Jessica Biel denies she's anti-vaccination

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Actress Jessica Biel is denying she's anti-vaccination after she lobbied with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. against a proposed bill in California that would tighten medical exemptions for vaccines.

Biel is known for her role in the television series"7th Heaven," which ran from 1996 to 2007. She went on to star in a number of other movies and TV shows, including USA's"The Sinner," which was recently renewed for a third season.

Valid medical reasons include when a child is undergoing chemotherapy, has a gelatin allergy or suffers from a severe immunodeficiency disorder, Governing magazine reports.


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It is the height of disrespect someone who questions the use of toxic adjuvants in vaccines as 'anti-vaccine'. As RFK Jr. calls it-- we want to 'Green the vaccine'

Walk it back, sister; walk it back.

She doesn't want anyone to ask if she vaccinated her son. What do you bet she did, and this is just theoretical?

Double plus good

I'll take dumb things Jessica Biel said last week for $1000. M A G A POWER!💪👥😂

I am only against it when people are voting on it, not when fans may stop being my fans....

She didn’t say she was anti vaxx. She said she is for parental choice. Before any further statements education on the facts about vaccines needs to come out of the closet. Doctors live your creed and stop the greed. “DO NO HARM”

Ohhhh no take backs. She's hemorrhaging support. She's desperate to save her show. NoSympathy

Shes walking sexy back

This ant vaccine movement is dangerous and supported by any legit research, just stop JessicaBiel

Why do people seem to forget they were RECORDED when they said such garbage? Roll tape...

Is she saying that she is not anti-vaccination, but she supports it? I think she has a future in politics! 😉

No one gives a fuck

This is why my opinions are never based on what any celebrity says. They live in a bubble where image is the only important thing.

Damage control much Jess? It isn’t gonna work. Here’s a live look at her agent.

Breaking news Tom Hanks denies he's an actor

You can deny it, but we saw what you did and who you did it with. So it’s kinda hard to believe you.

Lol these pathetic waffles change their minds any time the get bad press

Her agent probably went ballistic and is doing damage control.

Everyone has the medical rights to not vaccinate; the greater public has the right to be safe in public and in our children’s schools. Educate your children at home and no public parks and etc. sorry../

There are people who will take her advice over the science or medical community. I am all for free speech but unless you are actually a doctor or you are a certified medical researcher, keep your ‘advice’ to yourself.

Can’t have it both ways honey.

I'm antivaccintion: i think ALL, EVERY, vaccination should be prohibited, outlawed. No exceptions. Get over yourselves and stop hassling this woman over something stupid.

Flip-flop know nothing Democratic actress

And yet there she sat with Kennedy for the photo op.

Who’s she? When was she elected? Why should we care?

Well which is it?

Let’s see, why should I care what JessicaBiel or RobertKennedy say? She’s a so-so actor and he’s certifiable.

Sorry JT, the really hot ones r fucking crazy

Emotional confusion meets uneducated response. Foolishness.

Hey jessicabeilL if you support vaccine use why not get out of this mess and use your celebrity for good and focus on a real threat like who’s sitting in the Oval Office or at the golf club and making change that will protect future generations. ImpeachDonaldTrumpNOW antivaxx

Perhaps, folks, not every, single issue is so black and white that a number of solutions or nuanced views that could lead to better solutions. But I guess perpetual outrage, name-calling and moral superiority is too fun to pass up?

Pulling a Trump?

Backtracking after the negative responses to her first statement.

Boo !

Pro-Freedom does not mean one can make a personal choice that puts thousands of others at risk of illness or death. Unfortunately, stupid people make stupid choices. Hence, legislation must be passed. Unless Biel graduated Medical School, she probably should shut her pie-hole.

Just pro preventable child death

Sounds like she should hire Sarah Sander as her new PressSec

Do Ms. Biel’s opinions really matter? Come on people!

but no educated medical decision leads to not having your children vaccinated.

People are ignorant and uneducated. All she is advocating is a parents right to choose whatever poisons they deem necessary to put into their child’s veins. No pharmaceutical or governmental agency has the right to force it upon you.

. Jessica....... Stick to acting, you're good at that. Your political opinions lack good judgement and make you look foolish Kennedy is very ignorant. .

Honestly....the propensity of American media to make what ceelbutantes say about anything other than their celebrity of any import is well beyond me. What are her credential again? right....none.

