Jersey cancer patient who set up support website praised

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

Lorna Pirozzolo set up a website that directs people to support services and offers advice.

A Jersey woman who set up a support website after she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer has been praised by the island's Oncology Department.

Lorna Pirozzolo set up the website during the Covid pandemic to direct other patients to services and offer advice for off-island support.Ms Pirozzolo plans to expand the work the website does by applying for to become a charity, which will allow her to apply for grant funding.Ms Pirozzolo was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer in 2018 and then diagnosed with stage four breast cancer in 2019.

Dr Dos Santos said: “The website has been very important because it is the only site with all information related to Jersey cancer support and it has become a platform that everybody gravitates towards including ourselves and the government.” She said there “is no need for us to replicate” the website and the department now works with Ms Pirozzolo “to improve the site”.Follow BBC Jersey on


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