California lawmakers agree to health benefits for immigrants

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California will become the first state to pay for some adults living in the country illegally to have full health benefits.

California will become the first state to pay for some adults living in the country illegally to have full health benefits as the solidly liberal bastion continues to resist the policies of Republican President Donald Trump's administration.

"California believes that health is a fundamental right," said state Sen. Holly Mitchell, a Los Angeles Democrat who led the budget negotiations. Republicans on the legislative committee negotiating the budget voted against the proposal, arguing it was not fair to give health benefits to people who are in the country illegally while taxing people who are here legally for not purchasing health insurance.

Newsom did not get everything he wanted in the deal. Advocates say more than 1 million people in California don't have access to safe drinking water. Newsom had proposed a 95-cent tax on most residential water bills as well as fees on dairies, animal farms and fertilizer sellers, to help water districts pay for improvements and boost supplies. Lawmakers rejected the tax, arguing it was too burdensome in a year when the state is projected to have a $21.


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And how many Americans do not have health care?

while our compassion is unlimited our resources are not and this action incentivizes a behavior to enter illegally which is a disservice to new arrivals who respected the law. it is also a disservice to the citizens who will assume the burden of the cost.

California chose ILLEGAL immigrants over American citizens living in the streets. No wonder ppl are leaving Cali. californiaisliberalparadise legalimmigration

What a disgrace not how about the 56,000 AMERICANS THAT R HOMELESS IN LA. WHAT A JOKE

California's FAILURE to care for its OWN first is going to destroy the state. 😠

If you are not going to provide free insurance to all state US citizens then you have no business offering to those that are not.


The only question I have is WHY? We can’t even take care of our own American citizens let alone immigrants who crossed the border illegally.

Why does ANYONE live in California? Really? This means people will be leaving that state in droves


What about health benefits for our vets?!

That's bull...what about the true American that's born and raised here in the USA worked and paid his way all his life and now unemployed...who will pay for him for medical coverage But you will pay a nobody from another country there medical bull..That's bull !!!

Aren’t they already broke and full of homeless citizens? Liberals are at it again 😂


$1100 monthly premium, $4250 deductible, 40% co insurance. Went for my annual check up, which yes, is “covered” as long as I don’t ask ANY questions or have ANY concerns. Save for kids college this year or pay for DR visits I’m too scared to make? 🤔Thanks USA for the support.

Thanks Kamala

Disgusting! They forget about their American Californians!

And this stuff is the exact reason I don't live in...

Let me guess. They will request more funding from Trump. It’ll get denied. They’ll cry again. And Democrats will steal it from someone else.

Full healthcare for *illegal immigrants

While we born here worked here 40yrs or more pay so much for heath care !!not right or fair at all !!!!

It’s amazing that anyone in their right mind would even consider living in that joke of a state. $213 billion of taxpayer money to subsidize ILLEGALS and yet over 10,000 homeless vets struggle every day in California. Please, cede into the ocean and spare us.

excellent! Let's take care of illegals, screw the local homeless

Easy to spend other people’s money! Raise taxes!

Hell, I’m going to purchase a counterfeit Mexican birth certificate for myself and move to California for that free insurance then. I’ll be a Mexican citizen and a new illegal in the US! “No hablo ingles, señor”.

What about our own citizens you bunch of liberal A Holes

I don't have a problem with that, as long as everyone else in California receive full healthcare; Or, at least, bill the country of origin of the immigrants. Otherwise, it will not be fair.

More free handouts for illegals

What about California taxpayers?

Effin insanity

Super stoked this is where my tax dollars go

So glad Congress took away their state tax write-off

This is wrong.

Good news Californians they can now dig a bit deeper in your wallets. Good on you for being such suckers.


CA liberals. When you move out of your failed state please leave your failed political ideology there.

the amount of ppl in this thread bitching about one state giving their fellow human beings medical care is truly fucking disgusting. u would rather have someone die from lack of care, bc they’re undocumented? get fucked all of you, especially the ones i told to cry about it lol

Ya this might be pushing it.

How About the working class poor legal citizens? California is on some type of super sympathy crusade to help illegals when there are so many more deserving citizens who need health care. That's why I don't vote democratic.

The ironic thing is that I bet they all get full vaccinations.

Crazy !!!


I’m glad I left California.

Fu k you, California lawmakers! Crimes Against Humanity😡😡😡😡. 🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅. MAGA

Absolutely pathetic. Its the liberal mainstream media machine that promotes it along side the leftwind nuts known as the democratic party

THIS is BernieSanders' 'MedicareForAll' in action!

Your population is going to increase immensely, with non-taxpaying ppl!

To save one, is to save all.

Starting 2 think GavinNewsom is in a partnership w/ the human traffickers, rapist, killers and drug cartels on our southern border while the homeless are dying on his streets! What a scumbag! ImpeachNewsome

Isn’t this a common practice? I’ve got the impression many undocumented immigrants have already health benefits under Medicaid, Obamacare. It’s a real question.

While they ignore the poor in their state. Do these inept politicians understand that America see's their mess with homelessness and drug use in their major cities and they refuse to help these people at the expense of 'illegals'?

I’m going to denounce my citizenship and move to Cali for welfare, food stamps, free housing, free healthcare, and coming college!

I have nothing against immigrates, but they should pay their own way

I am glad I am not a California taxpayer but I do feel badly for the homeless sidewalk poopers in San Fran.

All legals Cali or bust , its all free.

What about our vets our legals?

I believe you should be a citizen first , then your health benefits..!

Congrats to California for pissing away taxpayer money. Anyone been to CA lately and seen the number of homeless there? And this is what they focus on?!?!?!

Ridiculous. Gavin has been bought or involved with a Latino. He is not above that. He should be held accountable for the 60 Million Homeless. He is already In trouble with his overspending and now in trouble his hi speed train. This is a mess and he should be investigated

And yet, I’m 57, and still can’t afford Health Insurance.... so I do without, while the illegals get it for FREE.... SHAME ON YOU !!!! Only in America !!!!!

WHY!? We have plenty of Americans that need help...but California is going to ignore them to help illegal immigrants? What about the 120,000 plus homeless ppl CA currently has living on the streets? O wait... they're American citizens so they're not does that work

That is smart money management from our elected officials. Why won’t someone enter the country illegally.

Wait a minute!! Now I am all for helping but nooo! Working people deserve the same! Make them pay just like we all pay!!

California will become the first state to declare that illegal immigrants come before American citizens. DISGRACEFUL!!!

Can we give California back?

As a Texans we are being over taken by both illegals and Californians try to escape their ridiculous laws & taxes this is BS! Keep your asses out of my state TEXAS IS CLOSED!

Communist state of California.....

Wow unbelievable! My health insurance premium is more than my house payment. So I really can’t afford to use it on anything major. Can’t pay premium and deductive!! This is why our insurance is out of control! Feeling very frustrated!!!!

California will go bankrupt

The logic is seriously broken here, people are so brainwashed that rather than get angry and ask 'why not me?' they get angry and demand 'not them!' , these people are not being given a free pass, they are being given access to health insurance that they will help pay for.

If your too poor to get health insurance your screwed. Get back in that slave shop and work so we can take your taxes and pay for people who aren't even Americans. How Embarrassing

That's Kool..Now immigrants will have a great place to call home . .now...we can put them on train at the Mexican Border . ..send them California . ..ain't California home of Democrats ? ...problem solved Washington ☺

Notice it was the LAWMAKERS that decided we as U.S. citizens should pay for illegals to stay here in California. Legal taxpayers weren't given a choice in the matter. How screwed up is California laws!!!! I DON'T SUPPORT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!!!!

But the homeless in tents are just fine. What a f“ked up state.

What about their homeless population they currently have?


So do I need to go to Canada or across the pond to treat my issues, or should I just not treat and wait for the inevitable.

Yet we ignore our own homeless and those who cant afford health benefits.

This is great, I guess. I’m on the fence about this since i myself can’t afford my own health issues. I am on Medicare, I struggle to find doctors who take my insurance, the procedures and diagnostic tests I need are constantly not being approved by Medicare.

I hope black Democrat Voters see this !!

What about the homeless CITIZENS living in their state now?

And I can’t retire after working 44yrs. Does this make sense ?

If there was any doubt who the Liberal/ Dems value - doubt no more! Their disdain for the US citizens is for all to see.

And this is EXACTLY the reason we are being invaded by Central America. Stop giving them free stuff !!!! AMERICANS FIRST!!!

The Libs in California are so naive, gullible and dangerously stupid, that laws should be passed to avoid these Clowns from destroying America!!!

Take care of your homeless on skid row first.

Reward the illegal with tax $ from the legal.

The democrat/California way - law breaking, job stealing foreigners over American citizens and at the expense of American citizens. It doesn't get more despicable than that.

Reason number 6,281 not to live in the socialist state known as California.