She can deny it all she wants, but the company she keeps says she can't put the toothpaste back in that tube. She's an antivaxxer.

Need to mute JessicaBiel name and words because I’ve lost count how many times the child intern running twitter has repeatedly tweeted this false narrative that gives voice to anti vaxxers.


Then she should keep her nose out of the issue.

I support not taking medical advice from an actress.

The problem is that they are NOT educated decisions. These people are grasping for answers, and regretfully will grasp at anything. The people who are in the know have stated the facts, you must be mature enough to release it!!!

Ummm ok.

I have an example of vaccination an employee at a famous hospital walked in infected with chickenpox because of a vaccination mixup! People in isolation, etc compromise because of the “mixup”😳

It would be nice if the headline explained that anti-vaxxer lunatics always deny that they’re opposed to vaccines.


Nobody cares what this fake woman thinks

JessicaBiel is one of these two Very, very deceitful Very, very ignorant

She’s anti vaccination

JessicaBiel is pro-American freedom. I get that!

Freedom is a tough concept to control freaks

When Hollywood Elite to take up a Cause yet fail to make sure it's a good cause or a very personal cause. 😕

Sorry, Jessica. You are either for vaccination or against it. You can't split the difference. Mass Vaccination doesn't allow for shirking.

Anyone taking vaccination advice from Hollywood celebrities and washed up politicians should have their children taken away from them.

She can't have her cake & eat it too. She supports an anti-vaxxer.

Who cares?why not do a story on the rest of that crap hole state she works in Crapafornia? you know the one they are bringing back eradicated diseases in filled with homeless and illegals?people care more about the brand of TP they use at burgerking then what some star thinks

Who really cares what this woman is for or against? It’s her business.

Ok... what's wrong here...?

Maybe just pro-freedom like more people should be.


Good for YOU!

damagecontrol 😂

I'm boycotting EVERYTHING she is involved with.

Being anti-vaccine and being for people's right to choose to decline vaccines are a bit different. That being said, 'families having the right to make educated medical decisions' means making the decision to CHOOSE vaccination. Otherwise, they've been miseducated.

Please done be a realDonaldTrump Just admit what you did and apologize. Most of us will forgive and move on!

Doesn’t matter, damage is done believescience

Why is the millennial twitter intern retweeting this every hour on the hour? Stop. And she is anti vaxx.

Is jtimberlake retarded too?

Please tell me she’s not stupid enough to support putting the lives of babies, the elderly & people with compromised immune systems (chemo patients, those w/autoimmune diseases, HIV, etc.) at risk & she’s not ignorant enough to believe a long-debunked fake research conclusion!

I'll refuse to watch anything C list thing she is associated with from here on out!

If you are fighting for uneducated parents deciding whether or not their child should have life saving vaccinations you are anti-vaccination.

Celebrities need to keep their political views and comments to themselves. Just entertain us, that's what you are paid to do. Most of them are out of touch with the real world and no one really cares what they think.

George Washington 🇺🇸, John Adams 🇺🇸, and James Madison 🇺🇸 advocated for the contemporary understanding of vaccines...over 200 years ago. POTUS

Problem is, when you actively campaign *against* something that will save lives, you kind of come across as 'anti-' that thing...

She related to Trump?

Too late Jessica! Way too late!


Siding with doctors does not make you anti-vaxx. Read the actual bill.


Diversity of thought is forbidden among liberal communities.

Can't have it both ways really. My son and I both had whooping cough even though both of us had been vaccinated. And it SUCKED.

Get lost skinny beach

OK, that's it... I'm popping in A-Team movie again. JessicaBiel was really good in that film as was everyone else. Too bad we never got a sequel. That tank scene alone was worth the price of admission.

Open mouth.....insert foot. EpicFail

You are killing others.

I don’t care if she is for or against vaccinations ... as long as she vaccinates her kids.

Enough backlash can change a person's position very fast.

She’s done. Sorry.

Nope. Too little too late.

The problem is that if people choose not to get their children vaccinated they weaken herd immunity and put others at risk too.

Your actions speak louder than your words.

Pro-freedom does not mean anti-vax

Gutless. Risky. Irresponsible.

Nah, she still wants a job.


You cant trust these people they will sell you a dream

Yea no coming back from that Jessica.

Sorry, Jessica, damage is done. You did the photo/press op with the leading anti-vaccine looney.

