Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders health insurance fixes won't work: insurers

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The CEO of the health insurance industry's largest trade group claims Bernie Sanders' MedicareForAll and Joe Biden's built-up version of Obamacare won't work.

'It's a great slogan, but it's not workable:' Health insurers pan Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders health fixesThe top executive of the health insurance industry's largest trade group said Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden's plan to bolster the Affordable Care Act with a public insurance option is a dangerous approach to extend affordable health coverage to millions of Americans.

On Monday, Biden proposed adding a public health insurance option to Obamacare, reviving a decade-old idea floated by President Barack Obama but dropped during negotiations that created the Affordable Care Act, signed into law in 2010. FILE - This June 27, 2019 file photo shows Democratic presidential candidates from left, former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, entrepreneur Andrew Yang, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, former Vice-President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet and Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., on the second night of the Democratic primary debate hosted by NBC News in Miami.


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You know, if the tax credit for employers who provide Health insurance to their employees were doubled. I bet you would see a lot more employers participating?

Then why doesn’t Vermont have it? Ask yourself?

I think it’s about time all these CEO’s retire..... they have made more than enough off the working class’s back. Live off your shitty accumulated wealth and let the rest of us get on with fixing this system.

Dear CEO: How much do we spend now In total? $4.9 Trillion per year to not cover everyone. How much will M4All cost? $3.2 trillion per year for everyone with vision, hearing & dental included. How much will we save? $1.7 Trillion per year. FeelTheMath


A 'CEO' 😂 FACT: IT DOES WORK Austria Belarus Croatia Czechia Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg Malta Moldova Netherlands Norway Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United kingdom MedicareForAll Bernie2020

Americas health insurance... And that's where the legitimacy of the criticism evaporates!

Aren't we ranked like 37th in healthcare, behind countries with tax-funded healthcare.

The CEO forgot to mention the effects on his profits.

Except it’s already been proven to cut our healthcare costs over the long run. Private insurance deductibles and co-pays are a private TAX that will be ELIMINATED by Bernie Sanders’ MedicareForAll plan, which will save everyone money!

Yeah those CEO’s really care about us average Americans!

Thread 👇

Of course a CEO said it.

'America's Health Insurance Plans CEO Matt Eyles' says what? That he's scared to death of losing his huge salary while Americans are scared to death of getting sick? 'Eyles also blasted the Sanders plan, predicting that such a sweeping proposal would fall flat with Americans..'

Medicare for All will cost less than the current system and it will in most cases cover more. The only ones it is not workable for in practice is for greedy monsters like this health insurance company CEO.


Those trustworthy CEOs lol

Oh hell just let them die or be poor the rest of their lives paying off healt care dept.

Just a mix of corporate talking points. Divorced from reality.

Just popping in for the ratio.. everyone else has the major talking points covered. MedicareForAll ClimateCrisis IncomeInequality Bernie2020 NotMeUs NoMiddleGround PeopleOverProfits ❤☮🌹✊🌎🔥 JustSayNoToCentrisim NeolibralismIsGoingToBeTheDeathOfUs

LincolnDuncan8 Not workable in practice, except for nearly every other country on Earth. 🙄

gosh I always get my important social policy matters from CEOs.

'Said a CEO ...'

you’ll be surprised at how doctors want to help people if only they weren’t by debt. Med school should be tuition free MedicareForAll

Says a CEO? Are you serious right now? Do most people care about what an elitist CEO thinks? A CEO is only worried about how much money he/she can make off the backs of others. If a CEO is against it, I'm damn sure for it. EatTheRich NoMiddleGround MedicareForAll Bernie2020

In other news: Coca Cola CEO explaines why sugary softdrinks are actually more healthy than water. Who knew?


'It's not workable in practice.. & it promises to cut off the rivers of money that I need for the next payment on my boat!!' 😩

Right, cuz it only works in every other developed country...

Said a CEO 😂😂

Let me guess: that CEO doesn't depend upon Medicare for his healthcare. He can pay for whatever he wants or needs. If you are a CEO--vote against MedicareForAll. But if you are a regular person--know that MedicareForAll will mean you won't die for inability to pay.