This is why trump will win again.

This is terrible, tax those who don't have insurance to give it to illegal immigrants. I strongly oppose this measure, hope it gets rejected.

The only thing illegal immigrants should get in this country for free is their next appointment date to process their immigration application ✅

What about the homeless that are US citizens?

This is disgraceful. I am disgusted by the fact that illegals are being treated better than American citizens.

Outrageous and a slap in the face to the American people KamalaHarris SpeakerPelosi RepAdamSchiff RepMaxineWaters DianneFeinstein DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica

If we give them a chance to work, I am sure they will pay into the system.

I disagree with this. I am a Democrat but I don’t want my tax dollars paying for health care for illegal immigrants. Become a legal citizen and if you need a hand up (not hand out) then fine.

They need to get Americans off the STREETS 1ST. IT'S CALLED HOMELESS SHAKING MY HEAD WhatTheFuck

Screwing the taxpayers again.

Don’t worry about homeless Americans,Vets! They will be alright, got to take care of the illegals! Calf is one screwed up state!

So they don’t want Trump sending them in to sanctuary cities, they just want to entice them instead.

That is so wrong when we have Americans that can't afford health care and going without!!

Not okay.

Socialism is a great idea until you run out of other people’s money

So Immigrants who came in legally don't receive free healthcare but those who broke the law do Insanity.

While vets who were willing to die for this country live on the street. You ought to be ashamed, California.

People in other states see leftist former residents of CA come to their state fleeing the taxes of CA yet bringing this culture of irresponsible big government in their voting behavior. Sorry to you ID, CO, AZ and UT!

Give California back to Mexico.

Unlike the majority of respondents on this thread, I actually read the article. Ignorance & stupidity are the New America. They're only providing it for low-income, working adults ages 18-25. Above, I see comments letting me know that 'I'm with Stupid' on a daily basis.

They aren’t citizens and should not have the same rights to health care as hard working Americans. This is wrong and no I’m not a Trump supporter.

CAgovernor . Well when California burns again and it will, they just might not get Federal aid. Explain that to your Taxpayers.

This is insane. We don’t even house our homeless.

Complete Bullshit. I'm self employed and pay $980 a month for my health insurance. Can't go without because I'm type 1 Diabetic and my insulin alone is $700 a month. Otherwise very healthy - but if I was an illegal I'd get it all for FREE

I’m sure there are many immigrants who came here the legal way that need healthcare and don’t have it. So Newsome gives illegals a reward for screwing our system. I’m sorry but that’s so messed up.

All but the Natives are Immigrants, say whatever you want it FACTS, help immigrants they are humans like you!!God Bless the State of California..

Your headline is entirely wrong. It isn't 'California.' It is 'tax payers,' as they clearly state. Funds used will be from state & federal taxes.

What?!?!? What about all of the LEGAL citizens who have worked and paid taxes their WHOLE working lives? Do they get anything? 🤔

OK how? This is why we Democrats are giving up on the party. You can't give away the store. You can't allow something for nothing. You can't just give give give. I believe in a helping hand but not handouts. Get National Health so every American can have health insurance

SMH And the Democrats think this will help win in 2020. Ridiculous! MAGA

California is creating the movie 'Escape from New York' being Criminals are going to be voting soon, the infrastructure is collapsing, and illegals have more health care than citizens

This will open the illegal floodgates even more

Cali can do what it wants just make sure it's not supporting this initiative with Federal money.

Yes! 158 million people want to move to the U.S., and we need to pay FULL health care and benefits for ALL of them! The future is GLOBAL 🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳

Free health care for illegal aliens, paid for by taxpayers, but U. S Citizens living on the streets get nothing. The logic of this is mind-boggling. Someone should tell the Dem leaders that homeless people can vote too.

👎 don't like this!!!

AnnCoulter Totally wrong down right criminal

They can’t take care of the homeless people but they want to give illegally free health care please America first

What a shitty headline. Way to set off the nutbars.

And where does California get money to pay for these benefits? From Californians. Bend over, guys.

One step closer to armageddon in California.

CalExit leave the union!! They are no longer working for the best interest of its legal citizens cut federal funding and cut ties. ByeCali

California is so stupid. Disease outbreaks like Typhus, fecal maps in it's most famous city, high homelessness, failing schools etc. Instead of focusing on Californians our politicians are giving billions to non citizens which contribute to the above.

California is such a shitty state just hope the people in California don’t come to Seattle u voted for this mess stay there and deal with it


This is what Democrats want for America. They are doing nothing to help homeless Americans and everything to help their future voting base. Californians are paying for illegals,not California.

California is bankrupt... this is going to impact us legal residents of California who work and file federal and state income taxes this kind of legislation forced law abiding citizens to learn how to be an illegal and dodge the system.

AnnCoulter That's all kind of WRONG....what Americans


Yay, my tax dollars for people who can’t follow the law. Come to America fine but do it legally. Only California, my home state, would come up with this shit.

Illegal is not a race... is against the law! Lock them up!

AnnCoulter Pass it on tell every illegal immigrant to head West. Then the US needs to drop CA. Take a star off the flag!!

Sad! There are American citizens who can’t even get basic health care. Thanks to California for ur betrayal.....

AnnCoulter What a bunch of losers in Sacramento!

Of course they are 🙄

Just when you think California couldn't get any worse....

When is California leaving the union?

AnnCoulter Venezuela, here we come!

California, going from bad to worse.

Un UNF”””kin real. Thanks to dems

Well isn’t that special. All federal funds should be suspended for that state (if they can afford benefits for illegals, they don’t need my tax money).

What? This is a disgrace when this country has retired persons and military personnel who are LEGAL citizens unable to afford healthcare to offer this to illegals? 🤦‍♀️🥺

This shows we are human although it is expensive ... separating children from parents is inhuman. Trump is inhuman

AnnCoulter And if the tax payers of California don't protest this abortion of tax payer funds for such foolishness....then they deserve to be ripped off!!!


AnnCoulter Fing ridiculous

I'm an American Citizen, served our Country

Well that’s utter and complete bullshit. Thank god I don’t live in California. Suckers.


That's not right. As an American I work my ass off and get little help from the govt. Illegals should get nothing until they get their citizenship - the legal way.

In a state that can’t afford books for its public schools.


Instead, pay the lower income Legal people or law enforcementpeople, or fire fighters, or someone who deserves the free stuff

PatriotPretty *California residents*

Well that’s lovely. Why in heavens name would we do a thing like that? What about our own people. Cali can’t be that stupid

AnnCoulter Cut all federal funding to the state. There’s no reason for the rest of the country to pay for their “generosity”. Is this an indication of voter fraud?

It’s a slap in the face for all of the LEGAL immigrants. Consider this. You must REGISTER in some way to get the benefits. Then, that registry list is handed over to ICE and they deport people because they know where they are. Sounds good to me!

$98 million per year for about 90,000 illegal immigrants between ages 19-25 to receive health insurance. What about the 50,000 homeless in LA?

Hmmmm, I don’t think I like this. Need to take care of citizens on healthcare coverage first

What bull crap!

I hope the state of California is paying for this to happen and not the rest of the country.

AnnCoulter 49

AnnCoulter How proud they must be. Meanwhile its actual taxpayers (you know, the citizens who dutifully pay the bills?) will continue to flee for Arizona, Colorado, and Texas. Well played.

AnnCoulter Time for the U.S. to go back to 48 states

this is so stupid

'California' will not be doing the paying. The workers of California will be doing the paying.

Literal fault line..

And this is the reason why California is a failed State. Piss poor leadership. Does anyone remember when Governor Brown was begging for money because of all the dams busting because they spent the money on illegal immigrants? stupidity has no boundaries there

Define some

Just wow.

“Some” lol.


We need regime change in California... the current party has failed us 👊🏼

Where are you going to get the money

AnnCoulter Time for a new Governor. This time don’t choose a Pelosi Relative or a Cartel Puppet. What’s happened to the voters of California? What have you got to lose? Vote republican for a few elections. Load the government up with republicans and see what happens. No more Moonbeams!

As long as California pays for it I’m working on my own without handout

Californians will pay. Californians will go without healthcare so criminal illegals can. The TheDemocrats are fully gone mad in CA. It does not end well there...

This is exactly why they’re going bankrupt. Soon, they will ask the federal government for funding and all of us will be paying for the illegals. If they can help the illegals, why can’t they help the homeless vets? You people are the lowest slime in life.

'CALIFORNIA TAX PAYERS WILL BE FORCED TO pay for some adults living in the country illegally to have full health benefits.' FIFY

Yeah becauses taxes arent high enough in cali. The United States gives away Billions in foreign aid so they can live in their own country.

