers want.

Privatize it now!

If that is the case , then the Canadian federal and provincial government Can not take the portion of taxes from my Salary at all!! Then I will embrace private care!! No more giving money to government with 0 accountability!!!

I don't think so! This is such bs💩

Liberals: How can we fix this? Conservatives: How can we make money from this?

The real agenda.

Fascist rag

This is another classic example of the National Post's deference & faithfulness to the ideology of it's foreign owners in contempt of all that is Canadian. CdnMediaFailed

Heading to Germany next month to pay for surgery that can't be had here - because we're way behind the times. Will report back on what the world's best but not as expensive as ours health care system is like

Not me…..o Lu the rich will embrace that

You border a failed state! Just look at us!

At least SOME private care. An OPTION of private care. As Canadians we are not allowed choice unless we travel out of the country - which many are unable to do. I would think preventing choice in health care must be somehow against our charter of rights.


no we fucking don't

No we are not! You do not speak for me so stfu.

You must be a shill for FordNation. Ontarians are NOT ready to embrace private healthcare, they're being forced into it by an inept provincial government.

No we don’t, we want an adequately funded healthcare system that isn’t sabotaged by our leaders. No sane person looks at the American healthcare system and says “wow, that works great, we should be more like them”

Just do the necessary transformations, and tell the people it's due to the emergency and crisis situation, and socialized-only healthcare can't help anymore, is unsustainable. Just impose the transformation, fast and furious, regardless of snowflakey leftist opinion!

Madness meet method.

We already have private care for abortions, vasectomies and a host of other procedures and OHIP still covers them in Ontario. Only liberal fear mongering prevents their expansion.

This is utter b.s. and doesn't deserve a click. Provincial gov'ts are destroying their healthcare systems so that we've no choice but to pay an arm and a leg for privatized care.

Wait-weary Canadians ready to VOTE OUT CONSERVATIVES

To be fair the universal system was never sustainable. Piling half a million more immigrants per year onto the sinking ship adds insult to injury too. We need options and fast.

If I knew I was assured the treatment I’d pay for it gladly!

No. We are not ready to embrace private care. We want our public Health Care to be funded properly. Absolutely no one in Canada wants privatized Healthcare. Only profiteers want privatized Healthcare. People who actually have compassion for other human beings want universal care

Our Leftist Society have painted doctors as: - Greedy - Dishonest - Lazy - Cheats Doctors are maligned constantly then expected to work 'for free' bc 'healthcare is a right'. Unfortunately, doctors themselves originally voted FOR this Socialist system.


jordanbpeterson Exactly! It’s not like you have to wait weeks or months in the private industry

You didn't think this wasn't the plan all along? Purposely break the system that is an expensive, bloated, tax $ sinkhole then provide an 'alternative'? The government knows the healthcare system is garbage and wants to get rid of it while not upsetting the socialist whiners

We need to start the process of re-privatization by making it LEGAL for doctors to charge privately IN ADDITION to what the govmnet pays them. We must stop punishing doctors.

Was this always the plan? Push people to embrace, heck even demand, private health care?

Our Socialist healthcare system is showing all the symptoms of Socialism. Lack of supply, unhappy customers, long wait times, few providers, ballooning costs.

nope, try again

Canadians need better healthcare our system has failed and needs some help. You won’t get that from any Liberal or NDP party.

With the amount of tax dollars that are sunk into out medical system our health care should be stellar. Unfortunately a cycle of mismanagement, corruption, greed and misuse of funding is the prob. The solution is simple, but like everything else our politicians fail to enact it.

Canada losing its sole advantage over America is honestly kind of sad. Welcome to the cellar.

Recovering from Socialism is always very difficult. Societies will often slip back into Socialism bc they see it as 'safer'. Many examples from the past show, that Socialism must be disbanded, no matter how difficult it is at first. The reward is lower cost, higher availability.

as it should be. if you can afford it go and get it privately. everyone would so dont limit it! besides saying we are all the same is communism, untrusty justys dads idea that unfortunately rubbed off

The National post should disclose its financial ties to private health.

jordanbpeterson Govt ruins everything, buy Bitcoin 🤝

Brutal take.

We need a hybrid system that incorporates both private and the current government run system.