MedicareForAll is a threat to WallSt investors whose wealth relies on high cost of for profit healthcare and the American people’s sickness being monetized. All the MedicareForAll horror stories are produced by for profit healthcare lobbyists and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Wait so what you are saying is that the CEO is lying about MedicareForAll and you are promoting it in a headline as if it were true...The media Blackout is real folks. From fake polls to fake headlines. Take note these mind control tactics only work if you let them. UsNotMe

A CEO?! Gee, I wonder why all the negative response to a system that will be much better. Doctors will get grants for med school. Cheaper than premiums and deductibles. Small tax increase. More coverage. All Drs will take all patients. They're not leaving med practice due to M4A!

All of that translates to 'My profits will go down'.

Europe disagrees

Balderdash LiesLiesAndMoreLies AnEconomyCanDoAnythingWeWantItTo PublicBanks MoneyIsAPublicUtility publicbanking PublicBanksNow PublicBankNYC PublicBankSD publicbankla publicbankeb PublicBankCV CommunityBankCa BankingOnNJ ajamubaraka BernieSanders idgreens GPCA

Said the CEO of profits from working Americans

'Said a CEO about Bernie Sanders health care plan....' Lol.

Honestly, who is getting 'care' now? The cost of deductibles, copays are so high, how many don't use their insurance or have any at all? Get real.

Health insurers ARE LYING!!!!! Why is it you don't know that usatoday Are you bought off?

Why not a quote from the millions of people it will save? Or don’t you care about them?

Just listen to this guy. He's so worried about his market. He's not concerned about those of us struggling to survive out here. He's only worried about his own pockets. Blood-sucking tick.


Why are you headlining random CEOs' takes on a broken healthcare system that is killing and bankrupting Americans?! This CEO stands to lose some profit, the claims they make have NO basis in fact or reality, but cynical speculation. Stop serving your corporate overlords USAToday!

This is absolute garbage. We ALREADY SPEND billions more than necessary due to insurance administration,CEO pay. We will SAVE 5 billion in the first decade w/a single payer system. More taxes, less ins bill= thousands in savings for most families

Oh look - 'an American political advocacy and trade association of health insurance companies' don't like the plans that will lead to the end of their profiteering industry. What a surprise. MedicareforAll NoHealthIndustryMoney

Of corse Health care CEOs don’t like it... they don’t like paying money to anyone other than stock holders!

Maffia boss looking out for us all warning that prosecuting him will cost us and we'll lose protection from other criminals.

Bernie2020 NotMeUs MedicareForAll

Yes, quote CEO. Getting so sick of mainstream BS.

Does he have any skin in the game?

Translated...Please don’t end our cash cow.

'... said a CEO.' Next!

BREAKING Addict says whatever he needs to say in order to keep a steady supply of drugs in his veins at all time. Asking a CEO, can you imagine *thinking* a businessman is gonna give you a straight, unbiased, answer?

MedicareForAll is more cost-effective if people care enough to research. Secondly, why would there be a longer wait times if people get to choose their own doctors? Finally, the tax increase will be offset by NO premiums NO deductibles NO cost-sharing Bernie2020

Such a blatant lie!

Don't ask a CEO about healthcare ever! They have no fucking business promoting profit from death, they are all sociopaths.

And if we do nothing, we're going to have higher costs for everyone, longer waiting times and care is going to be worse. I'll take Medicare for all. NoMiddleGround

You know how long the wait time is for non-Wealthy US citizens without insurance? The wait time is until their illness or disease becomes so excruciating that they finally go to the ER. The wait time for too many is Eternity. *since you care so damn much about wait times.

Oh sure, by all means let’s listen to what “a CEO” has to say about it. He wouldn’t have any reason to oppose Medicare for All

insurance premiums and healthcare costs continue to increase despite the ACA it's almost like the profit incentive is counterintuitive to providing decent coverage

'Cars sound nice, but are impractical and too hard to use.' - CEO of horse selling company in 1893

A lot of politicians are going to lose some big donors....

Said a CEO living off the backs of sick Americans 🤮on your propaganda CEO

Because we just can’t be like the other 53 countries in the world with Universal Health Care!