You spelled California's tax payers wrong

CA believes health care is a human right. With this bill, now ALL low-income adults between the ages of 19 and 25 living in California, including those living here illegally, eligible CA’s Medicaid program, the joint state & fed health insurance program for the poor & disabled.❤️

STOP ALL FUNDING TO CALIFORNIA POTUS realDonaldTrump!! No reason the rest of the country should have to FUND ANYTHING FOR ILLEGAL INVADERS‼️ HouseGOP SenateGOP WhiteHouse GOPLeader senatemajldr


So glad to see Fed tax dollars going towards illegal activity. Yeah, some of $$ they are getting from the feds

California is a joke.

Really? California is going to pay for this? That's great! How generous. How magnanimous. Oh, wait. 'California' doesn't actually have any money of its own. It must take money from its citizens. Hmmm. It's not generosity when you use someone else's money.

no!!! I’m struggling to pay for medical bills and I’m a citizen

As long as they don't take federal funding.

AnnCoulter Because we they all that extra money in California

AnnCoulter You Californians going to pay out of your own pockets or do taxpayers have to foot the bill .I an many health care paying Americans need stem cell therapy for our knees, they won't pay! we have to pay $8000 on our own! (And you give free health care to non citizens?)Is that Fair?

No wonder their taxes are so high !! Traitors to real Americans

And they have the largest homeless population .... of actually citizens 🤔

Someone has lost their mind.

CA believes health care is a human right. The bill makes ALL low-income adults between the ages of 19 and 25 living in California, including those living here illegally, eligible CA’s Medicaid program, the joint state & fed health insurance program for the poor & disabled.❤️

AnnCoulter SUCH BS

Time to move. All the hard working will leave, good luck California you will need it.

AnnCoulter Good they should all go to Cali then.

AnnCoulter Good luck with that. Attention: California will be on sale at bottom dollar liquidation prices in the not too distant future.


Rotting Trash Piles Sky-High in LA, Attracting Rats and Raising Concerns of a New Epidemic via nbcla

Just be done with it and break the state.

'Fucking California' John McClane, 1988

So California is shithole who steals tax dollars of hard working legal citizens and gives it to ILLEGALS. What a way to keep the homeless off the street, not! California sucks for our entire country

Children need health care.

AnnCoulter WTF would the people allow their hard earned tax money go to help people that broke our laws. These ILLEGALS need to get the boot. They are a burden nothing more!

It's also has a outbreak of Typhus in LA

Wate a mine you have homeless American with no insurance.

This is why i support California's opinion to not matter in any federal elections. Simple solution

Wow.....if Texas did this it would really tick me off.....I’m 61yrs and can’t afford the stupid Obamacare!!!!

I’m pretty left of center on most things but this is bullshit

AnnCoulter CA STATE TAX 13% SOON TO BE 26%

Great propaganda to have more illegal immigrant in the USA ...

AnnCoulter That's pretty ironic since there are millions of Americans that doesn't have health coverage and is sleeping on the street. I guess America knows where their loyalty is. But those of us that has been paying attention already new that.

Who pays for free ! What abt homeless vets and citizens of this country first ! Illegal immigration is a crime .

RealDLHughley This is some Bull... Gas $4/gal. Sales tax 9.25%. The rent is too damn high. Raise tax to give teachers a pay raise. Raise taxes to fix the roads. Every problem is solved by raising taxes on citizens!

So, they’re taxing the citizens who already can’t afford insurance, to pay for insurance for people here illegally. I see issues in court on the horizon.

AnnCoulter What’s changed? Several years ago we had Mexican citizen in our local hospital and his bill was over one million dollars. Granted, that would not be the bill after insurance negotiated. I though a really well equipped ambulance to a Mexican hospital would be appropriate.

Wow! I say to all of the LEGAL US citizens, RUN! Leave California, because your already high taxes are about to skyrocket!!!!


And then let them vote. You didn’t believe this was for humanitarian reasons, did you?

I am a Democrat and I’m all for helping people but California has thousands and thousands of homeless people who need help, why in the hell are they giving money to illegal immigrants?

While the poor on their streets are not? This is the worse of what 'politics' now stands for. Its divided America and that has spilled over to abortion and LGBT rights. America's attitude is changing, they now realize that the Democrats have put illegals before our own poor..

Stay there then!

AnnCoulter Absolutely insane!

AnnCoulter Fools! California is fraught with fools! They support illegal invaders that disregard our laws-their contributions are crime, poverty, disease, drugs. They deserve what they are getting, a 3rd world state.

Now even more taxpayers will leave Cal.

RealDLHughley What do the legal citizens get

Move as soon as u can from California.

No!!!!!! We have people who are citizens without healthcare who can’t afford it. Not FAIR to the US LEGAL CITIZENS!!!!!

AnnCoulter Is that all FREE STUFF from Epic Haven for ILLEGALS? CALIFORNIA has turned into 3rd WORLD Cesspool so hardly surprised. larryelder IngrahamAngle

Of course California would. Gotta keep those illegal democrat voters going to the polls.

good luck California

No. Just no. Immigrants are fine, we all are. But come in legally if you want to benefit from this country.

AnnCoulter How can California vote for federal government spending on illegal aliens? The federal govt should refuse to pay its half. It’s certainly not legal on the federal level.

California citizens to their government right now

Good luck California more immigrants will be moving to your state.

Meanwhile they have dirty needles and feces on the sidewalks, typhoid and rats in the phone station, and alleyway refuse heaps. They can keep the subsidization of illegal immigration to themselves.

Good now we will know where they are

Coming soon: points added to liver transplant list position for illegals.

AnnCoulter Illegals not immigrants


AnnCoulter Things have certainly changed since my grandparents came to the US. I suspect things in CA are going to get alot worse before they get better.

Thank god I don’t live in California. This would be the day I would move out if I did.

AnnCoulter Argh!!

Build a wall between CA and the rest of the United States.

Glad I don't live in California feel sorry for the taxpayer there

AnnCoulter Making law abiding citizens pay for someone else, and get nothing out of it

Great, as long as it doesn’t affect federal money!

Where is the money going to come from? I hope it also includes the homeless American people, and NO new taxes on gasoline, property, food, clothing, etc, etc.

AnnCoulter And exactly who’s going to pay for them? CA is broke.

That’s great!!! California has a ton of money let the whole state become a sanctuary city. It will be perfect, illegals can have their own state when coming to America. 🇺🇸

It's amazing that tax payers are ok with this. It is also amazing that California's budget is so flush they can maintain and add to their expenditures. Is anyone checking the reality of either?

This is excellent news. Those people contribute so much to the economy, and deserve the same Medicaid coverage that citizens get. Well done CA!! This is why your economy leads the nation.

California is a messed up state. Shame such a beautiful state land wise. The people not so much.

😂 the same state with a homeless epidemic

Sure, their state can afford it. NOT

Californians are as dumb as us New Yorkers. Unfortunately us intelligent ones don’t take a strong enough stand.

No bail out when they go bankrupt wrong!!

AnnCoulter Fk me. Some Californians can’t even pay for health care for their own families. Start voting Republican people. Illegals do not have a right to get free health care.

And fck their vets living on the streets.

Great, if I was here illegally I would move to California....

This is absurd! Why are we incentivizing folks whole are here illegally?

American tax dollars will pay for it...

Who'll be paying for it? Hopefully only Californians!!!

Americans First.

Just go ahead and cover all of Guatemala, el Salvador, and Honduras. Laughing that a state is seriously sponsoring total health care for other countries. Every state should sue them for the onslaught they're facing that is causing health care crisis.

AnnCoulter Ok so I will now stop paying insurance. I will just walk in from now on. I will be Heladio Cortes, won’t speak english, have no documents.


AnnCoulter I wouldn't pay taxes then.


AnnCoulter Money is no object in Tinseltown state...and everyone gets a pony..

candemountain This act of injustice for legal citizens of California has to stop! Providing free health care to illegals is unjustified! Many Americans in California receive little to no health care, because of higher insurance providers! And poor health care providers!

That is totally idiotic and true to form for California. Wake up people! What part of illegal do you not understand!


AnnCoulter What else would you expect from Mexico’s Northern annex.

AnnCoulter Very expensive for a state on the verge of bankruptcy

AnnCoulter Good. But they should pay for all adults.

AnnCoulter On our dime while we struggle to pay for our own families

AnnCoulter California better pay for that themselves. Us taxpayers are already taxed to death.


AnnCoulter I sense a boom in the cardboard housing market is imminent...

AnnCoulter Meanwhile we pay a lot for ours and apparently no theirs as well. This is why many are moving out of CA! It’s absurd here!

Awesome. It should help bankrupt this liberal blue state 👍🏻😂MSNBC CNN SpeakerPelosi hughhewitt

So go broke fools.

AnnCoulter Who is going to pay for this insanity? A new tax? I suggest something i think would be fair, if you want unfettered access for anyone that wants to come to the United States, no wall, no vetting then you pay. If you think we should have a wall and have vetting you don’t pay.

