Opinion | Sorry, Bernie, but most Americans like their health insurance the way it is

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Opinion: Sorry, Bernie, but most Americans like their health insurance the way it is

Sen. Bernie Sanders attends an April 10 news conference in Washington for the Medicare for All Act of 2019. By Megan McArdle Megan McArdle Columnist Bio Follow Columnist May 3 at 3:32 PM The 2020 presidential race looks increasingly like it will be the Medicare-for-all election, as an increasing number of Democratic primary candidates — including front-runners such as Sens. Kamala D. Harris and Bernie Sanders — sign on to the slogan.

If that’s surprising, it’s because most Americans aren’t nearly so sanguine about everyone else’s coverage. Only about a third of people say the general quality of health-care coverage in America is good, and this worries them a great deal. But they tend to think that they themselves are doing just fine. Arguably, the reason they hate the system so much is that they’re fond of their own coverage and fear losing it.

Now consider trying to repeat that stunt with the 49 percent of the population that has employer-sponsored health insurance. The new program might be an improvement, but the only way to find out would be for people to give up something they know they like. That’s a big ask about something as important to people as their health insurance.

The advocates of Medicare-for-all have a ready retort: Other countries seem to have managed all right, so it must be possible here. But most of those countries’ systems started a long time ago, when health care was a much smaller share of the economy and fewer people had robust, comprehensive private medical insurance.


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Says the 'journalist' who works for a newspaper that's owned by a multi billionaire. How many health insurance and Big Pharma lobbyists did you sleep with to write this article?

Fuuuuuuck you

My health care is great right now. I can stay uncovered, buy a plan with a deductible I'll never be able to cover, or burn through enough of my savings to qualify for Medicaid. If we pass Medicare for All, I'll lose all that!

The Gallup poll used 30% landline calls... It also didn't frame the question in terms of insurance, but just polled satisfaction with healthcare 'coverage.' Finally, the numbers are skewed by how many Medicare recipients rated their coverage extremely high.

It is time for Bernie to sit down! Stop taking votes away from the Democrats. Every vote is critical in the next election!

You guys are disgusting

What insurance ?

Slowly and steadily, the percentage of paycheck spent on healthcare has gone up. It has also become a business’s heftiest expense. After paying thousands of dollars in premiums, one still has to pay through the roof for basic medications under HDHP plans.

I'm not a Bernie supporter, but l hate my health insurance.

SORRY insurance-invested BILLIONAIRE-owned WaPost BUT your Oligarchic propaganda won't work! FAKENews! The people are NOW WOKE and don't get their news from bought media! Here's a better source--expert Wendell Potter telling the truth! MedicareForAll

Flawed polling brought to you by third way and the insurance lobby. People like their doctors. They don't like copayments, deductables, prior authorizations, premiums, and miscellaneous health protection rackets.

I definitely don't.

The wp is garbage The wp is garbage The wp is garbage The wp is garbage The wp is garbage The wp is garbage The wp is garbage

I think the 29 million without health insurance and the tens of millions more who are under insured would disagree 🙄

Bogus claim. Even the report that you cite indicates people are more satisfied with Medicare than private insurance. Breaking down coverage and cost, 65+ is the group that stands out, i.e. on Medicare. Your interpretation is flawed by the very thing you cite.

Who are these people?

Well I don't. It's crap. And I'm willing to bet those 'most americans' don't have a clue.


Single payer is way to go!

ShaunHensleyCA 😂😂😂

Expensive and 34m of us don’t have any! But we are all so glad the industry is so profitable and the CEO’s bonuses are in multi-millions! Freedom!!!

I am willing to have my pretty good health insurance canceled if it means that my neighbors can have Medicare for All. Because, unlike the , I see people dying all around me for lack of adequate -- or even any -- health care.


Since 2009, McArdle has argued extensively against instituting a system of national health insurance in the United States, and specifically against the federal health care reform bill the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

No. We like our medical providers. We loathe private health insurers. Seriously, find me one person (not paid by the insurance industry) who is happy with their insurance company.

The amount of time I spend on the phone trying to get the insurance corporation to do what they are contracted to do generates enough angry heat to power a small city for a year. F^ck the useless for profit middle-men. M4A

Lemme guess! Jennifer Rubin

So now it's just flat out flipping lies, eh WAPO?

I have great health insurance and i fucking hate it. It’s 6k a year and I have to guard against medical groups/doctors recommending unnecessary procedures to line their own pockets, while pharmaceutical companies gouge the he’ll out my insurance passing along high costs to me. 👎🏼

Willful ignorance is far too generous an assumption here. The motivation behind this piece is clear & simple enough; Megan Mcardle & her ilk want lots of people to needlessly suffer & die, especially poor folks.

Do Amazon warehouse workers like their health insurance?

Bernie wants us to die standing in line waiting to see a doctor.

Employers often drop HMO group plans arbitrarily Hard to imagine there is any sense of 'brand loyalty' when employees have very little control or influence over their choice of insurers. What a sham. MedicareForAll

No, we don’t. This is pure propaganda.

::shits pants:: Sorry Bernie people like this as an air freshener.

Yeah look at the ratio and tell me that again with a straight face!

Sorry corrupt shill, most people hate their insurance company.

I see your continuing to chip away at your credibility. By all means, please carry on.

That’s not what polling tells us..... Shilling for corporate interests again? How surprising!

Opinion: Sorry, Jeff. We see right through this. Make Bernie look unpopular so the next president isn’t going after your profits in excess of $10 million.

Wrong. I have a good employer and private insurance and I hate it. Stop spreading lies

Yah!...we like it non existent!

Why would I take my health insurance the way it is when I pay too much money for it right now? The ACA sucks. There should be no co-pays out-of-pockets or premiums only about $13 a month on your paycheck.

I'm going to tell you that it sucks without clicking it, because we all lose when you publish garbage like this

Non-existent? HELL YEAH

here for the ratio

Some people may like it, but then it CHANGES. Job change, employer switches insurers, insurers switch coverage or costs. Medicare For All brings stability to health insurance.

No they don’t.

Not true.

Sure Bezos. How are those investments doing? Some may like it the way it is, except for the millions who don't have any.

I’ve had three different plans in three years: freelancers, Obamacare exchange, my union. They all sucked.

No. No.

Is there anything McMegan can’t get wrong?


Bernie is over

People like giving their money away to insurance companies? Wth are you thinking?

Just here for the ratio

No, they don't! We want SinglePayer MedicareForAll

I’m just here for the ratio

No. 89% of dems polled want Medicare for All. 52% of Republicans polled want Medicare for All. Pay for it by less war. I like nothing about my for profit health insurance company denying meds or treatment

Most people like to go bankrupt or start gofundmes.

This number doesn’t really mean anything, a large portion of the country is already on some form of government health insurance. It’s very likely that of this “7 out of 10” a majority are on public insurance already, dummies.

That's a blatant lie.

Ahahaha, no, no we don't.

No we don't. For profit healthcare is a crime against humanity.



hey WAPO what does the CIA want us to believe?

You're just wrong. I literally don't know anyone satisfied with their coverage's cost & deductibles. When you actually ask them about it & tell them the truth about M4A, they want to change. The ACA gave me ins. when I never could, but if major event happens, still be in debt.

Lets remove the extea 10,000 pages the Republicans added, and go back to the original 2100 page ACA and it will be all better

This is the saddest attempt yet to baffle the people with bullshit but we're not buying! Expanded and improved MedicareForAll saves lives and money!

Your opinion is garbage.

TFW conglomerate owned propaganda rag tries to suggest that everyone struggling under America's disastrous health care system & complaining about it are full of crap & actually enjoy the high risk of dying under said shitty system.


Anyone who likes their Health Insurance works as an executive in a health insurance company

This is what psyops looks like. Plain and simple. This is the 1% lying to your face in order for them to continue to destroy democracy, the middle class and our planet.

More of the mudslinging and evasive question asking tactics. Lay out the whole proposal for people to answer on and they'll realize that MFA is an all-around improvement on ANY policy they could have right now. 🙄

“Americans Love Medicare And Hate Health Insurance Companies” could have easily been the headline, reading asymmetricinfo’s article. Shocking WP went w/ the anti-Bernie headline! Even if I was satisfied w/ my own healthcare, I’m not okay w/ a system that leaves the poor to die

Opinions are like... and yours really stinks

The same horrible sociopath who wrote this BS article also wrote THIS trash:

The hell they do...

Sorry Bernie, we want the freedom to lose our house if we get cancer.

Sorry Bezos, but most Americans don’t think their fate should be left in the hands of a few greedy corporations that profit by denying them lifesaving treatment.

'...Arguably, the reason they hate the system so much is that they’re fond of their own coverage and fear losing it.' Arguably, that is the most stupid 'argument' - this side of President LittleBoots - that anybody will hear this week.


Bahahahaha Bahahahaha Bahahahaha

Only because they have been misled into thinking we have the best system, rather than one of the worst, by propagandists like WaPo.

Thank god most people can't actually read this drivel because of your dumb paywall.

No, we really don't. Cancel my insurance if I am going to be covered by Universal Healthcare as if we were living in a first world country.

People looove paying premiums, co-pays, and deductibles. Can't get enough of it, folks. Orrr maybe it's their healthcare they like, not their insurance.

As the establishment become more desperate, media untruths will become more brazen and ridiculous.

Careless incorrect statement that most Americans like their health care. U are ignorant and way out of touch. Check stats on bankruptcy due to medical bills u Orwellian fools


Opinion: Nope.

Yep, we love staying in jobs we hate, marriages that abuse us, still worrying that the plan we are prostituting ourselves for will actually pay for the healthcare that we need. Contrast that with going to docs when you need, no anxiety, no copays, affordable costs, low $ meds.

Liking the insurance they have and being afraid of the unknown are two different things. If you have insurance they pretty much have you over a barrel.

Most Americans can't find Belgium on a map. Most Americans think West Virginia is part of Virginia. You think you're measuring customer satisfaction when you're really measuring the lack of awareness of alternatives.

Are you fucking kidding me? That’s not true and you know it. Who the hell likes to pay copayments and outrageous hospital bills while paying hundreds of $ for healthcare? People are dying and/or going bankrupt under this current health system. We need Medicare for All right now!

Really asymmetricinfo this is a bad take. People are happy with their docs they take care of them. They are happiest when their insurers when they dont have to call them up and yell and argue with them after they deny coverage for something the doc recommended

These men just love our system. Are these the Americans to which you are referring?

Most Americans aren't masochists. They aren't fond of deductibles, denial of payment after paying high premiums, and being saddled with crushing debts after surgery and hospitalization. MedicareForAll

Hey asymmetricinfo your opinions are awful, maybe you should stop making them public

👖🔥 PropagandistAccount

Um, no I don't. My health insurance is good, but it doesn't cover all of my expenses and I need to see specialists for some of my medical conditions, but I can't afford to do it because my insurance won't cover it. The treatments I need are considered 'cosmetic' which is bullshit


No, I don’t, and nor does anyone else I know. It doesn’t even pay the whole thing! The number of things it won’t pay for is incredible! Their whole business model is based around them trying to get out of doing what I pay them to do.

No they don’t over 70% prefer MedicareForAll and it’s bipartisan.

Opinion piece from a right-leaning libertarian, inspired by Ayn Rand, who has been opposed to single payer forever. The poll also shows those with Medicare/Medicaid are happier with their coverage and costs than those with private ins.


Can’t Twitter do something about these fakenews accounts?

It's not often that opinion pieces can be proven to be 100 % wrong, but in this case we have polling for quite a long time, over 20 years, stating that Americans, over 70 % of them, want better healthcare. This article is 100% wrong. What a waste of time. OrganizeWithBernie

Sorry, no. They have just been frightened into thinking it would be made worse, but there's nothing really worse than being sick & watching bills pile up, and losing everything you have, so that an industry built on taking money that should go to healthcare gets rich as you die.

Yes we love our $5000 deductibles and $1200 a month premiums. bernie2020

Love the ratio here. Shame on WaPo. Smear artists.

How was this polling done? Who was polled? Site your statistics. Gee, I sure love my super high deductible, high prescription costs, lack of coverage, and mounting medical debt....said no one ever.

No. We really don’t.

This article is approved and paid for by the guys making millions off said insurance companies so yeah. Corporate America sticks together.

Bernie2020 MedicareForAll OurRevolution NotMeUs Here4TheRatio



Democracy is being killed by The Washington Post.

What in the actual fuck is this?!

We want Medicare for ALL!!

NicoleKowalski5 How you ask the question here entirely determines the answer you get. This polling was designed to produce this result.

Yeah right. And this article is totally legit 😂😂

You can't just tell a lie and call it an opinion.

You’ll just publish anything.

Did the person that wrote this garbage asked *all* americans about their *opinion* regarding this ?

I don't, this is FakeNews


What BS! Yep we love paying out the nose for a high deductible, catastrophic healthcare. We love being stuck at a job bc our health ins is tied to it! Only ppl on Medicare are happy

Sounds fake but ok.

No we dont.

I love having pay thousands of dollars more for healthcare that won't cover me anyway. This article is bad and you should feel bad.

No we don't Bezos

False. Stop serving your corporate overlords and report the truth. Democracy is dying.

Do they, though? This talking point is getting old..MedicareForAll Bernie2020 NotMeUs

Is the HC industry paying WAPO to be their publicists like P4AHCF? Your boss Dr. Evil needs you to do the bidding for his other billionaire pals.

