Woman arrested in her pyjamas live on Facebook over alleged lockdown protest post

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Victoria Police says the woman, who was arrested in her pyjamas in front of her children, was charged as part of an investigation into protest activity 'in blatant breach of the Chief Health Officer's directions'.

A woman's arrest for allegedly inciting an anti-lockdown protest in regional Victoria has gone viral after it was live-streamed on Facebook.

The woman tells police she is pregnant and has an ultrasound appointment in an hour's time. She offers to delete the post and questions the need to arrest her in front of her two children.


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Police drop anti-lockdown incitement charge against Ballarat woman Zoe Buhler - ABC News

Dumb beatch 😆🤣🤣😆

What a clown 🤡

at list she was dress unlike some.

Came here looking for some state sponsored analysis. Didn’t disappoint. Anyone who condones this abuse is either too comfortable or scared of shadows. You deserve the title of Stalin’s chicken. Look that one up and reevaluate your life.

But oddly the ABC doesn't cover the stabbing attack on 3 nsw police officers

When answering this tweet please say if you are a public servant .

We are all equal in the eyes of law. That's what people want, equality.

People like this irritate me. So what if she’s pregnant? They didn’t assault her. She did the wrong thing & got arrested. She’s pregnant not disabled or ill. Being pregnant isn’t a get out jail free card. So long as they take care not to endanger her or child there is no issue.

This is fascistic. RESTRICTING the movement of healthy people is tyranny...arresting them for thought crimes when they dare question the fear mongering narrative is state enforced fascist tyranny...you people cheering for this, you need to turn of your TVs

It's time to fight back. freedom

She has since apologised for what she called her 'bimbo moment' and said the police were very polite, she was then un-cuffed once the house was secured..... what an idiot- another Karens Karen KarensGoneWild KarenStrikesAgain

The whole coronavirus is just distractions a filtration system to see who’s who. The government for a long time created duality, man and woman, bad and good, Light and dark. The Golden ratio of the spiral ends at the point no more duality only singularity.

Is this really a free country any more?!?!!

Before arranging anything involving public meetings/protests/marches etc I would imagine anyone with brains should find out the legalities & if permits are required. etc

Am sorry but such hero's to do that to a pregnant woman and get over it..people are allowed to express themselves

Disgraceful. This woman was treated like a dangerous criminal being handcuffed. Aussies STAND UP to this TYRANNY!

The bizarre thing is that there are people so brainwashed that they think it's okay to arrest someone for an expressed opinion!!

Be very aware of your rights or lack there of and what laws you may be breaking before doing anything in public or organising any type of protest.

Treasonous woman. Most people are playing their part to get this over and done with so restrictions can be lifted and live's can be saved and we can get back to consuming goods and travelling again. Six months jail is deserving for inciting behaviour that extend this lockdown.

Seriously, over this?!! Canada was in lockdown and thousands protested, America was in lockdown and thousands protested. This is NWO folks! To all those commi Karen’s agreeing with what happened to her, guess what, you’re next if you don’t do anything!!

Good on the cops for cracking down on this shit. Stuff like this is why we’re in the situation we are in

Sweden’s economic output shrank by 8.6% in the June quarter, so not a winner. They have 5,810 Deaths & 86,068 cases for just over 10 Million people so for Australia that would be over 14,000 Deaths & over 215,000 case! Then the Long Term Effects

This is counter-productive and waaaay OTT. This is NOT how to persuade people. Perhaps if our media did a better job of informing us, rather than trolling us

Dan's Fascist police state, when will these new laws be rescinded? I believe the answer to that will be NEVER! And you as journalists have blatantly gone soft to allow this to happen. You have been peddling the government crap about this 'pandemic' with no hard questioning.

The epitome of Socialism, a Govt that opposes view diversity and imprisons people for conveying different views. Officious Police overuse arrest powers that are intended for exigencies, immediate protection, preservation of evidence or obtain ID details. None apply in this case.