Americans work for others! When an illegal has more benefits than a citizen.


Idiots, all of there own citizens don't have full healthcare coverage, shouldn't you take care of them first. California is going to bust.

Do they deliver the insurance cards to the tent cities they are setting up? Will they be cleaning up their feces & needles in exchange?

California is a joke. California will become an extension of Mexico. That's why we have an influx of Californians moving to Washington state.

AnnCoulter What the fuck

I pay 1400 a month for my family to have insurance. This is ridiculous.

AnnCoulter Hold my beer and welcome to Illinois 😩

Legal tax paying citizens of California are paying for the insurance, NOT California.

Raise everyone's taxes to pay for it!

AnnCoulter California is being run straight into the ground!

AnnCoulter We cant even get health care for our own citizens by all means put all the illegals before our own sounds bout right....

Shameful when we have so many citizens in this country going without needed medical attention. Will never live in California. Hope no federal tax dollars are being used to support this!

AnnCoulter Good idea. Lets take care of the people who are here illegally, before we take care of the legals. Great incentive for more illegals to cross illegally. Wtf ate we doing here?

Glad I don’t live there

What a joke.

I feel bad for those taxpayers

AnnCoulter Outrageous! - and with so many Americans living on the streets and without any coverage!

Why aren't you covering something like this FOX NEWS POLL ON MEDICARE FOR ALL? The American people need REAL NEWS to make decisions. Not distractions or spoon fed establishment idea's Give fair coverage to BernieSanders and TULSIGABBARD or AndrewYang ThIsIsNoTThEaLgOrItHiM

AnnCoulter Americans be damned. Move over for the New Democrat voters.

AnnCoulter So let them all go there!

Keep f$&king the tax payers!!!

You mean California will be the first state to have legal taxpayers pay for the health coverage 🤦‍♂️. Great I guess I’ll start walking to work and tell my kids we can’t afford college

Why aren't they concerned with the filthy streets?

This is great. Calif one of most taxed states in union and adding more free to their burden. Maybe all illegals will migrate to Calif

AnnCoulter Great job Newsom! Why don’t you help our veterans?! Keep voting these idiots into office.

AnnCoulter And tax payers are leaving in record numbers.

Discrimination. What Dems are best at!

BNLieb While vets and American citizens are homeless and need help. Wow.

We really need the citizen question on the census.

This is just ridiculous. Use the money for Americans.

They already have been paying for it and welfare and housing. Nothing new to see here.

We need to stop this nonsense. I don’t want tax dollars paying for illegals as US Citizens don’t get free health care! This is BS!

calif must get right. vote useless dems out

AnnCoulter That’s why if they fell into the ocean...nobody would miss California.

GavinNewsom Governor, let’s pay for full health care for US Citizens/ tax payers first then move onto illegals.

Shit state

This is BS! Where are the judges stopping that this non-sense that have interfered with POTUS in pursuit of protecting US Constitution

What is being done for the legals?

Some of our LEGAL Americans don’t have health care and can’t afford it and we are giving it away fee to illegals who are criminals and crossed the border illegally.. this is a disgrace and kick in the ass to hard working AMERICANS!!!

AnnCoulter What happened to all?, oh yeah all the wealthy folks are moving out!!!

What’s nice about that millions of illegals will flood to California for the free medical care at the expense of the sucker taxpayers in California. Thank god California for the bankrupt state to release the illegal burden in many other states.

If the people cannot take back their state, give it back to Mexico and let them pay for their medical.

This is bull crap. What about our seniors

California is like the UK. Lost their way.

Poor tax paying Californians. Taxes should help American homeless -

AnnCoulter California can’t pay its current obligations! We need a wall around this liberal mess.

Good for them,shame on those that close their eyes & ears to people's suffering.

Enough already. We need a TaxRevolt strategy. That is the only way those with PoliticalPrivilege will listen to us the TaxPayers Our votes don’t count but our $$$ does. Congress listen up! We get enough willing to spread the word & MSM will jump at it! RT

And Newsome is jumping right in to help solve this and other problems. He is useless.

Time to move

Going to pay one way or another. They are here,let’s figure it out. We can do it. People are coming here to work. Criminals don’t walk here, thousands of miles with their entire families desperate people do.

AnnCoulter Veterans homeless and need help..... California, “ to Hell with the veterans lets give the Americans money to criminals “ how are these people in charge?!?!

Just another reason why California is heading toward bankruptcy. Haha. I love watching the morons implode themselves.

AnnCoulter Cause we are run by idiots who have no understanding of economics!!

AnnCoulter My tax dollar wantonly spent without my consent. Voters revolt is brewing !!

AnnCoulter California will be the first to go bust.

Illegals over American Citizens!!

Well of course! It’s California 🤪

AnnCoulter Illegal immigrants. Dont ask for money from me to pay for it.

Most people commenting on this thread did not actually read the article. As usual they are reacting to the misleading headline.

AnnCoulter Welcome to the socialists communist Democratic party of California

How about clean up the 50 blocks of homeless in all major California cities first. latimes

This is disgusting when we let veterans die in the streets waiting for care at the VA.

AnnCoulter Liberal policies will be the destruction of this once great state. It’s already happening, look at SF & LA.

AnnCoulter Californians must unite, revolt, and resist this Marxist-socialist Democrat treason, or you will loose your state & what little representation you may have. The border must be secured!

Meanwhile homelessness for Americans is soaring. The anti America and anti American citizen state, CA. If you want to know what absolute lib rule will do to the country, just look to CA.

AnnCoulter It is senior citizen that pay taxes worked all their life can't get Jack s***

Can't wait to see how this works out for them.

Your state is a mess and citizens are suffering but you want to give free stuff to non citizens? California is being killed by it's unfair political process that guarantees Dems are in control. Americans first all others stand in line.

AnnCoulter Now this will inspire more illegals to caravan north and cross our borders. It’s like shooting oneself in the foot. Taxpayers will pay more! Military veterans will go without, our citizens will see benefits dwindle. It’s a Democrat plan to motivate illegal aliens invaders.

I’m working on moving out of California as we speak.

Why just “some” and not all illegals? Isn’t that racist?

AnnCoulter Why don’t they tackle their homelessness problem first

AnnCoulter Californians continue their demise.

Nothing like screwing hard working American citizens. Bet this alone will drive millions out of California. Pretty soon Mexico will own California & they’ll never fire a shot.

AnnCoulter This is great news for the rest of the US. CA has just unwittingly made themselves the 1 destination for illegals. But then, CA has all of that surplus budget to deal with this so they should be good. Smart thinking, Gov. Newsom.

All the more reason to scoop them up and throw them out. Taxpayers money goes to LEGAL citizens ONLY!


With your tax dollars...

America First

BuildTheDamnWall around Calif. too. Its already an overpriced sh*t hole the Dems have and are destroying. WakeUp people and vote these career politicians OUT. DemocratsHateAmerica DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica

And they wonder why they’re in so much debt 🙄🙄. Amazing illegals get better treatment than our vets !! Sad!

This is why California is a joke. DanielLeeBryson

disgusting Traitors

They should immediately lose all federal funding.

AnnCoulter And they wonder


AnnCoulter NUTS.

AnnCoulter I guess the democrats truly forgot they work for the benefit of American citizens. They were not elected to office to work for the citizens of other countries especially at the expense of Americans.

Total BS And In the Meantime My Mom struggles with Buying her Medication's way to go Liberals your becoming the Class Act of Politics

So illegal immigrants can get insurance but I (a healthy citizen of the United States) have to pay $500 a month for mine because I’m self employed? Makes sense 🤦‍♀️

About right can't take of the homeless, and the third world conditions,and problems, but they can take care of illegals.


Ridiculous... taxpayer funded This is what happens when you let Democrats destroy our country. No regards for US citizens

AnnCoulter My sister is American and has to fight to get insurance! Why is this being even considered!!!


AnnCoulter Stupid.

AnnCoulter This is what happens to a state when dems are in control

If you elect Democrats in 2020 that model will go nationwide.

AnnCoulter Because all legal citizens already have free healthcare in CA ?

AnnCoulter As long as they stay in California. Sorry Ben and Michael. But California sux anyway let's give it mexico. We might as well I'm sure the majority are Mexicans

I feel badly for everyone involved here...but I guess it's time for the left to see the results of their utopian decisions. Bring it on. The only problem is that Californians rush to leave to Colorado and Texas...destroying those places as well.

Wow...many of our own citizens cannot afford health insurance. Ridiculous.

AnnCoulter They are going to charge people who can't afford healthcare to pay for healthcare for people who can't afford it! It's a clown world.

So hold on one fucking minute I am a citizen I have paid taxes over 30 years and don't have insurance and can't get social security but illegals will have insurance

Wow...why wouldn't the whole planet come to California?