I want medicare for all. i want to be able to change jobs after age 50 without fearing financial disaster. Sorry, WaPo I hate my insurance the way it is and want a National Health Service like civilized countries, in other words: Medicare for All!

We do?

Not me, I’m part time and my husband is self-employed. Rates for two adults suck.

Then they don’t have to drop it. I’m sorry but this post is BS.

Most like the way it used to be.

Washington Post, paid for and bought by insurance companies and big pharma.

I'm glad to see that your lobotomy was a success (and they said that you'd never write again)!

Here for the ratio

Over 70% of Americans want medicare for all...

An absolute lie, just read all the heart breaking testimonies at AllOnMedicare for the truth

I think not. Only thing my insurance has done is provided me stress and massive bills!

I love not being able to afford to go to the Dr. because I spent all my money on health insurance.

HotlineJosh No they don't

A scene from the asymmetricinfo cut off Star Wars: A New Hope.

Wtf mine is horrible and I work for a huge company. Every company I’ve worked for has moved to cheap plans with super high deductibles

Yes, I love when I get a new job and have to wait 45 days before insurance kicks in. Better not get sick.

I have health insurance and I barely use it because of all the added expenses. A doctor recently sent me to the ER, and instead of solely being concerned with my health I freaked out about the cost of the ambulance. SO FUCK OFF.

The ratio on this tweet says otherwise.


If that were the case than why do 70% of Americans support Medicare for all. You can’t lie to us, we live in the shit everyday. Tell Bezos were coming for him

Lol no

This is the . They can bleat about the separation between news/editorials and ad department $$. It may even be true. But no writer/editor will ever get in trouble for working to keep JeffBezos' tax bill $0.00 WeRemember2016 NeverForget2016 Bernie2020

This is some lame propaganda right here.


I guess the Washington Post doesn't read opinion polls (which show large majorities for change). Gallup: Pew:

In my most trumpy voice - WRONG!!!🤣🤣

Much❤ to everyone calling out this clear bs

Wow the level of bull sh*t in this article is stunning. 'Opinion' is right..citing extraordinary costs&raising the budget🤣 weird we didn'tget any push back for the trillion$tax cut or the700+billion for war. How do you sleep at night?you clearly know your lying for sociopaths

sherrilee7 no. they don;t like paying a middle man when he can be eliminated and lower our out of pocket costs. the dems plan has an option to buy supplemental private insurance if you want, but i don't think anyone will need it

I sure do.

i’ve been in online groups for diseases for 20 yrs and problems w insurance cos are one of most frequent posts. always. ppl will say things like “it’s worse to deal with insurance than have the disease” and if someone likes their MS more than their insurance, you done donked up

Most Americans don't go on their knees to get health care from employers for writing bad propaganda.

I have good insurance. I still have to pay out $1000 in co-payment to replace my broken bridge.

LOL! 😁

This is simply untrue.

How much do Americans pay for health insurance monthly? ..Canadian

Doesn't the President's health care get paid by the people?

You're definitely working on being one of the worst news organizations that exist today

You people write this sh*t just to get traction from people that know better. asymmetricinfo pals with Neera. Nuff said.

Just here for the ratio. FFS, health insurance =/= health care.

Wow this is bad. No. No we don’t.

Bezos Post this 'opinion' piece was probably paid for by some insurance company. Right?

Who the heck did you speak too? Not those who’s premiums continue to rise, while paying less and less by charging huge deductibles. Only if you don’t understand his concept. This is a poll based on b’shit

This is just a corporate hit piece. Ask those same people if their insurance allows them to change jobs, or move to another state, and has no copays or deductibles!

Liars. 🇺🇸 needs to join the rest of developed nations and have Singlepayer MedicareForAll

Don't be foolish, nobody in the U.S. is happy with their health insurance.

More like most Americans have been abused by their health insurance enough times to know better than to say where they got those bruises if anyone asks...

No, we don't.

I call bullshit! I hate my insurance, its over priced and leaves me under covered. And dont even get me started on dental insurance!

Who are these “most Americans”?

Holy horse sh!t Batman. Trump is right about one thing, y'all are full of it

Stupidest opinion on earth.

go away , can't have my dollar.

you wish. Sanders2020

Go figure that the rag owned by one of the more detestable billionaires on this hellrock would publish capitalist filth.

Whoever wrote this doesn't speak for me! My deductible is $3,500 so I never go to the doctor unless I think I have a broken bone or something really serious!!

Yes, everyone loves having a group of strangers they can never identify or talk to, decide if they are allowed to use the money they paid into insurance to buy the medication they need to not die. Who wouldn't be on board for that?

I think you are nuts! As a business owner I thought healthcare costs were unsustainable and a drain on the economy not to say immoral 20 years ago. From what I see ordinary people are starting to agree and it turning into a tidal wave.

Bezos’s Washpo continues to spread their propaganda that everyone knows is pure BS!

I think most americans would like health insurance tho? And theyd like to not pay thousands for something that costs maybe a 100 bucks?

The author of this propaganda will take a buck to step over the bodies of fellow Americans dead from lack of healthcare.

Bugger off Bezos.

That's funny, all I hear are complaints.

I do not. Take that opinion ans shove it

Even the 35 million without? What about the other 30 mill underinsured? How about the people living in red states afraid to have theirs cut? What about the 79 mill in debt from health care? And the 78 percent of workers living paycheck to paycheck? Centrists are Republicans

No we don't! We want Medicare for all!! I have had nothing but bad experiences with insurance companies especially bc/bs.

If this is true, it’s because we’re ignorant as can be


Why am I never consulted in these polls? I vote “no”; I do not like my health insurance at all.

It's actually one of the things that people in the US like least

sliding into your timeline, trying to be relevant

The author of this nonsense, asymmetricinfo, is a Third Way Neera Tanden shill.


Said no one ever.

no, we do not.



There's almost nothing I hate more than my insurance company. If I had to pick between my insurance company and ISIS, I'd have to flip a coin. 🤔

Bwahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha whew

more bullshit opinion from wapo!

But what about those who do not have health insurance. A public option does not mean private insurance goes away. Anyone who thinks they have control over their own healthcare is delusional, insurance companies have all the control

They don't like better coverage? They enjoy paying for it? They like being denied because of it? They love being tied to a job they hate strictly because of insurance? You're asking the wrong people stop w the bubble think and ask real Americans. The WP has written you off.

Did a rich person write this on behalf of an outrageously rich person?

I have a 'good' plan and it sucks. I do not know one person who likes their current health insurance plan.

lol no they don't.

That's the most ridiculous 'opinion' I've ever heard from The Post! Exactly how much crack did you have to smoke to come up with that? MedicareForAll

Can't wait to hear what jimmy_dore has to say about this!! 😏

Further proof that Americans really do waste money. I love my Medicare4All I pay tax. I get the green card. I go to doctor i so swipe my card. I go to emergency I swipe my card. I need cancer treatmentI swipe my card. Healthcare bills stress? Unknown in auspol

Wow what a shock they a newspaper owned by the richest man in the world might say this.

Hack plutocrat newspaper.

Fake news. I pay more for health care than my mortgage. It’s ok if you work for Merck or a hospital. The self employed are screwed by the government and insurance companies.

Its absurd your paper pretends to be a top media outlet while employing this dullard to write for you

Spoken by someone who hasn't lived paycheck-to-paycheck and had one of their kids suffer a medical condition, and had to burn up their savings to pay what the insurance didn't cover!

Cuba has one of the best outcomes for medical problems in the world and it is very poor as a nation, so money is not the problem?

Raise your hand if this is true


No they don’t.

I don't believe you I despise mine.

That Corporatist Shitheel Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post! Billionaires don't get to have an opinion on the future of my healthcare!

That Corporatist Shitheel Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post! Billionaires don't get to have an opinion on the future of my healthcare!

The delicious ratio

The hell we do.

strikes again. ratio’d again. Rinse, repeat.

Paying $2,000 for an ambulance ride a few years ago in college was super fun. But I 3 my insurance tho.


No they don't like their insurance, they're accepting of it because that's all we have, for those who do not have insurance they'll take anything they can get,

Sorry, but it’s hard to trust a rich “libertarian” who grew up going to a rich prep school to be an expert on healthcare for average Americans

Sorry but most billionaires who own media outlets like their 0% tax and confusing healthcare system the way it is

Bullshit we do.

You misspelled “health care” your editor should really have caught that

You write a lie, call it opinion and then charge for the access to see if there's any actual evidence behind your lies? No thanks.

I’m sorry....WHAT? No. No. Not true.

CIA propaganda rag says wha HAHAHA, PUHHLEASE

Are you nuts No one likes their healthcare. Every year it gets worse and more unaffordable.


I don’t know anyone who likes it. Where do these opinion writers get this shit?

Where’s the money Bernie?


Medicare shouldn't be for all. It should be for those that want it. For $135/month, you might be surprised. It's the same coverage as private insurance, maybe better.

Sorry, but most Americans have no idea how shitty their health insurance is until they get sick.

I'm one of millions that DISAGREE with your corporatist opinion! High Deductibles, High Copays, Insurance Company and Big Pharma Profts are NOT Positive attributes!!! People Are Dying because it is UNAFFORDABLE!!!! BERNIE2020

Even the 28 million who don't have any?


What a dumb article. Just here for the ratio.

Tell that to all the folks working non-union labor intensive jobs where one can easily get hurt at while having no health insurance. That’s next level serfdom. Major injuries mean no work, no income, and then huge debts to get medical attention.

Your trial after the revolution is going to be an interesting one

Who are these people I have never met one single person? Even those in the industry know this is the biggest sham on the American people.

Really most Americans like bro h told their medical care isn’t taken, and their drugs aren’t covered?

The hell they do. What a load of BS from the MSM.

I have health insurance and I’m apprehensive about using it due to costs. I love my health insurance as much as I love my mechanic 👨‍🔧 That’s not at all.


Ya know, I’m not terribly unhappy with my insurance. I’m lucky and my corporate job has good benefits. But millions of others face mountains of stress and debt just because they get sick. Almost more stressful than the disease itself. That’s why I’m for MedicareForAll empathy

Which insurance company paid y’all to post this?

Wait until *they* get sick. They’ll see the light then.

Pure bs, that's why this op-ed is listed under OPINION!

Looks like someone is getting kickbacks from health insurance lobbyists 😐

asymmetricinfo the source you used from 2018 also did a poll a few weeks earlier on the satisfaction of healthcare costs but you failed to mention this in your article. Why is that?


As Single-Payer Gains Traction, Industry Launches Attack Ads

for you it's just something to chuckle about at beltway cocktail parties, for millions of us its literally life & death. go to hell.

Everybody would like it better if it were free.

No, I hate copays, deductibles, getting rejected procedures, & especially having to travel to another country to get implants because we separate dental health as well as vision from the rest of the body. Fuck insurance companies. I need MedicareforAll

I have both Medicare and private insurance. I like to have my options to choose to have private insurance, knowing that I have a backup plan. Not just the Medicare plan, you will be surprised how much Medicare does not cover many medical costs, its good to have secondary options.


Medicare-for-all' gets unexpected surge of support, even in red states


Blatantly false. We have good heath care insurance now by comparison to most. Although employer pays a large share, we still pay a high monthly premium. We want MedicareForAll--save us a lot of money (no copays, no deductables, no out of pocket on enormous bills)

Thanks, Capitalism. 🌹🌹🌹

I didn’t realize your worthless corporate rag paper wanted even more blood on its hands. Yikes.

lol take the L

More propaganda from insurance and other health industry companies against M4A.

I think you might have some biases there.

Absolutely not true

In Canada we do not complain of our Health Care for all. We only complain about parking fees at hospital parking lots.

I pay 735 a month for BC insurance that it is cheaper not to use for major procedures than to have them prices the claims....I am not satisfied with my insurance and an expecting a change with whatever Democrat is elected

Also, ratio

Oh yes, my precious employer-provided insurance that goes up 20% a year, with a $5k deductible. What planet are you on, lady?

By god, this isn’t satire

Let’s ask someone who takes insulin how they feel about this.

Lmao which opinion writer with benefits wrote this?

*John Cena voice* Are you sure about that

Bullshit. 100% bullshit. I’ve had all kinds over the years and the high deductibles and the new thing call “co-insurance” aren’t good at all. I can’t even use a pharmacy. To cut corners United Healthcare forces me to use an online one.

The ONLY REASON I stay at the job I have instead of starting my own business is because I cannot afford non employer insurance even through the ACA Marketplace. I have to have that insurance and that makes me dependent on someone else telling me what kind I get each year. M4A

No, they don't.

Did you ask any of the 30 million people who are uninsured?

My health insurance is expensive and sucks ass, actually

Interesting how the Washington Post would rather have Trump win again than Bernie..

Lmao no we fucking don’t

Absolute bullshit

No not at all. Maybe WaPo should stop pushing these BULLSHIT opinions not based on FACTS.

Learn the difference between an opinion and a fact you pathetic propaganda outlet.

Fuck. No.

Thanks for making sure Democracy Dies In Darkness

Weird but I see Americans holding those signs, not Bernie Sanders. Lol

Unfollowed. I've had enough of the conservative viewpoint op-eds, thanks anyway.

Inferior, overpriced and burdensome.

From someone lucky enough to have a relatively good health plan through work, let me be clear: our health insurance is shit.