MalcolmNance does one also support others getting ill from her stance

At first glance, I thought she was anti-wax, then I realized no wonder her skin is so smooth. ( Does she shave all the time?)

patrici63197924 FLIP FLOP FLIP FLOP... oh wait another Liberal

She literally said 'I AM PRO MEDICAL CHOICE' which means just that. People are ignorant when someone has a different opinion than they do. I'm thankful for people like JessicaBiel stay woke.

I don't know about any of you, but I don't consider Jessica Biel's word the gospel through which I live by even though I did enjoy her in the A-Team movie.

Families should not have the right to make subjective, uneducated, uninformed decisions that could affect others. Parents do not automatically know what is best for their kids, many of them are fucking clueless about what's best for themselves. Being a parent isn't a super power.

Why are we still listening to the Kennedys?

There’s a difference between being anti-vaccination, and being anti-granting the government the power to force chemicals into your body. Right now it’s vaccinations, but we could end up with another obama, and they be forcing us to inject ethylene glycol into our veins.

Here's the only 'educated' decision - VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN.


Well she got severe push back that she was wacko

Vaccinate your kids. THE END

Yeah right.

Except Biel's lying and you, are repeating her publicist's false talking points. The bill she's lobbying against wouldn't 'tighten medical exemptions'. It would merely prevent doctors from granting false exemptions in return for say....a bribe from a wealthy celebrity.

Birds of a feather .....

You can be both pro-vaccination and also support parental rights and medical freedom.

MalcolmNance AKA Career ruined.

Guyuuuurrrrrrlllll she is Anti ...

I don’t oppose seatbelts. Just state laws that try to keep people safe by making them wear seatbelts. 😑

When '...I also support families having the right to make educated medical decisions...' means they can make a decision to not vaccinate without a scientific medical reason, she's anti-vaccination, no matter what she claims.


MalcolmNance Why should anyone care what an actor has to say about anything

Stop giving people press on things they know nothing about because they are pretty!

MalcolmNance Ok that’s it... I will boycott her movies and won’t buy her husband Justin’s cassettes 🤷‍♂️

MalcolmNance Great rack!!!

MalcolmNance Yes, because she’s not.

What kind of potatoes are you eating?

MalcolmNance Flip the Nitrous switch.... Full speed ahead - Damage Control! No, no... I’m a fence sitter. It’s not the same. Bwahahahaaa 😂😂😂. . Educated decision ? Pulease.... There’s nothing educated about being anti vaccination.

If she was who cares. Go get your vaccine and shut up. If you come in contact with an unvaccinated person you're good you're vaccinated

Bags were affected lmao

MalcolmNance I want more immunologists getting tv time with their pointers on acting!

This is like asking a plumber if you should invest in particular stock

I'm in Ireland and even I know she's against the provision forcing kids who can medically be exempt get vaccines on medical grounds. Shes Pro vaccine. Anti provision.

JessicaBiel 👍

Boycotting everything she is involved in. Anti-vaxxers don't need encouragement. They need to be condemned and shamed. This is a global crisis now when it was almost extinct 20 years ago. So she can STFU and keep her total s******* OPINIONS to herself.

Why do actors think everybody want to hear their opinions?

Hmmm. 🤔

Let's publicaly shame her! Good job ....hopefully you taught her how the 'unbiased' press works.

Then she really doesn't understand how vaccines work.

I’m not an anti-vaxer, I just play one in real life

I call B.S. she is an anti vaxxer she just doesn’t want the backlash

Oh oh. Bad press. No movie roles. Step it back. NOTHING will help the damage she caused in just one day. Showing her kid’s immunization records is the only way to save face here. PS IF YOU ARE A PUBLIC FIGURE, you have a responsibility.

So she’s aligning herself with anti-vaxxers in order to fight for a right that already exists and is in no danger of being changed (children with certain medical needs being exempt from vaccination laws) because . . . she’s a genius?

thats not an educated decision!

she literally said medical exemptions, which re opens the door for anti vaccers

She’s exactly right. She’s not against vaccination. she’s against the government deciding what’s best for other people’s children.

What a cop out...

brain should be used before giving shitty statements, period

Very brave of her! With the slander she is taking on, she must actually believe in her position. And the son of RFK? Again, why in the world would he speak out on things such as this if he didn’t believe it? To be abused by corporate media?

Well if that’s not a click-baity pic IDK what is


And....where did she go to Medical School again?

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