May calls for mental health to be priority

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Theresa May calls for mental health to be priority

She wants teacher training to include lessons in identifying children who might have mental health problems and to address issues such as self-harm.

"It's particularly positive to see such priority given to young people's mental health - our recent work in schools has shown us the true scale of the need," said Mr Farmer. Last month she launched the findings of a review into university and further education college funding.


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Real shame she hasn’t been in a position to make this happen...oh wait


Too late for the Tories though...

Whilst 90 people a week die having been declared to work Some commit suicide What about their mental health ?

Where has she been?Pupil mental health IS identified There are no services left All cut Its called austerity Stop using this issue to look good If you really had the political will these services would be funded rather than our tax £ being siphoned off into ur cronies tax havens

Theresa who?

Too many children struggling with mental health with no specialist support available. Teachers trained in pedagogy. Taking up teaching as a profession demo’s desire to help children. It is not a sign of understanding psychiatry. Dumbing down of professionals across the board.

She caused most of it

Get a job

stop telling kids theres something wrong with them ffs


Yet PearsonEdexcel are allowed to mess with A Level maths students!

Bit late now isn’t it Theresa

May should call for ways to prevent mental health issues to begin in the first place. Like a housing crisis, benefit cuts, education cuts, increased exam pressures, high university fees, police cuts, NHS cuts, social services cuts,

That has been needed for years.

Why didn't the stupid woman address it whilst she was the PM then?!

BBCPolitics Let the next guy sort it I couldn't be arsed

Boys are born mad and become sane in middle age, Girls are born sane and go mad!

How she can call for anything is beyond me.

Many people are seriously killing themselves due to depression. So I give it thumbs up.

BBCPolitics I call for all health to be a priority

All talk the mental health system is very broken in fact it’s chaotic no beds no nurses in fact waiting for a bed and not having a clue where you will be sent does more harm with anxiety this bloody shitty excuse for a government are the ones causing mental health and suicides 😡

It's not teachers job they have enough as it is

Too late...

I may have misheard, but I think the form of words on R4 Today earlier was about children and young people 'failing to get the help they need'. How's that for appearing to locate the failure with the very C&YP who are desperate for help? The failure lies with this dreadful Govt.

The Mental health problems are with her & her government. Your forcing Disabled people to Prove to you. That they are Still Disabled every 2-4 years.Your a Joke & your government are. Do the right thing & Stop this. How can you do this to Vulnerable people in Britain. Disgrace

Sorry, who?

How about the mental health of 50sWomen who have had their SPs stolen? Are we not worth a mention ? Why are you all trying to brush TheGreatPensionRobbery under the carpet? 50sWomen Notgoingaway BackTo60 OneVoice WePaidInYouPayout

BBCPolitics Legacy, Legacy, Legacy i need a Legacy

Her and the Tory party are the cause of 80% of recent mental health problems.

BBCPolitics Strange how SPINELESS MAY suddenly cares. She has spent 3yrs in office and all she cared about was doing all she could to stop Brexit. The quicker the stupid woman becomes just a distant horrible memory the better. She will go down as Britain's worse PM ever.👹

Oh she didn’t prove that she is healthy......

This is so important, but I'm afraid it's too little, too late

Urgently view

BBCPolitics Funny how Theresa May is PM but completely irrelevant.

BBCPolitics words. if she means business bring an end to ATOS rule

I hope she gets all the help she needs.....

The NHS has its own mental health service children and young people, CAMHS (Child Adolescent and Mental Health Services). Not every trust has a CAMHS service. Broader phenomena such as pornography, hostility to ethnic minorities and homophobia affect childrens’ mental health.

The problem is not teachers spotting mental health issues. It's a lack of availability of specialist support services to help and waiting lists of up to 18 months and ridiculous thresholds for access to CAMHS.

BBCPolitics Funny how it was never a priority under her term as PM.

Whilst she has one foot out the door... 👀

BBCPolitics Quite right, when does she start treatment?

... After the tories have ruined the NHS

When she gets into power maybe she'll do something about it


BBCPolitics It’s amazing how TM can talk about important things for the nation when she forgets about Brexit. Revoke Article 50 and get back to how it used to be.