Writer Megan McArdle is libertarian...twisted Gallup poll results to fit narrative. Don't buy it. No matter if you're Bernie supporter or want Medicare for All...this line of bull is simply NOT TRUE. People want better than what they've got now. Period.⤵️

All based on this. Older ppl like Medicare. Bet they'd LOVE medicare for all.

what? No, no they do not. Most Americans want more coverage for less money & want it UNIVERSAL, so even people WITHOUT A JOB have health coverage. So completely out of touch with reality.

Umm... no, Washington Post, no not all of us like our healthcare that requires us to pay thousands every year to them and still pay more when we actually get treatment and doesn't cover what we need when we need it most.

Wrong and no I will not pay to read your bullshit stories.

So untrue.

The educated columnist apparently doesn’t understand that Medicare4All is *cheaper* than the current system so any tax increases would be *lower* than the exorbitant premiums we would no longer pay. Also, nobody likes their private insurance except people working for hedge funds

What I really liked about my private health insurance was having to appeal to State Government when they refused to cover any of the procedures I underwent for a knee operation. Added spice to my life not knowing if I was going to go bankrupt.

Lol of jeezus. This is some funny stuff here. 🙄

I don’t. 4 hr emergency room cost me $4,000. And I took a lyft there. Ambulance would have added $10,000. Fuck private insurance

Sounds like this was written by Ivanka Trump.

WaPo, would love to see where this poll came from. 100 million Americans hate their insurance. They’re just terrified all the hospitals and doctors will move offshore and only service billionaires. Health insurance is mafia protection money.

Starving people only offered gruel still like to eat. Try asking if they would like a square meals. Medicare4All

The turning point for the 2020 election will be the candidate who offers health care for all will win the 2020 election PEOPLE are getting tired of dying with no health insurance!!!

MedicareForAll will save millions of lives. Not an opinion but a fact.

We don't 'like' our health insurance, we like having health insurance. Big difference.

Uhhh, no we don’t.

asymmetricinfo Hi McMegan are you familiar with the word 'most'? Do you need a definition?

As Senator Hirono says, 'This is such bullshit I can hardly stand it.' Americans' health care shouldn't have anything to do with *insurance* at all. Health care is a right, not insurance. Health care insurance as it currently exists should be eliminated. Medicare4All = popular.

Bezo stfu

until you can't afford it.

Meamwhioe our ins changes every year, based on the whims of our employees. WP, you failed.

Hahaha. Wrong. Can you do me a favor, and stop advocating for my premature death? I’ll appreciate it as will the millions of others for whom you heretofore dgaf about.

Until you lose it.

You are the wrongest

So this here is not true but Jennifer Rubin does not care, and this is the suppsed 'liberal' media of Wapo and Msnbc who are entirely out of touch with the people, hence Trump.

We sure do! I love my ripoff premiums, co-pays, deductables, and Byzantine provider networks.


Had to dig to find your polling data, which revealed this little tidbit, debunking your bullsizzle.

Opinion: Sorry math nerds, but 1+1 is actually 3.

Facile repetitions like this can lead to acceptance as truth—even though this is an obvious falsehood Medicare4All

Washington Post....I cant even believe you call yourself journalists.....this is such a false representation of what is actually going on in the country....you have now lost ALL credibility as a news source...

nice ratio btw

McCraple should be banned from journalistic institutions forever

No they don't.

Until they get sick

Someone tell me which braindead corporate apologist wrote this because I'm not giving it a click

Whose delusional opinion is this?

Not this American.

Type 1 diabetic here. I can only survive because my doctor gives me samples and I buy insulin overseas. Definitely not happy with American insurance.

Bullshit. Health insurance in this country SUCKS!!! We deserve Medicare For All!!!

Hell to the goddamn NO!


Rich Americans do. Get or headline straight

Completely wrong. Check out AllanStyve’s Tweet:

I currently have 3, count them 3, and they are all a pain. Copays, time on the phone, the care that is disallowed even though my doctor recommends it is inane. Quit this BS.

No we don’t like our health insurance. Making money on sick people wrong

What The CIA-Bezos owned WaPo has 2bit lackey “journalists” spewing utter nonsense? Inconceivable...if you’re brain dead.

Yes, that's something all Americans agree on: We love medical debt.

look at how dumb and wrong and completely out of touch you are!

I can’t get over what a propaganda piece this is. Just full of straight up lies that fly in the face of every metric. Shame on you.

What country are you living in?

I also remember when you wrote a very large mischaracterization of Medicare for all being unaffordable. This, like that was, is a completely fabricated article based on opinions of the rich.


Lol no

Facile repetitions like this can lead to acceptance as truth—even though it this is an obvious falsehood M4A

What a garbage take. Most people aren't using their health insurance and the WAY IT IS isn't the way it will be later. WE WON THIS ARGUMENT. Get used to it.

She reports in the article/editorial that 7 out of every 10 Americans are 'fairly satisfied' with their personal coverage. That would be, of course, 7 out of 10 Americans who have and can afford a comprehensive healthcare plan along with any associated costs. tytlive

badopinion Sorry opinion writer ur take stinks.

Don’t think so. America has the worst healthcare in the western world and most folks know that this system is not good. Folks want to keep their good private insurance while at the same time there is a public option.

Trump’s administration is working to strip away the “insurance they already have.”

I, too, enjoy paying 10% of my earnings to insurance then still having to cover 20% of the bill.

I don’t know whom you’re polling, but unless they have Medicaid, Medicare or VA for health insurance, I know of nobody, myself included, that likes my current plan. Skewed polls perhaps?

I don’t know a single person who thinks they are getting great coverage at a reasonable price. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Yeah, no. Americans are eager to bring down the Insurance and Pharma lobbies who have been ripping us off for decades.

Oh, hell no! My family's high deductible + HSA: * $24k annual insurance expense * plus $8k per person deductible * local specialists are out of network (not covered) * wisdom tooth extraction not covered * $3k ambulance ride for shock victim deemed 'unnecessary' * I could go on

I have BCBS and it costs me $568.00 a month. I'm retired. I hate it but have no choice as I live in rural northern MI.

I LOVE paying $750 a month to then pay into a $12,500 deductible and co-pays to 'in network' doctors only and specialists, which is when I'm really sick I have to pay 3x my co-pay. Good Christ what is wrong with Americans who side with cruel & unreliable health ins co's?


listen terf

Reading BS stories like this is what radicalized me for ImprovedMedicareForAll NO ONE LIKES PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE!! Except rich people, really, really rich people who oddly don’t need it.

You've got to be kidding, or on the payroll of big pharma and big health insurance. You must be kidding.

That ratio of though.

Bullshit. If I actually had a choice I wouldn’t have the insurance I have. But when you are dealing with life-threatening pre-existing conditions you have no choice.

So what is the alternative? To continue ignoring our fellows who are suffering and dying needlessly every day. To be in denial of the diminishing quality of lives. What about nonexistent health care justice and equality?

Says who

WaPo is cancelled

WP's philosophy: If you tell a lie enough times, ppl will eventually believe it. Stay strong ppl bc the propaganda has just begun.. much, much more is coming..

Must call bullshit on this. Bernie2020 MedicareForAll Don't believe me? Just watch!

No we don't.

I'll be the first on this thread to say that I actually do love my insurance! But I'm Canadian so my insurance is Medicare. Funny, I couldn't find one person on here agreeing with you after saying that most love theirs.

You can’t have an “opinion” about something that no poll conducted in good faith has shown in many years

Opinion: Sorry Poors, but health insurance CEOs bonuses will always take precedent over the lives of the 45,000 people who die every year from lack of coverage.

Yeah because paying $3600 a year in premiums and not having it cover much until you’ve already paid a $2500 deductible, then still get hit with a 20% coinsurance is freedom.

Just blatantly untrue.

No, we don’t. Sorry that you consistently write tone deaf headlines, WaPo

Except for people who have had to use their insurance. They don’t like paying for more insurance than rent and still have medical bills.

Not all true...you forgot 'most Americans like their health insurance the way it is' with less out-of-pocket expenses, and not mortgaging their homes into foreclosure when deciding to live or die!

Opinion: Sorry WaPo, you're opinion is shit, and it's factually flawed.

reminder that everyone should install an adblocker so the post doesn't get any ad revenue from trash like this. just google 'adblock plus' or 'ublock origin'

TYTArmy3, what are the real facts on public support for MedicareForAll? TYTArmy

BRforBernie Blatant propaganda lies.

This is flat out propaganda. Some people that managed to fit into that affordable insurance catagory want to keep their insurance, sure. But what about the rest of us that are dropping dead because we can't afford healthcare or insurance? I guess I'll just die.

Bezos owns this rag- it is pure propaganda written for the benefit of the billionaires.

More lies from WaPo.

Wow. This is a flat out lie. Even on Fox News, nobody wanted their healthcare.

This is false. It doesn’t matter if you put it under the “opinion” section. All evidence is that a vast majority don’t like their private insurance. Bernie2020

Your opinion is sh*t. Most Americans want Medicare for all... nice try though. Who planted this garbage opinion? I’m sure it was a health insurance company!

New Promotional idea: With every subscription comes a free pill splitter for those desperate end of the month rationing moments. GET BENT! MedicareForAll Bernie2020

LOL “Sorry, Bernie, but most people like paying high copays, going broke from being sick and subsidizing a predatory industry.” GTFOH

Just make sure that everyone has - not just access to - basic, no denials for any pre-existing condition, affordable, full coverage health Insurance. Medicare, Medicare HMO, ACA/so-called Obamacare are good models, as are the products of PPO Private and Medicare insurance.

They like their doctors. I don't know a single person who likes their insurance company.

If they do, it’s because they don’t understand what Medicare for all means,.They read propaganda that they’ll lose their health care provider, taxes will go up (not that that it replaces premiums),they don’t know dental &vision is the included & doctor appts would be free etc

So asymmetricinfo's argument is basically 'It's hard. People who 'got theirs' are scared of sharing. Too many Democrats are in the Insurance lobby pocket'? A libertarian who grew up rich, went to a private school, married to an editor at Reason, is against M4A? 🙄 Shocking.


Except when they don’t have it anymore because they lose their job or their employer decides to change carriers which means changing docs or their employer is bought out or merges & the carrier changes/I realize these things never happen but just in case

Not sure this is accurate. An overwhelming anoint of population hates insurance companies

Funny, I don't hear that sentiment from my friends. And those who actually had to access their insurance have nothing positive to say about the nightmares caused by administrative confusion and denials

No. this is a bull shit lie. No one 'likes' thier insurance. They may like thier doctor. But no one likes thier insurance.

*... until you ask them if they'd like to pay less overall, not be forced into whatever insurer their employer picks, and get rid of premiums, copays, deductibles, and costs that go up 20% per year. *allquestionsframedbenefitofinsurancecompaniesallbankruptciesmustbedischarged

No. We don’t like it the way it is.

At least the first word in the headline is correct. But rich people can always continue whatever plans they like. M4A will provide for everyone AND reduce national costs.

What health Insurance? I have a small business so that's doesn't happen.

Certainly these do. “Many of the largest publicly traded health insurers saw their bottom lines soar in 2018. Their CEOs' paychecks were no different.”: Michael Neidorff $ 21.1 mil David Cordani $19.2 Gail Boudreaux $14.2 Bruce Broussard $25 Joseph Zubretsky $15.2 Etc...

I feel sorry for the American people that the former newspaper WaPo is nothing more than the PR machine of Jeff Bezos. Dont let the lying crooks of this propaganda outlet fool you, people all over the world - including the US - want single payer MedicareForAll Bernie2020

Oh really?

Disingenuous garbage. If you simply tell people 'Your health insurance is gonna be cancelled' -- OF COURSE they'd freak out. BUT, if you told the TRUTH: 'Your health insurance is gonna be replaced immediately with BETTER coverage, +vision, +dental' -- They would LOVE it.

I'm an american and I don't like my health insurance the way it is.

The is a tool.

How much did they pay you to write this bullshit

If Jeff Bezos wrote this sure

lol no we don’t dipshit

Wrong WP!

The PR people for Big Pharma, AMA, and the greedy insurance companies are going all out. The more manure laid on the more people they fool. They only worry about profits not new ideas that may reduce them.

This would say otherwise:

You deserve every ratio you get for continuing to post these and the daily Jennifer Rubin 'anyone but Bernie' columns.



Not true. Seniors have MediCare and we STILL have to pay a second monthly HIGHER premium for supplemental insurance which is supposed to cover the remaining 20% but doesn't. Get a clue WaPo.

You actually believe that most Americans like paying hundreds of dollars a month for a service they can't even use unless they pay thousands of dollars more in detuctibles? I think your headline proves just how out of touch you are with the American people.

When we had employer insurance, we had to change every year because the employer changed plans. We had to change doctors, because insurance changed. We had to pay more. People would be thrilled to have that uncertainty removed from their lives.

Opinion: Megan McCardle is the Meghan McCain of essayists

Sorry, WaPo & Bezos - No - no we don't .. not at all.. Did you not happen to catch the Bernie Town Hall on Fox when they made the mistake of asking who was ready & willing to change over to Medicare4All ?

I love to have an office call me and hound me for $25 more dollars for the co-pay cause the insurance company stiffed them. I do.