If the gov't didn't spend hundreds of millions on Ukraine and more hundreds of millions each year on wasteful and toxic green new deals, the healthcare system would have enough money!

No we are not. What we are weary of is the conservative governments playing with our lives to push us to private care.

No we are not wanting private care. We want our government to spend our tax dollars on health care instead of highways no one asked for and lawsuits no one wanted.

Wow, that is bad. Here in America I call the Dr. for an appointment and they ask me what time do I want to come in tomorrow. If he prescribes an x-ray, I go to the hospital the next day and within an hour I am walking out the door. Doctor visit free, x-ray a $30 copay.

Publishing total Conservative bullshit. Canadians want Conservative Premiers to stop underfunding our public healthcare. We don't want a profit-motivated system of privatization.

sunshine22kas Bring it on.

No, we're not

jordanbpeterson I am all for a two teared system. Capitalisms at it finest. Free the Doctors !

NO. We're not.

jordanbpeterson Yea afraid they will only get euthanized for an infected ingrown toenail

No! Stop promoting this BS

If everyone saw how poorly the health care system is managed, with no public oversight, they might not be so eager to shout 'underfunded'. The public needs to get more involved / informed.


You're disgusting. propaganda not a news platform. Conservativesareliars

And yet no one in the media isn’t speaking about the fact that the liberal government cut health care transfers to provinces by at least 12% since they got into power.

jordanbpeterson No. No we are not.

i really hate conservatives

Doug Ford's top-secret mandate letter for Ontario's Ministry of Health accidentally revealed by National Post: 'Make Ontarians wait a long time for public healthcare so that they are ready to embrace private care.'

I'm not surprised the National Post has this article. It is fordnation's propaganda paper and Ford wants privatization of medical care as much as he wants private schools. fordnation is the worst and most corrupt Premier we've had - and he has a lot of competition.

jordanbpeterson Imagine that 🙈🙈🙈. Because there is no free lunch

jordanbpeterson The clear view into the future of US healthcare. It's very demographic - everyone will die from neglect equally.

Those that can - come here.

jordanbpeterson But they still vote the same people in.

jordanbpeterson Long overdue.

I'm just amazed that anyone actually thinks the government will spend the people's money properly. Trust the people when forced vax, closures, no family gatherings on us. Wake up folks. It ain't getting any better.

jordanbpeterson They fired my wife and now she’s in private care. She makes more money now. Everyone should expect a lower standard of living because of our collective crimes against her and thousands of others.

jordanbpeterson If only they had the glory of the obvious best in the world privatized healthcare here in the US! Our superior system serves everyone because capitalism clearly makes everything better, especially healthcare!

Well no shit. The Canadian government would much rather kill you at this point then provide you with health care

I definitely would prefer to have the same funding for public and the introduction and addition of private care. It's the only way forward

Finally... Singapore has the best model.

jordanbpeterson People should look at what SurgeryCenterOK is doing with medicine and follow that example

No we are not

No, we are not.

We pay, on avg, 45% of all our income to gov't (Of some level or another), have a paltry military and this is all we get for our money from healthcare. Anyone that thinks our deal is great is insane or horribly ill informed. Remember that maybe 65% of your avg care is covered.

No we aren’t - RW keeps underfunding it so it collapses & they can sell it for parts to their friends for massive profits 😖😡🤬 I do not want American style pay for service which is the 1 cause of bankruptcy healthcare

Canada's system is terrible and too many want to bring it to the USA. Before Covid I saw many stories of people dying on waiting lists for rationed cancer treatments and surgeries such as hip replacement.

I want my money back. This system is broken and i have been on a waiting list for a family doctor for half a decade now. My partner is a nurse, now going casual. She is tired of woking short-staffed for 12 hour shifts without breaks for 8 hours and having to nag to get 💰 owed.

Dam right we are, people are dying.

This is not meltdown of Medicare, it’s murder. Ontario healthcare need improvement and infusion of better idea, what we got is conservatives who wanted to cater to private sector.

Yep! You know, since it would actually benefit EVERYONE instead of just catering to hyper-left, equality-of-outcome, ideology. We want shorter wait times. We're done watching our most vulnerable die because of your ideology.

I have been waiting 2+ years for my broken finger to have surgery on it.

