People with sociopathic traits less likely to follow coronavirus guidelines, study finds

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A new study has found that people with sociopathic traits are less likely to follow COVID-19 health measures such as wearing a mask and adhering to physical distancing

Researchers looked at the relationship between anti-social personality traits and compliance with COVID-19 measures using a sample of 1,578 Brazilian adults between the ages of 18 and 73.

The study found that those who had higher scores in traits such as hostility, impulsivity, irresponsibility, narcissism and manipulativeness, among others, tended to be less compliant with public health measures. Researchers found that people with higher scores in the sociopathic traits were more of a societal risk to others, based on their lack of concern to help mitigate the risk of COVID-19 by not following health recommendations. The researchers said overall, their findings suggest adherence to containment measures is “more challenging” for those with sociopathic traits.


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No. Actually, it's people with a brain who think for themselves who are not likely to follow nonsense Covid measures.

News outlets are dying and desperately looking for attention. CTV just go away


More like “ It’s people who are psychopaths and dictators who make people wear a mask for no good reason”

Look at all of the sociopaths in the school system 🤯 15 positive cases and 58 licensed child-care facilities. Non of them must be following the procedure. That's what the study in brazil confirmed, right? I'm really glad you posted this CTV really it made a huge difference.

PaulaBrunton This is great and all, but I don’t think I needed to see a study to prove it.

Ridiculous hit piece. Your propaganda is obvious.

People with sociopathic traits are journalists and politicians, who also have low IQ, deny science and the truth.

Tell you what's pathetic - this obvious attempt to bully people into buying into this crap!

What a pile.....

Hahahahah Fear porn at it's highest

Always suspected that there was something 'PATHIC' with BLM rioters.

CTVNews Joke DefundTheMedia

Like throwing masks on the ground instead of a trash can?

So because I look at facts I’m a sociopath now 🤣🖕🤡

A new study has found that sociopaths at CTV are less credible than the Atlantic for stories founded in any truth.

pauljwu lol “new study finds”

danny47291 Interesting...

Sounds like a BS study and more lies from the MSM.

Conform or be cancelled... Got it.

With respects, just labelled majority of humans that has such traits. In psychiatry, there are other labels for these life forms, specifically exhibiting such psychopathic tendencies.

No shit, you needed a study for that? Ridiculous

Plandemic showed who thinks for themselves and who just follows orders.Clear where the Sinclair media sits.

Another ridiculous fake news article. Really? Do you think anyone believes this?

Not shy about pushing propaganda now eh?

...and Narcissistic personality disorder.

I'm so sick of this stupidity. Is CTV so desperate for a story that they'd actually print this crap?

Lolol great propaganda 🙄

Yikes sss!!!!

Put your mask on yours truly, sociopath.

Look at all the Non-sociopaths...

I have been called worse by better people. I don't mind being a functional thinking sociopath. Thanks for distracting your sheep from reality. Informed Consent. No still means no. Persist to Resist.

Yes, I would have guessed that. I was ridiculed for being an overly cautious boomer, and wearing a 'diaper' on my face. Covidiots are everywhere.

FakeNewsMedia 🤔

Interesting analysis from The Corbett Report on this 'study' and the propaganda game that's happening.

If it all comes out that you have mislead the public created propoganda and we’re complicit in fear mongering, those involved will be named and sited, and all affiliations and subsidiaries. Please note the lawsuit launched July 6,2020, against CBC, Trudeau, Tam. Truth wins

Well that confirms what most of us already knew about Nancy Pelosi.

is pure evil fuckyou

This explains the Trump cult and their reluctance to follow COVID safety protocols.

*free thinkers , people are willfully blind to what gov tells them to do, would have made great first adapters of the bible.

Duh, sociopaths have narcissistic traits which make them think they are invincible to catching it and lack of empathy for spreading it.

Ha...nice try. 'Mask' wearers are now both the 'tin foil hat' wearers and conspiracy theorists. You can't ignore decades of peer reviewed studies on masks....until Covid apparently, then all the 'Karen's' pretend they never existed.

That’s right. Let’s stir the controversy pot some more and start the chain of total pandemonium

Which is a nasty way of calling people names when they refuse to play your game.

I call it stupid


Critical thinkers are the new sociopaths...who knew?

We are likely the ones to not sit idly by when our country is being thrown into turmoil by crooked politicians and their cohorts in the media either, tread lightly mo fos!! You’re number will come!! 👍✌️🖕🏼

So Sociopaths are more likely to be free people who do not cuck to medical tyrants, huh.

These “new studies” crack me up 😂😂😂

CTV is part of the swamp, DRAIN IT!!

anthonycwalker Duh.

What do you call a government that mismanaged the Covid-19 crises at the start and ignored warnings!? Your assessment is a joke!

Basically, in Lamens term, those do not follow rules to help society are IDIOTS and have PSYCHO tendency.

What’s the matter? Don’t like it when the smart ones don’t get in line with the herd?

anthonycwalker This explains a lot!

anthonycwalker Noo...really?

There are more lying sociopaths and psychopaths on CTV NEWS.... bastards

Sociopathic or people who can look at numbers and draw a logical conclusion with the help of a rare gift from god... Common freaking sense

Or you know people who actually don't feel like being a sheep to this liberal fear mongering horse shit the liberal funded msm shovels down your throat

Government propaganda the sociopaths are the government fake dr like Henry imo

Here for the ratio 😉

What a sorry excuse for journalism fakenews

Well that's a pile of hot steaming crap too. Why do they allow morons to write such stupid stuff. UGH! Then they wonder why they are referred to as FAKE NEWS.

Canada news - where they advocate for glory holes and gimp mask sex to 'stop the spread of COVID19Vic

So to extrapolate...those who question the relevance of masks should will also be involved in a future drive by shooting, rape of other horrible crime? Just saying...

So now if you don’t agree with the government you are a sociopath lol

HopeAldridge Sociopaths feel rules don't apply to them and rule makers are not going to tell them what to do. Makes sense!

A new study has found that people that listen to liberal government subsidized propaganda from main stream media and don't think for themselves are destined to become socialist and eventually communists. 🤔

Actually it’s people that write articles like this that are the sociopaths and people the follow unsubstantiated overreaching laws that go against the charter of rights and freedoms are the true sheeple.

you are bunch of Sociopaths. Karma will get you. MSMIsTheEnemyOfThePeople

- Many studies have shown that people who accept what they’re told, without question, fit in perfectly with Hitler’s gestapo and similar organizations

Did you find a study that shows intelligent people will never fall for propoganda and lies ? REAL journalism is dead at CTV ? Time to...👇

bchealthnews NO surprise there. Its all the wackjobs.

I'm glad to know we now have confirmation BLM & Antics criminals are sociopaths. Now throw them in jail!

Oh bullshit!!!

That Fescribes Nancy Pelosi to a T!

Hahaha, that would mostly be men. 🤷‍♂️

Just pure propaganda! Were the mask you psychopath. C’mon- this is political BS.

This is such a stretch ! absurd

Is there a bullshit book they all read 😂😂

Sociopaths run mainstream media

Haha like every liberal politician so far?

We're still in a mess because of idiots like this who don't care!!

Calling intelligent, well-informed people « sociopathic « will not further your agenda of pushing your narrative. We’re not all stupid. How dare you call people names! Journalists? Yeah, right.

You mean people with free thought and critical thinking skills? Wow guess all sociopaths aren’t bad then.

Ya think? 🤦‍♂️

DawnRoseTurner yes, but it's great that people just throw the masks away. I find several every time I go out. Haven't had to buy one yet.

I'm just flabbergasted by the reporting that you and your organization has come to be! Editors on vacation? How is this BS allowed to hit print/ send/ post?

Hogwash. Resisting control tactics and manipulation is sociopathic? The crowd is not always right. In fact, the crowd is often wrong.

That seems to be alot of people nowadays

Interesting picture to use. Since sociopaths would not wear a mask they must be more environmentally responsible than those that do wear a mask and litter.

Is it not sociopathic to expect people to take a DNA or RNA vaccine that has never been used in humans before and that may alter them genetically and cause autoimmune disease.

It’s people with common sense

This article is bullshit,😬 here's me pissing on floor sign😄 hahaha can't stop...

An old study has found that is a garbage bin.

This article is bullshit,😬 here's me pissing on floor sign😄

And the link to this BS study? I'll wait!!!

have you created a derogatory name yet. Mask-Deniers, Anti-Maskers,.....! You are an absolute Joke and Enemy of the People. Close up Shop Now!!! we don't need you at all.

Why the hell is a local BC/Canadian news agency reporting on some “study” conducted by some people in Brazil at a University that I can guarantee you NO ONE reading this tweet has ever heard of. This is getting ridiculous Trump and friends?

So, all children?

All I heard was ...the ones with the most common sense are less likely to comply

Yet, Justin seems to be complying.

Time to unfollow this garbage so called news

If this doesn't open people's eyes to the propaganda on full display, NOTHING will. This is dangerous, divisive state reporting. If you find yourself agreeing, just remember this in the future. You could have stopped it, but you trusted the government instead of your people.

Hahaha. Omg. All the other taunts haven't suppressed freedom of thought and action so, well screw it, let's just call them all sociopaths. You guys are nutty. Lol

It seems the sociopaths are the ones who do wear a mask and then throw it on the ground. Don't they believe this ultra deadly virus can be spread like that? Which leads to question why we don't have biohazard bins everywhere.

cockyrascal 🙄 the people I saw hoarding TP were all wearing masks and screeching like Banshees if you came too close, and this was before it became mandatory to wear masks here.

cockyrascal Screw off . “Study finds” Gimme a break! The whole COVID thing is starting to backfire on the left now. Only 6% of actual reported COVID deaths were actually FROM COVID.. and even that’s questionable. Let’s look at flu ’s.

Well, guess I’m sociopathic 😂

What increase in deaths is this article talking about that is an outrageous lie deaths a hospitalization is almost nill. Here are the statistics from yesterday. Positive tests fluctuate but deaths and hospitalization remain flat.

cockyrascal I think by 'sociopathic' you mean independent thinkers.

Ohhh please! We are not sheep!

NJean57 Or...they know how to read....and understand the science shows masks are not effective.

No kidding.

Load of 👇🏼... What kind of editors prints this garbage?

So now the media wants to label me a crazy bc I can’t and don’t wear a mask. Well I’ll play along and the first person who thinks they are going to try and shame me. better be ready and willing to meat their god. Bc I’m so done and don’t care anymore

CORRECTION: A new study has found that people with tyrannical traits are less likely to follow COVID-19 health measures such as wearing a mask and adhering to physical distancing, yet enforce these measures on underlings and peasants.

Riiight... anyone who does’t blindly follow the “rules” is a sociopath. Was this study funded by the liberal party? Sounds like it. JustinTrudeau MrAndyNgo LeslynLewis PeterMacKay Timcast

They had to study this? C'mon! Get serious. Why do we have to spend time studying something that any thinking person already understands. 'How about drinking water is a cure for thirst: study' Great story.

Funny how my comment just magically disappeared. If the sociopaths at CTV would stop lying like the pathological liars they are, people that do not suffer cognitive dissonance or a cognitive impairment wouldn't bust their chops so much. Goebbels would be proud of CTV!