And the moon is made of cheese and New Yorks sewers are full of alligators. Come on now- who the hell are you writing this for?

four pinnochios

The ratio is glorious....🤣🤣🤣

Imagine being this out of touch. Bernie2020

No we dont

What’s up asymmetricinfo? Did JRubinBlogger have the day off? BTW, last time I went to the doctor for a sore throat I got a $228 bill. And I have great insurance so...stfu, tx.

Yes. They are dying because they cannot afford insulin and declaring bankruptcy because they cannot afford hospitalizations. Many can never reach their $10,000 deductibles in any given year. McCardle is a Koch girl.


Nope. Nope. Nope. Have your 7 year old son diagnosed with high risk neuroblastoma and get back to me about this topic.


Do not listen to WAPO. It’s propoganda. Listen to those who live in reality. Listen to AdyBarkan

Meghan McArdle is severely out of touch with what most people want

Get the f out of here. Your propaganda is showing.

Do t listen to WAPO. Listen to AdyBarkan

And then there ARE facts. Your info appears asymmetric asymmetricinfo . The current system is bankrupting & killing people. And it's unsustainable. WaPo should employ an actual human.

I find this hard to believe. Americans may like their doctor, but that does not mean they like their health insurance the way it is.

“Opinion” everyone’s got one. Lmfao

Not a fucking chance lol.

It is illogical for a single opinion without reliable data to speak as to what “most Americans” want. This article is just another show of journalistic malpractice from the corporate leaning WP. Disgusting.

Are you doing research into Twitter ratios?


Sorry Washington post, but “No. We don’t”.

Megan, the author of this OPINION piece: I don't like my insurance plan and I'm a government employee. MedicareForAll Bernie2020

Meltdown May, baby!

asymmetricinfo LOL shut up. This is like when a parent lets their kid ride the whimpering family dog like a horse insisting “He likes it!”

$380 a month premium, $2500 a year deductible, $30 copay, 20% coverage after deductible, $10/year max. Would rather have 2% payroll tax for universal healthcare and no limits or copays. $1200 a year beats what I currently pay. Most my ass. Most rich conservatives maybe. Us? Nope.

Fact: Sorry, Wapo, but this ain’t it chief

Here’s a radical idea. How about talking to people outside the DC beltway before you start making assumptions about what Americans like or don’t like.

The idiot that wrote this definitely knew he would get ratio'd

1)That ratio tho 2)

Sounds like another paid opinion piece.

99% of Americans want Amazon to pay its fair share of taxes, and Bezos is a liar on par with tRump.

Nice try, but April Fool's was last month.

lol no they don't

Incorrect. WAPO is always lying, attacking and smearing Senator Sanders. There is no Unity or Civility with Bezos. All he does is lie. 70% of Americans want M4A and 52% of Republicans want M4A as well.

It makes sense since illness, bankruptcy, and death are the pillars neoliberal being

Last time I looked, at least half of the Dem presidential candidates were in favor of MedicareForAll. So, nice job making the headline into a Bernie hit piece.

Half are on high deductible plans. Wage increases diverted to premium increases. 20% claim denial rates. Choosing your doctor for you via network pricing. 17% admin costs. 700k medical bankruptcies per year. 1 billion a quarter profit each for the big 3. Less job mobility.

What the hell kind of dumbfuck headline is this. What insurance company paid a years worth of advertising just to have this article run. The editor should be ashamed of themselves. What a joke.

Ok, now tell the people what they apparently think 'in your opinion'


Compared to having no health insurance at all? Maybe. But otherwise, no we don't.

.... says almost no one

now has literal blood on their hands. I don't have health insurance, too expensive, so they're literally sentencing me and THOUSANDS of others to DEATH! All for money. Human life has no intrinsic value when you're talking to crony capitalists.

Maybe the 49% of those lucky enough to get employer based healthcare are happy, but more and more Americans are working part time or 40 hrs/wk with no benefits!

what insurance?

Lol what

Receipt...because we all know this is bullshit


Ratio indicates otherwise

Opinion: NotMeUs

You would publish articles against social security and Medicare if we didnt have it. Its morally disgusting that people are ok with profiteering off of peoples health

Except for the millions that don’t have any and the millions that may lose it because this boneheaded administration wants it declared unconstitutional. You ASSume.

No we don’t.

I beg to differ. Why pay more to cover fewer people w fewer benefits & a middleman who provides nothing, but makes billions in profits? People w empl provided ins are going bankrupt b/c insurer practices & price gouging. Rethink your opinion. MedicareForAll Bernie2020

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!...no, seriously...HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

They like it until they are hit with a serious illness, and then lose their homes and go bankrupt. As long as it isn't needed, it's great.

Washington Post as toilet paper.

Well, I am not happy with more and more out of pocket costs for my health care. Don't know what rock this commentator lives under. Also, what about rising costs of pharmaceuticals? WE IN THe USA pay most of industrialized countries!

If 1 clicks links in this article u r directed to Kaiser Family Foundation website where u can review spreadsheet of statistics 4 all states This includes healthcare coverage stats- 'Medicaid' which is FREE coverage 4 poverty stricken people + uninsured

= ThePropagandaPress Stop listening to them and giving them your money.

So we’re just making stuff up now?

I tell you what, how about you give it to us, and then when we say we don't like it we go back to the insurance overload process Smdh you people are getting really obvious

Yeah JeffBezos, we’re still coming for your money, honey.

This is so dumb and wrong I had to go to urgentcare.

Do they make this up as they go? Did they talk to just the rich or the CEO’s of healthcare industry & big pharma? Lamestream media at its finest. washingtonCOMpost

I DO NOT. I want hcare for my fam that isn't tied to my job. I do NOT want my sm biz boss picking incrementally worse plans for us at higher rates than big corps. I want my health private from my job. I want deducts to stop going up yearly. I want dental/eye. I want Medicare4All

Thanks but no thanks, Jeff Bezos

Then why do you suppose all the people replying to your hot take seem to disagree? Like if you had to guess asymmetricinfo

Love to be forced to give hundreds of dollars every month to my boss so I can be denied coverage when I need it. How else will insurance executives be able to afford a new yacht?

time to add another chapter, McMegan

Nothing like paying a middle-man to deny you coverage when it's no longer profitable. I know our education system sucks, but this can't be remotely accurate.

That's because Americans have been fed a steady stream of misinformation about national health systems. Privatized health management puts the US behind every other western society with national health care. If you have money, healthcare is GREAT in the US; but no $/no bueno.

Every weekend, the right sends out the idiots to spout disinformation and lies. Stop already. Stop the lies. Help come up with better, not holding on to broken. Progress, not Regress.

Please die

The best part of the news is getting paid to say whatever dumbfuck thing pops into your nog

Since Amazon / Washington Post do not pay taxes doesn’t it give up the right to tell us how to spend other people’s money ?

No we don't

I get panic attacks from the co pay on my meds, but afraid to tell my doctor because he'll prescribe more meds

Do we? Blue Cross keeps raising prices and reducing services. They are without ethics. Their greed is boundless. Let's make a çhange and get rid of private companies.

Expensive and dysfunctional?

*Until they use it tytlive tytarmy

I can't wait for people at the Washington Post to get cancer and have their insurance not pay for it. Cancer RIP

If this was true, then most Americans would be sociopaths. All around us, people are suffering, dying and losing partners, parents and children, because of 'health insurance the way it is.' Fortunately, it's mainly the corporate whores in the MSM and Congress who are sociopaths.

That is bullshit! People DYING and going into debt because of our soulless, broken, for profit health care system. Get a more humane opinion.

Am I too late for the ratio?

In opposite world sure WP. Next time can u put out an opinion piece by someone other than Megan McArdle? a privileged NYC girl that comes from $$, is in bed with Koch brothers and was for the Iraq war. I bet she loves her private insurance

They might like it- until they have to use it:

This is the stupidest take ever. You think people like- deductibles, copays, having to stay in network instead of picking their doctor, having to select from limited formularies instead of picking the best meds, having to get pre approved, having to carry separate dental?

It’s just your opinion though 🤷🏿‍♂️

Your wrong again Washington Post.


You like your insurance? Well I guess you better keep that same job forever.

Lol most Americans like going to the doctor WITH insurance and being told yeah but you still owe us a copay and you still have to pay for these overpriced prescriptions. Working as intended.

I think this raises an important question about who gets to make the news. Recall Sheldon Wolin: the polling industry came out of the marketing research schools. It’s all advertising. This system is bought and paid for without unpaid wages.

No they don't.

Go home . You’re drunk

Are you freaking kidding me?

So you like giving billions and billions to insurance industry and pharmecutical companies while sick americans are going into bankruptcy...yea right

Says who? Where are these 'most Americans'? No one asked me.

Not true. It could be better. And the system is terrible.

The Washington Post is shit. Get all that boomer money you can because when they're gone, its gone.

I have a feeling the people who Like their insurance are the same people who can Afford to Buy it if they like it so much. MedicareForAll

No, we don’t. If I want to see a specialist at NYU Langone, I have get get pre-authorization. My son’s eyeglasses prescription changes every yr. I have to get pre-authorization every yr, and sometimes, they deny him, so I have to pay $500-700 out of pocket. M4A 🖕🏻

Yea, I don’t mind working till 110 so I can keep my health ins plan. Just dig a hole near my desk so I can fall in & save funeral expense

If you have health insurance. What ever happened to an independent free press. This is just more propaganda.

I'm here for what looks to be an impressive ratio!

Universal coverage 'In 2004, the CBC held a national contest to determine the greatest Canadian of all time - the person who had the most profound impact on the nation. Tommy Douglas, that humble preacher who hailed from Falkirk, was declared the winner.'

I used to work for a health insurance company. Now on Medicare. I disagree wholeheartedly with your statement. I've liked doctors and healthcare practitioners. Health insurance companies are a source of great stress, anxiety, tragedy for most Americans.

No they don’t and even they did their insurance is temporary and they could lose it at any time

That's interesting because it looks like almost half of insured people struggle to pay for their insurance and half struggle to pay for medical care with it.

Opinion: Washington Post’s an incredibly biased paper on the side of the establishment and headed by 1 of the richest men in the world. Of course they’re going to be against Bernie, he’s threatening their ability to keep all of the money they’ve been raking in, it’s unbelievable!

Just got two stinkin bills ON TOP of my premium, deductible, co-pay, drugs I had to pay for... WHATS TO LIKE ABOUT THAT!?!? Liar.

You should change your name because Washington never told a lie.

My employer changes my health insurance every year whether I like it the way it is or not

Unless of course they have or had cancer, diabetes or any number of pre-existing conditions.

Bull! This has to be a troll piece. The WP has become a trash, ant-Left, right wing publication. Or, maybe it always was and I’m just noticing.

I ❤ my $6000 deductible & premiums taken from my paycheck every 2 weeks that I'm too broke to even go to the dr. Some rich asshole is getting richer while my health deteriorates. Cool.

Apparently they didn't see the Fox town hall...Almost every person in the crowd was ready to give up their insurance for a new system.

45,000 Americans die every yr due to lack of healthcare. 42% of cancer patients file for bankruptcy, 60% of bankruptcies are due to Med costs. But Americans like their insurance? 🤨 WapPo writer Megan is doing too much vacationing in the Hamptons and too little actual research

Sorry WaPo--paying $28,000/year, $3,000 individualX4 deductible. Have to jump thru hoops to get service and ins. co. tells the dr. what she can prescribe for me? NOT liking it the way it is.

No they don’t Americans want fair prices for Insurance an pharmaceuticals. today

I've had insurance my entire life. I can't imagine what people go through not having it. I can't understand how we see people die from lack of it or not being able to afford it & not change the entire system. A great country doesn't allow that to happen.

Lol keep trying to tell us that. KillPrivateInsurance MedicareForAll

Lol you know this isn't true but you say it anyway. I have never once met a person tell me 'I love private insurance with the copay, high medicine costs, high deductible, shopping around, being told I'm not covered'

No. WaPo, they don't.

🚽 Such an infuriating dystopia

Yeah, maybe the ones that actually ARE insured. What about the millions of others?

Go recycle yourself, Bezos paper.

Americans worry about loosing Health Care not about who is the insurance carrier.

No we don’t, health insurance is broken, it was killed by Obama care and most people can’t afford it.

The columnist wrote a book on how to fail successfully. They must be accustomed to bad takes.

I don’t know a single person who “likes” their health insurance...except those on Medicare & Medicaid

Hard to imagine a take more out of touch. Here for the ratio.


Very wrong. Nice ratio 😂

you are liars for money and now you are also complixcit in the death, no, the murder of thousands for money

We pay about 1500 a month for ours. And still some things are not covered. I'd prefer my taxes go up a bit and not have to see that obvious hit each pay check.

Not true!!!

Garbage take.

Do they really think they can brainwash us like this? How dumb do they think the American people really are?

I supposedly have 'good' insurance from my employer. And in fact, it's better than most and I can tell you I am not at all satisfied. Between the actual cost out of my paycheck, the co-pays and the out-of-pocket deductibles it's astronomical. Give me Medicare for all any day!

Go away Bernie

yeah I love my $500 monthly premium, copays, and $8k deductible

You’re embarrassing yourself at this point

Wrong. We LOATHE our health insurance. Worst selection to choose from in the marketplace. Expensive, high deductibles, and doesn't cover much. We know Obama tried to fix healthcare, but this was one thing he got VERY wrong. MedicareForAll

LOL, must have been time for the weekly hit piece! We see you Washington Post.)