Paying the same amount of tax or you could write these off?

Absolutely I am, our healthcare is a government run mess. So much wasted Money, also zero accountability for people in the system.

I wonder if anyone saying no here personally experienced a wait for a medical procedure.

This is what happens when media is sold to foreign interest group. Province government keep destroying healthcare and education, media keep pushing private sector. We will end up with private system soon. Majority Ontarian who didn’t vote last election, Thank you.

Bring it ! Next push the reset button on our JK-12 public school system, it is time for the Voucher and Charter Schools, parents need Choice and control over their children's education. The money should follow the students, NOT the unions !

Well let’s look at our for profit LTC. Details on how well “private” does can be found in the military report and the LTC commission from Ontario.

We don't have enough doctors to keep up. It doesn't help that immigration levels are rising. It's unsustainable.

Have paid for private after numerous lost blood draws and shoddy service from over-worked and understaffed individuals in the public sector. Not to mention, the longer we keep this low standard of free healthcare, the more unhealthy humans will get.

😡 what a despicable head line. Over this wait-weary Canadian dead body would I accept private care.

No, we arent.

cndpoli Think WEF that's the only one trying to enslave you! Make no mistake Conservatives IDU and ConradBlack () want you enslaved too! Only thing they are up to with their versions of misinformation is they want to be the Pharohs instead. Neither is good

There it is: the end game of republican lackeys across the country.

Many Canadians will reject the idea, even if it kills them.

Exactly what they wanted all along

No we don’t want private health care in Canada we need conservative premiers to stop wrecking the system


Create the situation you want. A stellar example of poor, ineffective government and governance.

...Which was the endgame for conservatives the entire time.

I think it's time we ALL go to DougFord's cottage and have a word with him.

Private partners have been helping out for forty years. How is it journalists dont know this ?Start by defining the difference between private health care and two tier health care.

This was the cruel Conservative plan all along.

Janice MacKinnon was an NDP Finance minister in Romanow gov. She now supports private clinics. healcdnhealthcare

Propaganda! Conservatives are trying to destroy universal healthcare in favour of for profit models. There is a TON of money to be made for their buddies.

Go shove this article up your wazoo

Fk right off No NO nO we are not

My elderly parents travel to Europe on a regular basis for all their medical needs. Yes it costs more. But at least they're still alive and thriving in their mid 80s.

Fire tam fire dix fire Henry

Wow why destroy something so good the real problem is the administrative you really want a revolution privatise the system see how long your government last fixed and keep it

Ok so we can stop paying isane taxes now thanks

only the rich ones that can afford it. if provinces don't waste money on less important items and come to an agreement on proper allocation of federal health funds into health care system, the majority of issues can be resolved.more hospitals, increased doctor quotas at uni's,etc

Leftists would rather we all suffer equally. “If I can’t have it or can’t afford it, no one can have it.”

All going according to plan if you’re the Doug ford government. Underfund, break it, make people mad at it, create a market for private care.

Sad day when the media plays their songs from the conservative song book. Nobody ever says let's look to the US and see how great their system is! Shame on all of you. cdnmediafailed

Agreed. We go to the states for surgery, why can't we just pay for it here? I love being able to pick the surgeon, the time, it's the best.

We would rather embrace competent politicians fixing what they purposely broke to sell the lie you are happily propping up. Where did the money go, then you will know why there is such long wait times and wealthy politicians NeverVoteConservative conservativesBrokeIt

Fuck no.

more media propaganda

Yeah pretty much

Rizzy232 make wait times so long, another tier Healthcare starts to look good.

Doing it as we speak. 2 to 3 year wait for bunion surgery in BC. 3 weeks in AZ. Newer, better procedure not even available in Canada yet. Yes it's expensive but that's nobody's business but ours!

Ford or even turdeau would have said along time ago, this should be priority not Bonnie crombies housing sit. He wants private hosp he’s prob heavily invested into companies. He doesn’t want his nose dirty. Michelle just left thp she knew what was going to happen private hosp.

As long as no current health care assets built or paid for by tax dollars are not privatized, no current hospitals sold off, no tax dollars given to private hospitals, and a tax credit for the equivalent of the individual’s health care contribution is issued. I’m ready.