September will feel and look like March.......

the reality is. NO ONE IS LISTENING. We have to let the ENTIRE system implode including political & financial. It has started but will take a few years. Please read history of empires ending & the repercussions. The simple truth is - WE the people gave too much power to too few

All the trolls that post negative stuff live on the ABC pages. Pretty lame investigation by ABC. Guess they had to say something. Probably butt hurt that they had to

Handcuffing this woman……behind her back? That is not required. VictoriaPolice need to go back to the hand book and have a read. Ever heard of a summons Arrest is the last resort. What hero’s NOT! CovidShame victorialockdown VictoriaPolice

Dan Andrews will find Karma to the power of 666

Dangerous CCPChina style actions by the Victoria police. It looks like there is room for taking the Premier and the police to court for exceeding powers. I hope that all Victorians see what p.o.s. Comrade Denial Andrews is. Australia auspol

Australia gone mad, harassment by authorities, unless the woman was hugely influential, people make their own decision to protest?

People like her are the reason we are still in lockdown. No sympathy AT ALL.

DictatorDan has turned Victoria into a police state. He must have thought 1984 was an instruction manual. Not allowed to walk down the street without your papers, dragged off in handcuffs for speaking against The Party on Facebook...

Another very average and unremarkable person learning the hard way that posting negative or ill-conceived comments on social media can get you into very deep shit. Her pregnancy is irrelevant. Hopefully, this will make her a smarter person and a better role model for her kids.

😂 Good on the police. Got what she deserved.

This type need to be made to spend a nurses shift in ICU helping covid patients on ventilators or have the job of calling family members of those departed over covid19.

Well done Victoria police.

You should leave facebook 'news' on facebook. This is frightening because it seems like the ABC has fully embraced the tabloid 'news' model so widely practiced by the Murdoch press.

Enjoyed watching this moron squirm when faced with the consequences of her actions! “Excuse me, what on earth,” hahahaha.

It does seem OTT and I am always wary of too much govt power, but ffs we are in a bloody pandemic. Unless we want to end up like the US, we have to act responsibly. Her being pregnant irrelevant.There needs to be a consistent & transparent plan for managing reopenings.

What has become of my country....

Does the term gulag start to sound familiar ?

I am curious. Someone needs to apply for a warrant. For this someone needs to identify a (possible) involvement in crime. Who is watching facebook and kicks off this process? Surely Victorian police has to execute, but who monitors FB? Neighbours, VicPol, VicGov, FedPol, ASIO?

This is a warning to the bat shit crazy tin foil hat brigade !!!

I am pregnant and don't arrest me in front of my kids? She can save her excuses for court.

Chairman Dan. Gotta love the belt and road.

linc_lewis Keyboard warrior isn’t so tough without keyboard. 🤷‍♀️

You reap what you sew

QAnon cult follower. They're the other plague

That’s a tad overkill.

She and her so-called followers are, to quote, bat shit crazy. They’re free to believe in little green men if they like. They can protest virtually like many activists did during the pandemic.

I'll support this arrest fully as soon as Sam Newman, Alan Jones et al are arrested for the same shit. Until then, this is merely a put on show bit of class warfare and media circus bullshit.

Whats her fucking pyjamas got to do with this! Get a life! Person inciting action threatening the lives of millions of people, arrested... sounds more accurate.

lachiemc64 Can`t wait for next week`s episode then👇🏼 COVIDIOT pajamas to be arrested in,proudly made in by VIM,Victoria Incitement Media

To Hon Ivanka Trump & Mr President Donald Trump please set Sir Julian Assange free. Too make AUSTRALIA GREAT AGAINST CORRUPTION PLEASE Nifty Ned Sept 20=20

It’s a tough lesson learned for this lady. Hopefully she will do what’s right to protect herself, her family, and her community from this awful deadly virus.

In my pajamas sounds a lot like in front of the salad. Haul her arse away. Enough of these entitled crazies.

Twit!and about to become a mother...pleas


Can’t wait for the footage of them doing the same to Sam Newman

Lock the bitch up till the virus is over..she didn't mind putting other pregnant women at risk, nor anyone else for that matter. How scum to use that as an excuse.

This is a dark day. A woman is arrested in Australia for a social-media post advising and encouraging protest against a law she disagrees with. A social media post. Oh my god this is a dark day.

Disgusting action!! She complied before they handcuffed her in front of her kids!! That is the real issue here!! Regardless of her future plans!!

Learnt her lesson clearly, posts the video of herself being arrested. Don’t be an idiot and get arrested in front of your kids on the first place.

Witness the new police state.

Dan Andrews' Gestapo.