Bit fucking late now, isn't it. Horrible horrible person.

BBCPolitics Lame duck desperately tries to be relevant 🦆 GetOffTheStage

Ideas are good, but with dwp trying every underhanded trick to counteract these it’s 1 forward 2 back, public enquiry needed into dwp only then may we see not only the truth but actual visible results in a positive way. Good intentions are one thing but not if implemented!

Of course she does, she needs treatment.

Priority in what sense? Dealing with the affects of Tory government policy or causing more damage ..?

BBCPolitics It’s the only explanation for her actions!

BBCPolitics After years of supporting Tory cuts she wants to try to get a legacy other than by the far most ineffective rubish pm in history.


She was in charge and should have made mental health a priority from the start of her leadership instead of cutting funding.

Wow, she's caught on at last!!

What ever makes you mad Theresa.

May expressing any concern at all about mental health is almost as ludicrous and hypocritical as when war criminal Tony Bliar became a 'peace envoy' in the Middle East.....

BBCPolitics She probably should be, the first sign of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. If the Conservatives had not removed her we would be on the 5th vote on her withdrawal agreement by now, and again it would be lost.

A bit to late by May

British society women has given appreciate than men, and again opportunity are more challenge minority community, in Britain , British people are not socialize and shouldn't say Hi even your neighbours it's difficulty to say and open his face and heart either nervous mostly .

BBCPolitics Her own or the Natons?

BBCPolitics mentalhealth services in our area is horrendous. I have witnessed how vulnerable families are treated & how dangerous it is for opinions to be used as a diagnosis. mental health teams not being trained in MH knowledge & suicides by overdoses being ignored & not investigated.

BBCPolitics Mental health problems don’t get fixed easily, they aren’t a sprained thumb or a graze. Why is there such a huge problem? You won’t find the answer in the present because the research isn’t getting done due to PC. You need to look back.

BBCPolitics Why did t she do all this when she was gaffer

Start with hers

BBCPolitics May the lier.

BBCPolitics She feels guilty because she’s done nothing to help the country... just pull it apart further...


BBCPolitics Oh didn’t realise she was still about

BBCPolitics She should deal with her own mental health. She’s clearly got some lack of empathy problems amongst other issues.

BBCPolitics Bull.

BBCPolitics Mental Health and Climate Change. Still looking to rewrite her legacy thst currently stands as an abject failure.

Now she's no longer prime minister she chooses to advocate mental health support. Truly one of our worst prime minister's, and that's compared to a war criminal.

BBCPolitics She is worried by Boris J mental health ?

All sat looking at social media on mobile phones tells you everything. Maybe different priorities might improve mental health and well-being. Who knows anymore?

I call that too little too late. You done fucked it up! Eg Benefits, homelessness, nhs, police, shalll I go on

Fix the infrastructure before focusing on specific health issues. Otherwise robbing Peter to pay Paul.

we care about the mental health of young people but we're also going to screw up their future life chances with Brexit & climate change!!!

Bit late

If she's suddenly interested in Mental Health I can only assume her husband has invested in shares in a provider..

Good call PM!

Ignoring the obvious 'lip service'... I hate the term suicide prevention. Why should people live in pain? The focus should be on improving life not lengthening it.

Has she left No10 yet?

May calls mental health a priority yet her government made so many cuts to the nhs and to mental health care!

I remember Teresa May standing outside number 10 promising lots of things but achieving absolutely nothing in her 3 years. Time to retire and join the after dinner speaking circuit.

May doesn’t give a shit, the whole system doesn’t give a shit, too many high authority people think it’s just in your head and for people to just get over themselves.

Sorry, who is she? tryingForAnyLegacy

Well there's going to be plenty of cash to fund it, taken from the £350m/ week.. .. isn't there?

Bit late for her

Bit late now


I think it’s because she’s now going through one, now she knows how it feels.

greeneyedk8 Has she forgotten herself & her Government have been responsible for the worsening of peoples Mental Health through cuts left, right & centre Stupid cow

Too little too late!!!!!

Look at this photo everyone is looking at phone.its their life.

Theresa May has had her chance and is a miserable failure. She should go and fade quickly into history before she does anymore damage.

She can say whatever she wants now, she knows she won’t have to act on anything... no wait, nothing has changed !