That’s what he’s paid to say.

'said a CEO'

Rotten Milk CEO explains why drinking unspoiled milk is simply not feasible

Funny, A CEO who is going to lose his job to M4A. Not biased at all.

CEOs are more interested in CEO salaries than in saving taxpayers $$$. That CorporateMedia doesn't see CEO commentary on healthcare through this lens is a reminder of how corrupt the media is.

On the upside, when private health insurance becomes unnecessary and that CEO loses his job, he'll still have coverage through m4a!

Yes because health care CEOs is exactly who you should trust on this issue....sarcasm

Funny how the middle man is only acceptable in HC siphoning cash out of the sys, in every other industry they are viewed as an inefficiency, very curious why that is.

'Said a CEO' 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Wealthy CEO's may not need MedicareForAll, but millions of Americans do. WeChooseUs

Hmmm not workable in practice? Better tell that to EVERY OTHER DEVELOPED COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.

'said a CEO'


Health insurers should be in prison.

I would happily pay an additional healthcare tax of 2-3% of my salary to pay for my healthcare (Medicaid for all) if it meant I no longer have an unreachable $7500 annual deductible, a copay, & pay for meds.

'If stock holders can't invest and extract 'surplus value' from the sick and dying - care will get worse,' threatened a person whose responsibility is to stockholders not hospitals, medical workers or patients.

zero evidence to support this. look at literally every other 1st world country. literally every one of them has a better (and cheaper) healthcare system than we do. Absolute dogshit

Really..? -80 “Billion” dollars are spent every week in our wars and someone’s going to tell us that there’s no money to get this done..? There’s no need to tax people. It’s a myth. -Let Uncle Sam put its hand in its deep pockets and get it done for the people. -Simple.

Why$do$you $cover$these$men$who’ve $been$ripping$us$off$for$years?$They$are $worried$about$their$profits$and $NOTHING$more.$

Healthcare for all - economics 101 - the gov’t, on behalf of its citizens, can buy drugs at a much lower price than any insurance/medical company. It’s called leverage. The pharma industry is terrified of this potential. INC rights are for the common good not the greedy

Mafia leaders decry a plan to end organized crime as 'not workable'.

That healthcare CEO apparently didn’t study economics. Americans are buying healthcare on a retail basis (higher costs/no leverage) for a wholesale issue (everyone needs healthcare). His company certainly uses these basic economic principles to aid his bottom line.

'Said a CEO'. Asking a CEO is like asking Himmler if he was guilty of mass murder.

Worse for who? Worse than none? Longer than forever?

What? One of the crooks who’s ripping us off thinks he should be able to keep ripping us off? I’m shocked😐


Of course it’s a “bad idea”.....riiiigght. Tell us more

'It's a great slogan, but it's not workable in practice. It's going to lead to higher costs for everyone through taxes, longer waiting times ... and, at the end of the day, diminished profits for all of us in the industry,' said an unbiased CEO about Bernie Sanders' M4A idea.

Except that every other country in the industrialized world has MedicareForAll

Sorry, but i don't care what CEOs of death panels have to say about Medicare For All. They're more concerned about their bottom line and their share holders than they are about myself or my children.

Not a slogan but a worldview that cares for humanity. Medicare works and so lets give it to everyone.

All of these are demonstrably wrong. And sorry, “a CEO” carries no water. You mea “someone with a vested financial stake in insurance companies continued exploitation of sick people”?

“You see, M4A could end my $100 million salary. It’s not a workable program. I mean, how am I going to summer if it’s implemented? My yachts don’t pay for themselves, ya know. Hehe. So yeah, Bernie sucks.”

'said a CEO'. And then asked; 'Where's my check?'

A refrigerator option would upend the ice industry and 'be terrible' for ice-makers and delivery men.

Longer wait time? How can it get any longer than the 3 months I've been waiting to just see my PCP? Care will get better, the wait times shorter, no fighting with ins to get life saving treatment, no deductibles or copays, everyone will be covered. Ins co's are the death panels.

Oh, okay, because a rich person whose taxes would go up to pay for M4A is a trustworthy source. How about we teach CEO's that no one gives a shit about their narcissistic, greedy, selfish worldview. We're taking their money and nothing they do can stop us.