I have a study about Brazil too, it's called, stop selling our industry leading companies to Brazilian mega corporations. Our jobs suck now.

erin You 🤔

A lot of mad people in this thread with a shiny new diagnosis.

Lol.... didn’t know CTV were practicing phycologists. A new low even for you.

New study finds that people who follow covid hoax orders are more likely to be converted to sheep.

New study finds people who demand others wear masks have Marxist tendencies. Also have a higher rate of peeing themselves and hiding in the corner crying during a high-stress situation. Been known to follow the group off a cliff in a show of solidarity of saving just one life.

So now we are sociopaths because we won’t capitulate to the lie

That’s not the definition of sociopath. Sociopaths are extremely anti-social. They are the ones who had masks on last year already.

Welp your officially a garbage news !!

REALLY! I personally don't have a problem wearing a mask. your telling me that those around me who feel its against their human rights are crazy. citizens who have seen the new cdc report. I guess that fake news reporting has trickled to Canada.

Something tells me that to be a person in journalism these days, you need to be a sociopath.

so I’m a sociopath. Although saved since 21. I’m 60 now. All my adult life been told I’m a good, Godly man. But I suppose that’s what makes me a sociopath. Such a wealth of knowledge the news media is. I’m ok with where I’m going after I die. U might want to rethink your destiny

It should be embarrassing to even post this garbage. Do the media companies ever wonder why nobody believes a word they say? This is a prime example. The article contradicts the entire headline.

Have you noticed the Adam's apple on Tam yet,*? Clowns

Hahaha I’m a socio path ! Lol more propaganda by the state funded media . fake news

Lol! Nice try at the shaming. This sounds a lot like 1930 Germany. There the studies would have shown that people wearing a yellow star were more likely to show psychopathic traits. Nice way to try shame and hate on people who don't agree with you.

sociopaths coming to tell people they're not sociopaths but refuse to wear a mask

A study has found, that MSN will Suck a Lot of TrudeauMustGo Cock for 600mil.

Millions of Canadian’s have study the behaviour of our “news “ agencies and found they have very little to no journalistic integrity.

Or anyone who has a brain

Makes sense, SpeakerPelosi and NYGovCuomo don’t use masks

Wow! A study based on the answer from a country (Brasil) where the population is being lead by a sociopath who himself played down the seriousness of covid-19, thereby polarizing the population based on voting lines, sound familiar? And the study had under 1600 ppl. Ridiculous!

Call me what you will, I'm not wearing a mask! Lock steps Scenario 2010 and the newest CDC information. I call myself educated

More propaganda from the corrupt media. Now we're going to see more and more stories like this, telling us how virtuous it is to be a faceless drone. FactsNotFear NoMasks scamdemic2020 ScamdemicIsOver PlandemicHoax FakeNewsMedia

Well no 💩

That would be my ex-husband. Sociopath without a body bag 😂

Who wrote this? This person doesn’t have a brain and is p*ssy whipped! What animal in nature that doesn’t have its spirit broken wears a muzzle. What free spirited chid wats to wear a mask? Anyone who agree with this is an abuser and a psychopath.

PhillBilly1979 Then I must be one

Now we’re sociopaths? I didn’t know you had a comedy show going on. You are definitely the funniest clowns.

Really? Shocking! This is not news.

So pretty much all of Alberta Lol 😂

I'm a sociopath BEWARE 🤡🤡🤡😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

No, I see plenty of democrats wearing masks. That study is Complete 👇🏼


People should really boycott all these MSM’s. They are causing more harm than good at this point.Always fanning the flames.

This is ridicules

Well my liberal mother knows I'm not a sociopath. Can't convince her otherwise even though I can't convince her to take hers off.

Sure, sociopaths might not wear masks, but it does not work the other way: people who don’t wear masks are not necessarily sociopaths.

cintrony This is propaganda


I see what you did here. Turn a sociopathic hoax designed to dehumanize people and usher in a dystopian future ruled by technocrats into a way to call intelligent critical thinkers sociopaths. Real original. 🙄

'A new study was intentionally published to convince gullible people that anyone who doesn't blindly follow government propaganda is a danger to society'.... 'scientists suggest the only cure is to obey all commands from your masters'

Pelosi meets this standard

VeronicaCrossUK Well, I didn’t know that. Glad to be a sociopath in that case 🤣🤣Idiots and their 🐂💩🙄

Fuck you CTV, maybe report 2 side of the story. More people have been affected by the side effects of covid (economy, social life, kids education, suicides) than the actual virus itself.

bahhahhaaahhaa interns in the basement of CTVToronto playing beer pong coming up with alternative facts

So you’re calling those of us who understand the Covid response is what’s fake. Covid is real, the response is the scam.

“However, the study acknowledged that some people may not actually be sociopaths even if they choose not to wear masks.” Great reporting as always,

i guess i’m a sociopath. thank you CTV

Apart from Hannibal Lecter maybe ...

Breaking news. We know this already. 🤣🤣🤣

Another bullshit story

The real sociopaths are the people who create these studies and the media pushing a specific narrative ie this study to the masses. This is nothing but indoctrination and social programming tactics to keep people in fear. Do your own research on covid. ThinkForYourself

Surprise. Now we know who they are!

Here's a mask with a built-in social distancing app. 😎

Finally a diagnosis. I wondered what was wrong with me 🤦🏻‍♀️

Wow, never saw this coming. Really? Now you're going to call someone who critically thinks a sociopath? Stir up and further control the regular population of controlled thinkers with another fear tactic not unlike the false flag Covid-19 was from the beginning. Of course you.

They aren't saying all non mask wears are sociopaths - they are just saying all sociopaths don't wear masks. Hahahahaha!! It's such manipulation and you can tell it works by those defending it. Critical thinking is nearly dead.

Why kind of trait would you call this? Quick - do a study. Get back to us. 😂

this is a parody news site, right? 😝🤣😂

Gosh darn and here I thought it was because they were self-righteous I am free to do what I want kinda people and not the let’s do this for each other, humanity kind of people. 👌👌👌

You're so pathetic with your projection and fake studies. It doesn't work anymore. It doesn't even pass the logic test at the most basic level. How old are you people?

I thought you were reviewing the use of the term sociopathic. Why the delay? Other outlets are quoting this and it's just another lie to promote the fear.

Thanks for confirming that all those BLM protesters without masks are sociopaths. I'm relieved!!

Lower IQ and self centred as well.

If all the comments on here display that we are all awake and can see through this propaganda then why does the mainstream media keep posting? It's not changing our minds, so why?

Wow. So you’ve resorted to name calling now? Yikes CTV

New Study: People that get upset at other people for questioning government mandates would likely have turned in their Jewish neighbor during the holocaust.

Well, obviously.

Wow! Then 99% of the world has sociopathic traits.

Demonise and abuse government dissenters Right out of Nazi Germany

Maybe they are not that sociopathic after all.

Presumably having a brain and being able to see that a virus with a 99.95% survival rate doesnt require Government Fascism to cure it - is a sociopathic trate


Now I'm a sociopath because I don't like being muzzled. Got it...

Jesus Christ. Next they will say , people having their own opinion and mind have child molesting and incest tendencies.

Exact opposite. Because humans are social, need connections woth other humans, putting people under isolation and covering their face is sociopathic. Look up the definition before you slander

Nice way to Brand the people that are not taking this load of crap 😂

Get stuffed. And stop repeating propaganda.


Show us the published study

Lol.. you just reversed the study that was just posted about people wearing masks being narcissistic. Your propaganda is so fucking obvious .


Sorry, but this is bullsht, you couldn't have possibly done a study with enough subjects to compherend such a statement. Sorry but I disagree and this isn't a nice thing to say either.

Or those that know when the government is violating their constitutional rights are less likely to follow the “guidelines”.

Translation: If you don't submit to our will like sheep.. you will henceforth be dubbed 'sociopath.' Question: Do Pelosi & Cuomo count as sociopaths, or just us peasants?

Yes Pelosi and Cuomo are bat Sh..

Well fuck me. I’d rather be a sociopath than a sheep I guess. 🐑🖕

Ah well 😂😂😂😂😂


GTFOH! Ridiculous! 🙄 Journalism is becoming synonymous with habitual lying. You people are destroying media. No one will trust any of you ever again. Mainstream Media: King Arthur sighted in Britain. No really! Believe us! The people reading your garbage: 👇


I wear a mask and am still a sociopath. What’s your study say about that?

That is Idiotic! Only 9,210 actual covid deaths WORLDWIDE! The sociopaths are the ones screaming at everyone else to wear a mask. Over it!


Maybe us sociopaths will get awarded 10 million from the government too? And raised to celebrity status! Oh wait, we didn't murder anyone. Mainly an American Army Medic. Guess who?

I would rather be a free sociopath than an obedient sheep.


How about the mask wearers that throw them on the ground? Where are the bio disposal bins.....

Disgusting turdope nazi propaganda 👍 the kind we expect from the bought and paid for media mind control liberal canada. Now do the minds of liberal supporters, lots of psychopathic, brain dead, low lives in that study! TrudeauResignNOW

A new study has found that people with basic math and critical thinking skills that can mentally process the actual minuscule risk of dying from Covid are less likely to follow COVID-19 health measures such as wearing a mask and adhering to physical distancing

a,new study has found that sociopaths are common in MSM

Propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda Propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda Propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda Propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda Propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda Propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda

So that would be all liberal politicians as they pretend to wear masks for photo ops and then promptly remove them after the photo is taken. 🤔🤔🙄

“ a new study..” 😆

So Lesser Than Black Face voters. Got ya.

Not a Surprise at all!

Flawed study - Sociopathic traits can be, if not, be applied. Look, here's the deal. The past 100 years, we've never seen anything like. You saw Obama handle the malaria outbreak. We can do better

You are absolutely despicable, . You are demonizing innocent people... This is state propaganda one would expect our of Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, or any other totalitarian regime. Wow, I can't believe we have reached this point... again. 😪 EnemyOfThePeople

😂😂😂You wear your mask & you social distance or stay home. And then mind your own business. My only issue is, you trying to control me. Won't happen. I am just going to live my life in the real world, not live in fear of it. You are only spreading more division, as always.

And of course there is nothing sociopathic in demanding someone service your needs at gunpoint. Nope, not at all.




We needed a study for that? HiredCaptainObvious

I’ve been called worse.

How much did that study cost?

You mean people who think for themselves and are unsheeplike ? Masks don’t work in fact they cause many health risks due to mold/mildew and restrictive air flow . If you look at your mask and the virus at 25 x you can see the virus is like a pea going through a garage door !


Have you ever put the machine on yourself?

A random study shows MainstreamMedia pushes FakeNews to push a narrative to fear monger to get ratings. FakeNewsMedia and ALL 'reporters' should be held accountable in court.

Like Nancy Pelosi

Or maybe you just made this poll up.

And the number of sociopaths is growing. There have been studies showing the internet turns young white males into sociopaths. They congregate on places like 8chan and live in an echo chamber feeding off eachother. Then they take their bullshit into the real world.