KenRoberts112 One step closer to private organ harvested transplants

In canada, my dog gets better health care than i do. Trudeau doesnt care about us.

I know I am. Having more choices only benefits people, likely will lead to shorter wait times and better working conditions for drs and nurses, who now have a choice of employers instead of a gov funded monopoly.

We aren't embracing private healthcare. What on earth are you talking about? Nobody wants that nasty American form of healthcare here, even my American friends say run like hell from it, fight it! You know what else is American? The ownership of your paper. Be quiet 😠

Hard nope there. We're just done with conservative premiers destroying our system.

Ya don't say.

TomTSEC And that’s what they wanted - will taxes go down ? Nope ! But service will be pulled

Please bring in private health care, I’m tied of standing in line behind the homeless guy who’s on his millionth trip in the emergency on the public dime!!!

Another bu___hit article!

Geez, I wonder why, after the Con premiers and the Con press manufactured this crisis

It’s available & has been outside of Canada for a long time. My last 2 surgeries were done in USA. Better care… I’ll do it again in a heartbeat.

This is bullshit

What CDNs should embrace is the real cost of public healthcare; $34,000/yr to provide health coverage for family of 4 w/endless waits for surgery, specialists, diagnostics + millions w/no doctor. CDNs are forced to buy defective Healthcare, that is worse than communism

And that's the con plan! Always has been.

How many Canadians just want out of this shithole country?

National Post: Alien Abductions up 50%, we need private care now!

Bring in more people but don't increase the number of medical staff.....gee I wonder what will happen?!

So to implement private health care in Ontario, how do you guarantee that publicly run health care has enough doctors etc. to keep wait times down? If said doctors etc. are able to leave public health care there probably won’t be enough left for those non affluent.

No we are not! We are ready to make government accountable and improve what we have!!!!

Easy solution to private care. Hire a team, represented by a union of course, to look into the deep rooted cause of this. Maybe another new department in the healthcare sector to use gov funds allocated to healthcare to pay for it. This will help 💯

How about you give back the millions in public subsidies that pay for this dreck?

As an unvaxxed person, I am afraid of mistreatment at the hands of the healthcare system, especially in BC. I feel a private system might not be as abusive. Even though I am low income, I am more likely to seek care from a private care provider.

No. Despite the best efforts of conservative Mike Harris and others.

This has been going on for years in many parts of Canada but it's now reaching a new high. A parallel private sector can work only if procedures prices are transparent and advertised. This would insure that cost remain low.

Gaslighting propaganda from the laughable NP.

Tax the rich and fund our healthcare adequately .

I got an insiders scoop who has given up on the industry. Said, do not put your loved ones into the hands of this Trainwreck.

How to dismantle a program. Underfund it until it no longer functions and then people will accept change. I guess were ready for the privatization of health care.

Hybrid system. We should be able to opt-out of the current absolute garbage system and pay for care if we want. And those who are happy to continue to throw their taxes into the trash system can continue to as well.

Canadians are not ready to embrace private care; they are just looking care. They may not like or approve of private heath care, but when it is all you can get in a timely fashion, you take what you can get.

“Conservative premiers destroy public health care in an attempt to force people into the arms of the Cons’ corporate masters.” Fixed that for you.

Its about bloody time - the European models have been far superior to ours for years lets get on with it already and stop assuming its either our pathetic system or Americas pathetic system

Our problem is the liberals treat healthcare like road maintenance… people can move on to other roads and just wait. For many it’s life and death and the PM playing poker with funding is insulting and dangerous. Bring private on!

Or we just restore funding, but wow hOw caN we do tHat? You people are good boys hauling water for your corporate masters.

So the plan is working

Is that what you're conservative ownership is telling you? Canadians are not 'ready' to embrace privatized healthcare (because that's a very un-Canadian thing), but we ARE ready to embrace non-conservative premier leadership that isn't hell-bent on putting profit over people.

I've been saying this for a long time. No other jurisdiction wants our model. That speaks volumes.

When was the last year that there weren't reports of an overwhelmed healthcare system? The crisis they are creating isn't to push us to a private system but to adopt the WEF 'Value Based' system which is a lot worse

This is pure corporate Conservative propaganda, from a Republican-owned rag. WeDeserveBetterMedia EndThePostSubsidy

News flash! We already have private. It needs to be expanded and the communist death panel gate keepers kicked to the curb. Then lower taxes.