Hey you! If you are reading this and think your taxes are going to be sky high, don't listen to the lies. Educate yourself and see that expensive copay, monthly insurance and deductibles with no certainty of coverage costs more than what theses gaslighters are telling you.


I have talked to 1 out of every 10,000 Americans want to keep their current health insuirance

Let us know how you feel when you lose your job, or try to start a business. Health care for all, it’s a right not a privilege.


LOL. No they don’t.

What nonsense. Health insurance =/= health care.

Literally noone LIKES their INSURANCE plan, they tolerate it cause they think its the best they can get

No they don’t


Oh WP.

canceled and replaced with full coverage + vision + hearing + dental + no deductibles at a lower cost. Yeah I'm sure people will be heartbroken hurrrrrr durrrrrr

True. The country would pay the financial price

Who wrote this drivel?

I am someone who likes their insurance, as someone who is lucky enough to hardly need it and when I do, it's pretty good. I would give it up in a fraction of a heartbeat for Medicare for All.

Dumbest headline ever. Afraid of MFA? Sure. Happy w our health insurance? Minimum 30 million are going to say no because they have no coverage.

Megan McArdle says that paying for insurance is child's play.

I'd say this article qualifies as Fake News.

Nothing Megan McArdle writes should be taken seriously. Nothing.

No, they like their doctors. Why are you people so ignorant to what's going on, and how people actually feel? How can you be considered a news outlet? Get your weak a** opinions out of here.

Gross article title. I aint clicking that shi

LOL, guess Medicare for is a lost issue. Oh well Dems rebrand your rhetoric. We are not buying...

Wapo lies like a rug.

That bezos money produces really shit ideas.

Liars. NO ONE LIKES HEALTH INSURANCE. We do like our Dr's. This is horseshit. Bernie2020 NotMeUs

No they don't.

Why are you lying.....AGAIN!!!?

Really? Think so? Americans like our healthcare systematically destroyed by trump & gop? I don't know where you get your information. ...From trump, probably. MedicareForAll TaxTheRich SwampIsFull trumpforprison TraitorMcConnell traitorgraham TraitorTrump traitorgraham

MEDICARE is the worst.... if you don’t have supplemental insurance it pays for nothing.

We're NOT doing single-payer right away, because we can accomplish same with multi-payer without as much political opposition, so take a deep breath and get used to that idea

Good to see guys are over one hundred years behind Australia. Good luck.

This is a lie. We see the polls.

No. We. Fucking. Don't. WaPoo 💩

I have health insurance, and even so my cancer treatment has put me in a large sum of debt. Why should I pay the consequences for this slight genetic defect? Medicaid is the most popular/ best rated insurance by Americans. It also happens to be free. Healthcare is a human right!

More lies from msm

My disappointment in you has now blossomed into full blown hatred. Do the world a favor and close up shop, WP.

I went to the doctor today and I still have the after-appointment summary. On it is listed three major pre-existing conditions and eight other comorbid conditions. I’m uninsurable in private markets. I’m lucky that I qualified for disability. But that took 3 years.

Statistically inaccurate you hack

Washington Post suffers from deaf-blindness. Writing nonsense opinion is most common symptom.

McArdle. Of course this is written by McArdle.

my health insurance denies like at least 1/4 of the shit my doctors order for me so nah

No. This is rubbish.


Lol. No one has met any of these people

Not at all. I don’t at all like paying $14k/year (2 ppl) with a $6000/person deductible and copay of $50 to see my allergist + $50 more for the breathing test + $85/month for medication that is subsidized by a manufacturer’s coupon. Ridiculous.

Sorry, Bernie, but most Americans like their copays, deductibles, skinny networks, ever-increasing premiums -- and if they're lucky their employer will let them keep it another year!

Not me. Also cant think of anyone else i know that likes their health insurance.

Bull 💩

No. They don’t.


Sorry, Bernie. MSM has picked it’s candidate to support and it ain’t you. Biden gets their support ‘cause deals and business! Yeah!

WaPoLies We don't believe you. Here is our truth... 'At 26.4 per 100,000 live births, the U.S. has the worst rate of maternal death in the developed world—by several times over. Even more disquieting, the U.S. rate rose by 136 percent between 1990&2013.'

A lot of those Americans are conflating their health insurance with access to their doctor of choice. Bernie is in the process of educating Americans to the fact that SinglePayer MedicareForAll allows them to see the same doctor even if they lose their job or switch jobs.

I do love it dangling forever out of my financial grasp since I’m a freelance, yes. Keeps things interesting.

I have never met anybody that liked their insurance. Who is this supposed to fool?

waking up to this ratio, love it

Megan McArdle is a ghoul. Where’s the “poor people should burn” piece she wrote?

I just love that when I almost died in 17 that my ins wouldn't even pay for half of the supplies I needed for dressing changes!! I also love how I had to take out credit to pay the $3K deductible from the hospital bc they took me to court and were gonna garnish my wages!

No, we don't

Where you getting your information from? What a complete load of bullshit. I'm sure a journalist making an average of about 5k a week came up with this load of bullshit.

Quite false!

Of course. This makes *total* sense! Why get something for free when you can pay thousands of dollars for the same thing? Logic! :-)

Only a horrible human being would knowingly write such blatant misinformation.

Very attached to the plan my HR rep picked out last December that I will have for exactly as long as she wants me to, or until I get laid off.

Pollsters: would you rather have your current health insurance plan, or be torn apart by lions while meghan mccain shoves bamboo splinters under your toenails? McMegan: this will finally get the bernie bros out of my menchies

Oh lol, I didn't see that it was a Megan McArdle article, lol. Hard to believe I could have less respect for WaPo, but lo and behold, now I do.


The Washington Post is now owned by Jeff Bezos who has an vendetta against Bernie. Here is more bullshit propaganda trash. All who write for WaPo Have sold their souls

From a person living in a socialist country, the U.S. isn’t ready culturally for free healthcare.

No they don’t.


Most people like ever-increasing premiums and copays, and meds they cannot afford at all? Who'd a thunk it? Tell me more o wise and not at all corporately-compromised newsrag! Why I’ll never subscribe; from the heights of Watergate to the sloughs of Bernie bashing

Have you lost your mind? Most Americans cannot even afford to go to the Dr. 12% of country has no insurance at all....28% are underinsured can't afford to get sick even with insurance and its the leading cause of bankruptcy in the country.

Americans need healthcare not healthcare insurance. If you “like” your health insurance you were probably raised without love. MedicareForAll singlepayer Bernie2020

People get used to everything. It is an obligation of the State and the Great tax evaders of providing free emergency and pay the most effective but costly treatment for deseases thar are destroyers of human dignity. A country that can't do that should sell the B2 bombers,737M 🤔

Ironically, Megan McArdle has been unable to find the pulse of “most Americans” for her entire career.

Ha ha ha ha ha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha... Ha. Stupidest opinion I've ever heard

Sorry but your opinion is an establishment lie. A majority of voters regardless of political affiliation support Bernie's M4All plan. We're sick and tired of insurance companies ripping us off.

What an absolutely shameless fucking lie.

Lol no we don’t




April Fool's Day was over a month ago guys

Thus demonstrating to the entire world how utterly stupid most Americans are. Pay more, get less, die younger, make lawyers rich, make doctors rich, make board members and shareholders rich. Rentier illness.

Yes we want to give a little over half of our annual salary to insurance companies that’s ripping us TF off!! GTFOH

lol Wapo getting rationed on this

If you’re anti Medicare for all spread your lies but this one is so stupid on its face

Tell us how the uninsured and recently fired feel about it.

Who wrote this POS?

The hell we do you out of touch megalomaniacs!

'McArdle attended high school at Riverdale Country School.' LOL. Of course she did. 'She wrote under the pen name 'Jane Galt,' LOL. Of course she did. 'McArdle has argued extensively against instituting a system of national health insurance in the United States' LOL. Etc, etc.

Still salty over that Stop Bezos Act, huh?

lol are you high?

You peddle this misleading nonsense, and yet acted shocked when people distrust or consider the media biased, if not outright purveyors of falsehoods.

soMe oF iS LiKe OuR heALtH iNsuRaNcE.

just reading the headlines in a bunch of the writers page, sounds and seems like her goal is to be negative nancy , in just about all aspects of life.


KyleKulinski You seeing this?

Facts: Sorry, 'Opinion', but MOST Americans HATE their health insurance the way it is!


This was written by someone with insurance and who has never had a serious medical event. Those of us who have had employer based insurance and still had to file medical bankruptcy after having 20k+ in bills after a medical event think you can fuck right off. MedicareForAll

You know what they say ' opinions are like assholes, everybodies got one and they all stink' I think it was Benjamin Franklin.

Especially amazon employees, right? Lolz

No, we don't.

I go with fact over opinion, especially from a paper with a $600 million deal with the CIA. Fact: 70% of the US public want Medicare for all

LOL. Sure they do. They just LOVE paying deductibles and premiums and having to switch insurance when they get a new job and being uninsured between jobs and choosing between rent and Healthcare. What a bunch of B.S.

Why are bloated rich people always writing about what “Americans” want, as if they have even recently spoken to a working class person.

Hahahahahahaha no

ThrowBezos in an alligator pit

Not true

who the fuck did you ask


Out of touch opinion

y i k e s

Which only proves how stupid they are.

No they don't oppressors

This is a joke right? Literally no one likes their insurance. People love their doctors and the care they receive. People loath their insurance companies.

Democracy DIED in darkness

Written by a libertarian hack who works for a megalomaniacal corporation with a $600 million deal with the CIA. It makes total sense she would be on the wrong side of history. /pats head

This is some lazy propaganda. Given up huh? Good.

Holy shit just delete this!!!!!


An oligarch owns the washington post and he uses it to push a narrative... a narrative that wants to make poor people suffer needlessly. I can't wait for the revolution to start.


I love that the prospect of a socialist president has you liberals revealing who you really are. Every attack on Sanders just exposes how much contempt you have for poor people, so please continue.

Over 70% of Americans want Medicare for all even the majority of Republicans

The is corporate propaganda and not journalism... that is the truth. You do not care about reporting the truth at all. You are the enemy of all good people.

No we fucking don't are you crazy

That's horseshit.

You really are a bad news company.

I recently switched health insurance after getting and now I can’t see the people who’ve been taking care of me since I was 14 because they’re not in my network. Health insurance in this country is a travesty and your opinion is a joke.

This is the . They can bleat about the separation between news/editorials and ad department $$. It may even be true. But no writer/editor will ever get in trouble for working to keep JeffBezos' tax bill $0.00 WeRemember2016 NeverForget2016

Not true.


Pure Bullshit

“Sorry, [Everyone Who’s Ever Died From Preventable Causes Due To Financial Burden], Most Americans [Actually Favor Medicare-For-All]” Fixed it for you.



I just got insurance through my job I went to refill my meds I was told my insurance doesn't cover prescriptions So no, the private insurance industry that profits by denying treatment & medication must end Preferably by launching insurance executives & directors into the sun

Opinion: Sorry, FDR, but most Americans like their elders dying penniless

Wow. Letting your Corporatist Establishment Freak Flag Fly. Good for you. (Not so good for the rest of us though)


She lost me at '2020 will be about healthcare' - please🙄 2020 is only about 1 issue. Individual 1, to be precise

the only people who like their health insurance have never needed it you drips

To think, yours was once an award winning journal that actually was a beacon of investigative journalism. Now, you're trash, filled with falsehoods

Just hear for the ratio. You’re an unintelligent human being Megan. And now that has been published for the whole world to see. I’m embarrassed for you.

No. 45 minutes in a hospital for an arm x-ray, no cast splint or asprin, and a $1800 bill after insurance payment? BCBSTX is this really how ER visits work now? They didn't do anything. What am I paying for?

This is the asswipe that wrote this article. She went to the University of Chicago for economics, which is notoriously conservative and produces people that ONLY care about free markets and profits above all else. This person doesn’t know shit about this topic and it shows!

No, we don't. What exactly does a health insurance company do for my wellbeing, anyway? Seems like it's time to cut out the middleman.

Who the hell says that? Even my dad who considered himself to have 'good' Medicare supplemental insurance because of the union job he retired from didn't particularly like still having to pay out the ass for hearing aids. M4A would cover those and glasses.

Most don’t know any better.

Uh, I work for one of the biggest insurance companies in the country and I can definitely tell you that I can still barely afford my health coverage. Also coordinating benefits is a nightmare, so is understanding copays, deductibles and coinsurance

What a load of s***

What will Republican seniors say when Republicans come to take away their Medicare?

Err, no.

We pay 2X's the international norm for which we receive mediocre outcomes. We pay for a Porsche but get a Jeep. There is no economic reason for health insurance companies to exist. None. They are a bureaucratic, high cost, risk creating blight. Capitalists for M4a.

Ba ha ha ha ha .... Jeff Bezos mouth piece.

Opinion you’re an idiot

I’m gonna unsubscribe from WaPo if they keep it up. But I don’t want them to fail because of raisins.

This American favors Medicare For All. I suppose there are many that like what they have, until a medical catastrophe strikes and they lose everything.


What insurance?

everyone's entitled to their opinion, except this goofball

I don't think I have ever met an American who likes their health insurance the way it is! Lol! Sure, some like their doctors, their hospitals etc not their insurance! I mean, who loves being denied treatment & paying outrageous premiums, copays etc? No one!

My insurance sucked while I had it and now I’ve lost it too. People lime their doctors, insurance companies are BS middlemen.

this is deadly propaganda

It might be misguided, but true.

sorry, wp, but you are dead wrong.