Conservatives are about to have heart attacks 😂😂😂😂😂

Don’t you mean the taxpayers of California?

We The People soon will rise

Good luck California! Keep those money trees growing. You’re going to need it as tourism drops.

And I work as a teacher in the state for 34 years and don’t have that? What?

Poop sidewalks and tent villages, sounds like the countries these illegal immigrants left. Wait, no that’s California.

No way! People wake up! US citizens do you have full health benefits? No. There are citizens that can’t get proper mental healthcare, hearing aids for young kids because it is considered cosmetic, the list goes on and on. Politicians get it all. Wake up people

AnnCoulter Even if it didn’t pass they would simply use emergency rooms as a clinic for the flu or anything else

AnnCoulter They should pay to deport them as they are criminal illegals. Democrats for illegals and true hatred towards Americans

What about the citizens of California? They all don’t have health benefits?

Idiocy, irresponsible.

AnnCoulter So, do CA citizens get free healthcare? Fairness?

AnnCoulter All the governors of the state who are having illegals dumped in their communities should Provide them with bus tickets to California.

And who’s going to pay for that? Using our state tax money to pay for healthcare to non-U.S. citizens is a stretch for me. Pay taxes like the rest of us and they can have all the healthcare they need.

Our Tax Dollars at Work

“California reeling in votes by giving freebies “. There I fixed it. WalkAwayFromDemocrats Trump2020

Cali politicians using taxpayer money to try to buy votes from illegals and their families, amazing

AnnCoulter And all federal money to California should be halted immediately, stop collecting the states federal incom tax and let them secede.

AnnCoulter Wtf

Poor Americans in California are screwed. Middle class Californians are screwed. Put all illegals on a bus to California

Yes! Their homeless population is sky rocketting, but they going to take care the illegals 1st.

California cities are overwhelmed w/ homeless. Garbage , feces & needles litter the streets & playgrounds of these cities & diseases that we haven’t seen since the Dark Ages are appearing. Yet we have money to spend on illegals.

Illegals have the right to vote in California

And they were upset when Trump offered to send illegals to sanctuary cities. I guess they wanted to entice them there, not force them.


Do they agree to healthcare for homeless Americans especially Veterans?!

AnnCoulter I bet NY and IL will follow suit because let’s reward those who broke the law, it shows compassion 🤮🤮

AnnCoulter Apparently at the expense of their legal citizens.

AnnCoulter They have so many homeless people but this is what they do priorities dumbass

I don’t ask for any special treatment. Just treat me like an illegal alien

What about veterans? The homeless? Do they have full health benefits? Shelter? Food?

AnnCoulter Californians want to give Illegal aliens free health care,then let Californians play for that idiotic idea! It’s funny that the so called elite who represent the people of this great nation are willing to endorse things like this while the Homeless in that state continue 2 suffer

Gracias California Dems !

They can turn calli into a utopian model and show us how to make it work. Sure it will be great. I am sure Hollywood fatcats willing to pay more in taxes.

RealDLHughley Unreal. Don’t worry about the needles and feces in the streets. Forget the homeless. No wonder California’s a pit.

Enjoy paying for them. Less money in your pockets.

AnnCoulter California will crash and burn as Venezuela did. I hope the rest of the US will let it happen, so that adults can finally take over running the state.

AnnCoulter As if that State isn’t in enough debt now.

These politicians are just going scorched earth. I guess once the criminal illegals are comfortable and taken care of , they will look at the problems the legal tax paying citizens of California face …

Just wrong and just for voters

We can’t even take care of our Veterans but hey, help out the illegals.

Californians this is what you voted for when you vote Democrat you get nothing but s*** and you foot the bill and the illegals get everything next election Northeast Democrats out of office or you'll suffer more than you have now


AnnCoulter It is time to divide this country...

AnnCoulter What is meant by some adults? Does the state get to choose who will get healthcare and who will not. Wait and see how many more people flock to California.

AnnCoulter Seems reasonable

Go figure,more votes for the Demonrats, the state has gone to the dogs. And they want to due away with the electoral college,I am thinking NO.

Accept Homeless Americans

Not good! The money is needed to help people who have been here with health issues. May this be good for some. I hope that everyone in California is supportive.

AnnCoulter Thank you California and New York for showing the rest of the country what out of control Democrats/liberals look like. Ruining the nation, one state at a time.

They get a free ride after breaking our laws ...unbelievable!

AnnCoulter California is a Dumpster!!!!

Yet I’m a hard working middle class worker and can’t afford healthcare for myself or family. If I sign up for Obamacare it’s over $1k a month for crap insurance. Where’s the incentive to work? I should just quit my job and live off the government!

This is the perfect example of being humane will lose you in election

What about all the homeless Americans? Veterans?

Yea, while these Illegals get paid cash for working under the table, send it back to their native countries and live all the welfare system. Very smart California very smart bunch of idiots!

And they already have the highest taxes.... soon to go up but with the plague coming back maybe it will balance out

Oh boy!

This is an abomination. Many young adult, working Americans have no health insurance and are living with medical issues untreated. California, you are a disgrace to Americans.

Are these people wanting out of the United States? Because this is unAmerican Hollywood b...p.

AnnCoulter I assume GavinNewsom and TheDemocrats mean this will take affect AFTER homeless veterans are cared for, right? Let’s see the response I get from either.... I’ll wait. 🤔🤔🤔

If you live in California legally and you don’t have health insurance, how do you feel about this?

This is absurd. Many Americans who have lived and worked here their entire lives can't afford healthcare so they go without needed medical services. Yet, people here illegally will now get free healthcare? That is so wrong. Laws are made to help the unjust. I'm ashamed of America

AnnCoulter I 100% support full healthcare for all illegal aliens which is paid for by the taxpayers ....... in California and paid for by California taxpayers. Good luck with that.

Ridiculous! When there are Americans & American vets without basic services & needs! Fiscal irresponsibility!

AnnCoulter This is crazy, we have people that have served our in the military, born and raised here, worked hard jobs, builders, lawyers, Doctors,Nurses. You name the profession and they don’t or can’t afford to have insurance to take care of themselves and this state is forcing these

California is setting a bad precedence. 🤔😳

Enjoy your massive tax increases!!

they are not immigrants...immigrants are legal and welcomed...illegals are invaders

Illegal immigrants*

Sounds fantastic! It better than finding housing for the homeless or buying sects of land as Homesteads for each homeless family with 7 acres to pitch their tent & build a small farm/home to sustain themselves. Maybe even they should allot some of that money to clean the poop up.

Your headline is wrong.

AnnCoulter And california continues its decline from a once amazing state to live in to....well....just look at L.A., SF, the NOR CAL coast, San diego, Oakland, and basically the whole state....

AnnCoulter Isn’t that special. Drawing in even more homeless to their sanctuary cities. Now we know why the Supreme Court decision on census question is so important. Who will pay for these votes. State or Federal tax payers?

AnnCoulter And yet people continue to vote Democrat.

JBaker31826004 Only more people will flee the socialist state of California!

AnnCoulter Do I get as legal immigrant also some financial help🙄 CaliforniaLostCause


California will be the first state to also go bankrupt, have the most crime, the most homeless, the most diseases and should have the most people relocating to other states. Give that Government of the state a gold star. No Common Sense!!!

AnnCoulter Welfare state expansion

AnnCoulter People are leaving there in droves!

Unbelievable disgrace this point CA is showing how anything facing no 'checks and balances' will eventually crash and burn.

AnnCoulter Democrats will give illegals anything as long as they vote Democrat. If illegals were Republicans the Democrats would look for ways to send them to Planned Parenthood to be post-birth-aborted.

Shitheads! They can’t take care of their own homeless & because prices r so high for housing they make more homeless. There r so many on Skid Row in LA the PO r getting bubonic plague, no lie! So they bring in more “homeless”, but pay 4 everything 4 them!


We should build a wall around California

AnnCoulter Isn't this already happening everywhere, I know here in Nebraska all Hispanics have their free clinics all set up, they say they are low income but if a poor white person tries to get in they are told no appointments

AnnCoulter As long as I don’t have to pay. Every illegal in the country will now flock to California. The cost will crush the remaining citizens. Get out while you can.

As long as the rest of us don’t have to subsidize their socialist nation-state, they can go ahead.

AnnCoulter Please don’t come running to the federal government looking for a bail out the the financial systems in that state implodes. Don’t want any of my tax’s dollars supporting your self serving ideals

AnnCoulter The next time you have an earthquake don’t ask for federal aide just put those illegal aliens to work cleaning up

If I make too much (23.00) over the limit to receive Massachusetts Medicaid and have to pay for Medicare out of my social security check (only income) how is it these illegals are entitled to free healthcare?

Ya and us working legal Americans can’t get a thing from them I ask what in the world our u all thinking

AnnCoulter Go California! Better not be with Federal money your idiot, Hollywood people to death! They can afford it... One more reason, to build a wall around California...