The current system is 💩

Yay, join us Americans in medical bankruptcy and paying more for Healthcare than any other industrial country!

66 percent owned by an american corporation. this is not usa! this is canada. you will not make canada into the usa.

I suspect most people don't *really* care if more services are delivered by private entities. They care about timely service, universal access and no direct cost. The socialist demons have conditioned them into parroting that any kind of privatization = bad. Total nonsense.

Canada definitely needs a two-tier system, where a private system can take pressure off of the public system.

This is why conservative premiers have neglected & overburdened our healthcare system & abused its workers. They want these headlines. They want the public system to die to make way for a for profit-system. We need better governance of public institutions not to privatize them

Just another hit

A Cleveland Clinic type of center that deals with autoimmune & chronic illness (we’re about to get inundated with it) staffed by the unvaccinated who got let go and obviously have the highest level of integrity in medicine these days. In Alberta. Bring world care level here.

Australia's system is composite public-private. If the private docs overcharge, the patients go public; if the public system slacks, the patients go private. There is incentive to behave.

No,we do not…. Where NP got this information? It looks like healthcare deliberately set to fail.

Nothing wrong having an option.

congratulations to all of the conservative saboteurs busily tearing down the state since the 1980s

If the Conservatives are so keen on privatizing Healthcare, then they should have the stones to 1)say it publicly vs relying on Post Media to build a case and 2)tell us exactly how they would execute their plan.

All we need is the federal government to pony up ND quit asking the provinces for accountability when there is no accountability from our federal government on the money they have been sending around the world but not spending in Canada!

It's inevitable.


The Canadian Healthcare System is being destroyed by greed and dysfunction in the political and upper/middle management levels this will result in a privatized Health Care system

Auto industry is being overhauled. Energy industry is being overhauled. Healthcare industry needs to be overhauled. The existing system is beyond repair.

Our system is bloated with administrative. We have the investment, just incorrectly directed.

See the big picture people, these wait times are created by the politicians to harass people to the limit that we accept private care so the big corporates benefit. Don’t be pawns in the hands of politicians push them to fix public system. Save public health care.

did a conservative party mouthpiece write this

I would like a two tiered system. We currently have a private care family Dr. It’s great. When we need blood work it’s done that day. Dr on call 24/7. I would like a tax break or help paying for this. The regular system is broken.

Mission accomplished 2 tier health care.


7 months to get an MRI to see if you have Liver Cancer... Ask the Doctor what would have been the outcome if it was Cancer instead of being benign... He looked down at his feet and didnt reply..


Nope privatized doesnt solve anything!

And so they should. Time for change and if we had more private options the wait times may get better?

An entire article about backlogs and nothing about the underfunding that had caused the crisis. Underfunding that has been caused by both provincial & federal levels of government. And it can & should be fixed by both levels. With conditions healthcare must remain non profit.


No we aren't. You, however, are trying to normalize this bullshit.

Yes - if you make people desperate enough, they will accept the inferior option. It’s not what people want - but they’ll take it if that’s all that’s available. And Ford is making sure that’s all that’s available.

I see the screamers are coming out.

Hard nope. Irresponsible NP making things up again. The only folks who want privatized healthcare are rich people and those who will make money from it.

Rich** Canadians.

Private already here!

FACT CHECK: This article failed verification! This information FAILS to comes from a reliable source. Fact-checking is the process of verifying factual information, in order to promote the veracity and correctness of reporting. cndpoli

B.S. , you stinking Big Corp. Clowns are the scourge of the planet.


All part of cons plan, and right wing rags like NP are making it happen

I’m ready for the author and editors to embrace a g*n ba*rel wit their mouths

Medical system laid off 1/3 of their workforce because they were unvaccinated. WTF do you think would happen when you lay off that many staff? COVID vax only protects the vax'd, no one else. Patients can catch COVID from vax'd staff. The unvaccinated should be rehired.

Yeah, no.

Public-Private, people who use the public version pay more taxes. It should be that way for any government program that is designed to be a “social safety net”, CPP/ EI.