Sorry, Our nation pays the most, but does not get the best care. We also pay outrageous sums for even maintenance meds like insulin. You guys need to get out more. Maybe factcheck. Do some research. Learn how to interpret data after collecting some.

Daaaayyyum WaPo that’s some ratio you got on you, girl!

Stop lying.

Sure, the stupid selfish ones. But the are not the majority, you do know that, right?

Aww, just here for the ratio.... Bernie2020

No, they fucking don't!

Who is we? Get my employer out of the healthcare business.

Much rather stick with what I have now then have the government screw it up again. They messed it up with Obama Care and Medicare for all will be a similar mess. No thank you!

of course, just as the unemployed and the homeless.

I love how my health ins. premiums are crushing me financially. It's fantastic!

What way is their healthcare? Can’t quit a horrible job because they’ll lose healthcare? Or the president trying his best to get rid of healthcare they like? Or emergency room visits to get seen for a sprained ankle or pain in their neck?

I say we stop ordering from Amazon.

Except for the high deductible, high premiums, in-network/out-of-network frustration, coverage limitations, and the fear that I might go bankrupt even with insurance, I love it!!!!

What fcking Delivers of Death you are. If we all die because of a lack of healthcare, no one will be alive to place our Amazon orders using your No Tax Paying Owner’s website.

this is 🗑️🗑️🗑️ and it's this kind of stuff that made me cancel my subscription. you're just a hacky mouthpiece for Bezo$$$

I hate my insurance and I hate dealing with insurance companies

You mutherfukers are still butthurt that Bezo has to pay 15 an hour..

The person forced to tweet this should feel like a shill. Because they are.

You don't speak for me! I work in a gig economy and I need MedicareForAll & BernieSanders as my next POTUS!

i get that this is a 'opinion' piece but some opinions are so objectively bad they should not be published

No they don’t. They may like their doctors but everyone hates insurance companies. They’ve been ripping us off for years. 🤷‍♀️ Bernie2020

We're gonna take your money for our healthcare, Jeff

Only if it's Medicare. Premiums, deductibles and copays are too high otherwise.

I have a Cadillac health insurance plan through work, one of the best of anyone I know and pretty low out of pocket costs, and I freaking hate it. M4A would be cheaper and also offer me better coverage.

Reported for inciting violence.

Hmmmm, I ask myself, why are oodles of Americans, thriving under 'robust health care' having rollicking, robust duscussions about the merits of MedicareForAll I wonder why I wonder why I wonder why I wonder why I wonder why I wonder why I wonder why I wonder why 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Gee, a libertarian saying that? Never would have guessed. Clueless as always.

Not one of my patients likes their heath insurance company. Not one. This article is pure garbage.

ask again when Trump ends ACA

If so many people enjoy robust health care why is medicare for all such a robust issue? And, yes, by all means, we must keep a large share of the economy upright because, well gee, insurers & pharma must keep making oodles & oodles by giving less & less. What a stupid statement.

BS! I pay $1,125/mo for my family of 3, and get almost nothing in return, since we can't afford the co-pays an deductibles. We don't want insurance, we want HEALTH CARE! I'm tired of funding yachts and jets for insurance execs!

What insurance? I don't have $12k-$14k (+$10k deductable) laying around every year. So, if we get sick with something serious, I guess we'll just have to die. B/c the gop teaches that Jesus said if you're poor, then it's your own damn fault & you should just die.

Fucking nonsense.

Sorry WaPo, but the WaPoganda isn't catapulting anymore.

No the fuck we don’t

Lies. Trump is right. The media is fake news. Corporate media is nothing but yellow journalism. The hate and fear of Bernie winning is real. The DNC will have 50 people running to prevent a Bernie presidency. Oh well. Another 4 years of Trump it is.

The CIA Newsletter is doing what it does best: Tells lies.

No we don't.. look at polls

I love my Medicare and want MedicareForAll so everyone has my freedom: Nationwide coverage, no 'out of network' ER bills, no $5000 deductibles and I only pay $125 for Part B that covers 80% of all office visits. No one can snatch it from me or charge me thousands a year for it.

You mean not having any?

Lol, no we don't

uck you and everything you stand for. I know how to spell eff you see kay. I just dont want my statement to be flagged by corporate owned Twitter overlords.

As if the Bezos machine has a thimble of cred. payyourtaxesBezos

Who are these people who love their private insurance except for rich assholes? I hate paying a third of my paycheck for a $6,000 deductible plan that maybe possibly will pay for a procedure (or not) if I meet the deductible

I dont and any plan the Gov come up with is shit anyway

This must have gotten past the censors, don't let it happen again.

When the prospect of going to the hospital after a car accident was the absolute last thing i wanted, due to our healthcare system, i can confidently say this op ed isnt worth the time it took for y'all to put it on the internet.

Except those folks who don't have any health insurance coverage and can't afford the inflated costs of medical care.

Not a single person I know likes their healthcare. Especially my hardworking, self-employed neighbors who make too much money to qualify for ACA help, but not enough to afford insurance for two 50 something Americans. The ACA is a failure and Medicare4All is coming.

This is flat out bullshit.

My favorite part is racking up medical debt, while paying insurance premiums and co-pays.

That’s a liars opinion & a disgusting disservice to Americans

Where are these mythical people that like health insurance? I've never met any.

Yeah, that’s why Medicare for All is so popular. Because Americans like their health insurance the way it is.

That’s a lie.

No they don't.

WaPo in 1955: Sorry, Rosa, but most Americans like bus segregation the way it is. The point being that polling and opinions shouldnt stop you from doing the right thing.

Actually I liked it pre-Obama. I’d like to get my pre-Obama healthcare plan back please

No we don’t. People are *dying* b/c they can’t afford their medications! What planet did you just beam in from? America has the worst health care system in the developed world! It’s unaffordable for many. Wake up!

Sorry but no one fucking likes their health insurance. They don't want to give up what healthcare they got, but they hate insurance and drug companies holding their health hostage and extorting as much blood money as possible and deciding who gets treatment.

Bullshit. Too expensive. My son is canceling his. My daughter and I have none. MedicareForAll

So in other words, 'The rest of the developed world does it, yes, but we started too late, so we're just gonna have to suffer. We just can't take any chances'

I have very good insurance, and no I don’t want to keep it the way it is. Next.

People are dying for lack of medicine in the wealthiest country ever to exist. You’re defending that, poorly and in bad faith.

Yeah i am sure they love 2-5000 deductibles.

I liked it much better before the disgraceful “Obamacare” ruined very good Insurance and raised rates, eliminated plans and doctors. But we really cares, right?

This is so stupid it hurts.

We will never vote for a socialist!

Of course it's by McArdle. She's a mouthpiece for the insurance companies. She's a right winged libertarian. She actually wrote an op-ed saying that there's no link between having health insurance & good health. 🤦‍♀️

asymmetricinfo, thanks for sharing your thoughts re: MedicareForAll. As you mentioned in your article, I was someone who lost the insurance I had been receiving via freelancersu, via a company started by the union, Freelancers Insurance Co.

Americans could retire on the money they are forced to spend every year enriching private health insurers and pharmaceutical companies.

What Americans are you talking to?

I think the ratio on this tweet proves this is a shitty opinion

Bernie is in for a surprise if he preaches his Medicare for all to the unions who provide healthcare to their members through contracts.


It’s too expensive but no thanks to Bernie’s ideas

Fake news. Just like 2016 all over again. If 80% of Americans are in favor of single payer the 20% can buy or have supplementary insurance through work like Canada. Washington Post fucking blows.

I liked mine pre ACA.

And of course no one ever wants to be anything more than “fairly satisfied”

Lol nope

😂😂😂 I quite literally don’t know anyone, not a single solitary person, who likes their private health insurance. But the CIA/Bezos Post assures me that up is down, black is white & people ❤️ getting fuked by insurance companies. 👍

I hate our goddamned insurance. They pay 250.00 for any emergencies. That's it - 250.00z

Yea, I highly doubt that.....

No .. no we don't.. not even close

Who the hell did you survey?

The independence of looking after ones own health, versus helping someone else out is how I see it. Paying taxes for health care means one has to pay them for the care of those who cannot afford their insurance. Pretty sad. Health for all is definitely the way to go.

Uh huh. And you can be sure it won’t change tomorrow why?

No, the fuck we don't! And the top thing your shitty post says is 'they FEAR losing it' Yeah, about that, M4A eliminates that fear. Oh, and they could lose it at any time without M4A, so you're wrong, wrong, wrongity wrong, wrong, WRONG.

No they don’t

Most? No one asked this American. I can attest to the fact UHC United Healthcare is the 1 WORST insurance company on the planet. They continue to drastically reduce benefits while raising premiums. $201B last year. Execs make over $18M each. Universal healthcare!! Bring it on!

I knew WaPo was full of shit, but this is a whole new low for corporate shill “journalism”

Just reading the comments you can tell that headline is false.


I quite enjoy knowing i have an abdominal aortic aneurysm and that even though i work at an ACTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY i have to hope it doesn’t burst untili can afford my deductible. NEXT YEAR. Sincerely, single mother of two.

Is this the Onion Cuz it’s hilarious

Written by someone who has good health insurance. The healthcare system is so broken, it’s not even funny. Sorry, WaPo, but most Americans want you to stop doing opinion pieces.

Except, nah.

Lmao dear god just stop 😂

I’ve literally never met anyone who likes their health insurance

You should fire Meagan and give me her salary

NO ONE likes health INSURANCE. They like having access to medical care whenever they need it. Not whenever some suit says yea or nay to treatment. The only people thinking our current healthcare system is top notch are the insurance companies themselves and the wealthy.

Rated P (propaganda [false content])

This is hilarious. No they don't. How NOT shocking from the Jeff Bezos, Bernie-hating WaPo.



He appeals to those with their hands out and unmotivated toward work.


wrong !

By MOST do you mean the WEALTHY?

Bezos needs to pay his fair share of taxes.

Most healthy people with good jobs like their current health insurance. Ask people who don't have both of those things, and you will find the word most no longer applies.

Bwahahahaha. Nope. Not.

No. We don't. It sucks. Massively. Signed, a consumer and a 30 year health practitoner.

absolutely 100% WRONG. so wrong. liars and propagandists will say anything to keep bernie from the WH

Did you only talk to rich ppl, because everyone else cannot afford their health insurance!!!

Hahahahaha here comes the establishment for JoeBiden. BernieSanders better fight this time around and not be seen at the DNC convention with a bandage around his eye😂😂😂

nope. we don’t. Med4All will be a reality by the end of the ‘20s. At the latest.

No one I have ever spoken too likes the concept of Insurance, never-mind their Health Insurance which they usually despise. It must be part of Class Warfare.

How does Megan McArdle still have a job?

Healthcare is the most important issue to voters because clearly, they are already happy with the state of healthcare.

Sorry establishment but 70% of Americans want Medicare for all.

Key word... “opinion”.

Yeah, people love large deductibles and limited doctor choice, not to mention losing /changing coverage depending on their employment status.

I don’t. At least gives idiots equal time.

You’re not even twisting the truth via intentional misinterpretation or omitting crucial facts. You’re literally just explicitly lying at this point.

Hold the fuc....? We’re supposed to believe folks would rather pay twice as much for the peace of mind in having a private entity shuffle their fucking paperwork?!

'She wrote under the pen name 'Jane Galt,' playing on the name 'John Galt,' a central character in Ayn Rand's Objectivist novel Atlas Shrugged.'

Messed up opinion you have

So close to getting the point and still fucking missing it entirely, well done WaPo.

Everyone I talk to is happy with their ins... They the ACA IS THE BEST EVER! MAKE THE ACA MORE AWESOME!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Bullshit. They're afraid of change, not ecstatic over our shit healthcare. I have just about the best employer insurance in California and it's still shit. I'd take M4A in a heartbeat. Bernie2020

Another poorly written opinion based on few facts and little understanding. Yes Americans are quite happy when thier health plans work for them. But when they have chronic illness its the federal government they turn too. High cost must be dealt with.

Sorry JeffBezos we are going to have M4A. And you are going to pay your fair share of taxes. Have a nice day.

yeah they love going bankrupt from a broken bone

A lot of the times people who like their insurance are people who haven't had to use it for anything critical. I wonder what percentage of the people who like their insurance fall into this category. davidsirota fshakir briebriejoy ZaidJilani andrewperezdc

No! Prople want it cheaper. Find a way for people to get coverage and get it cheaper. HealthInsurance

lol you’re kidding me

Yes, I love my existing health insurance, with its $2500 deductible and the premiums that increase an average of 11% per year. Why would I want universal healthcare that can't be taken away and that pays 100% of my medical costs?

Sorry, WaPo we know you are lying and we know who is paying you to lie.


Even if I was fine with MY health insurance, as an American, a Democrat and a human, I understand there are many, many people who don't have sufficient health insurance and need better. Most republicans, on the other hand, couldn't care less about others' lack of health care.

Yes, since I always hear people discuss how fun it is to deal with insurance. Maybe if WaPo quit lying to everyone, people would realize a corporation that makes money off your fears of getting sick and not paying you when you get sick doesn't have your best interest in mind.

'it's too complicated for me to figure out how to do it so we shouldn't' is a cool argument. I don't know how to make spaceships but I believe we've made a few...

Don't believe what insurance company executives tell you. They lie.