They might want to put this money into their under funded pension fund instead.

We are being screwed!

AnnCoulter Do those people look like they are starving or frightened out of their minds....we are being invaded and the Government , all of the government is aiding and abetting the demise of this democratic Republic. We are being killed by our own.

AnnCoulter Unbelievable. What about legal Americans that have no health benefits or whose medical bills are exceeding what the benefits pay? Who is helping them.

AnnCoulter CA is toast.

Thanks California GavinNewsom for making the case to re-elect President Trump for a second term.

How stupid...

100000000% WRONG!!!!!!!

Are you frikin joking

While ao many homeless have nothing, defocate in the streets, cause diseases-Well done democRATS.....

There is no end to the stupidity of some people!

AnnCoulter This is some serious bullshit. Those that govern California are plain garbage to allow this. Take my tax money and use it to pay for illegals health benefits when we should be taking care of American citizens first.

Great. Hard working Americans will pay for illegals. When we lived in Italy we couldn’t even buy a home open a bank account. Why bother to work hard or go the correct channels to become a citizen

How can they afford that ?

I’m glad they are willing to help people out but they are having a housing crisis with many US citizens homeless. Maybe they need to focus on that or they will cause another problem.

What a screwed - up state!

AnnCoulter California won’t pay, the legal tax payers will.

Do all of CA's native citizens have full health benefits? I don't think so!

Wonder what Cher and Bette Midler think about this? Population will now grow with more living on streets in squalor.

Hopefully they're not using federal money.

AnnCoulter Will be broke and ask for the rest of the country to help for their stupidity

LeeBuback Get a gun, learn how to use it.

AnnCoulter Good thing they have such a surplus and can easily pay for it...

AnnCoulter So, I work my ass off and pay crazy high state taxes so illegals can get free health care? Meanwhile, I have to pay hundreds of dollars a month for my health plan because I’m gainfully employed and here!!!!!!

AnnCoulter good luck with that, idiots 😂

California should deport, not enable non citizens.

AnnCoulter California don't pay shit it's the American taxpayer footing the bill.

Buying votes for Democrats

california is going down the drain

Democrats to Trump for 2020

AnnCoulter As the AMERICAN homeless die on their streets ..

This is completely idiotic!!

Yet legal American citizens struggle to pay for healthcare or don’t have it as it is too costly ?! The Dems don’t see any issues with this ? NO MORE DEMS !

AnnCoulter Good for them. They get free health care AND can take a dump in the streets wherever thet want. BRILLIANT!

Thank God I decided to leave California years ago. Best decision I ever made. The DemocRAT party have destroyed the once great state. SAD 😢

AnnCoulter Wow what could go wrong? (Sarcasm)

Don’t worry this won’t anger legal citizens without benefits

AnnCoulter HOW DAMN STUPID! No wonder the state is going bankrupt.

AnnCoulter What an outrage. I sure hope there will be no reimbursements from the federal taxpayers. This will bankrupt California. ABC news should report on the dem run cities LA and San Francisco homeless, tents and diseases. Disasters

AnnCoulter And you wonder why they keep pouring in illegally? Thx DemocRATS

It’s a lie they know it will puss people off

Wrong on so many California trying to make it's citizens revolt(revolution)...when we have legal American citizens who don't have full health benefits in the state of California,who have paid taxes into the system their whole bullshit!

That is stupid

AnnCoulter Texas is next! Californians seeking to flee this debacle will head to Texas. Unfortunately, many will bring their liberal ideology with them. Wash, rinse, and repeat.

I’m a veteran and I don’t even get full health coverage... and I was injured.

You're missing the point, h/c should be the right of every human on planet.


California is a joke

They don't do this for US citizens dam if I would pay taxes to this state move while you still have some property value.

AnnCoulter Can anybody say 'bankruptcy'.

Your tax dollars at work folks! Brought to you be your friendly neighborhood Democrat! 🙄🙄🙄

Hey guys, I found the free healthcare! All you have to do is forfeit your citizenship!


Excellent. Thanks California.

Good now we can send all the illegals there and make it a BIGGER DUMP!!

Is fair if you consider the inmigrants who work in agriculture. Investigate and learn how they live. Those who spend the day picking what we eat. Find the facts.

Are you kidding me? I just can't believe that the majority of Americans want this for America. If a Democrat is voted in that is exactly what we will get. Vote realDonaldTrump 20/20

No need to wonder why they are here illegally, then.

I have no issue with children getting healthcare as they had no say about the situation. I have lived in the USA for many years I am from the UK I am here legally I pay taxes I am not a criminal not even a speeding ticket and I cannot get healthcare coverage.

When they have cities of homeless ill citizens ? Idiots. If they put that up for a vote by the legal residents I doubt it would pass.

baileyjer California Gavin Newsom could care less of the citizens that have to put up with his bullshit

Isn't that swell, I bet the California taxpayer who can't afford his taxes because of this the government will gladly foreclose on his home to pay for this illegal alien to have healthcare and when that person is homeless will be denied healthcare because of his inability to pay.

Can we separate California from the rest of the country

AnnCoulter What no free cars? How are they supposed to get to their free healthcare appointments? California needs to be kicked out of the Union.


AnnCoulter Congratulations Calif. I’ll send the ones herein Texas over there-we don’t want them cluttering up our state and costing our taxpayers here.

AnnCoulter Don’t kid yourself. It’s all about gathering votes. Politicians don’t care about illegals health. They care about the number of illegal votes they bring. The Gamacode would stop this. Rule 16. A GB cannot create a welfare state.

AnnCoulter You mean we are paying for it. What about us who are working 2 jobs and having to pay $4 dollars a gallon and getting taxed like crazy.


Lead the way California!!

Each time I think they can't get any dumber, they say 'hold my beer'

And meanwhile we have a large group of our population homeless on the streets. California’s government is criminally negligent.

AnnCoulter Alrighty then why are you complaining about more being Giving to you ?

AnnCoulter can I have FREE health insurance too ?

AnnCoulter Insane.

AnnCoulter Lol the literal shit hole of the United States is passing benefits to criminals while there is shit in the streets and a homeless problem. Super majority democrats folks, so intelligent and brave!

AnnCoulter CA always first in every stupid idea known to mankind.


This is full blown insanity.


Stupid .........

AnnCoulter Did anyone think about where all the medical help is coming from like doctors, nurses, physical therapist, phlebotomist. Guess not

AnnCoulter It’s an obscenity that tax payers in CA aren’t all covered and many are bankrupted and illegal people are offered such a benefit. I’m a M4A advocate but this is a turning point for me in CA.

AnnCoulter Uhhhhhh, doesn't California already have a HUGE homeless and underserved population? They can't take care of those that are legal citizens! California is becoming the Ghetto state. Oh wait! That is Pelosi's State so their is no 'crises' or mounting indigent population.

The beginning of the end!

This is batshit crazy.

California, the USA's Twentieth Century Motor Company State.

bravo, take care of illegals before veterans and homeless citizens exactly heres an idea, lets elect an illegal president

Pelosiville or Bust!

This just blows my mind.. how many homeless US citizens are living on the streets in California and these idiot politicians want to provide healthcare for ILLEGAL immigrants. You have to ask why? Who is paying these politicians? DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica

Being a 68 year old woman in Massachusetts woman living on social security I just qualify for Medicare. So why is it that these illegals are going to get full coverage without paying a dime? Also I am not able to qualify for Medicaid. I make $24 month over the income limit.

AnnCoulter As their citizens are living in the streets!! It’s a disgrace!!

What about legal, us born citizens that cannot afford healthcare, and it’s not some.. it’s close to a 100k illegals that will cost US citizens millions of taxpayer dollars. They have no rights in this country what about the homeless on California streets What’s going on?

How about they take care of the homeless people first.

AnnCoulter Forget doctor, lawyer, teacher, business owner or film star, California’s most respected occupation is moocher.


The beginning of the end

That’s sad when hard working citizens that pay in, can’t even get full benefit healthcare. 🙄

AnnCoulter Stop Federal money

So they've covered all their citizens and are now helping the less deserving?

I wish America would just give Mexico California back..... stop the madness

AnnCoulter Send all illegals to California...No Federal Money...

Correct - Democrats ARE that desperate for votes !

AnnCoulter This is what you get with Democrats in power. Hold my beer.

AnnCoulter Aren’t they broke?

You better raise your taxes because you are going to need the revenue

Did they look at all the homeless in LA and SF? California is a joke

AnnCoulter Congrats California voters. You asked for this shit now deal with it. Carry on.

AnnCoulter Sue California misuse of taxpayers money, aiding and abetting criminal activity...

AnnCoulter CA has hit the point of no return. They’ve gone full blown Bizarro World.