YASS!!! May other countries follow suit, ASAP!!!!

Is she going to put in the resources to deal with it? - Thought not! This is a product of her and her governments making.. No job security, unable to stay afloat despite working. Benefit cut after benefit cut. Increasing university fees leading to hardship after graduating etc.

Starve them and make them homeless?

After her party have slashed the MH budget to the state it's now in? She's despicable.

Looking to get ahead of the next brexit vote?

You mean the absolutely no care in the community has not worked?

And next week something else will be a priority

Especially since PM May has recently been driving the British public nuts.

I agree. People in the UK clearly seems to have severe troubles...

Especially people who take drugs and drink excessively, provoking fights and uttering racist comments.

Shame she didn’t do something about it over her last period as PM.Its all a load of flummery.She had the power to make things happen but failed

I think knife and gun crime in London should be priority. I think 4 deaths this weekend is too much.

This is just madness

Wouldn’t that disqualify most of the Tory leadership?

A priority for this one?

This is the same woman who cut hundreds of millions from mental health services.. Vile horrible person

Right idea. Two years too late. A transparent last-minute attempt to create a legacy with no chance of succeeding...

Fuck me, she’ll be stopping the rollout of universal credit next!

Didn't she say that when she first became prime minister though? And fuck all has changed....

Especially among some of her Cabinet!

I take it, she is referring to the Tory party

Indeed it should always be.

She caused most of it with UC and cloth ears. An inhumane person.

The picture days it all, all of them of phones. Sorry but this mental health thing sounds a bit like I have no real friends only virtual friends and they don't like me so I have a problem

The audacity!!

Sounds like self-interest to me.

Bit late now, ‘int it theresa_may?

It's took her own party to back Boris Johnson for PM for her to recognise this countries mental health problems I smell a bit of Irony there.

For her ?

First patient....... Ur self! Twat

Does the narcissistic need for ‘legacy’ count as a mental health issue?

Ha ha May drove us all mad in the first place so yes the nation is going mad in a hand cart to the asylum - except they have all been taken away due to cuts.

Oh she’s so caring All this BS she’s spouting about environmental matters and mental health etc is only to save her from being known in the history books as the worst prime minister that this country has ever had

Thatcher took the kids milk .. May took the kids school dinners .. it's all a publicity stunt for Theresa May who is desperate to be remembered for something positive after her failed attempt of being a PM .. worstPMinUKmodernHISTORY

The MENTAL HEALTH of GOVT. BUREAUCRATS PEDDLING M e d i c a l CANNABIS C o n s p i r a c y THEORIES PEDDLING M e d i c a l CANNABIS Q u a c k e r y PEDDLING M e d i c a l CANNABIS D E N I A L

theresa_may Conservatives the DWP are a massive factor to mental health in the UK whats the saying Thats right Prevention is better than the cure itsyourdoing mentalhealth ConservativeParty youdonthaveaclue

So was Brexit & look what happened to that 🙈

Maybe she meant her own mental health

Bollocks now you do it.

I guess she decided the gin wasn't working anymore after the Brexit catastrophe. Now it's time for change only when she can relate.

Teresa May calls for sticking plaster to cover up the deep wounds she and her policies have inflicted. Clueless and crass.

Did she finally realize that she needs therapy and is now masking this fact by finally saying that her government while she was in office didn’t give $ to agencies that provided these services.


Best look in a mirror then Teresa

The M E N T A L H e a l t h of those w i t h i n G o v t. PEDDLING M e d i c a l CANNABIS D E N I A L

Great idea. lets start with Boris, then Rees-Mogg.

Is that some kind of sick joke, just as your leaving your responsibilities behind. If it was such a priority, why the hell didn't you try and address it when in power?

Doesn’t that need funding of some kind?

Pity she did fuck all about mental health, or the environment when she was PM. What other comic cuts is she going to come out with?

I received a letter on Friday saying I’m moving from DLA to PiP, over the weekend I self harmed twice and have been sick through fear as other people with my condition (cystic fibrosis) have gone from receiving higher to receiving nothing. This government causes mental health.

Bit late for caring soundbites ......