My study has shown that people who believe COVID19 is an actual virus that is making people sick, suffer from a condition called sheepitis. My study also found that these people fall on the spectrum of intermediate to severe intellectual disability. Tiff6%&Frens2020

Here’s the KICKER of the article: However, the study acknowledged that some people may not actually be sociopaths even if they choose not to wear masks. The study pointed out that people may have various reasons for deciding not wear a face mask... So, which is it?! 🙈

If your a liberal supporter you’ve already validated the limits of your ability to think for yourself. Who ties your shoes for you each morning?

Independent polling says people that believe CTV reports actual news are idiots.


Does that mean our PM doesn’t follow Covid health measures?🤣😂

jolie_oiseau77 Ahh good read!

There's nothing more sociopathic than the media

Did your parents guilt you into doing things you were less inclined to do? Does this even work. Everywhere I go most people wear masks and the ones who do not, will have their reasons. I am not here to judge. Practice social distancing where possible.

This says a lot about protesters and rioters. Thanks for the insight.

Are BLM rioters, looters, assaulters 'sociopathic' ? Are antifa who assault people, recently murdered a Trump supporter 'sociopathic' ? Billions of dollars of people's livilihoods have been destroyed & media call it peaceful Almost as if it's media who are the real sociopaths

Complete Propoganda. Those with sociopathic tendencies are also more likely to participate in Riots, looting and basic criminal activity

Causation? Correlation? You really are part of the problem. Stop parroting psychopaths, gou gobshites.

Lol..what a rediculous column. Their is no study and CTV is grasping for click bait with the poor fear mongers of the world ..

It’s the media that is full on insane

how are things over at the Daily Tattler? When you get back to reporting real news....give us a call

Alright CTV NEWS...keep pushing your agenda/narrative... ppl are waking up and you will be swallowing what you just spewed

😂😂 A study conducted by the university of Cairo in Egypt concluded that sheep that follow Covid-19 guidelines were associated with low IQ and learning disabilities.

Textbook gaslighting.

You have to be a sociopath to read and watch ctv news. FakeNewsMedia PropagandaWatch

Eh guys Eh study, granted meez solo conducted. Suggested when meez drink eh few sizzling hot whisks, I tends toos tweet nonsense. Bravo on de incredible article.

How are those with psychopathic traits?

Nice try.

This kind of trash would make Joseph Goebbels proud.

Bahahaha this is next level.

Is critical thinking a sign of sociopathy?

People who do their own research are sociopaths now?

Well the study I did is y'all are retarded if you believe this study. Lmao

News trying to vilify non maskers... again!

What can I say? When I leave the house unmasked and not social distancing, on my way to an illegal birthday party of my 1p year old niece, I enjoy knowing my germs, breath, sneezes and cough potentially kills people around me

No! We are just not buying the lies

I would say the PSYCHOPATHS who devised this covid bullshit.. Are most likely satanists and paedophiles. Think about that one..

Utter bollocks!

CTV spreading Lies again. Way to insight hate. Before masks I was extremely respectful of other people during all this. Funny how the mask bullies treat those who don’t wear masks like scum. This is ridiculous and should be taken down and whoever wrote it fired! Shame on you!

You guys are talking about Pelosi, aren’t you? Funny.

Prometheous2020 Projection, a classic trait of a sociopath.

Tom Hanks was a suggestion to follow right under this post must be the weird photo it's just like Tom Hanks photos. Weird and random

Now I'm a sociopath if I don't believe psychopaths?

Shut your doors. Close shop. 6%, you idiot windbags. More deaths occured during H1N1 and swine flu, and that's with a lesser world population. Sociopaths are most likely to push the COVID scam to invite fear and hatred for those that don't wear masks. Bye, now.

Does that mean Pelosi is a sociopath 🤔?

James Corbett at looked at this ridiculous 'study' mainstream is treating as factual. Load of shit like everything else they report! CDC's new numbers put death rate at 0.000027%!

Wow! But why does Justin then!?

Spenitup Look how ridiculous it’s getting 😂😂

Ha. You mean people with a critical mind that is not afraid of investigating/researching subjects? Leave the masks to the brainwashed. We'll continue to query.

Rubbish, who and what is CTV News?


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Get a grip

So what do you call folk who wear them but discard them anywhere? 🤔 PS I don't wear a mask.

Hahahaha media liars always coming up with baloney piled high 🐸

I think the true sociopaths are those in Government & the MSM like CTV. How else to explain the fixation on mortality rates from this virus while ignoring the increased number of deaths from suicides, drug overdoses, delayed surgeries etc as a direct result of covid restrictions.

So people who tend not to follow rules don’t follow rules. Got it. What value, exactly, do you add to the world again?

I call ...

Are you serious The sociopaths are the ones forcing us to wear these damn masks! Oh wait, you can’t say that, they also pay your salaries. BoughtMedia

REAL NEWS: The CDC declared last week thetotal deaths in the US, CAUSED by CV is actually 9,210. As of the end of June CDC listed 440,000 reported suicides this year.(44,000 is a normal year) ➡️396,000 dead due to the lockdowns! Thanks to the sociopaths in media/politicz

Yes, they must be put in camps and reeducated. Too soon? That's where we're headed, right?

You had this same article out months ago. I know this because the mask bullies were overjoyed.


Read it: 'people with sociopathic traits are less likely' to follow the rules. Duh! People who are not gullible idiots are ALSO less likely to follow dumbass rules. The point is to get people to engage in a logical fallacy and think that people not wearing masks are sociopaths.

You should be ashamed of yourselves for this rediculous post.

PURE 🐴💩!

You pay people to write this, CTV? Wow.

Grest reporting - that's an earth shattering discovery! Who would've guessed. Let's start a list of all the things sociopaths are more likely to do or not do. Sociopaths don't wear masks so those that don't wear masks are sociopaths? That's sure money well spent on that study🙄🙄

I like that there are 2000 comments all saying “I will not wear mask becuse I don’t give 2 turds about the public but how dare you call me a sociopath”.

STOP pushing BS.

sounds like is the virus

Thanks CTV... Now I know never to trust your organization... - signed, Freethinker

So Alberta has more sociopaths?

Lol the sample was under 1600 people in Brazil. And it only says that people with higher levels of antisociality And low levels of empathy might be less compliant to rules. Way to twist words CTV!!!

A new study has found this post is pure propaganda. OBEY!

You don’t control us. That’s all it’s about, control.




Finally! Some good news for those of us unwilling to wear the mask. We are now sociopaths, so hopefully all the mask Nazi's will give us a wide berth and keep their mouths shut. They can't be sure if we have tendencies or are full blown sociopaths.

Is our government sociopaths? Albertadoctors FionaMattatall

I did a study that found that people who accuse others of being sociopaths are sociopaths. -Or- Sociopaths help us, please!


Okay so the comments on this thread lead me to believe that reading comprehension is a lost art. It couldn't be more clear that this is a study of people with sociopathic traits, it specifically says so in the caption. It isnt studying non mask wearers and calling them sociopaths

New Study Reveals: Trying to shame people into compliance doesn’t work. 🖕🤣🖕

What a load of crap

I ran into a pro masker I was driving in my car (alone) in a parking lot when a maniac in his vehicle cut in front of me and start screaming at me to wear a mask in my own vehicle. There is an example of sociopath.

Oh this headline will get a reaction in 3...2...1

You have got to be kidding me! The mainstream media attacks again with more bullshit. They do it right in your face. If you don't see it, get some new glasses

This is what i think about this absurd article!


And herein lies the evidence for knowing that Trump loving Republicans are SOCIOPATHS!

Fake study just control the wolf’s attempt.


Sociopaths: Have a reputation for being dishonest and deceitful. They often feel comfortable lying to get their own way, or to get themselves out of trouble. They also have a tendency to embellish the truth when it suits them. TrudeauMustGo WEscandal

The sociopaths are the ones that are involved with covid19. Stop projecting. Tyrants.

Yep. Another label. 'Dear General Public, You're a sociopath if you do not wear a mask. We don't care that you CANNOT breathe & that you have a heart attack or stroke. Just so long as you don't get COVID19.' For real? COVIDHOAX. The sociopaths called. They do NOT believe you! 👽

Short term test, done in Brazil, not peer reviewed. Slow news day?

Uh-oh. Grooming public opinion of social dissidents!

Fake news

Now do people who wear masks or gloves and litter them all over the ground.


A new study has found that people with sociopathic traits are more likely to vote liberal, become ctv journalists, call everyone else sociopaths to deflect attention away from their own sociopathic traits.

So the progressive movement really was just a cover for eugenics?

What kind of traits do you think insurgent propagandists have?

I’m good. Can’t drink my beer but I’m woke on the mask thing.

A new study has found that people with sociopathic traits are more likely to work for TV broadcasters that promote dopey studies.


A new study has found people with sociopathic traits are more likely to work for CTV News

Mental disorder baiting much!


Illuminatihunt4 Ppl that don’t wear masks & don’t keep distance r aware that masks are not about keeping you safe It’s about politics & Subservience, keeping up fear No masks will save you from viruses, Doctors know it, WHO knows it They said so publicly

So we finally found Trumps problem. He's a sociolpath, who knew?

More like the opposite 🤣 kiss my a$$


That screams Donald Trump!

News flash, intelligent people are sometimes sociopathic.

I am still waiting for all those without mask or distancing to be dead by now........Nope they're all still alive & having fun. Maybe if Trudeau & Tam followed the rules along with others in government this flu like bug may have been more believable.

People who hate seeing their rights taken away by a tyrannical regime are less likely to wear a mask. Fixed it for you...


No people that follow God and not the falsehood of the land.

Actually, it’s those with ‘god complexes’ and control FREAKS, thinking they can do just about anything /for our safety, rob us of our FREEDOMS/ who completely refuse to accept the FACT that we are ADULTS & can make our own decisions & accept consequences. ctv = FakeNews

Feb. 9: With seven cases of novel coronavirus having been confirmed in Canada, Trudeau is on a tour of Africa, stopping in Ethiopia on this day. Asked about the virus outbreak in Asia, he says, “We are confident that in Canada the risk remains low.”

Oh of course, those standing to the covid fear propaganda and lies are sociopaths 👍

WritesMore Is that a passive aggressive way of suggesting that the American president, who started the war on masks, is a sociopath? Don’t get me wrong, I totally agree with you, it’s just so Canadian, it’s cute.

Feb. 11:Hajdu reportedly says “There are some rumblings around a supply chain shortage (of masks) and we’re monitoring that very carefully. We want to remind people that the only people that need to wear a mask are those that are ill.”


Fuk off oy vey

awful lot of sociopaths in these comments... 👀

And assholes drop their masks on the ground in the parking lot.

Ok CTV. Some people still have a brain and use it. We’re not all MKUltra. Talk about twisting facts. If you aren’t a sheeple then you must be a sociopath. MSM pushing this so MUST be true! HAHAHA. The gigs up! We don’t eat at your troughs anymore.

Aren’t people with sociopathic traits less likely to follow any guidelines? Such as rule of law and other things? Like, isn’t that part of the sociopathic traits? What makes covid guidelines any different from other rules for people with those traits?