I'm sure the CEO's are on the side of working people on this one. I mean, look how great things have been so far...

Corporate propagand

The ceo of the healthcare companies’ trade group is who should be listened to on this topic? The companies have fiduciary responsibility to shareholders, not to the healthcare and cost controls of the country’s 330 MM citizens. Why even post this?

He's right, it's not currently workable. We might need to make some changes.

I’m British, we have universal healthcare but you know it’s a huge tax withdrawn from EVERY paycheck from EVERY WORKER?

Individual making a fortune from system thinks changing system would be bad.

This is rich coming from a CEO who profits off of denying healthcare to sick people. Insurance company profiteering is morally indefensible so they try to use scare tactics to take the heat off. MedicareForAll now!

'It's not workable' says a health insurance CEO making huge profits by taking money from Americans and then *denying* them healthcare. Thanks but I'll take Bernie's Medicare For All that covers *everyone* for LESS $$$ by cutting out the CEO middleman.

I hope they take A. Ceo's sled away.

Can we have his email to send this? Thank you 😊

This is surely the strongest endorsement I’ve ever heard for M4A.

Are we really going to believe the lies of a health insurance CEO whose primary objective is to make money for shareholders, not provide healthcare? MedicareForAll will cost less & provide complete, comprehensive coverage for *every* person in America...

I'm sorry, but I'm going to take the position of people gouging us with a few thousand grains of salt.

Imagine This B$ while battling cancer! Dave's insurance assures him the visit is covered, then bills him $800+ He then deals with a dozen bureaucrats trying to sort out the bill, compounding costs for 10 min dr visit

😂🤣 I don't care what a wealthy CEO thinks about my health care.

There is no good reason for his company to exist and he belongs in prison.

“Government-run health care is not the answer. In fact, it'll make health care much more expensive. ... It creates 53 new government bureaucracies, adds hundreds of billions to our national debt, and raises taxes on job-creators.” -Republicans response to Obama on the ACA, 2009

'It's just not practical as a food' the chicken said, about Colonel Sanders' plan.

This is a flat out lie private healthcare insurance companies STOLE over a million dollars from me in the last 32 years, and now that I need it, it’s gone. They are corrupt and greedy. Period.🤦‍♂️

lol “Said a CEO”

People who make money off sick people say itd be bad if we stopped them shocking

asks insurance CEO to comment on a plan that destroys his golden goose? Next usatodayDC will ask a random Grand Dragon how they feel about the end of WhitePrivilege? quelle reportage! LOL

I never understood the higher taxes argument. Isn’t the money we pay through our paychecks, copays, prescription costs and of course the out of pocket costs because most major things aren’t covered 100% the same thing as paying higher taxes for universal health care?

Would the tax be more than the $800 monthly health insurance premium that I'm currently paying?

Oh look the corporate mouthpiece just got it's monthly round of funding from the pharma industry! Nevermind it taking a month for my mother in law who just had cancer to see a doctor let alone a specialist. And higher taxes but not paying my employer 30% of my paycheck? 🥰😍

wondering how care could possibly get worse, honestly.

Well if the top executive of the health insurance industry's largest trade group says its a bad idea then we better take him for his word...Are you kidding me USAToday? The American people aren’t fools and are tired of getting ripped off. MedicareForAll

7Anyone can give advice, but some people do so only in their own interest. 8Be careful when somebody offers you advice. Find out first what his interest in the matter is, because you can be sure that he is thinking primarily of himself.

Do you think he might have a dog in this fight?

What would one expect an insurance man to say?

How many millions of dollars had this trade group paid to Republican lobbyists, and to entertain Republican politicians, to vehemently oppose the Affordable are Act for at least a decade?

Democrats MEDICARE FOR ALL will DESTROY PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE so the only insurance will be is FED GOV INSURANCE (VA & MEDICAID) which the worse health insurance in the world!

Of course they say this. The insurance industry wants whatever ensures them the greatest bottom line. Health care isn’t their focus.

The health care system in Japan provides healthcare services, ... Hospitals, by law, must be run as non-profit and be managed by physicians.

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