.Aussie Police State intensifies

Ballarat cops, bored and wanting attention.....😉

It's all fun and games on Facebook until they break the law. Don't cry and act innocent; next time before you post, google incitement. So many moronic people on social media have no idea of the law and the consequences. Suck it up PJ princess.

This is fear mongering. This is fake and staged arrest to scare people and keep them home. Just see how Media gives it coverage

Zero sympathy for this idiot.

I cannot find much sympathy within me for this woman. After her arrest was processed she would have been straight back home and won't face a magistrate until early next year. Her alleged offence has been in spelled out in the Victoria Crimes Act since at least 1958.

Appalling, disgusting actions by vicpolice

Don't grant your government a power unless you're willing to let Donald Trump wield it, because eventually your country will elect someone like Trump. The right to petition your government for redress of grievances is not a luxury. It's a vital tool for replacing bad leadership.

When did Victoria police become the Thought police? dan_the_dictator

Don’t worry, Alan Jones has taken this up giving it prominent coverage up front on his Sky News program tonight. So he’ll fix it then with his outrage. Wonder if he can be caught on sedition laws nationally?

This is wrong. She was wrong to do and say what she did, but the cops stealing all her stuff and traumatizing her kids? Really? Can pigs not? This won't stop. Knowing anti-maskers its only going to piss them off and make them protest more. Cops are so useless.

I think the police wanted to set an example that they’re not mucking around and will come down hard on em.But I would love to see her post because if she had her own restrictions in place,masks,distancing and hand sanitizers available then I would defend her then.

I grew up in USSR. It’s crazy what’s happening here. It’s like KGB paying a visit to your house for thinking different to the government. No wonder that emigrants from Soviet Republics never vote for anyone who even remotely smells like a socialist

This is quite literally disgusting..

Turns out we live in China

And Victorians are slowly waking up! The storm is coming.

Well it’s time to black ban this government and remove them from office

What did her partner do to have his phone confiscated as he didnt commit any face book offences. Logic would also dictate that all the people that ticked going and interested are also party to this crime. I suppose they are treating her like the BLM protestors.

This is disgusting. How can the premier allow BLM protests but arrest a pregnant women for the same thing?

Pj’s are the new day wear though !

welcome to the draconian Victorian state gov... as inspired by their lender boss: the ccp… I feel so sorry for the Victorians!!!


I’m just glad all the rapists, pedos, wife bashers, murderers, drug dealers, car jackers are all behind bars... 🤪

Daniel Jung Un Cuckdrews got upset when his chinese deals fell through. He decided to take it out on some pregnant lady organising a hootenanny. Tomorrow he will probably announce a mysogyny program for Victorian schools. Victoria getting revenge on Ballarat finally for 1854.

Thank goodness.

. The enslavement is almost complete. .

No sympathy whatsoever !! It’s people like her with no consideration for others. They try 2 organise a protest against what the government stands for health wise & risk mass infection. I’ve got family in Ballarat so i back the police 100%.

She should have said it was for BLM and it would have been fine. One rule for one and one for another!


Glad she got arrested! 🤣🤣

are you kidding me....how is this a thing?

. Aussies still don't get it... Imagine what we would say if this ABC report was about China... .


My knee jerk reaction was ‘Good!’ But I stopped to think & it doesn’t sit well at all. Surely this could have been handled differently? She’s clearly not a threat. May have responded ok to a request to remove it. This footage will prob do more to ‘incite’ than the original post

Why wouldn't the police visit her first and warn her? Why waste their own time, the courts resouces and risk their own reputation on such a ridiculous arrest? Oh wait - I'm thinking how a free, rational, civilised society would operate. Which is not what Victoria is now.

I tweeted that the police should shoot the protesters as it's as a hate crime and had my twitter banned for 24 hours because I committed a hate crime. I'm mean FFS Victorian police were famous for it in the 90s. I guess my satire didn't fit Twitter's narrative.

Why can’t these nut jobs just stop interrupting, shut up and listen and wait their turn to speak when they get arrested?!

Absolutely shocking.

I believe that the ABC would support this kind of thing aye!? This is not China! Nor you are a member of the CCP! But just in case you are then good luck. lockdown COVID19Vic

She should have rebranded it as a BLM protest

No, butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. She’s a known serial offender who was caught online organising an anti lockdown rally endangering health & safety. No sympathy for this fool whatsoever, I do however feel sorry for her poor kids having her as a “parent” and “role model”.