Fake News.

A whole lot of angry sociopaths right now!

Yup, classic endoctrination. It’s more likely you’re a “sociopath” than someone who just thinks that some bullshit virus (you have over 3 trillion in your body right now) with a .0027% chance of killing you, is worth wearing a mask for. Gotta love the strategy here.

Or CDC are the sociopaths?

Sociopaths can read CDC findings from their own website?

Guess that makes me a sociopath... oh darn. Here I thought that the recovery rate was 96% and that the msm is spreading fear propaganda. Sure glad I got that straightened out.

I'm in favour of wearing masks, but this article is jumping to conclusions way too fast and is fueling anger-induced arguments.

Well I'll be a g'damn sociopath! One with 25 years in biomed who also takes 1A and 2A literally. You?

Recent study: people that watch CTV news are most likely to be retarded

Just remember how much money the Trudeau government gave to the media to say whatever they need them to say. Including covering up multiple scandals.

BS study! Prof. Fabiano K. Miguel said that the findings had to be approached with some caution. 'We cannot state that if a person chooses not to wear a facemask, the only reason is because they are a sociopath. Although this is possible, there are likely other factors involved'

An old study has shown that the fear mongers are trying to control everything we do and destroy this country (and planet).

😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂FRESH IN-BREATHE🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😃😄😃😄😃🤣😃😄😃😄😄😄🤣😶

Great way to get more sheep to turn away from the truth. Who wants to be labelled a sociopath? Wear your mask, get your vaccine, get on the train car, don’t be a sociopath.

... and people who are as thick as mince do wear them. I'll stick with being called a sociopath thanks

There is one caveat to this that bribed and corrupted CTV did not mention. Sociopathic traits do not apply to far left protestors gathering in large groups.

I knew this was coming. I saw this article on the Corbett report propaganda watch. As you do


The voices in my head told me you were going to write a report about this.

The non mature 30ish year old non adult who wrote this unfortunately should know better.

The defiant ones. Well, when the CDC decides how many people actually died of CV, then we can revisit this post.🙄

A new study shows that liberal news networks post a lot of propaganda.

Personally i dont care if anyone wears a mask or not. I just hope significantly more non mask wearers get covid than mask wearers. After they get it they might change their mind and then wear a mask or they might be disabled or dead but it wont matter either way

The Propaganda machine ain't broke don't fix it. You guys are waking people up by the thousands will this bullshit You have no shame

I guess that’s me.

Well I read the article to the end. 'However, the study acknowledged that some people may not actually be sociopaths even if they choose not to wear masks. The study pointed out that people may have various reasons for deciding not wear a face mask,...' like masks don't work.

We see you, mockingbirds.

And narcissistic traits are more likely to advocate for more restrictions. 🤷‍♀️

1776North Oh, SHUT UP.

A new study has found that people with fascist nazi traits are more likely to watch CTV Fake News and will submit to wearing a useless masks that are 100% proven to be ineffective against viruses....SixPercent

Sign me in!

Are we going to have to start to defundCTV thread? defundctv defundcbc

That pretty well includes ALL MILLENIALS!


Guess I'm a sociopath...

OMG this is hilarious! Radical left and left wing propaganda media will try anything to control people!

Terry_Jon Is this why you're a sociopath

Gawd I'm a sociopath!

And the real sociopaths are...

See, I knew Nancy Pelosi was a fuckin' sociopath.

Of course, the propaganda machine is working at full capacity. But you know what, I would rather be a sociopath then a corrupted piece of doo doo who has no brain and no self respect.

Fuck at least use fake studies from Canada if ur going to lie 🖕🖕🖕

Takes one to know one

Ffs, here’s an fact that doesn’t need a shitty study . People that ignore science and force populations to do unscientific things that have no benefit and then threaten them if they don’t comply are far more dangerous than anyone that disagrees.

And 🖕🏻the masks and the judgement from sheep

Stop. Seriously. This is just wrong and causes so much harm.

In other news water is wet, fire is hot, and fiscal conservatives are less likely to identify as Marxist/Communist.

BeautifulRed7 You have got to be fuckin kidding me...LMAO. I would live to see the peer reviews for this!!!


A study of 1500 Brazilians. You’re a joke CTV 🤣

I guess that’s everyone at a BlackLivesMatter rally.

Ya cause they just don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves.


Or people that think for themselves and can figure out this is a big hoax.

CanPraxis Can anyone think of someone like that. Ok one person I can think of: TRUMP

No that’s called common sense with a little bit of non-conformance. 6% bishes

Went to a gas station in BC , the sign on the door said ( if you enter here wearing a mask we’ll assume you are sick and ask you to leave ) so suck on that CTV

A new study shows that CTV is not a new station anymore and is actually a goverment paid propaganda machine! Publish that you you lying sacks of shit. Between you and CBCNews, the Liberals are getting exactly what they want.... lies pushed on Canadians!

👆🏻Nancy Pelosi

More BS

How about corrupt media ?

Better stay the fuck away from us then 😉

CTV is the sociopath in our society

Or maybe being called racist isn’t enough to control people these days?

A new study you say? GFY,

SoozSuze **cough** Anyone come to mind? 🤔


a new study? basically they asked a bunch of people like market research. None of this is scientific. It was basically a poll and anyone who answered questions away from the conformist spectrum actual said they dont want a mask - who knew. YOU WEAR A MASK AND NO ONE ELSE HAS TO.

That explain’s 🇺🇸.

I guess that would be Nancy Pelosi

We won't know till a riot comes to town.

Bullshit. People who are awake and looking for the truth. It takes courage to stand up against the sheep and fight what you believe in. It's about saving the future of our rights and freedoms of our children and country.

Sociopath like to be in position of power, their career choice often reflect that... politicians, CEO, medias...

Studies show they are also more likely to put bumper stickers on their cars.

Also this is as good of a reason to defund the tax payed media as any.

What study? If you are going to make derogatory statements like this, provide the evidence! However, what I have being observing, is an exponential increase in delusional and decietful reporting, exhibited by main stream journalists.

Must be a trump tweet earlier😁

Sociopathic people only post shit like this! Fear mongering at its finest.

No. It's the sociopaths who are keeping everyone locked up and attempting to break the economy. People are starving. Businesses are closing. All because the sociopaths can't stand the idea of not retaining their ruling class status. nancypelosiwasnotsetup

Slow day for journalism?

roccogalatilaw is asking all patriots for help in finding the actual study. Please provide a link or details to such a thing.

Just send us off to the gulags (aka. detainment centers, per Dr. Tam) and call it a day, after we introduce UBI. Never mind the health officials in Europe and the virologists who say masks actually increase the chances of infection and spread. Heck send them to the gulags too.

Sociopaths like to wear face diapers so they can be anonymously sociopathic. P.S. 'YOU people' in the media are either complicit or just as involved. We see you.

Actually its called having a brain.

🤣🤣🤣 Sociopathic traits Try common sense 🤣🤣🤣

I almost thought this was a joke... how can an article like this be published? Sociopathic behaviour... wtf even did this study. plandemic woke joke

You just described the rioters. 😂

I always thought I maybe a sociopath....never knew it would take not wearing a mask to be sure...

Really? Really CTV? Doesn’t anyone vet these stupid “reports”? Canadians expect better. But, we are learning to keep our expectations low these days!

And people with sheep traits are more likely to do whatever propaganda media channels like you recommend. People should wake the fuck up and watch RebelNewsOnline

What did it say about Karen Politicians who demand everybody wear masks, and then do exactly what they instructed everybody not to do, say, by getting a blow and dry without a mask in San Francisco? PelosiPrivilege

And studies have shown that people that follow everything MSM says are sheep!

Really? I would like to think of myself as a Freedom Fighter❤️

No! Only sheeple follow dumbass MSM guidelines!!


Or perhaps they subscribe to...

Such BS. Propaganda news

I disagree. Could be a narcissist, but I wear a N95 mask, so that I don't catch covid.

The only sociopaths in Canada are currently in power in Government, Media, Global Corporations and last but not least Health. They think they have power...

Luckily.. I'm a psychopath... phew! 😂

I don’t wear one. Never have and I will not. I’m not a sociopath just an above average critical thinker.

Or just not 🐑 and free thinkers

CTV 'News', globalist propaganda for the NWO and lovers of their own servitude.

Why did you lie ? What else have you lied about in order to further sow division?

So if you aren’t a sheep you are a sociopath. Got it. This society is doomed. I’m going to stock up on survival stuff that I used to think only nuts had. There’s going to be a correction and I’m going to be on the winning side.

No, rioters are sociopathic. 🙄

You need to look at the definition of antisocial personality disorder in the DSM-5! This article is COMPLETE FALSEHOOD!

Oh really? Did you bother to question me to find out if I qualify as a sociopath? Just because I refuse to wear a mask doesn't make me a criminal minded person. Ask the women who burned their bras in the 60's if they are sociopaths.

In other news same people are more likely to be 'SJW' and grievance study graduates and members of the media or sitting members of the Liberal Government... What does $600M in tax payer dollars buy the Liberal propaganda and messaging? It's becoming clearer every day Canada!

No at all, the sociopaths are the ones in charge by putting us in this position. We will have a second shutdown as per their agenda to discipline Canadian society.

Yes, I'm retired but work part-time and see many people without a mask. Masks are mandatory in public spaces in my area. Those without a mask who don't apologize for the oversight, are deliberately aggressive about their choice. It's like they want us to challenge them.

All CTV journalists are sociopaths so that makes them experts in this article

👈Dumb Fuqs


Oh CTV...

Psychological projection

It’s reporting like this that proves the coronavirus is the biggest hoax in human history



So where is the actual study? Share a link. You can't, can you!?!?!?!?

I’m more concerned with the Sociopathic socialist governments 🤷‍♂️

No we are NOT sociopaths, we are intelligent, and we do not follow BS blindly...

Another new study found out those who work for CTV are fucken idiots.


Nice propaganda from the psychopaths

People can look to OSHA laws/guidelines to find that your mask propaganda is utter bullshit! None of the masks people wear outside our helping protect them from anything. You're slowly poisoning yourself by wearing one. U need a hazmat suit or self breathing apparatus 4 starters.

If the leader of a country hides in his cottage months on end and won't show up for work...what would u call that. Pretend Harper did it and reply.

Study should read; Intelligent people who are not sheep are less likely to follow Covid restrictions!

Makes sense....🤔

A new study has also found that people who believe anything mainstream media says in 2020 carry those same sociopathic traits

What do you call the non sociopaths

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 nice try snowflakes. Color me a sociopath all you want, why should I care? By definition, this is my brand! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👌

Shut the front door.

Sociopaths are unable to feel empathy. Incapable of putting themselves in an other’s shoes. So if unwilling to mask to protect themselves for whatever reason, they certainly aren’t going to do it to protect another.

A new study has found that news agencies that take government bailout money will always back up the government and spread their propaganda

A new study has found that people with a brain and ability to think for themselves don’t listen to all the garbage spewed by the sociopathic MSM!

shewitsch Or we just realize our officials have absolutely no clue as to what they are doing so we take everything they say with a lump of salt, you puppets of the government!