AnnCoulter Insolvency soon to follow, California. When will their taxpayers put a stop to this bedlam?

AnnCoulter Where is the money comming from? Hollywood?

MalindaMichell1 This does not seem right too many Californians without health care who are citizens!

AnnCoulter Not good!!

Insanity !! Then you will have more illegal immigrants in your state and more tax increases on working US CITIZENS

Who is paying for illegals healthcare? Us tax payers. Democrats put illeglas before Americans pretty horrible

AnnCoulter California, turn their backs on veterans. Shameful.

Recall Newsome . Today.

AnnCoulter Disgusting!

AnnCoulter These liberal American hating democrat politician swamp rats should be jail for treason against America and the American citizens!

This is how Dems shoot themselves in the foot. Over and over and over...

AnnCoulter And who pays for that? I would think it unlawful to use US citizens hard earned tax dollars for supporting illegals and illegal activities. I’m not so sure that CA residents approve of this either. So how is it allowed? Do their constituents don’t approve? I think not!

AnnCoulter It sucks to be a tax-paying citizen here in California! Our property taxes increased over $100/mo. Our homeowners insurance was cancelled until we payed $1800/yr extra for CA Fair Plan. Now people living here illegally will get free health care paid for by my taxes. Lucky us...

AnnCoulter Hmmm what do those blue shirts say

AnnCoulter What about the homeless? Are they getting them too?

AnnCoulter So, let's all renounce our citizenship, go to Guatemala, hike back, cross the border, ask for asylum, and proceed to get all the benefits that citizens have difficulty obtaining, and for free. We all win! But, who will pay?

Continued downward spiral. Many more will come.

My grandparents were immigrants but when I read this type of story, I am so thankful I moved out of California. I loved the state I was born and raised in but it has become unrecognizable. So so sad.

That’ll sure own the cons

R u effing kidding me They r gonna have to pay for people who don’t even pay taxes, contribute to society, are ILLEGAL and have no allegiance to this country This is bull crap

We already do pay, it’s called medical! Why should we allow this and I have to pay 500 a month for meds I need for a heart condition and I work and pay for health insurance and taxes this is beyond ridiculous

AnnCoulter Is it too late to give California back to the Spaniards?

AnnCoulter Shouldn't that read 'Californian taxpayers will become the first taxpayers to pay...'

AnnCoulter Ok, sympathetic response is part of our culture. So, we must bear that the weak will propagate. But, must we promote it? Pathological Altruism. Pathological Compassion. This won’t end well. Malthusian Trap is always a potential problem of human existence.

Wow. With all the Americans that believe in Nancy P and homeless? How could you continue to vote for this? I avoid this state as much as possible. Should be ashamed veterans and homeless should be first.

GovPressOffice I’m a Black woman who pays taxes in CA. I’m a lifelong Democrat. This is a bad idea. This will create even more disdain for illegal immigrants. Why am I paying for health insurance for people who are not following the law?

Awesome spin on the headline. Basically, these poor people will now qualify for Medicaid and insurance. Everyone should have healthcare as a right And if you have no empathy, it’ll cost the state less money when these people seek care sooner rather than waiting for an emergency.

Illegal immigrants!

I’m progressive but this is too much. Have you seen the homeless problem in California CASenateDems

AnnCoulter What about our homeless citizens? Will they receive the same housing, food, clothing, job opportunities, and healthcare

RealDLHughley Hey Cali,how about you help all those homeless people.

That’s BULLSHIT... when the hell is this going to STOP. We already paying too much already. We have families, bills, rent, insurance, food, gas. Etc. we have enough already. This is really insane.. 🤬😡😡

The school system is crying about lack of funds and crowded class rooms, the infrastructure, roads, dams lack of housing Filthy streets all that stuff is killing the economy of this state due to the enormous amount of money that is being spent in ILLEGALS. And why

Hard to believe when so many in America aren't taken care of....that's the Dems for you.... MAGA2020!

AnnCoulter sweet and exactly who's paying for this and they are getting extra resources from where?

This is ludicrous!! Total insanity!! Homeless veterans, single mothers (Americans) mental health needs and this jackoff government does this. Why in the world do we not vote these idiots out of office? It makes no sense!!!!!

AnnCoulter Our state reps are out of control extremists and who couldn’t care less about the massive homelessness and housing crisis. They won’t be happy until the state is thoroughly destroyed.

AnnCoulter What about US citizens?

AnnCoulter To help pay for it, they will tax Californians who can’t afford to buy health insurance. Meanwhile, 1 million in CA lack clean drinking water. To address that, 100 million will be reallocated from agriculture programs. SenSanders are you still listening..? Bernie..

RealDLHughley We dont care because we're aiming for MEDICARE FOR ALL.

RealDLHughley No wonder Trump hates California and wants to cut them off 😆

The state with the highest percentage of homelessness is absolutely wrong to use tax payer money in this manner. When the citizens revolt this will be one of the reasons

RealDLHughley Wow, I’m a citizen and can’t get any.

_1216715 Pull federal healthcare dollars.

AnnCoulter & 'Commiefornia' has money to burn...Where is the clean up crews to pick up after the mess in the streets of the major cities ? That State is in a State of Confusion

AnnCoulter levied with a 15% tax increase to go with it, so progressive you guys! That's another couple thousand American families now below the breadline. Yeah clap

AnnCoulter Stop federal funding to California

thats easy to fix put the to work the fields just like their couzins, and former friends. they want to work well, we got new blood into thegame of workers. work or no food.

Because CA can afford it Right?😏😏

Good to know Mexico just got a new state.

AnnCoulter That's awful. They should be kept in 3 x 3 x 3 bamboo cages, poked with sticks and then thrown on a Liberian-registered animal transport ship n sent to Manus Island to join fun party. Donald Dunce just needs to talk to Aussie's Dutton-dressed-as-Mutton. A kind deal can be done.

AnnCoulter They’ll just raise the gas tax again

That's right, foot flat to the floor on that gas pedal baby!


AnnCoulter Excellent. Dump all the illegals in CA


Well you better give them brooms and shovels and maybe they can make California clean again. MAYBE.



My family was kicked off our healthcare plan. Someone stole our credit card which cancelled our card and we missed one payment. After making up the payment, we were kicked off. NO appeal. Bcz obamacare made it a monopoly we now have no health insurance. Illegals treated better

AnnCoulter RACISTS and a Nazi

AnnCoulter Since the Hollywood elite are so compassionate towards illegals and all for open borders, perhaps it's time they foot this bill, rather than the lower and middle class who are already struggling under the high tax rates




I’m lwgal and need full ones too. Can I move there and get them? Great!

Californian taxpayers are being taken for mugs.

In the meantime, thousands of LEGAL American citizens are living on the streets. That's California politics for you. Democrats. WalkAway! VoteRepublican!

AnnCoulter There will be a tsunami of illegal aliens trying to get free medical. Liberals and Leftists are sucking the life out of this state.


AnnCoulter DemocRATS

AnnCoulter Disgusting! There must be somethingthe authorities can do for this ugly act of rewarding people for breaking our laws. This only encourages more illegals. This could wind up being a Civil War issue; that's how detestable it is.

AnnCoulter Maybe CA should work on helping their homeless population instead.

AnnCoulter This is absolute bull shit

White guilt is a powerful self-destructive trip

AnnCoulter Reason number 281 why California is a bankrupt state, both morally and financially.

AnnCoulter California is being retaken by Mexico, with the aid of fellow central Americans escorted to our borders by cartels... while we SIT & WATCH

AnnCoulter No wonder everyone’s leaving

Meanwhile... legal Americans .....


Meanwhile ..... California looks totnhe REST OF THE NATION for federal funds.

No comment 🤬

We are all immigrants except for the Indigenous Peoples. Waiting for my free full health benefits Uncle Sam.

That’s so wrong, I’m a citizen living in California and I don’t have health benefits. I can’t afford it too expensive and I have a little one to worry about

They are stealing money from the homeless vets, disabled, and hard working parents. Why can’t they just clear out the lifetime SSI abusers and spend money on the people who matter and want to do better in life? Stop helping other countries before our country falls apart.

They would take care of illegals while they abandon their veterans

CA has gone stark mad.

I’m ok w that.

JBaker31826004 Stupid.

They voted to tax the people without Heath insurance to pay for the illegals to have free health insurances. DID YOU HEAR THAT CALIFORNIA?!!!

Meanwhile, American citizens that are taxed out of their homes and living in tents shall be ignored. The Democrats 'Brave New World'. MAGA2020 KAG2020 DemocratsHateAmerica

I told you they were headed this way. It is going to get worse.

Politicians changing everything about the US. We won’t like it


What about CA’s current LEGAL citizens? Will they qualify too or keep on having to pay expensive monthly bills?

Vaya vergüenza de gobierno,menospreciando a los q si trabajan x el Pais👎👎👎👎

This a joke...get out of Cali

I was born here 60yrs ago wheres my health benefits!