If the US, had this everyone would be locked up 😂

Every day I think the left could not be more biased, that it’s impossible, every day I’m proven wrong

She created & planned the event. That isn’t a belief or opinion. If she did offer only opinion that would have been free speech which she has every right to express. BUT. She said she’d take the post down. That is not sorry for what she has done. That is sorry for being caught

NEW: The American Journal of Medicine just accepted in pre-press a study confirming that early treatment with Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin helps to significantly reduce widespread hospital resource consumption, morbidity, and virus mortality rates.

The only way australians can be safe is if they execute people like this woman

nazi australia

Admittedly they could’ve done it out of sight of her children, but maybe she’ll think twice about putting up posts like that in the future. CovidisNotAConspiracy

Excellent . Actions have consequences!

People back in China would laugh about what Australian government does! Because they are the SAME, no matter what you called it about “freedom of speech”. All about the window dressing “Freedom of speech”

Disgusting behaviour from Australian government

Getting arrested for pre crime now.

Completely unnecessary. Why not a warning? Right now Victoria Police is in the middle of the biggest legal scandal in this state, maybe they could show more common sense.

Worth reposting. I trust the public takes note, along with the appalling police action against the original poster. Of course I am not condoning anything illegal or morally repugnant. VictoriaPolice CrimeStopperVic DanielAndrewsMP auspol victoriastan FascismIsHere

So what about those who incited BLM protests during the pandemic. Double standards much? This could only happen Under the watch of ChairmanDan

yessss.. regrets

Surely this is fake news? Really, in 🇦🇺?

Heavy handed and unnecessary. Stupid of her to incite protests during a health emergency but this wasn't a good way to handle it. You could send the same message in any number of different ways. I would feel angry if this had been done to BLM protestors and I'm angry about this.

auspol vicpol

Does that mean Sam Newman will be arrested?

Good grief!!

Worth reposting. I trust the public takes note, along with the appalling police action against the original poster. Of course I am not condoning anything illegal or morally repugnant. VictoriaPolice CrimeStopperVic DanielAndrewsMP auspol victoriastan FascismIsHere

Desertpuma Jesus ...where are the men in that country? Letting a pregnant woman get arrested for a Facebook post? C’mon fellas you can do better.

WTF happened to australia?

DanielAndrewsMP this is absolutely ridiculous. Don’t forget, you allowed a massive protest to go ahead. Guess it just depends on what you’re protesting. Hypocrite.

Her lawyer is going to have a field day.

All the fascist in the comments defending fascism 👌😂

Is this in China?

The statist dystopia is real in Victoristan.

Welcome to Daniel LukashAndrew‘s Police State

Absolutely Bullshit... March!!!!

For goodness sakes their r worst illnesses & more dying of related causes look at the bigger picture, depression has doubled, suicide has tripled, people drink all day with stress and no job to go to,elderly dying of broken hearts not seeing anyone which weakens their immunity.

Worth reposting. I trust the public takes note, along with the appalling police action against the original poster. Of course I am not condoning anything morally or legally repugnant. VictoriaPolice CrimeStopperVic DanielAndrewsMP auspol victoriastan FascismIsHere

How have managed to get to a point where inciting to protest by posting on social media is a crime? This kind of behaviour is exactly the kind of thing that burns public support and turns the public against measures like extending the SoE.


Complete disgrace vicpol when will you be arresting BLM protest organisers? Victoria the Zimbabwe of the Oz continent DanielMugabe TrustIsGone DeadManWalking

So she live streamed this? She was concerned for her children but... not what I would do as I try to protect my children but each to their own I guess 🤷‍♀️

How does that cop sleep at night, what a wanker

Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and

That’s good , we need to follow the rules and get behind Dan Andrew. My community did

So many chinese in the comments loving on communism 🤢🤢🤢 no true Aussie would agree to this nonsense

Absolutely outrageous.

If you can arrest a facebook user making posts, you could have arrested Alan Jones and talk back radio hosts during the lead up to the Cronulla riot.

I thought the black lives matters protest proved the virus couldn't be spread by protests?

The police are doing their Job. I don't agree with any lockdown protests but this sends many worrying signals about the so called 'freedom of speech'. A State of Emergency makes this legal ... the real reason why Andrews wanted it.