Oh I don’t want to change my bad lifestyle so Dr can you prescribe a drug so I don’t have to take accountability for my health….

Government couldn’t manage a lemonade stand but we put them in charge of healthcare. People can’t even put the effort in their own health! They mostly eat junk daily and wonder why they are chronically ill.

Alt right playbook worked to a tee get your check books out. Healthcare insurance companies smiling all the way to the bank

believe it or not that was trudeaus plan make you wake then you would buy a private plan, mean time trudeau is giving our tax dollars to other countries like candy while we Canadians do without, Yet you Canadians still will vote for this silver tongue devil

The healthcare system cannot struggle on in the future as it is now. Canadians will suffer and Canadians will die. I have been around since the birth of universal healthcare and have never wavered in support however, I have reached a point where some private healthcare is needed.

The solution if your are seriously sick is to travel to Cuba or Dominican Republic and pay for life saving procedures there. It won't bankrupt you and you're still alive. The latter can be viewed as a win.

The problem with privatized healthcare is who will have ownership stakes in it. Chinese dictators? Bill agates? Fauci? What then?

rexglacer Enjoying the comments. It is obvious that none of them actually read the article.

Canadians are admirable. We would rather die than accept private delivery. We are the true heroes; giving our lives to defend unionization.

We need a hybrid system

The people who stand to make the most money from privatized healthcare have been paying politicians to dismantle public healthcare, so they can break it then call for privatization as the solution. In Ontario, I'm looking at you, FordNation OntarioPCParty. ONpoli Cdnpoli

What we want is a better return on our overpriced investment

Nope. Never. But we will hold accountable those provincial premiers intentionally trying to dismantle our universal system.

Yup. Public/ private hybrid like most other Western counties the way to go.

NO NO NO NO… We are ready to get rid of Conservative provincial governments who are destroying our healthcare to push private healthcare like the USA who is trying to get rid of it themselves.

Thank your local nazi liberal.

Thats the reason the government is letting Medicare fail so that we adapt to private health care

Ahh the National Post still sucking at the Conservative teats. Still feeding Warren so he can vomit party bullshit I see!

Nope. Privatization of healthcare is not what Canadians need or want. Those that do, are welcome to move south.

No f**king way. I didn’t pay taxes my entire life to now pay out of pocket as a soon to be retired on a small fixed income. 🖕🏻


It’s cute that you’re still trying to pretend to be a real paper.

Make free national medicare optional.

No we are not ready to embrace it. F’ck no.

That is exactly Doug Ford's plan. Destroy the public, universal healthcare system Then, rich corporations will take over large parts of it. That will cost OHIP far more. AND, many will not even accept OHIP. If you don't have a private medical plan or $$$, you will be turned away.

This is what happened when you fire staff over a medical choice… now you live with the consequences…

The cons want to get into the healthcare business. One hospital visit will require a second mortgage and bankruptcy

Private care only for the wealthy who can pay.

What business offers you a service, fails to deliver that service, forces you repeatedly pay for the undelivered service with the threat of penalty, and stays in business?


Dr Justin the violent discriminator Trudeau caused this madness you should resign immediately and apologize to the Canadian citizens for the damage he has caused

All western democracies have a private health care option . No where in Europe are the wait times close to what they are in Canada. Plus all have dental care drug plans included . Time for Canada to look at solutions that work in Europe

Government can’t manage anything without turning it in to a bloated inefficient bureaucracy. We can’t wait any longer. We need 2 tier for those who can afford it to alleviate and save the broken universal system.

Good. Europe has a fabulous system, we should be modeling it and drop this hysterical ideological attachment to our current system. The US system isn’t the only other example.

All you are to do is adopt a European system. We have outrageous number of people coming into this country with a system that was built in the 70’s. We have a growing unhealthy poor population and that’s the biggest issue.

Ya I’d rather pay than die thanks very much.

Fix health care or give me back my 38.7 percent back

NO Canadians are NOT ready to embrace “pay if you can afford it” healthcare. Because we can’t.

When you have to wait 13 hours to see a doctor in an emergency room with a broken hand. Something needs to change!

Absolutely and have it in tandem with the public system as it is in Denmark for example!