I’m shocked, shocked I tell you! (Not.)

PaulAndreola You mean your “taylor-made” invented new study? The study that fits your evil narrative(s)? Get lost you corrupt bureaucrats/politicians!

This is a blatant lie. Study some psychology! You are promoting backlash against people with medical reasons for not wearing masks. Irresponsible!

😂😂😂 k den

Studies show that Canadian media is little more the liberal propoganda. It’ll be so nice when you libtards run out of funding.

I know one sociopath who doesn't follow best practices, and even violates rules set in place to protect. On more than one occasion I have had to re-affirm certain rules to them, resulting in them muttering under their breath, and being disrespectful. Most people are respectful.

And the brain wash continues. Who are the experts of this study? Friends of the Government trying to justify the 'grants' from the government for sure.

Hey Bell_LetsTalk let’s talk about this news article ... advising people if they don’t wear a mask they have “sociopathic” traits can’t be good for anyone’s mental health ...

Damn CTV look at all these butt hurt sociopaths haha keep it coming

No sh*t lol. But now we have proof that anti-maskers are sociopaths, so we can call them out for their crap, and if they're also narcissists they will change their ways and put a mask on 🤣

Yep,,,all the BLM Antifa groups are sociopaths’re saying people who understand numbers and risk are sociopaths? Give me a break CTV...Trudeau’s $600 Million sure bought him some MSM garbage reporting.

Ha! Just a month or so ago it was “those who don’t follow the covid rules are narcissists”. This is rich! Trying to label people who question the pseudoscience as being mentally unwell. Wow. Seriously that’s rich!

Nothing like stating the obvious. Hope not a lot of $$ was invested this study

Just when you think they can’t, shows us again how bad a media outlet they actually are. defundthemedia defundctv fakenews garbage nocredibility

😂😂😂 journalism at its finest.

Yeah, assholes.

Always wondered what I would become.

So if you disagree with the governments Covid policy you have a mental disorder. Nazi's did something similar to the Polish & Jewish peoples in WW2. They said they had smaller brains, they carried lice, the stole uncle Adolfs money so these people had to be rounded up & destroyed

What do you call people who discard their disposable masks all over parking lots, sidewalks, gardens, bushes and mall entrances after they’re done wearing their filthy virus infected masks? It’s not a bio hazard?

My study shows that people with below substandard levels listen to and CBCNews mindless propaganda from the left

More FakeNews

AbhijeetMonet Lol good one. Pathetic journalism and weak leadership for the Green Party

Fuck you

Guess I’m a sociopath lol

Plandemic bullshit and liberal lies

doanerkhm I didn’t need a study to tell me that 🙄

So now people that are starting to see the Covi19 scam are called sociopaths.

'X tend to Y' does not mean 'Y tend to X' Sociopaths also smile at people a lot, in attempts to manipulate. That does not mean that people who smile are sociopaths.

Wow what reporting. What about media who post poor stories over and over. What traits do they have? Is that the lack of telling the truth trait?

Or people that realize this is bullshit

Inability to have compassion... I see it.

CTVAtlantic Why were they not mandatory in the PEAK of the pandemic back in the spring?

I don’t believe we needed a study to tell us that

CTV.......all bullshit all the time!

Article is a lie

No we’re just able to think critically because we avoid the fluoride and we don’t drink the koolaid.


Agree 1000%


You a**holes in the media *are* the enemy of free-thinking Canadians. GFY.

Masks are useless. Social distancing is retarded & not based on any sound scientific evidence. HCQW0RKS & is the cure. FakeNewsMediaClowns like are truly despicable & the EnemyOfThePeople

Lol 😂 a study from Brazil, ok FakeNewsMedia

OR... Public health continues to lose credibility with every press conference 🤷‍♂️.

You guys have been smoking all of Chinas fentynal supply? You would have to bend and twist reality to come up with something this crazy

Thanks CTV ... guess I’m a sociopath

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The sociopaths are the one’s pushing the narrative for decades! That’s you FakeNewsMedia

So CTV is calling 70% of the population sociopaths? Id rather be a sociapath than a brainwashed sheep I guess.

We as non mask wearers are aware of the agenda you are ramming down our throats barely meets the criteria of sociopaths scamdemic

Many of the traits of those who refuse to wear a COVID19 mask are traits of those who start & build enterprises like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos & Mark Zuckerberg Entrepreneurs Are More Than Non‐Conformists: They Are Mildly Sociopathic cdnpoli USPolitics

TashaKheiriddin No doubt. And allAboutMe PMJT is definitely sociopath. whatWouldJesusDo to Cdns as emperor heads out to cross closed borders; selfies, unlimited marches that serve his play line. Also his CPP role model. Rules for thee and not for me. badactor govtbyNondisclosureAgreement

FAKE NEWS!! Did our paper water boy PM write this article for you Pathetic! DefundMSM

Anybody listen to mainstream media long enough will definitely end up a sociopath.

Corbett report touches on this report last week. Please watch.

Ah yes, a study done by the prestigious Universidade Estadual de Londrina in Brazil. Which lies somewhere between 1001 - 1271 in the Global University rankings... A garbage study picked up by a garbage FakeNews lamestream media outlet.

I guess sociopaths must be fact based people who excel in math.

It makes sense! People with a strong sense of empathy & social responsibility will err on the side of caution to avoid spreading the virus. Sociopaths void of empathy with no sense of responsibility take reckless risks endangering everyone. It's frightening. Trump's America 100%.

Slow news day eh?

All hail the sociopaths! 😎👍

So I guess that would sociopaths Trudeau, Doug Ford, Patrick Brown, Nancy Pelosi, Cuomo, and who else? cdnpoli uspoli

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing. FakeNews COVID__19 mediascum MasksOff ThursdayThoughts

Of course these and shameful 'shaming' stories they push do get people saying the phrase 'CTV' more often than if they just ran the boring old truth, No such things as bad publicity the old saying says

Lol ctv. A new study has found that news media that likes to create fear are run by psychopaths!

It hate how 'journalists' report research findings. First, with such a large sample (over 1500 participants) it is very easy to reject the null hypothesis and to find tiny differences with no practical significance. Second: correlation does not equal causation.

Jesus Christ.

Are we still trying to flatten the curve? Remember, that’s what we were doing in March.

Ahhh...Donald Trump comes to mind.

I’m fairly certain this is the first and only time that the CTV will cite the Universidade Estadual de Londrina as the authority on any subject.

😂😂😂. Yeahhhhh

A wise man once called out media... I guess none listened. your part of the problem

😂 You gotta be kidding me?! You guys are really out of ideas!

Children and immature teens have a problem with listening to authority, they think they know it all.

Guess is sociopath cause I don’t wear a mask and I don’t follow any Covid rules. Piss off.

Guess I have “sociopathic traits” according to you and your BS study.


That explains a lot!

In other news, water is wet

Wow CTV. Nice hate mongering to turn up the fear factor. There are many reasons that many can not or will not wear masks. But thanks for identifying them as sociopaths. Not cool at all.

What a pile of horse critical thinking means I am a sociopath and not following draconian rules means I am a sociopath- ok. Do people actually believe this nonsense?

No kidding

Hey CTV! 6%! Know what that represents?

MPJulian 'you better not cross his path'....


😂🤣. Ctv really does suck up the liberal agenda . I want all Ctv staff to line up and take the 1st vaccines Canada is making 80 million according to Shamus O’Regan SeamusORegan

Wow, lots of people on this thread are proving this to be true🤣

Hahaaaa! Nice try but we saw the play book of tricks to convince us to give up our freedom. fakenews

This is the media being used to manufacture consent.

The study was done by?

Go fuck yourself propaganda machine

Explains why the “protests” are so violent


It’s true! Anyone who disagrees with CTV, Trudeau or Liberals— they are indeed sociopaths!

Someone spent money on a study to confirm this?

Makes me sociopath...Fine by me

We live 99.9 % of our lives with no masks, who paid for this stupid FUCKING study?

Child and Immature teens usually have a problem with listening to authority.

The sociopaths are the 'media people' reporting these lies and the politicians in office that are making millions off destroying our lives with this lockdown and wearing these stupid diapers on our faces that don't benefit us unless you count virtue signalling as a benefit.

MPJulian Uh no surprise there...

Lmao! Nancy Pelosi is a sociopath.

every MSM CEOs, the journalists and the politicians in the world who are conspiring to this plandemic are the real sociopaths and psychopaths you are killing millions of old people and young people, and destroying lives and small businesses for your own personnal enjoyment

In a new study, it was found that CTV is run by psychopaths who are hell bent on destroying the middle class.

Gee what a revelation. Smh

One thing is true about this CTV report, which is in the picture - The number one thing littered all over the place is these stupid masks.

CTV, Communist Tell-a-Vision you can trust...

This study is BOGUS!!!! Here's the proof...

I’d rather be a critical thinking sociopath than a lunatic follower. LiberalLogic

And you don't want to shame them they could get very angry and cause a scene.

Now do Hydroxychloriquin deniers.

MPJulian Then why does Trudeau wear a mask?


Guess I'm a sociopath. My husband says he knew it and married me anyway.

WHO and the gang are just depsperatly trying everything they can go perpetuate this lie and get the q00 million dollars they have requested from the international comunity to fight Covid aka the flu or the common cold.

ClaudeMilletART Don't talk shit🤣😂🤣😂buffoons🤣😂🤣

Apparently... no one on the right side of history have hurt feelings from the media's name calling. Carry on...

Not a surprise sociopaths think it is all about them. worldproblems notjustyouasshat ibetyouthinkthispostisaboutyou

No shit.


A new study has found is full of shit.

You win dumbest tweet of the day. That's saying a lot these days...


A new study has found that the govt & MSM use fear to control people.

In related news people with no moral ethical standards are are more likely to work for the MSM

CTV has officially jumped the shark. FakeNews

So please explain why JustinTrudeau PMGropyMcHappyHands is following the measures. He the biggest narcissistic sociopath in Canada TrudeauWorstPM TrudeauMustGo TrudeauDictatorship TrudeauCorruption

Do you think?

CDC acknowledges 10 studies showing no benefit from masks....

Duh. Everyone knows this.

Why was this study even done?

Maybe it's because they know there are no randomized trials showing masks to be effective. Take Hawaii for example...early adopter of masks indoors & outdoors starting in early benefit..

Okay - this is the worst mind control I have ever heard of. What a laugh

Remember when research shown mask wearing couldn’t help control any airborne spread unless it was minimum an N95 mask unlike the face diapers that have been deemed ok that are as thin as a tissue that have been deemed acceptable by governments?! This is a worldwide scam.

Fuck off

This is such a childish article. Your network is a joke.

OMG... fuck off already

Ya I believe this

🐑 🐑 🐑

Danforth terrorist Media: Suffered from “Mental health” issues People unable to wear masks (medical) Media: sociopathic

I just think it a shame so many are ending up thrown out vehicle windows............hey look, another beer can and mask.

Love the image choice....litter...

Blocked for complete and absolute stupidity.

Well if the lame stream media says so it must be true🤪😂

Blah ha ha ha ha ha ha 🖕

Riiiiiiiiight... CTV is Fake News ! If those who refuse to wear a mask are ' sociopaths' then what are these ?