Hahaha after become party less person u could of make this happen when I was in the party

It’s a bit late in the day to be thinking about mental health when the Free Legal Aid& Advice for the poorest in society was dismantled in your first couple of weeks of your premiership These double standards will not be forgotten Are we better off with all the policies I say no

Hush now, go back to the shadows

Really - proper government should be the priority not snowflake health issues 🙄

Theresa mays mental health should have been a national priority 3 years ago

Bit late

Bit late, don't turn on the compassion now

Bit late!😡

Yeah starting with yours you old dinosaur

theresa may is buying a legacy with our money, dutiful my arse!

What priority ? more abhorrent lies ? there has been such savage cuts within Mental Health that our police have been holding mentally unwell patients in police custody for days as there is nowhere to take them as the Mental Health hospitals are either full or closed down. lies

This is very dishonest of her theresa_may commented at PM's questions last week that there is record level of spending in mental health services. They have been stripping services for years with austerity. People have no doubt commited suicide as they couldn't access help. WTF?

Imagine what she could have done if only she had acquired any power....

There are individuals suffering from NEAD a terrible excruciatingly debilitating condition and NO specialists for referrals nor psychotherapists to assist with symptoms unless you wait a year or more or pay privately. WRONG

Yup she definitely needs help !


This after meeting Trump?!

You’ve had years to make this a priority and now it’s too late... what should be a priority is finding a way to put an end to the knife crime RUINING our streets pretty much everyday .... that’s the priority I reckon

Why does she need treatment. All for herself.

This is defows FAKE NEWS 🙌

About time

A priority for what theresa_may PIps

Does she mean this for her successor if so... too late


Why is mental health suddenly a priority for theresa_may after spending her entire premiership decimating social care and mental health services? Bit late now. Absolutely insulting and shameful. Her legacy is one of failure, misery and needless death.

Children and teenagers mental health needs to be taken more seriously too.

You may find this article by Kevan James of interest and relevance:

Mental health patients unable to get an acute mental health bed, community mental health groups over stretched due to cuts of staff, waiting lists for one one therapy ranging anywhere for a 1-2 year wait. All created by the Tories. Disgraceful, this is too little too late.

The absolute audacity of this woman who continued to cut funding

She had the opportunity 2do that while in power, but she chose not 2. Why is it some1 else's responsibility b/c she failed?

She’s like a snake with 2 heads - calling for it to be a priority while cutting mental health services in real terms. This is insanity...!

Ha, better late than never. We all need it now that’s she’s driven us all bloody mad🤪

well theresa_may should have spent more time tackling the frauds & waste within & putting the millions invested in the sector to better use from the ground up instead of pockets of those who just steal the public taxpayers cash ?

Why didnt she make it a priority bint

Empty words.,,......

Trying to determine why so many children and young people hae mental health problems is even more of a priority

amazing how many start stating what is a priority when they had the power to make said issue a priority but never did.

I don't want to sound callas but I think she knows first hand....

Fcukin hell took her long enuff!!!!!!!!

How about starting with stipping 1000s volunteers working for NHS in mental health and paying them a reasonable wage.

Bit late now.

Like when sitting in opposition, telling government to spend more. Easy then.

It’s all talk. As someone that’s had to need mental health help - there isn’t any. It’s all just lip service. Passing you around from one place to the next. No one actually helps.

Oh now she cares

Pre-emptive strike to get BJ incarcerated, if not incinerated?

Sure, after you exposed your countrymen to the Trump Mentality virus !

'Her' mental health.

Theresa May calling for mental health to be a priority while leading a decade of cuts to health and social care is like a serial arsonist advocating we all get smoke alarms.

Funny how she's full of ideas now, but she didn't have a clue while she was actually in office. 🤔

O yes, look at the state of her party!

A little late for her to work that out

Well she needs to get good doctors!! She needs them!!🙄

Particularly in her own party I fear.

You’ve had two years as prime minister and Jeremy hunt as health secretary for six years now you care?

Can we stop with this last minute MY LEGACY nonsense? May shouldn't be proposing anything much now. She should just be clearing her desk.

PM hit her hard...she's changed

About time

Just several years too late!

Is this the new breakfast club?

Start with Boris Johnson, he's mad!

She’s right but is she still a thing?

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