I am very ready for private healthcare. I learned during the pandemic that state control leads not only to long wait times and declining quality, it leads to doctors getting political and ideological in rendering care. I trust private citizen actors more than government hegemony.

Let’s get it started right now

Decades ago, we warned about a two-tiered medical system, one for the rich and one for the dying worker! Wonder where we are today?

Not private, but a private/public mix! Enough of the communist medicine!

When transgender people need to wait months or years to receiving critical life saving care the need for a private system becomes obvious. How can we allow these people to face certain death while the healthcare professionals they need are tied up with diabetics? It's criminal.

Why does the article mentions the “American System “ and not looking into what they have in Europe which some countries have both system working together for health care

fords plan worked,

Yea most Canadians want their health care system fixed then in the current state it's in because of premiers failing their provinces and then pointing the finger elsewhere except at themsleves.

OMG, do you fools at NP not research before this type of crap. US where private care is in use... are having the same problems. And is probably bankrupting their families finances.

Wow almost as if the public system was allowed to collapse on purpose to foster widespread acceptance of a private modal. Wakey wakey🇨🇦

I’d pay straight up let me get my own insurance I’ll still pay the public system but I want the option to get things done quickly

The right wing plan is to privatize care but what they don't tell you is the private system leeches resources from the public system, increasing the wait time for those who aren't rich. Which is most of us. We should never be ready to be bamboozled by mofos.

Smart money is on Justification having a large share in the offer of choice

Wait-weary Canadians ready to embrace non-Conservative provincial govt’s who continue to gut healthcare. NeverVoteConservative

No. We aren't ready to embrace private health care. We want the billions we have for it used properly. We want well paid nurses. We want adequate bed counts. We want health care leadership. Not the incompetence we are seeing.

I don’t see the issue - if I can afford to pay for service, and it frees up a public spot for someone who can’t afford to pay, it’s a win-win.

Can’t wait for private healthcare. The current healthcare system is the worst in developed countries, it’s murdering people for last 2 decades.

Lol problem , reaction, solution

Short-sightedness of private healthcare only helps to perpetuate the already widening gap between economic classes within Canada. Instead, we need to: 1) Educate ourselves. 2) Vote at every opportunity. 3) Hold governments accountable. cdnpoli healthcare

All part of the plan. Putting health care on the backs of Canadians on top of charges the same or lately more taxes.

Nope. We are standing up to Ford. No embracing private care

All of these “we” people… if you say “we”, then you are fundamentally “othering” the opposing view. Start speaking with “I” again, and you may actually argue less and become increasingly understood. Then, and only then, might there be a true “we”.

There you have it folks... the long game for Conservatives is playing out. Conduct a relentless attack on our Public Health by underfunding and rage farming until people give in.

No we aren’t. Stop pushing the CPC propaganda.

Blame politicians for healthcare, but demand politicians govern the service 🙄 Complain about the “rich” paying their share, and then denounce people paying out of pocket🙄 Show the potential dividend reduction in wait times - outrage! 🤦🏼‍♂️🙄 Can’t win here.

Government making Public Access healthcare so unusable they're trying to force us into thinking expensive Private Healthcare is the answer. 😤

CmacLT No, we aren’t. We can’t. We shouldn’t. We must not.

Except they cant afford private healthcare and they will have to go without.

Nothing wrong with private health care more efficient still gets billed to OHIP

Dam right. We are in 3rd world country now. If any of my family gets sick will be going to US or Mexico. Health is too important.

Plan all along. Make current system intolerable, then digitize and privatize. Will happen with education as well. Building Back Better don’t you know.

No. Wait-weary Canadians want the provinces to invest in health care instead of hoarding tax money.

Ready to embrace a system that costs MORE? I doubt it

Yea cause government run hospitals are garbage

Stop calling yourselves MSM. You're nothing but PC's bag men.

Hire back the unvaccinated and fire who ever gave the dumb order to let them go in the first place when they knew damn well the vaccine wasn't tested for transmission


Has been coming for a long time..just a matter of time now..

Please God make this happen as fast as possible 🙏

More proof the CON plan of crashing Healthcare to make corporations rich...

Private health care is bad news..doctors are the headache .