Well yeah, sociopaths are unable to feel empathy. This is a given.

Masks are a placebo so you spend your money at Walmart.


Apparently I’m a sociopath

Yup... I agree... All those 'peaceful protestors' are def sociopaths... Cuz if you think the makes they're wearing is cuz of covid then yer as dumb as the 'journalists' who write this garbage! And yet you STILL can't figure out why nobody trusts the msm... Smh!



Oh okay, well we have some sociopaths in Nova Scotia than🤪 not many, but some lol

U know who else is less concerned about how their actions impact others? Ppl who ignore rights & freedoms of others just to make themselves feel better. Pol who shut down debate because in their opinion 'science is settled'. Ppl willing to shut down democracy to win an argument.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You have to kidding.

I think you meant 'People with brains and functional immune systems...'.

Really pulling out all the stops now

can FakeNewsMedia CTV News disclosure this mysterious source of study?

No duh!

In other news veterinarian's discover sheep will believe anything you tell them.

Is this a attack on those disabled with a mental illness? Shame on you CBC

Lmao...who didn't see this coming from the media. MSM are the sociopaths, thats plain and simple. Always projecting. Covid is over, get over it.

Right so that would mean the omes who wear masks would make them nobel citizens? 🤔 How would you explain the Antifa riots then? They even cover their faces.

Of course, have u seen the amount of karens and darens going ape shit over their “rights”

Lol, you actually believe you own garbage, that tends to lead me to believe you may be the actual sociopaths🤔

Saw a bunch of sociopaths downtown merrymaking and enjoying the sun shiny patios today and I was so shaken that I almost called the cops!

Now do a study of what kind of a person would impose such ridiculous mandates🖕🏻

Fear monger much? CTVisFakeNews

Or maybe some people are sick of the sheep and overlords.

You realize now that anyone who doesn't want to wear a mask will be considered a sociopath. Nice going.


Well, then, I reckon I’m a sociopath. But consider this. Yesterday in a grocery store I saw a guy wearing a mask over a big, bushy beard. The mask was held at least an inch off his face. Now, he’s not a sociopath, but his face looked like an underwear ad for Bigfoot.

Caught me!

Are you a sociopath or a critical thinker?

Weird. I heard about a new study that suggests people with extremely tiny penises are more likely to trust Canadian media. I also heard that masks cause women to gain fatty weight in mostly their chin, arms and ankles area. It's clearly true. The study said so.

Hey CTV, relax, you shouldn't believe everything you see on the news....

So they’re not sheep, basically.

this is a disgusting headline and you have drawn a line in the sand. You won’t last another year.

A new study shows that the stupidest, easily bought, paid for and controlled people are at the top of the list for job opportunities in MSM

That's me!

Hahahahahahahah. Showing us the biohazard waste on the ground to call people names? You could not have it properly disposed of? For real? Not showing things properly worn? This would be your side that tossed this !! Remember, the sociopath? Projection !!

No kidding.


CTVAtlantic Wow you don't say. And Canadian tax dollars paid for this wtf

What about some of us who have engineering backgrounds and can do computational fluid dynamics (CFD) on the effectiveness of various types of masks? And correlate against probability of disease susceptibility in high seroprevalence areas? Asking for a sociopathic friend ...

Are you trying to be Fox News?

I already knew that

Who were the geniuses that came 2 this conclusion. Did this actually take a study?

Well,its an upgrade from a conspiracy theorist lol

A news study also found that people that still watch CTV are officAlly braindead


Hahaha we have been called worse by far better!! No advertising dollars for you. You might know but you lost your audience. Life is changing and you are the reason it went bad as well. We are not heeding you. You have lost many supporters. You are truly the last to know?

Haha too late CTV this is oldnews MSM Trudeau DrTam

Yeah, I would think that goes without saying. What is unsaid here, is that rational, thinking, independent people are likely to do the same.

CTV 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻you

No shit? Really?

YA THINK?!?!?!

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Thanks for the laugh Did you hear that people who wear masks for a fake virus are dumbed down by public education?

People with sociopathic traits wear masks. See Antifa.

Who does these ridiculous studies? Please tell me they're not spending our tax dollars on this crap.

Enemy of the people

Good to see that $600,000,000 being put to good use! Just a click-bait-generating obselete organization, I see.

True 'providing support for Cleckley’s (1976) assumption that psychopathic/sociopathic individuals have good intelligence “if not usually, of superior intelligence when measured scientifically” look it up dummy.

Just stop w nonsense

BS. People with sociopathic traits are, in fact, more likely to become power hungry politicians with no problem enforcing dehumanizing scare tactics for control.

No kidding... Someone actually did a study to figure this out... mind-boggling

Did you bother testing the people looting and burning shit to the ground that ARE wearing masks?

Who cares?

You needed a study for that? Lol

That can’t be true. I doubt they did any research so how did they figure it out? .

CTV must print this crap, because somebody has to be buying it. Beam me up.

Hahaha let the shames begin!! CTV you are almost as much of a joke as the CBCNews - how much of our tax dollars are you getting filtered?

I can check that one off the list of cool things the media has grouped me in 🤣

Lol great job CTV 👍🏻

Holy shit ctv you folks are getting just as bad as cnn

This study reminds where fake news stated conservatives were most likely to be psychopaths, then it was revealed that the reverse was true.

What a load of hog wash. I object to wearing a mask because it cuts of fresh air to my lungs and gives me an overdose of CO2

So be it then. I prefer to be a free psypchopath than an enslaved sheep.

Lol. What single cell organism came up with that crap. Just more politically correct shit from the lizards.

ok so you far left media, along with your cohorts, the liberal government have now called people that QuestionTheNarrative Neanderthal Tax Cheat Sewer Rat Racist Homophobe Islamophobe xenophobe climate denier yahoos psychopaths you bring new meaning to FakeNews cdnpoli

A new study has found that people with sociopathic traits are likely to listen to or follow the 🐎💩 health measures anally spewed by CTV such as wearing a mask and adhering to physical distancing.

Oh great just one more label to my resume of racist and white supremacist and crazy. Now sociopath. Hey I can run for a political office now. Awesome sauce.



Lol. Shut up

Omg this is pure garbage. Absolutely disgusting! You're now as bad as CBC for their tabloid reporting. Shame on you! Seeing as most health professionals and resources show that masking is not effective I guess that means everyone on earth is a sociopath?

You clearly meant the ones rioting, looting and burning out cities down, RIGHT?

Here we go, setting us up for another label and reason to divide. Had enough yet?

Ha, ha, ha I'm a sociopath.


This is fake news and manipulative

No surprise.

Another study found that people who could think for themselves and question corrupt authority also don't wear masks or social distance

'The study found that those who had higher scores in traits such as hostility, impulsivity, irresponsibility, narcissism and manipulativeness, among others, tended to be less compliant with public health measures.' Doesn't take much to realize majority of commentors fit the above

A new study has found that CTV news reports peacefully but mostly trash articles that have no basis in any science. COVID19

Jesus. A sociopath that doesn’t follow rules. Imagine....

So these people are sociopaths?

CTV appears to love being the 'guard' in the mass prison guard experiment - bandwagonning a 'study' and smearing millions of Canucks as empathetically deficient...evil. What do studies say about broadcasters? media cdnpoli

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc there It’s beyond droll now.

I have a graduate degree in psych. Sociopaths and psychopaths are the same thing. You’re comporting non-masters to psychopaths? Fucked up. Stop dividing people.

It's not that we don't care about other people's feelings, we just don't care about your irrational scamdemic feelings. Are you media luvvies able to discern the difference?

Well I guess Im a sociopath. Or maybe I can just adult myself rather than listen to some jackass in somewhere, USA tell me how to live my life.

This explains why I say motherfucker a lot

Lol ya right!

So those that use logic, stats and most of all facts are sociopathic?

A new study has found that within most major news stations psychopaths outnumber mentaly stable employees by 8 to 1. CEOs, editors, writers & new casters. Outnumbered-mentally stable employees forbidden to be honest. So 100% of our information is controlled by psychopaths

Oooh boy can't wait to read these

Your days are numbered CBC and screw the mask they do nothing

Name calling to make people change. I do wear a mask, but is this to say the current demonstrations are predominantly by sociopathic people?

Do as we say or your a sociopath! Social engineering at its finest

Yah ok

CDC officially reports that 94% of 'covid deaths' were NOT from Covid 19 at all. CTV ignores this breaking news and instead tries to shame sensible people. Pathetic.

I've just been diagnosed with sociopathic traits

Fuck you CTV.

Good grief

FakeNews FakeJournalists MsmIsDead EnemyofThePeople

Wearing a mask in a restaurant, just to sit down and take it like having the old smoking section back where you sit right beside them, or having a pissing section in a pool. we won’t forget the position you chose during this time.


Omg CTV has now become worse then CNN somehow which is hard to believe. Fake news is fucked up nowadays

Getting desperate, CTV?

Ah good to see CCPTV spreading even more propaganda and fear porn bullshit. Keep it up!

Whoever wrote this article is a sociopath...

Some of the comments on this post are quite telling! 🤔 Fyi, the article also states that not everyone who refuses to adhere to the guidelines is a sociopath, but I'm guessing you didn't bother to read it.

I also read a study that said, a lot of people who wear masks and gloves are more likely to be litter bugs. Who don’t actually care about the environment or other people who have to pick up their germ infested garbage.

Amazing! So, anyone that questions the communist state narrative is now considered a sociopath. 😡 Canadian journalists dictate one side of a story and refuse to report on those doctors and scientists that want open public debate and to view WHO scientific data on Covid.

There you have it folks! Proof of fake Canadian news. They have their narrative also. Give me a fucking break.

Few days back it was far right. Now we a sociopaths. Maybe it’s a crowd you shouldn’t keep pushing.

I read a study that said, news agencies that try to create divide in their society are more likely to take government bail outs.

More crap!!! And your a little late this was in the news two months ago.

I looked at this study, and it's clear that the size and scope of it makes any conclusion speculative at best. I understand why this is an effective tool for the media right now though... it is exceptionally divisive-- which seems to be the goal of this 'new normal'.

So a person who has severe medical reasons that can't wear a mask or a child who refuses to wear one, or simple I don't want to wear one because I don't need to, I'm a sociopath? This shit makes me sick. Absolutely disgusting and repulsive. Fuck your studies. And fuck the MSM

Also, are the authors of the Sick Kids recommendations for children in schools also sociopaths?

and this is surprising, how? 😉

Sounds like a study specifically made to be propaganda!


1/ Gee that's too bad,looks like social coheshion just might break down altogether then we are all doomed..tsk..oh..well..been nice knowing you...🙄 Maybe if the liberals had of been real instead of politically correct all that could have been avoided..or the PRC had been 2/

I can’t wait for CTV to crash and burn in ratings. It’s coming....


Hahahahaha that’s funny.


Who did the study & who paid them? Is this a scientific study from Gerry or Katie? Links please.

Lol fuc* your masks.

Ah, beginning of the end. How absolutely dystopian of you.

Ive gathered tonnes of anecdotal evidence that supports this.