How about the homeless, the elderly. Pay for their care, our veterans, get them off the streets.

No wonder their wealthy is moving to Utah

I live in this state and can’t afford health care I have a child with heath issues some how this doesn’t seem fair

Welcome to England

Totally f’d up while there are homeless Americans and vets. Disabled people born here and in this state, who can’t get health benefits for crap. California sucks. Keep voting the Uber liberals in and this is what happens.

Federal Taxpayers should be appalled at this.

So glad we live in a republic...

Send all the immigrants back home

Are legal adults living in CA getting full health care benefits?

Stuff like this fuels the Northern California movement to leave California

Ridiculous. Americans who have worked and put into the system can’t get services. Our veterans can’t get services but we can do this. It’s a disgrace

What about the homeless

This is nuts.

US was in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya illegally so ... no right to complain best friend is paying $937/month for COBRA Americans FIRST!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t mind illegals, but that’s bull shit


Right on! Once again we lead the way !

California = Citizens loosing and Illegal aliens winning. Good job California!!!

JBaker31826004 Wall off Commiefornia when the wall is built.

Is their literally a outbreak of medieval plague in California cities? That hasn’t been fixed yet

What a travesty. There are so many legal Americans that need help.

Not immigrants. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Legal immigrants are not given anything for free..... Law abiding citizens DON'T matter!

Isn't California already Billions of dollars in debt already? Who is going to pay for this?

Most of California is conservative. Big cities control entire state.

Here I am paying $1600 a month in health Ins. For my family😩😩

California is nothing but a sewage, it's so broke, and then they ignore the homeless, vets, but oh, they find money for the illegals. Disgusting.

OUR God is Smiling from ear to ear! Sincerely Ms. Gary

It’s time to move real soon

JBaker31826004 Not all citizens of California have full health benefits. Including registered Dems. You should be pissed your government steps over you to help those who come here illegally and a lot of them have false claims. Close the loop holes in Commifornia

JBaker31826004 I keep hearing in the not MSM that, despite all the wealth, California is the poorest state. This is not going to help.

If Dems win the presidency and house and senate you can bet this will become federal. Illegals will get free healthcare. Yet idiots keep voting dem!! Can’t fix stupid!!

JBaker31826004 This has to be illegal. POTUS needs to do something since Commiefornia is going rouge. I don't want my tax dollars paying for illegals anything.

To pay for part of it, the state agreed to start taxing people who don’t have health insurance. It’s a revival of the individual-mandate penalty that had been on the books nationwide under former President Barack Obama

realDonaldTrump WHY ?

Your headline should be ' California will become the first state to pay for some adults ( Low-income between the age of 19 and 25 ) living in the country illegally to have full health benefits .

California putting illegals ahead of their own citizens. We can’t even get proper healthcare for people here legally especially our veterans.

Say, what?!

california is lost abc

*gasp* Humans helping fellow humans!

How sad

Each state should give its residents insurance

And yet the state is bankrupt… 🤷🏼‍♀️ They can’t take care of their seniors elderly or disabled, they can’t house they’re homeless, they can’t give medical care to those without insurance but they can give out money that the state apparently doesn’t have to illegals? 🤔🤔🤔

They can’t fund a reparations or for 400 years of black oppression or the homeless and homeless veterans but you can give our tax monies to ILLEGIAL citizens whom send billion back to their country. This is when realDonaldTrump need to do something vicious like cut full CA aid

I live here legally as citizen and I have to fight for health benefits

Californians, remember, when you get priced outta California and move to a different state, PLEASE leave you voting habits behind that forced you to move in the first place.

Please leave the union California. You can have your star back from our flag.

This is illegal. California lets it's citizens go hungry and homeless but helps illegal immigrants. All to get more votes for democrats. Can we just kick California out of the Union?

California citizens must love paying taxes. They give free EVERYTHING to illegals while homeless and veterans have to suffer

Just goes to show they care more about there immigrants then there vets that fought and died and lost because of this country only to have health care giving to people who are here illegally..great noted ,America a careless county .

The bureaucratic divisive policies of the government is what pisses those off who aren't even insured because all humans (legal or not) should be protected! God doesn't say just love Americans, he says love mankind!


RealSaavedra Democrat-Controlled California To Give Taxpayer-Funded Health Care To Illegal Aliens In Gavin Newsom’s Budget Deal …

Whoo, dodge this by a state. I hope A.Z. never gets this, I pay a tonne in taxes and that doesnt even include my health insurance.

This is what a legislative Democratic SuperMajorty will get you. The stupidest and worst run State in the Union. Democrats simply want to turn the entire State of California into a true shithole. The saddest part, they are succeeding.


Helping homeless people in your own country was so .... yesterday. Wanna be truly woke? See that guy that came here illegally? We are going to cut him a check every month for him and his family and give them free healthcare! Master-Tier wokeness achieved!

Fantastic idea for a state on the brink of financial ruin.

This is so WRONG!

This will bankrupt California.


California will become the first state to pay using taxpayers dollars for some adults living in the country illegally to have free full health benefits while those homeless living on the streets are intentionally ignored.

That can’t be the same California that had its homelessness jump 16% in one year, right? There’s no way they are going to give people from other countries illegally here, money and health benefits, right?

Because they can well afford it!!

California has over 110,000 homeless citizens in the state who need urgent help. California is running a massive deficit while its infrastructure and schools are crumbling. Why would Democrats choose to allocate scare financially resources to illegal aliens who broke the law?

Nice move California, how about OUR NEEDY Americans, and the poor homeless living on the streets !

That's why many of them come here: Free money, and plenty of it.

Wow how depressing that morons in California think illegal immigrants deserve benefits that our own citizens don’t get leave it to Hollywood liberals love to spend our tax money

BS I have to pay for health insurance and my husband is the only working. He doesn't make very much money and we $500 a month for insurance. How do I sign up for free insurance?

Liberal democrat 100% against this...

Liberals need the votes

OUTRAGEOUS! IllegalAliens ImmigrationReform IllegalImmigration

California believes Healthcare is a fundamental Human right / Another Golden State principled shock to Trump, his cruelty, and his followers of Hate and Bigotry

With what? They’re already broke.........

Enjoy Cali taxpayers

Good for California. Maybe they could secede and then form a country with Puerto Rico and create a wholly welfare supported country. 🤔

wow, really? current CITIZENS don’t even have this opportunity. this would be super beneficial to people in poverty but no....

Anything for the millions of new blue voters huh? The insanity never ends.

We would have expected nothing less from the Land Of Fruits & Nuts!!!...

California obviously has a lot of money misappropriated

Bad idea, but it’s their money. If their taxpayers support it, that’s their business. I’d love to see an NHS type system in the US. Nobody should go broke or have to put off going to the doctor because they can’t afford it.

Californians, your state tax is about about to rise to pay these entitlements. Meanwhile, homelessness is on the rise.

California is on the verge of being a 3rd world country.

Ridiculous 🤦‍♂️

This is literally the definition of 'giving aid and comfort' to criminals. Every person that voted for this should be tried for treason.


Just secede already.

Yes now the entire state can go bankrupt as soon as 1 of those nice natural disasters hits and they don't have any money 2 pay for anything they'll come 2 the rest of us for the money and we can say sorry should have thought of that before ya turned ya state into a shithole bye.

Of course but Americans can’t afford insurance. Trump 2020

Ridiculous, California government does NOT represent Californians anymore, they represent Mexico! Tax Californians to pay for ILLEGAL immigrants!!

California has no money. It's taxpayers money.

Thank you to the CA taxpayers.

I'm VERY liberal & even I think this is a bad idea. We have millions of citizens without health insurance. I don't think taxpayer money going to insure undocumented immigrants while citizens go without is a good plan. This is going to be a rallying point for the GOP & Trumpers.

Jskorich007 fave state

Our citizens don’t even have full health benefits

Cali is working on getting help for everyone, this isn't a surprise. I like it, and love Cali ❤️

Because California taxes aren't ridiculous enough

That’s what we are all about. California is going to the right path. Proud to be a Californian

An that’s why I left Taxifornia! I do not want MY taxes used on foreign invaders & the dam State politicians don’t listen to the people anymore

Ahhh, makes sense. There are very poor and homeless legal American citizens struggling to do anything of all races and religions... but, sure, give money to illegal immigrants.

Good. Your immigration status has no bearing on your worth as a human being.


Hey it's the least they could do considering the outbreaks of Typhus & Bubonic plague in California.

Still wasting taxpayers money. No wonder the state is suffering deeply with bankruptcy and all. Can’t take care of their own homeless but let’s spend millions on illegals.

This won't backfire at all.

If it's for illegal immigrants, why does your article's title leave out the 'illegal' part?

California has left the state of sanity;

And before long...

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