Money keeps getting dumped into government funded healthcare and very little progress on wait times, timely service, and advanced diagnostics. Relying on bureaucrats to make the right decisions needs push back from private care.

Canadian don't like change so it will probably not happen and they will complain even more. Corruption,laziness and bad egos you don't change by throwing more money at it.

Private is the way to go

Ah, the national post doing the right wing private heath care dance. Nonsense. Or maybe, just fix the the system

No they're not you liars! No one is ready. It's being forced on us because your overlord is withholding billions from Healthcare.

When Provincial and Federal govt's continue to neglect decades old Healthcare system across Canada what did people think was gonna happen.

Nine week wait times in 1993 to six month wait times currently. Unless the government comes up with a plan to reduce this disaster then the private option has to be implemented. It's obvious now that Governments cannot manage healthcare properly. It's time to move on.

National Post is manufacturing consent. Pretending to present a widely held view. Many Cdns are experiencing reduced services. Most are smart enough to know that the Provs are diverting healthcare 💰 to create phony surpluses & privatize healthcare to benefit corporate donors.

No they are not. Where do you get this nonsense from?

Uh no, we are not. NeverVoteConservative

But not uninjected nurses, so they can continue to fucking wait!

I bet private HC companies would hire back all fired HC workers. Problem solved.

But of course. I’m one of 6M Canadians that pays taxes every year but cannot get access to a family doctor. If the federal government can’t deliver universal health care let me pay for it. I can buy cigarettes and alchohol… why can my I get access to a doctor?

No, we’re not. We want the provinces to fund healthcare properly. The cons are the cause of the problem. They starve it of funds, blame everybody (feds) else but themselves and then hint at privatization as the solution. They’re doing the same to education.

No we're not!

No we're not. USA has the very expensive health care and very poor health stats. The only people who profit from private health care are the insurance companies.

Typical conservative move is to create a problem and fix it by privatizing. Conservative past records expose this.

I will welcome privite, if they lower my taxes.....

Wonder if that is the veterinary service is far superior to my health service-

So would that mean less taxes for our government? Please say it is...$25 000 paid in taxes thus year so far, and my entire family has been a year now with out a family doctor...I'd love to use my taxes for private care for sure

No? We want our provincial government to properly fund it.

No We need more hospitals for all the immigrants you people are forcing of canada....

Hmm tell me this wasn't planned 🤔 🤣🤣🤣

Medical staff calling in sick like crazy due to Covid shot(screwing up the immune system).

At least 2 year wait to replace my bitched knees? Wonder why?

All part of the plan.

No. No. No. We want the system we already pay for fixed.

Some are. Most aren't. And don't forget Loblaws and Shoppers Drug Mart have their new health service open in Alta. lol

Headline should read 'Poor Provincial funding of healthcare steer waitroom weary Canadians to privatization.'

I'm in a different country because Canada and my province of BC has let me down. I've been waiting for a neurologist appointment for over a year and I'm still 8 months out for a phone call to schedule an appointment (as they put it). Is anyone interested in covering my story?


For the love of god- I pray that this government and its system's completely collapse and relieve the people under it from its tensions. Government anything is bad. I would rather pay the RIGHT PRICE for the RIGHT SERVICE then pay nothing for bottom of the barrel care

GREAT LESSON NEW VIDEO LESSON UP HERE 👇 paultachie targetedperson doctors gym communitystalking deltapolice gangstalkers nanotechnology news gym workout targetedindividual

Con objective achieved!

No we don't! We want a government using our tax dollars to provide a decent level of healthcare. Like we used to have before politicians sold us out.

Long overdue

Seems more Stockholm syndrome than embrace


I don’t think we are.

Uh, no we are not. We want federal money earmarked for health to be spent on health at the provincial level and that has not been happening.

another garbage article from NP ...

The wealthy don’t wait now. They go to the USA, India, etc.

Nothing better applies but Margaret Thatcher quote: The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.

This is what Dougie wants you to think ' Folks '

Almost like it was planned.......

Privatization is the only way the healthcare system to go. More choices means cheaper and better.

Like fuck we are...

Time to leave behind those who so blindly followed covid mandates. I do not want to see a doctor or nurse who went along with covid mandates

When you're beaten down and forced into a situation I'm not sure 'embrace' is the appropriate term.

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