Pure government evil expression. In Australia ?

people like this Bogan person is to blame for the current economic downturn that we now have stay home , end this crap so we can get back on our feet .

geez we can't even get people who are trying to burn mayor's apartments down arrested ... and here a woman who is just supporting gathering against lockdown is arrested... how about fining all of those arsonists $10000?

Wearing your pyjamas or what media you use is not a way to get immunity from breaking the law. Or immunity from covid. Pregnant woman with twins in hospital fighting for life was on the news recently. This covidiot should have thought of all this first.

What if she we supporting a BLM rally? Would that be different. Would the police have acted in the same way? It appears there is a big double standard here. Normal people are not going to like this.

It’s not what she did that is the fact but it’s the way it was handled by the police. it’s what politicians and people in power have always done, is to make an example by picking on low hanging fruit.

So this is what Germany 1939 looked like.

This is more like a CCP style arrest over ppl's speech. she made a stupid post yet i dont think there will be ppl Who are stupid enough to really going to protest during a pandemic just because her post. overall an arrest over a post on fb, a typical CCP gesture.

Seriously wtf. Why would you wanna be a cop if this is the shit your enforcing.

Australia is turning into an authoritarian nightmare.

Sucked in,seriously. Be accountable for your actions, silly,silly person 😏

“We’ve taken all your rights away for your own good. Don’t bother resisting or protesting or even talk about protesting the loss of these rights because we’ve taken that right away too.”

drats I thought they would go after that Clown Newman first ?......but nope just some no name gets busted


Where are the concentration camps should be next on the list when Dan gets his way !!

Still anyone surprised that more and more people take to the street?

abuse of power clearly. Are they monitoring facebook now? WTF is wrong with people? Freedom is our right! How about you police the fuckwits who actually have covid & are not home quarantining as the should be. Hello pregnant woman, sometimes irrational, not dangerous!

Definitely not arrest worthy

So frightening how quickly Australians have surrendered their freedoms under the guise of ‘its for the greater good’. I hope the sheeple supporting this have a clear idea of where they believe the line is - ask if in January you’d have thought this is ok.


That was OTT. Police should only arrest those idiots who attend said protest

Well done Detectives

THIS...THIS is 'fascism'....you not being paid as much as someone else becuase you have different jobs and work differing amounts of hours is NOT 'fascism'....see the difference?

Victoria Police, when will we see theheraldsun charged with incitement when they were promoting a protest to DanielAndrewsMP's home last week Can't have it both ways. IStandWithDan auspol

Victoria has officially became a communistic state. This footage is shocking, disgraceful and unaustralian. How dare VIC police think they have the right to harass this pregnant mother. I’ve now lost all respect for VIC police, this is just the lowest of lows

Same treatment wasn't given to recent protests where 10k ppl marched How can that be? If a person can have this do e then every politician is in trouble for the stupid things they say on social media. What am I saying, rules don't apply to them

all protests are equal, but some are more equal than others!! Move over North Korea and Russia, the Victorian police want to take your mantle

Bet if it was for a BLM protest instead and for statue destruction she would have been given an award. 😉

And this is how we know China is behind everything. China have eyes and ears in most western governments and they're funding sympathisers within said governments to enact the same kind of bullshit China itself enacts on its own people. Look a Soros' and Gates' links to China.

Romans 6:23 - “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Victoria 2020

Now watch as the leftards cheer on this authoritarian nightmare.

When the world becomes real 😬

Good pity they didn’t lock her up

Isn't embracing the new world order and a communist Chinese party without Sovereign citizens consent incitement when are the politicians going to be arrested especially Dan Dan Freddy Krueger Andrews

Aussie stasi!

While she’s in custody, do an IQ rest

FatherBob Good.

Sit on this Andrews!!

Absolute bs. What a gestapo state Victoria has become where people cant even speak their minds and express how they feel for fear of being arrested not to mention Premier Adolf Andrews is on a power trip lol ...wanker. Fuck this government im putting my Guy Fawkes mask on!🖕

Excellent work VicPol.


Why didnt she just use the keyword 'George Floyd' when the coppers knocked on her door?

I wish that more American COVIDIOTS would be arrested.

is complicit in the oppression of Australians for failing to report truthfully what it means to be arrested for holding a dissenting view.