CTV is in competition with CBC to be Canada’s National Enquier. What a load of garbage !

People PUBLISH with that reasoning? A. Sociopath are less likely to follow rules. B. All people who don’t wear masks are sociopaths They should be embarrassed at their flawed reasoning.

wow still at it .. spreading mis information and getting paid to do it.. not worry .. soon you will pay the price for spreading bullshit.... no viewers means no money .....

Shut up!

Kyle_Itzy realDonaldTrump Donnie McStrokey

If i csref what you thought about me i would be mad, but oh well

'Sociopathic traits' is a pretty outdated term to be using when it comes to discussion around mental health

Sociopathic traits eh? Hmm. Or maybe they value critical thinking, freedom and individualism over blind mass obedience to perceived authority? lol

Oh and one more thing CDC just came out saying ONLY 6% of Covid DEATHS ACTUALLY DIED OF COVID meaning only around 9000 people died of Covid in the US, you propaganda arm of evil, probably in Canada only 350 died of Covid of a population of 37 million, wake up

The same 🤡 don't wear rubbers either.

What garbage news CTV has become!! justinsjournos

Well, at least this helps us know which people to really avoid.

Well yeah, we call them conservative voters

When scare tactics don’t work? Switch to shaming. You’re transparent & pathetic.

A new study confirms that members of the mainstream media show sociopathic traits by pushing false narratives, continuing to gas light the population.

A new awakening has found that CTV news is bullshit.

Pretty sure constantly lying is a sociopathic trait CTV......

Explains Trump, I guess...

IS FakeNews 'I Wear My Face Mask in the Car' A brilliant parody of Corey Hart's - Sunglasses at night.

So you're saying the 80% of the population who doesn't wear masks is crazy? I think it's far more likely the 20% obsessed with wearing masks are the crazy ones.

Wow I have to give the media credit, you’re incredibly diabolical. Fk me. It just never lets up. Media is enemy of the people.

What a load of garbage! It's people who understand what is really going on here. And how our immune systems work. Calling folks sociopathic is rude and cowardly.

I guess we are sociopaths now...oh well...better than being a satanist.


COVID-19 health measures?... don't you mean New World Order UN Robber Baron Lock Step take over program.


TashaKheiriddin This reads like a lame attempt to shame people into compliance in regards to masks. The only sociopaths I see are the ones constantly screaming in everyone’s face to wear a mask.

Well I'm among thousands of sociopaths then - however blm/antifa DO wear masks - so what are they? Model citizens?

CTV your fear mongering fake news is a mental illness.

you should be sued! roccogalatilaw

Remember, if you don't wear a mask when having sex, or you still kiss your partner, you're a sociopath.

That’s Savage lol 😂

What a fucking joke. is what we call presstitutes helping the elites manipulate the masses.


You’re confusing sociopath with common sense. Good try though.

Experts say the main stream media is dead.


Only people with borderline personality disorder would believe this nonsense.

Sociopaths like the manipulative pieces of shit in the Canadian media.

A new study has confirmed that people who watch CTV are idiots.

Huge surprise

The media is truly enemy fo the people!🤬🤬

🤣🤣Jesus Christ you guys are scraping the bottom of the barrel for “news”

But politicians want those votes, don,t they?

Let me correct this. It should say: ' a new study has found that people that do not give into fear are less likely to follow covid-19 Health measures such as wearing a mask and adhering to physical distancing'

Rise of the sociopaths. ✊

by 'sociopathic traits' i assume you mean 'less susceptible to emotional manipulation'

Then we wonder why mental health is affecting us all. How sad for ctv to post garbage like this.

When we boot this liberal govt out, you, all of you, will face investigations in sedition.... want to keep up this false narrative? you want to live free, out of JAIL!

12 paragraph should be included in the first. Great reporting as usual.

Who listens to the MSM anymore anyways?

So according to you we are now sociopathic racists? Grow up

A new study has found that the media will spread lies and propaganda when ordered to do so by the Democratic party. Anyone that believes anything from the media or Democrat party is a fool.

More garbage reporting but then that is par for the course with CTV...

I can't take anymore media...they will headline's garbage

This is called having a brain, doing your own research and stop listening to the propaganda media like globalnews CBCNews !!

I find those things all over the ground when I work. I wonder if the kids like them

Actually it's the sociopaths that told us we need to wear masks. It's the low IQ idiots that listen, and the free thinkers / realists who don't.

Canadians are sociopaths based on 1500 Brazilians surveyed last spring. CTV is just getting better and better.

Keep on fear mongering! Bought and paid for media coverage!

Anyone who can read seems more apt, as right on the package of the mask in your photo it states. 'This product does not prevent transmission of communicable diseases '

Hmm, have you anyone there ever read the box ?

Here's a study 'Only dumb people still believe Canadian MSM'

'People who lack empathy uninterested in taking steps for others' benefit.' Wow. Weird.

My god, didn’t think you would stoop so low as to publish this ridiculous article.

This is hilarious.

You don't plan on being in business long I guess

The un's handiwork at play, more and more each day. defundUN

Really? Correction. Those with liberal traits.

Logic is hard. Noting that sociopaths tend not to protect others does not mean that everyone not wearing a mask is a sociopath. They might just be in denial of risk mitigation for others. Seems to have hit a nerve with many people though. Lol


The same people that were hoarding toilet are now mask shaming.

I guess I have those traits. Sue me!

Count me in

Well, did you hear that folks? .. Were not sociopaths b/c we obediently follow everything the Gov't says.....Hey you in the look like you need your wool - I mean your hair done.....on the QT- I know a salon in San Fran.....

Fake study fake news fake CBC

I’m proud to be a sociopath. I’m not a sheeple, especially when rules are put in place that are stupid and defy logic and science.

Surgeon general: Data doesn't back up wearing masks in public amid coronavirus pandemic

This is from the play book. Demonize those that won’t conform. Predicted.

Comply or be labeled sociopath? I look at facts. Facts tell me this virus holds the same threat as a bad flu and is being used to scare the masses into compliance, called communism. I'd rather be labeled a sociopath than be a sheeple being led to a slaughter house.

If this Ctv, Liberal connection doesnt make you ill

I can imagine the outrage over this 😂. I have seen more and more not wearing masks.

If at first shaming doesn’t work when you do not comply. They are ready to label anyone as a sociopath or narcissist. That’s reverse psychology, most people have the capacity to think critically. Try your journalistic hogwash elsewhere.

Were the sociopaths? I don't buy that have you not seen the amount of Karen's out there freaking out because don't wear a mask. I this you got your news wrong again CTV.

What a spin! Congratulations on reaching new lows. Call me a proud sociopath, then, because I'm not wearing a mask.

“The study sample consisted of 1578 Brazilian adults recruited by convenience over 15 weeks, between March 21 to June 29, 2020.”

Enemy of the people

You gotta love Ctv.

Lmao get lost

CTVAtlantic Ragdoll50

Cue the outrage from the sociopaths on Twitter in 3, 2, 1...

mostly irrelevant noise is what this is

🤔another one of those studies 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


Good news, I’m not a sociopath

Ya I think I saw one today!

Be very careful of labeling and getting involved in psychoanalyzing our population and their comfort levels with the new measures in this bizarre situation okay?

My new study found that the majority of mainstream media are sociopath imbeciles.

People with low IQ believe state funded media...

What do you call a group of people that are obsessed with controlling others?

I remember the days when CTV News was meant to be taken seriously.

So how about the sociopath who threw that biohazardous mask on the ground so you could get a pic to post? What abt the sociopaths who wear a mask to save granny then run red lights to save two minutes?

CTV, you gaslighting hacks! Disgusting. ragmag misinformation inflammatory slanted biasmedia cdnmedia pravda Ppl, SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MEDIA!

AUMindyT The Gas lighting ,narcissist are now up to ...You are don't care about me...

You got THAT right ya pack of LYING ANUS ENTRIES ! ! ! PropagandaVirus

I'm a proud sociopath then😂😂😂 Media and government working side by side to turn citizens against each, 1st they called us racists then White supremacists, and now sociopaths for refusing to be muzzled! Call an election plz so we can defund the media.

CTVAtlantic I'm offended let's tear something down


I had no idea I was a sociopath. Thanks for letting me know. Is there a vaccine for that?

Never thought I'd say this. have finally superseded CBCNews for most ridiculous fake news. Congratulations on winning the first place! 🥇🇨🇦🏆 FakeNewsMedia


Really? Setting up for community social enforcement, huh?

Oh okay, we're comparing free-thinking individuals to sociopaths now. That's definitely a good look for you, . Shameful.

A new study shows that news media with sociopathic traits are more likely to cling to the COVID-19 narrative, even though many people already know it to be completely false.

Fake news trying to incite Covidiots to violence

AUMindyT So, if the mask “mandate” was under a false premise of hyped mortality, which the CDC now revealed was only 6% for COVID19(LESS than the common flue!), and you don’t see the need for a mask anymore — you’re a sociopath? this coming from the liars themselves. Beleive it 👍. BS!

Stupid maybe, sociopathic is a stretch. Really ?

And we’re more likely to vote Liberal.

A lot of political leaders from across the globe don’t wear mask .sooooooo

TheBlueGem3 Wow, we needed a *study* tell us that? No sh*t, Sherlock. COVIDiots antimaskers

So that means BLM and antifa at 'protests' or only people shopping in grocery stores and protesting lockdowns?

Turns out many sociopaths are Conservatives/Republicans! Who woulda thunk?

Yep I’m in good company 🤪

Who did this idiotic study ?

CTVAtlantic Makes sense

staceybrotzel I don’t get the point of this of this study. By definition a sociopath doesn’t care how their actions impact others which is most of the narrative on this issue. This doesn’t imply all that won’t comply are sociopaths.

All the sociopaths are gonna be triggered.

Perhaps it’s just people who have realized that they have been LIED TO. If that makes me a sociopath, being able to see through lies, then I guess I’m a sociopath.

Hahahaha. Now that's funny. Oh wait. You really mean it? Hahahaha. Now that's funny.


People who are idiots watch TV and take this BS seriously.

What do you call the assholes who throw all their covid hysteria garbage like masks and gloves on the ground?

Well. There you have it. SpeakerPelosi is a sociopath.

well duh

Wow. Just wow.

Dang, my whole town is a bunch of sociopaths

You mean like screaming about. ClimateCrisis and then using plastic straws and forks? Total sociopath! LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

A study wasn’t needed to arrive at such conclusions. We all knew Karens and Erins who refuse to wear a mask are sociopaths. istandwithCommonSense

BrentToderian A recent study showed only idiots watch main stream media.

For us using 100% pf the science unlike the left who claimed to use It but only use 10-90% of It lol, Then send that message out again to Pedos, so they know they won’t last long If they keep pushing their BS “sexuality” nonsense on us conservatives.

No need to spend time analyzing why people dont want to wear masks. They are just stupid and ignorant. I bet not a single person who claims to have a medical exemption would be able to get a note from their doctor confirming that if they had to prove it.