Yeah, this is patently false.

I'll take 'Things a Corporatist Establishment Mouthpiece Says' for $500 Alex. And I hope you feel better soon.

opinion writers have no idea what is going on in America

Holy ratio

Wow, the Establishment is lying like a rug lately.

Is that right, Jeff Bezos' pet rag?

what makes you think you speak for the people?

Jeff Bezos who owns this newspaper has actually expressed interest in starting an insurance company and hospital network in one. Frightening how most people blindly trust these media companies despite their dizzying amount of overlapping interests with other industries.


Most Americans don’t understand where their healthcare actually comes from. Like company insurance there bc Obama required companies to offer it. Kill ACA and see how quickly companies drop it.

Lol. That’s a lie.,

Lol wut

“...like it the way it is”?

Not me. I have none. GOPTaxScam

I friggin love paying absurd amounts of money, spending hours arguing claims because the ER was in network but the Dr I saw wasn't, being tied to a job to keep what I've got, worried an illness or accident will bankrupt me. Oh, wait. No I don't. F--k that. MedicareForAll

We want Medicare for All w/ an option for supplemental additional coverage.

No we don’t

Amazon news going out of it's way to be the worst publication ever

No, they don’t. American health care: the highest cost for the lowest quality care. Why do you think medical tourism is popular? Check out the Czech Republic.

Medicare for All will eliminate the $28,000 a year that the average American family today is forced to pay to insurers. This group doesn’t want you to know that because it is the front group for the insurance industry. It represents CEOs who make millions each year.

I like my er provided healthcare, and I’m not at all sure a govt sponsored plan would be better. Noone who promotes medicare for all gives details on how it would work, how much it would cost, what it would cover. I dnt want to ditch the pretty good cov I have for the unknown.

Lie , most don't have insurance and this that do pay too much!

How can I like something I don't even have? WTH? 70% of Americans want Medicare for all. Why can't the U.S. provide free healthcare like all other major countries of the world? Because the big healthcare & pharma CEOs want to keep getting those millions of dollars every year.

Pretty sure that is not what the 2018 election reflected.

The ratio on this tweet may suggest otherwise

The poll she cites also says: “Though adults with private insurance give the highest reviews on quality among insured groups, those who receive Medicaid and Medicare (70%) are much more likely to be satisfied than the privately insured (51%) with the cost they pay.”

Ask Medicare recipients how many times they were turned down by a new doctor because they weren’t taking any more medicare patients.

Christ. Can the Washington Post try just a little harder to not show your massive bias.

Idk what this “journalist” is smokin but I’d like to have some.

Lol when the white young liberal elites are forced to suffer the same shitty health care they have a change of heart... AOC 😂

Not so fast---I haven't heard any middle income person liking a high deductible high or percentage copay plan

I don’t know one person who is happy with their health insurance ,deductibles are to high, co pays are to high and premiums are way to high!i do like the ACA protections I have with preexisting conditions, preventative healthcare and mental health.

Uhhhh, no they don’t.

asymmetricinfo Yes, I’m sure the people who have repeatedly been denied coverage or have insufficient coverage absolutely LOVE their insurance or lack there of Your opinion simply oozes of myopia and privilege

But, but, but we need Universal Health Care just in case we get run over by a tank.

Another crap opinion article being spread. Another smear attack piece on Bernie. Sorry but most Americans want Medicare for all. Even Republicans want that. I have a book to fill out right now, to keep my insurance. Looking forward to filling it out again! 🙄

Lol this was written by Megan Mcardle

If he can offer better I'm interested..

two quick points, if i may: 1. fuck you 2. see 1.

Yes keep your hands off my work insurance.

I don’t know any of these Americans you speak of. Most are scared of losing insurance. Our healthcare system will remain broken while insurance and big pharma continue to run the show. I’ll gladly pay more taxes for Medicare for all.

Two thirds of bankruptcies are due to medical bills. Sorry, nobody likes that despite your weird spin

Yeah, having $0 monthly deductible 13 years ago, but now it’s more than my car payment every month. I “like” it that way.

These US neoliberal corporate autocrats actively working on killing their own population with lies like these have the audacity to call other word leaders unethical crooks. Parody on journalism.

Uh, no. No we don't. We want universal healthcare.

Where we get shit coverage and pay through the teeth for it? You sure?


No, they don’t

Sorry but I am counting the days till I’m eligible to Medicare

That’s a fucking LIE!

Journalism dies in the darkness

'Medicare for all -Bankrupt USA so no one has any health care.' What sign should really read.

Sorry, Wat Tyler, but most peasants like their serfdom the way it is.

Los Angeles Times begs to differ...

Bullshit most don’t even have it

asymmetricinfo: lol you wrote this hot garbage


Yes, unsocialist.

As a Republican, I don't agree. Having a high deductible plan, high cost, subsidized by your employer is not ideal. And getting worse. I don't have a solution but status quo is not it


Sorry Meghan but no

Sure if you're rich enough or lucky enough to have it

What are you even talking about do they hire lemurs to write this shit come on

Aaaand these types of articles are why I’ll never subscribe to the

lmao what the fuck is this bold faced lie?

The way it is: expensive and dependent on staying at a job that offers good insurance. Why can’t all Americans get affordable and comprehensive health insurance?

Taking away my private health insurance is in the same league as taking away my guns - actually the same as taking away my life.

No one I know. Unless they're on Medicare. Or one of the millions of middlemen getting rich on this train wreck of a system.

I call bullshit! Whoever says that they like their insurance must actually be an insurance agent, because I have dealt with several different insurance companies over the years and I hate them all!

If that was true. It wouldn’t only be 12 million on it. The government takeover is failing just like you

Nah, this ain’t it bad opinion haver

Post, come down and mingle with the people. We need affordable healthcare. We need help.

It's an opinion piece. The opinion is from a known idiot and corporate shill. I don't know a single person who's satisfied with their health insurance coverage.

BernieSanders Exactly...

No one like huge deductible with prescriptions they can’t afford. We need transformation with healthcare

My medicade doctor tried to sell me off to a neurologist who runs an insurance scam by allegedly prescribing dangerous amounts of unnecessary medications to people. Fire this writer

Opinions generally aren't supposed to be able to just be wrong but you're doing a hell of a job making a run at that concept.

Who doesn’t love bankruptcy

Come on you guys. NO, THEY DON'T.

I didn’t like my health insurance until I reached 65 and got Medicare.

Go Barney!!!

I’d prefer to be able to buy a Medicare option.

Currently 178 'likes' after being posted 2 hours ago. Pitiful. Sorry WP, but Americans like Bernie's plan better than you think.

I love that my deductible went from $1500 a year to 15K a year after the 'non' affordable care act. ifyoulikeyourhealthplanwewillscrewyouover

Are you gonna pay for it, because I sure in the hell don’t want to

i call bullshit

We liked it even better before ACA ruined it

I am tired of my health insurance being tied to my employer, I would like more flexibility.

Sorry Washington post with socialism the people have no say the Government decides everything welcome to the radical democrats

Wrong...Medicare for all. One payer system


Go home Russia!

Yes, people love going bankrupt over medical bills or choosing between rent and high priced pharmaceuticals they need to survive. Who wouldn’t like that...

Too bad Trump’s taking away what healthcare you have now! You’ll wish that you could go back to the ACA.

Said no one ever.

And the rest don’t have ANY. That IS the point

Bezos spew. What does a plutocrat want? Chew & spew.


I know no one who feels this way. Everyone I know conservative or liberal feels victimized by health insurance even when they aren’t using it. When they have fro use it there’s a stronger word. Fkd.

Pinko’s Love to Control.....!

No, they don't.

I don't believe that's an accurate statement. We all pay too much and get too little. Healthcare should be a right just as it is in all other industrial nations.

“My opinion is that America wants...” yeah. Fick you.

The fuck they do

If that's true it's because your duped. Insurance industry wants it that way. REMEMBER - INSURANCE DOES NOTHING TO YOUR HEALTH. YOU PAY THEM, THEY ADD PROFIT, THEN PAY BILLS. Gov't plan pays in Canada. Cost less & insures all. We are healthier & live longer. No one goes broke.

Perhaps, those fortunate enough to have insurance.

As fundraiser Parties and Go Fund Me acct’s increase again to pay for health care😳👎

No we don’t.

Except for those that don’t have health insurance.

Think of those nasty government bureaucrats forcing Medicare cards into poor grandma's purse when they turn 65! The tragedy! The pain, the horrors! We've heard their cries of grief and woe! not

Nope. Not true.

how did you poll the dead people?

No, we want single payer and we want it now.

Nonsense. Most who have it don’t like it and those that don’t, REALLY DO NOT LIKE IT

Sorry Washington Post! Most Americans don’t believe that BS.

People are filing for bankruptcy due to the insane costs of premiums, out of pocket maximums, deductibles, medications, and routine tests.

It's true I love paying huge premiums for no coverage...how dare you suggest everyone receives the same type of quality care regardless of their financial situation? And I also love exorbitant prescription drug prices ...


Bernie, How could you?

Ah yes, expensive and tied to a job I hate, love it

That's complete bullshit. I deal with insurance for a living. Maybe only people who who dont struggle financially said that, but they are certainly not the majority.

I love throwing my taxes down a hole for government programs. The hole just keeps getting bigger and asking for more money. All I ever get is the hole

So many people holding signs on the streets because the healthcare system is a well oiled machine...

Muricans brainwashed to think anything remotely socialist=communism rather live one emergency away from bankruptcy than give up their FREERRDOOMMMZZ!! 😂😂😂

This is nuts NO ONE, except the privileged, likes his health insurance

Opinions, they say, are like assholes...

PS NOT worth a retweet or like.

Hate it

this title is so ridiculously manufactured fake news even cerebral palsy is rolling on a floor

I love paying at least $25,000 out of pocket annually for the pleasure of getting pecked to death by the insurance company who haggles over the smallest charges to ensure the insurance company CEO pockets several million as us mere, unfortunate Americans die & suffer.

Can’t even read this bullshit.

You mean non existent

Hahahahahahahaha, wrong.

What a crock of lies. Lol

Then they’re ill informed


Says author of: 'Why Failing Well Is the Key to Success'

BS. People are dying. Be more responsible.

This may be the stupidest hot take of all time.

Yes , Americans like having the most expensive healthcare with the worse outcomes in the developed world. you did it again, award winning editorial (sic).

Americans that have it and can afford their co-pays, prescriptions, and din’t Have a pre-existing condition like their healthcare the way it is.

I’m a teacher with “Cadillac” insurance and it’s still a mess. Not sure if Medicare for all is best, but WHO ELSE IS EVEN PROPOSING A FIX? nobody on the right, for sure

Most Americans' health insurance and the resulting healthcare is substandard. How could they like it the way it is? What planet do you live on?

The idiot who wrote this article doesn't know the difference between quality of care and health insurance. WaPo published it anyway. Why?

I don’t of anyone who is happy with their health insurance. Health CARE is an oxy moron here. Why can’t we get HC for the taxes we pay? Let’s stop subsidies to multimillion $ corps and tax loopholes to uber wealthy.

The way it is with ACA .... interesting

Not sure who you spoke with for this article but, um, no. Wrong RealWrong

This lady is PRIVILEGED AND WELL OFF AMERICAN DOESN’T GIVE A SH|T ABOUT MOST OF US. Here’s her public twitter handle, let her know directly what you think: asymmetricinfo

No yeah we looooooove dying because we dont have money to pay for the medicine we need. Love it. You guys are really starting to sound as dumb as Trump. Oh wait you're just an extension of the idiocracy.

No f*cking way


*those who actually have it

Yep. Obamacare was the big lie. Our insurance went up 70%!!

The problem is not with insurance. It's with when you have to pay for it. If most Americans don't have a long bill yet, that's not a reason they can claim they were happy with what they have. PS: not Bernie supporter. Just trying to empathize

Emperor Bezos is Banking on it...

asymmetricinfo You must have the best insurance a well off white American enjoys! Wow. MANY OF US (70%! may not be so lucky. Have a taste of REAL WORLD, m0r0n:

With this and the 'Medicare for for none moment don’t fall for it' astroturf bullshit from those P4AHCF clowns, it feels like the health insurance parasites are running scared of Bernie and the Medicare4All momentum. We must keep pressuring their asses 🙄🤔🤣

Uh, what you talking about WAPO? 😳

Says who, you?

I don't want to have to go on Medicare until I have to.

Did a health insurance right this?

Your constant attacks on BernieSanders are PATHETIC. paidforbybigpharma

Most being 50.01%

The rag that writes an opinion piece on what opinion 'most Americans' have... You could have flat-out said it's fun for you to watch all the American villagers file for bankruptcy because they're addicted to paying premiums, deductibles and copays.

Fact: this opinion is wrong.

Paid corporate shill masquerading as 'journalism.'

Bullshit stop trying to undermine true freedom wth likes having insurances deny them coverage when they acquire a debilitating disease f****** lying as WP.

What? Millions have no health insurance...who are you talking to? The one per cent? And by the way, those who do like their insurance are on Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, or VA...

Most Americans have been brainwashed into thinking that paying a bunch extra, so some insurance company can turn a profit, is a good idea somehow. It makes about as much sense as paying for “food insurance” and then going to the grocery store, but you can only get certain foods.

Absolutely False .... Americans are either uninsured or woefully underinsured ... paying exorbitant premiums & deductibles for dramatically worse outcomes. Insurance/BigPharma and their bought-and-paid for Congress dupes are laughing all the way to the bank!