LisanevilleMP. Learner drivers, now pregnant mothers. Do you really need to destroy public goodwill for VictoriaPolice ? Why couldn't this have been dealt with on summons?

Police do not arrest people for no reason there is more to this story and clearly she broke the law

When will VictoriaPolice be visiting one Sam Newman?

FatherBob You’d think if you were going to film yourself you would at least put on the good PJ’s and not the Kmart specials 🙀

This is beginning to get beyond a joke. What if an effective vaccine doesn’t materialise for years? Will Victoria be in perpetual lockdown?

The flanos say it all . Someone has dobbed

Incredible. Maybe I'll be arrested too.

I’m in 2 minds about this.. on one hand GOOD! There are consequences to being a hero... on the other hand... settle down mate, you scared her enough not to do it again... she has children and they are probably struggling. Leave her alone...

I don't want to be rude & betray loyalties but there is a better way than this. IDontAlwaysStandWithDan DanCanGetStuffed this time Auspol

Oh dear. I guess the rules have changed


Great work vic police. So many nutters around. Pregnancy is not the excuse.

'...is in blatant breach of the Chief Health Officer's directions'. Since when are 'directions' law and under what statute was she charged? This appears to be political policing by the 'feelings' police.

FatherBob WTF ?

What a disgrace.

Newwayofdoing eastgermany would be proud of this level of Stasis

Is she taking her children and placing them at risk of catching Covid ? How about her unborn child How irresponsible

This is disgraceful! Are we living in a police state? This is on you AndyMeddickMP SamanthaRatnam Absolutely appalling DanielAndrewsMP

Just to be clear - she hands the phone to her partner (?) who continues the live stream as she is arrested. The police are not live streaming arrests. People are doxxing the police officer on Twitter.

all the sheep are supporting Dan's henchmen

Proud of this are you FionaPattenMLC This is on you! Where is the 'reason'?

That will teach her to use Facebook haha sucker!

A simple request to take it down would've sufficed. Were BLM protest organisers arrested?

What a joke are we china

Meanwhile ANTIFA anarchists get a free pass.

Problem is that there are fools out there that follow the mindset of the left biased ABC and continue to ignore the rational approach to the new normal

Stupid woman.

Good! 👏👍

Stopping spread of Covid is a good thing. A job made harder by politicization - PMs saving lives and building jobs do so for 'political gain', Abbott encouraging noncompliance, stoking anger, protest and community division with 'health dictator'unfair to Vics to be locked in'etc

I’m sure and your Greens lunatics would be so proud of DictatorDan

She got what she deserved.

BLM said they wanted to burn Australia to the ground. Where were the police then? That's right, kneeling in front of them!!!

Social media fail Vic Police.

Good, she dropped her commitment to her cause pretty bloody quickly, lol

I feel sick reading the comments here. People have lost all heart with this pandemic. Would it be the same reaction if they were organising a protest against refugees being deported or is this just pure politics?

Ah I see Dan has introduced the Stasi now, I guess it was only a matter of time.

Absolutely disgraceful DanielAndrewsMP

This has to be a joke. Is this the best way the Victorian Police can allocate their resources by arresting a lovely pregnant mother for a facebook post, whilst rapists, murderers, child sex offenders are running amok! Victoria Police you are an absolute disgrace!

What a fkn joke, VICPOL, the true enemy of the people

She was very quick to say she'd take down the post-so much for her 'convictions '

Dan is now trying to out police Joh Bjelke-Petersen?

Never mind us. We're just dismantling a cornerstone to Western civilisation. Nothing to see here.

Victorians truly are the Americans of Australia.

This is a national disgrace. These police must be held to account for abuse of power.

Xclnt! Post crap like this up,you invite trouble.Have absolutely no sympathy for the woman,pregnant or not.They think they can do what they want in times of crisis.

Amazing how many people think arresting people in their houses for Facebook posts is ok? Love to see how they would go living in North Korea or China.

Well this they tell me happens in China

Incitement to public protest is a crime? WTF kind of police state is Victoria? Hopefully voters will punish Dan’s abrogation of basic civil liberties at the polls. auspol

But SamNewman got off without a fine or arrest? He was organizing a protest as well. VictoriaPolice you can't do one and not another simply cause he's 'famous' ...

What do you expect? Did you really think DESPOT DAN's rights to remove our freedom of thought and speech are for our safety? 9K people Worldwide have actually died from CV19 (CDC report). Meantime, they want to let prisoners free and jail people for exposing pedos! Depose Dan!!