Oh look at CTV trying to make anyone who dares to question the same people who have repeatedly been caught lying, be portrayed as crazy now. Stalin and Hitler are jealous of your tactics

Funny. A new study of mine has found that sociopathic scribes like CTV have no moral compass and will publish any lie an equally corrupt govt proposes in return for a cheap bribe. They are easily bought.


I thought you guys hated Trump. So it's Nancy Pelosi with the sociopathic traits?

Or wear blackface

You guys are unreal, and your studies and experts aren't worth jack. The intelligentsia are nothing but Divisive Propagandist! Signed, Sociopath 2,427,879.

Lol that’s rich coming from the Kings of FakeNews

My boyfriend is a diagnosed sociopath: he wears the mask, not because he believes in it but because he wants to stay under the radar. I fervently refuse and never have worn it, to fight for the children and for a healthy society free of lies and fear. A sociopath wouldn’t care.

Like SpeakerPelosi ? What a gaslighting story.

You spelled stupid idiots wrong

Bah ha ha ha...this article is a laughingstock. Thanks Pravda.

Anyone who has been studying mainstream media and Trudeau’s corrupt government has found the aforementioned dynamic duo of population control mind games to be exhibiting sociopathic traits. Beat it with your fake news.

Wow. Just wow. Continuing your path to becoming the weekly world news.

Uhhmm... no shit!?

The next study on this is going to show that anti-maskers (hate the term) are racist white supremacists, exercising their white privilege! ... any day now, just wait. _

OMG !! How do you write this stuff with a straight face

New study shows mainstream news outlets such as CBC and CTV are all left wing and extremely biased in their views. This is to be expected when they get paid tax dollars from the government.

That is very interesting. I was thinking that anybody who believes the Covid hysteria despite all the evidence that shows that it’s a 99% harmless to most people suffer from mental illness. I guess we can use the word sociopath for you guys. I Prefer the word hysterical.

You spelled critical-thinkers incorrectly.

A new study has found that watching CTV News is bad for your health and IQ.

Scottie2269 We didn't need a study for this lol

I’m a sociopath.

A new study has found that MSM, such as CTV, CBC, Glablenews, CNN, MSNBC, CBS with sociopathic traits are less likely to tell the truth /

The ONLY people with ‘sociopathic traits’ are the fricking news organizations in Canada. Get a life!!

What a stupid conclusion. I guess if you ask the liberals I would concur.

Nurses won mandatory masking lawsuit. Masks don't stop virus. Maybe...just maybe....we're researchers and can think for ourselves.... Nah. That can't be it.

Your mistaking free will for sociopathic tendencies. Common mistake for libs . Sheep tend to frown upon wolves lol

Same ppl who did this study?


you're glowing.

The media is desperate and it’s showing.

What about medical exemptions? CTV is Payola funded propaganda

What I have learned so far being a white heterosexual in 2020... I'm subhuman. My kids and all of my family are subhuman. I'm an oppressor. I have white supremacy. I'm now a sociopath. I've got it all folks!!!

Or maybe they just believe in actual science.

Weird that JustinTrudeau wears one then

I believe it

fakenews EnemyOfThePeople

Ok now who is not following the rules they will make all crazy ...good job government

A new study has found that Canadian media companies are spreading false information and communist propaganda about Covid-19.

CTV is going down.

😂😂😂 obey or you’re crazy

A new study has found that people with sociopathic traits are MORE likely to go into 'jurnalism'. fact Also, CTV is bought and paid for by the liberal party of Canada. It is the Canadian PRAVDA... Garbage in, garbage out.

Lets see.CTV is publishing fear garbage to divide people. The results are in. Counterintuitive though it may be, statistical analysis shows that locking down the economy didn’t contain the disease’s spread and reopening it didn’t unleash a second wave of infections.


June 9th.

Judging by the idiots in these comments, I don't know how Canada has managed to do so well fighting covid.

Donald Trump.

Oh just because we don't follow the government propaganda and we are not fucking sheep.

Sociopaths impose Lockdowns (crime against humanity) -widespread -systematic -against civilian population -severe deprivation of physical liberty And/or - intentionally causing great suffering or serious injury on physical or mental health health

Bullying a little CTV....... Just no words for this type of disgusting reporting 🤦‍♀️🤬🤦‍♀️

Brilliant 👏

DrKatie2 LOOL!So if you don't align with their agenda you're a sociopath ?So ,how you call the ones who are censoring and blocking HCQW0RKS and other cures?All this COVID-19 drama can finish tomorrow.DefundCTV

Hahaha, your crap is laughable, sorry to disappoint you but, I’m not not the one with mental issues here, don’t put your bullshit on me.

A new study found that CTV and other MSM are flagitious worthless idiots. GTFOH

Who did this study? Lol this is a joke. How do you know when you've fallen too far? Reaching for headlines like this bs. Yikes

fakestudies fakeexperts fakenewsmedia YOUSUCK


Shockingly insightful

Thank you, Mainstream Media! This year I became a racist (without hating any race in particular), homophobe (without denouncing anyone's right to choose who to love), sociopath (without showing any sociopathic traits). And this comes from tolerant leftist media outlets 🤣

If you're not an obedient statist you're a sociopath. Gfy, MSM.

I believe it. That explains well why certain people on my street never wear them! .....

Wow ctv now calling people sociopaths. Really bloody LOW. Liberal HACKS

oooo - 'advanced level news'... ready? Sitting? ..... sociopaths behave like sociopaths. People who behave like sociopaths or exhibit sociopathic symptoms, may be sociopathic. SCOOP!!! TAKE THAT, CBC and GLOBAL!

Installing more fear into brains everyday, It stopped working so they had to tell people they have sociopathic traits

Actually people who think for themselves, fully understanding the shit show this plandemic has been are the only ones refusing to comply the false narrative.

Guess I'm a sociopath then... 💁 (is it me or does this seem like projection?)

Total nonesense.

Let's look at some real world data and see if masks are impacting case rates?

What’s the idea behind this study.

CTVAtlantic Labelling people as such isn’t helping, great job fellas

Ya so that would be Antifa and other rioters right !?

Bahahahahaha what a fuckin joke 🤣😂😂

This is the stupidest thing ever reported.


is sociopathic because they want to control people and shame them. Instead prive that masks work unequivocally.

Wow so everyone who doesn't wear a mask is sociopath ctvnews. This is a real low point for you..... Shameful

You're a complete joke.

How much is trudeau paying you to peddle this bull manure? Total trash

Guess I’m a sociopath than.... hmm.. okay cool.

Hi CNN 🤣

How sad media have become.

Panic is setting in there 😂🤣😂🤣

An old study shows that socialists with control agendas are more likely to label those who object to being controlled as sociopaths.

Feeding the Liberal narrative again? Must be a fall election coming...

So all the people in the mental ward fought back when you tried to make them wear a mask. Does this surprise anyone?

And then there are those ethical mask wearing people that drop their shit stained mask wherever and everywhere. CTV hypocrites beyond hypocrites.

It says sociopaths are less likely to follow the rules, not that people who do not follow the rules are sociopaths. Not sure if everyone getting defensive is a sociopath, but those who are not are even funnier without an excuse.

Sociopathic or more than aware of what is going on? Anyone following this archaic, unscientific infringement on freedom is an absolute asshat. Period. The fact that we are still pushing COVID after the CDC revealed counts that the 'sociopaths' knew were legit is beyond me.

forsyth_barb That would seem to make sense, but I would hesitate to make a corollary that anybody less likely to follow COVID-19 health measures is necessarily a sociopath.

Who’s writing these articles!? Unreal


All the Kyle's and Karen's lol

Calling anyone with a brain a sociopath? GFY

Anti Coronavirus critics are Racists, Sociopaths and .......

I mean...look around... Don’t have to look far to find a few of those this year. Everybody’s lost their minds.🤦🏼‍♀️ apocalypse2020 Rapture

🤣 I should start following you , the humour!

Now I feel validated since I've spent the whole time assuming they're sociopaths.

Then their sociopathic tendencies really take over once its obvious, and they deflect blame, hide all financial records & create havoc in their nation and become truer liberals... Doesn't end well for anybody eh?

Just because ppl don’t believe the lies spewed by the bought & pd for MSM, doesn’t make them sociopaths. The narcissist sociopath is the PM. How about telling the truth about him?

Those people are truly evil and should be publicly horse whipped to make an example of them. Just make sure that the whippers and whipped socially distance and wear masks.

what exactly is the purpose of forcing everyone, including children, to wear masks.

Coming from the sociopaths that repeatedly told us that wearing a mask was not helpful.

Well, we can’t have sociopaths running around not wearing masks threatening the safety of our communities now can we. Perhaps they should be rounded up and shipped to camps as a solution. A “final solution”, if you will. Right ?

Meanwhile at CTV: 'why are we having so many layoffs'

Funny, thing, people who tend to follow tyrants... like CTV and the Brazilian researchers, also tend to have narcissistic and anti-social personality traits. So, you got to be one, to know one... See link.

They've hit a new low!

Wow really desperate for a Covid head line are we

CTVAtlantic This just in: sky is blue

CTV is laughably irrelevant

What the hell is wrong with you CTV. Some stuff is so ridiculous one has to wonder why you even make it news

It was a matter of time before someone came out with such a ‘study’. What’s next, “non-compliant”, “deviant”?

Oh really, I thought people who don't kneel before Commodus are sociopath.

How much do you get paid for this garbage?


This maybe the stupidest thing I’ve read since Covid started

GFY, state media pressitutes. Were you advocating masks in March? No you were not.

Ok CTV now you're just offending people! Please read before posting shit like this!

Categorize this under 'facts that should surprise absolutely no one'.

Experts suggest that those running the Mainstream Media are a group of sociopaths with little regard for honest reporting, such as dispelling the fear of a virus with a 99% survival rate and low rate of infection.

Real news. A new study shows people with psychopathic tendencies are pushing politicalmasks to try to extend a fake health crisis and maintain power which they have no legal right to have. cdnpoli trudeaumustgo exitUN


That’s ridiculous

Just when you think the presstitutes at CTV can't sink any lower, they manage to outdo themselves.

You mean common sense.

They always seem to accuse you of what there actively doing with the backing of the system? Stop trying to twist shit bitches

🤣🤣🤣🤣 you’re grasping

Yeah true, name calling is generally an extremely effective way to get people to do what you want. It worked in pre-school right? Speaking of pre-school what are the projections of the potential out break in schools even if every single person wore a mask Any guesses?

A new study has found is full of shite. 💩💩💩

This nonsense is a perfect demonstration of the Asch Experiment.

What the hell did you just call me? Eat ass CTV

Enough of this bullshit.

Feed the CCP vaccine to the Media Pigs stinking up the hallways of rancid CTV.

Oh yeah, nice one ctv

And the brainwashing continues....🙄🙄

So people who understand that masks are ineffective and want to breathe oxygen instead of C02 are sociopaths now?

Ah, so the vast totality of the US, along with a few pockets in Canada, are sociopaths. Good to know. Also good to know I am not one of them.

So what about the 6% 😂


Why people are making a big fuss about this thing still? Just put on the mask and stop whinning.

Another study found sheep will always follow the flock.

Right cuz only a sociopath would resist government overreach and a false narrative.

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