Bernie’s 2020 message “misery loves company, shit insurance for everyone!”

Man I love nothing more than rationing my disabled child's healthcare because our aMaZiNg private insurance wont cover several essential therapies

Yeah because the majority of Americans love going bankrupt , what a politically motivated (or the author is getting financial kickbacks from the insurance companies) piece of shit article

asymmetricinfo Excuse me, reasonably well off privileged white American? YOU REALLY ASK WORKING POOR, LOW INCOME FAMILIES HOW THEY’RE DOING? Jeezus Fukk these snobs! “70% of Americans now support Medicare-for-all—here’s how single-payer could affect you”

Bernie is OVER. We’re all tired of miserable old white men with bad hair bellowing at us. Also, his ideas are terrible.

I love having a 5k deductible. Such a useless policy.

People who have good insurance like it - I don’t know that that is “most” Americans. Even then, it’s too expensive.

The fuck they do...

👏 👏 👏 👍 I support free basic medical access for all, but allow me to keep my private insurance policy. I wanna reformation of our current health care system to improve the quality of care.

Wrong ,we need Medicare for all !!!!!!

Most Americans being Megan Mac's neighbors on the upper east side

'Other countries seem to have managed all right, so it must be possible here. But most of those countries’ systems started a long time ago, when health care was a much smaller share of the economy and fewer people had robust, comprehensive private medical insurance.' w h y

The way it was 10 years ago, maybe. What we are living with now is SO much worse than we had before, and everybody knows it.

I love my health plan truly. I would never change

Not credible. Show me this poll and who was polled. Medicare polls better than private insurance, which means...?

They live in fear of losing their insurance. They would rather live without that worry.

One thing people need to get is that having medicare for all would get people preventative care. Seeing a nurse or doctor and preventing big catastrophes by getting healthcare that helps find them before they happen. This would save money rather then cost.

Nothing Americans love more than huge deductibles and copays. It's awesome.

And whom did U ask? People at the bottom of the top of the economic “food” chain or those with qualified employer insurance R afraid of change. afraid they’ll be in the bottom 2/3s of the public, afraid of their government. They like Native Americans fear of being screwed!

I loooooooooove my $1,900 bill for a knife finger cut and 40 minutes of peroxide and glue. I was soooo happy paying it!!

Fine, no services, emergency or otherwise, unless you can prove you can pay. That’s how it works at the convenience store or car dealership.

I haven't read this, and I don't have the stats to back this up, but WHAT?

No. We actually don’t. But we want better. For less money.

Yes! I love paying $300 a month and THEN getting charged per visit on top of that. 🙄 MedicareForALL

Ah yes as an American nothing I like more than dying alone hugely in debt after my pancreatic cancer GoFundMe is a flop

We should look up Jeff Bezos and Washington Post's advertisers and sponsor list. 100 percent we will find out some big fat capitalists from the medical and healthcare industry. Washington Post is corrupt since bought by Bezos. Disgusting !

This is fundamentally false.

I don’t!

I don't know ANY one who likes their health insurance the way it is.

if you can get it not good enough

It's going to be hard to explain that everybody's health insurance will be better and cheaper? Yeah, really hard sell, that one. Even if a majority like their healthcare, it's also the case that a majority are for M4A.

Lmao stop publishing these dummies

Wow, WaPo really is total shit, huh.

megan mcgriddle

Oh my god I KNEW this would be Megan McArdle

Hell no we don’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!

why can't we offer a public OPTION?

Lmao in the sense that they'd rather have it than not have it, probably

Thats not surprising, most Americans are stupid..

I love stressing about whether I´m covered, I´d hate to know that healthcare is a right.

Wow, talk about out of touch

LMAO of course it's McFuckface

Correction: Megan McArdle likes her health insurance. No numbers on the opinion of the actual general public.

Average Americans want free market health care with as much competition & proper oversight of that industry by Congress. What we had before O-Care scam with better oversight is better than now. Americans hate redistribution of wealth especially when America is obese & unhealthy

Are you guys trying to see if I'll cancel my subscription over nuclear takes from right wing hacks?

Single payer will create a two tier system. The poor will be forced to fight in line for those remaining doctors who only accept the gov plan. The rest will pay for some kind of supplemental ins which most doctors will switch to. U can’t outlaw ins like Great Britain here.

No most Americans don’t like their health insurance. WaPo, you are completely and totally wrong.

Remember, this is an OPINION. Lots of people apparently mistake opinion pieces for news. This isn't News.

I’ve literally never heard anyone say that ever..

Ah yes listen to my opinion. Much more valid than the rest of the 1st world with free healthcare.

Most Americans dont know what the letters GOP stand for

this shit is journalistic malpractice. People like not dying. of course they like their health insurance. Bernie wants to give everyone health insurance, better than the one you say they like so much. I expect this kind of cognitive dissonance from an authoritarian regime not MSM

Did a healthy insurance company write this?

Of course this was written by McArdle. Yes, people like knowing they’re covered for medical issues. And they’ll like it more when they never have to interact with an insurance company ever again.

no, they don’t. they are just afraid of making a change.

WaPo opinion pieces in a nutshell: blah blah blah Bernie Bad ...blah blah blah corporate Democrats good, blah blah. There I just saved you a read.

Just tossing this out for discussion as it’s similar for funding education. Why does it seem the masses want to soak the rich to pay for healthcare, free public college, yet I hear virtually NOTHING about bending the cost curve down? Both healthcare and college cost TOO much

Bullshit. I know a lot of people n not a single one, regardless of how they identify politically, likes their fuck'n health insurance. That's the stupidest take in all political discourse. Anyone who says otherwise is only saying it to attack Sanders. Stupid.

No we don't.

What % goes to insurance companies and false pricing structures....

*looks at byline Ah yes, Megan 'I apologize in advance, because I am going to talk about a book that I have not yet read' McArdle

Wrong again. Lies again.

Dont touch my insurance

Shame few of them will have the same policy in five years.

Not me. I’m on Medicare. As a retired educator I paid as much as $900 a month out of pocket for insurance for a family of 3. A high deductible and no vision or dental. Medicare for all.

Yup...it's a selfish world. Those that 'have' rarerly think twice about those who 'have not'. I think that's pretty ****ed up, myself. I hope for single payer because we all deserve to have healthcare. Period.

one in three gofundme campaigns are for medical bills

Megan Mcardle is a hack. Read the comments. How much did the Koch Brothers pay you to expel this written poop?

Megan McArdle. Lol!

Another great take

Megan McArdle; the other reason I stopped listening to Left, Right, and Center. First reason was Lipless RichLowry.

Said literally no one ever

* way it was.

No one likes their health insurance.

No we dont it sucks

Megan McArdle? A Koch bred puppet?

If you want to experience single payer, join the military. After 20 years of “single payer”, I now gladly pay for health insurance. I have many health care horror stories, courtesy of the “single payer” system.

Fact : ur wrong


No. We really don't. But that won't stop you from trying to gaslight us

Where are the 4 Pinocchio s for this drivel? 70% of Americans want single payer. They do NOT want insurance companies raking them over the coals for crappy healthcare they can't afford and can't quit their job as it is tied to their job. All while CEO's are taking in millions

Then why oppose a public option or Medicare buy in?

Especially these people.

Billionaires like Jeff Bezos really do know what’s best for working people, you’re right! Yay dystopia!

Who is this ‘most Americans’ you talking about?

Between my employers policy, my husbands employer policy, our children can't get coverage for much needed therapies covered under these 2 policies.

I love losing my insurance every time I change jobs, having a huge deductible, and having to find which doctors are in network. It rules

No we don’t.

Not really, bit it is better than government run healthcare. How about if we look at insurance issues instead. That would go a long way in reducing cost.

No we fucking don’t.

Only until they have to use it.

Name one


No. No they don’t.


About 90% of the comments disagree with you. When did you become the Monsanto of news?

Ha! We have the worst insurance we’ve ever had.

Yes we do but if we could get that employer share in our paycheck and pay less in auto deductions 😊 we would be very happy 😋 W2 12DD = OMG Less for the same or better sign me up 😷 pre-existing conditions is your medical history 😳


Said no one ever! If I was JeffBezos & saw that headline I’d make a phone call. Amazon should side w/BernieSanders. It would be an immediate increase in disposable income for people. They wouldn’t go buy a car but they’d pay their internet, add data to cell plans & buy stuff!😉

Actually they don’t. Quit posting crap opinion pieces just for the sake of appearing neutral.

I love having to go into debt because I needed medical treatment from a random accident. It would be weird any other way.

Is this the Washington post? Real news

No, most Americans are afraid of losing what they have, even though they don't particularly like it and aren't actually well covered because they have no conception of how much better health care works in the rest of the world and years of republican demagoguery.

If you like a high deductible and expensive meds. No I don’t

Yeah, with high deductibles, limited coverage so out of network charges, and lack of portability. It’s awesome......


Here’s what I want Keep health insurance I have now If I lose that insurance for whatever reason, there are reasonably priced options for me Pre existing conditions protections No lifetime caps Same essential benefits Keep kids on parents plan til age 26 Coverage for EVERYONE

How’s that?! Healthcare only for the very rich, the only ones who can actually afford it!

I have great private insurance, and I will NOT vote for anyone who will take it away from me. I like the Medicare Opt-In plan, though and fixing the ACA. Medicare, even in NY, sucks as is, though. It doesn't pay for nursing homes or inpatient drug rehabs.

Choosing health care can’t be rushed. It is way too personal. Are people open to universal care? I think so, but there are many details to discuss & refine.

JeffBezos must be going after TheOnion now.

I call B.S. No one I know is happy with their healthcare/insurance except for possibly those who are on Medicare. And even Medicare should be covering vision, dental, and hearing. MedicareForAll NOW!

Yeah, I love paying $10k a year for health insurance I barely use, and when I do, I still have to pay 40% of it. Nothing makes me happier.

WashingtonPost sorry but My experience is the 0pposite of what the WaPo published on this topic. M0ST Americans (51%) do N0T like their health insurance


Wtf? No we do not.

I have never met a single person, patient or caregiver, that likes our healthcare system. Your opinion is utterly without merit and extremely tone deaf when considering the costs of staying alive.

I love my employer sponsored healthcare! Sure, come up with a Medicare option for those who don’t have access to healthcare through their employer, but don’t take mine.

Who TF is writing your headlines these days? You’re always pissing off the left, right, or both. This is almost as bad as “how to spend your tax return”

Umm...no! Most don't!

The average IQ is also only about 100.

Ummm people are going bankrupt to afford basic medications, while Pharma companies are giving record bonuses


Wow! Thanks for the worst take in the country today.


Absolutely misinformed opinion.

LOL OKAY! Most people I know hate dealing with Blue Cross Blue Shield! MSMsucks

lol ok Meg

...and a big percentage of them are Democrats. Government employees, union members, healthcare workers, big companies, etc. Few of them will willingly give up their 'Cadillac plans.' Classic example of a self inflicted wound. AllMeansAll

OK, thanks for that, Jeff Bezos who paid zero taxes last year. How long until 'Amazon Health Insurance' comes out, puts every other health insurance company out of business, and then charges DOUBLE their rates--while paying nurses starvation wages?

Insanely out of touch writing

Who t f says that?

What is this bullshit?

This is total BS. No one wants to pay for health care that should be publicly funded like it is in other developed countries.

Yeah Americans must really love paying through the nose for pasty insurance bureaucrats to decide whether they can get an MRI paid for or not.

I love high deductibles and premiums! Leave it alone! Oh, and networks of doctors that exclude many options are awesome! Woo hoo!

ISIS terrorists kill 10 Nigerian army elements and seize a four wheel drive vehicle after they attacked their barracks in Borno state👌

We especially like the protections Obamacare gave us

This opinion piece is a complete joke by someone who is truly out of touch from the American public.

What I love is I saw the headline and said to myself ' I bet a Republican wrote this.' Yep. It continues to break my brain why WaPo and the NY Times keep publishing op eds on the primary written by Republicans. Must be at least 8 in the last few weeks. How odd.

Medicare for all is a trap for Dems, while it might be best way to do it, it leaves R's to distort the issue by scaring old folks that it will bankrupt Medicare, better to rebuild Obama Care but add public option out of separate fund than Original Medicare.

Disagree 100%.

Holy shit! This is so fucking out of touch it’s not even funny. Private insurance and health care for profit is a NIGHTMARE.


Why do all the mainstream, corporate mouthpiece, establishment, pretending to be liberal, news outlets shiver at the thought of Bernie. You know that means he’s great!

I mostly like how it gets worse and more expensive every single year.

Take politicians out of the supply and demand equation of healthcare. All they do is steal profits for themselves and healthcare suffers anyway.

Said nobody ever!


That’s why the universal Medicare buy in is a better plan. Nobody has to leave their employer’s insurance u less they lose it.

I don’t. High deductible and high premiums. Thank goodness I have the ACA to help lower the payments. Guess my insurance goes away if the conservative states win in court.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Medicare4all medicareforall FeelTheBern universalhealthcare


I don't know a single person that likes their insurance. And even if they did, their/my employer could change it tomorrow and there's nothing we can do.


Not really. Over priced, low coverage and high deductibles and co pays

What happens when you ask them if they would like better insurance that costs them less? And covers 100% of people in this country.

Did the health insurance industry weite this

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