There’s a lot of information on Channel 7 news sites, is that even allowed by the media?

So Oz is now officially a facist state. Well done.

You'd think being a pregnant woman she'd appreciate a lockdown.. You're immune system is more susceptible to catching a communicable disease.. but ok.

This isn’t helping at all. Definitely not going to inspire even more of the anti-lockdown morons to come out louder and in bigger numbers.

Must neutralize all these terrorists instantly

Ballarat is in stage 3. The excuse used for not stopping BLM protest.

Pregnant and organising a protest during a pandemic lockdown

Good. Police handled it brilliantly.

did they arrest ABC journalists for inciting BLM PROTESTS

Well done tae the polis!

Peaceful protests are a problem now....?

I can’t believe how man people are okay with this. I’m not an anti-vaxer or conspiracy theorist by any means, but getting arrested for this It’s not illegal to express these views. Australia is done, such an embarrassment. This is something you’d expect from the CCP.

If she’s unhappy with our laws she should hop on a plane and move to America - tHe LAnD oF tHe FrEE where everyone has COVID But of course she never would because she’s probably reliant on our generous welfare and public healthcare system

Oh no! I missed Neighbours. Wait!! Charlene is back?!?! OMG Kylie looks great! What else happened?

As much as I think it's absolutely idiotic to be protesting during a pandemic, to be arrested over a post? I'm getting 1984 vibes from this.

You play with fire..you get burned 🔥 silly woman

They'll lock you up in Victoria also if you're a rape victim who speaks out. Genghis Khan must have come back from the dead to be Andrews' advisor.

She should have called it a BLM rally and would have been given a free pass... maybe even a police escort.

And suddenly, for no reason at all...

You won't get many people in Melbourne who are relying on people to do the right thing so that we can get out of this nightmare, to feel sorry for this woman.

She is pregnant yes ... But the fact is she put herself right at this situation and she is the only person to be blamed for that ... She said she did not know she is breaking the law .. really ?

What did she expect?

'Pregnant woman'


Good work Vicpol!

I find this hard to believe.


The absolute stupidity of this. All because one little Nazi dictator DanielAndrewsMP says so

Whoa 😲 Who filmed her 🤷‍♀️


The protest just got 10 times bigger!

And while you’re at it VictoriaPolice, can you hurry up and arrest serial pest SamNewman, and the domestic terrorist and convicted wife basher AviYemini for their role in inciting public unrest... Origsmartassam OzraeliAvi

Not even allowed to protest? Sad day for everyone.

Cue all the people who believe in freedom of speech but only as long as they approve of what's being said. This is disgraceful.

Another example of a person who lacks the ability to understand what a pandemic means. Being pregnant at this time should make her more responsible for her health and to follow a safe COVID-19 plan.

Um, this seems a bit fucked actually

Love this shit.

Oh of course it was filmed...thirsty for attention

Sucked in. It’s thanks to idiots like this breaking the rules that we are in stage 4 lockdowns right now.


1984...Coming soon.. Or already here?

Pretty shameful VictoriaPolice and DanielAndrewsMP Victoria is looking more and more like North Korea every day.

I have no sympathy with the protesters but This is disgusting . Is it OK for me to say that ?

Gooooooooood morning unemployed!

Arresting & cuffing a young pregnant mum in front of her kids for her beliefs is OTT. Taking every device & computer from her home including her husbands is beyond outrageous. All the people getting a kick out of seeing this, need self reflect.

That's what you get Karen 😂

Good. Next time she posts inciteful crap, she may stop and think before she presses 'post'.

Owned lol

She should have organised a protest for BLM. The police would have provided an escort rather than a warrant.

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Two men charged with incitement as investigation continues into Saturday protestThree men have been charged with incitement over alleged coordination of Saturday's 'Freedom Day' protest, as police crackdown on people flouting the Chief Health Officer's coronavirus lockdown orders. When this censorship starts and is supported by anyone it's all downhill from here. So now we are at the policing stage where having a plan to protest is illegal. Maybe wait and see if there actually is action not just words. What's next? This sounds like overreach. The right to protest is a democratic right and ought never to be traded away. It goes to the very foundation of democracy.
Source: theage - 🏆 8. / 77 Read more »