Trump administration may soon remove transgender health care protections

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

The Trump administration may soon introduce proposed regulations that could allow health care providers, hospitals and insurers to discriminate against transgender patients, according to equality advocates

. They say officials at the Department of Health and Human Services are rewriting an Obamacare rule that exists to provide protection.

The new proposal, they say, could come as early as Friday. Health and Human Services would not offer any clarification."We cannot go into further detail because these matters are subject to ongoing litigation, and rulemaking processes and procedures governed by the Administrative Procedure Act and subject to longstanding Executive Branch policy," the agency's press office wrote in an email.

Controversial Pentagon policy bans transgender recruits 01:42Branstetter shared stories of people being turned away from emergency rooms, subjected to unnecessary and costly testing, and denied basic care and coverage."These are not hypotheticals. These are not imaginary concerns," she said."These are the realities that the members of the transgender community live with." What happens nextOnce a new proposal is released, it would be under review and open to public comment.

"These protections are essential and even lifesaving for transgender people," Thompson said."We won't allow this administration to undue those protections." As long as the Affordable Care Act exists, Section 1557 remains in place, but that doesn't make the administration's likely change any less worrisome, Branstetter said."ACA is still the law," she said.


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Americans are dumb


Can they sink any lower😡

Lets see, said the Devil, I’ve got them to acknowledge homosexuality and transsexuals , what else can I do Oh I know , let’s get them to renounce GOD, yes , that’s it, that should do it !!!! No wait, let’s encourage the act of depravity

Good...they need mental help.

So calling a person with a penis a man, or calling a person with a uterus a woman is now discrimination? If I call myself a woman, is my doctor now a bigot for suggesting I get a prostate exam?

Ever hear the phase, 'just one more nail to close the casket, and you doom yourself to a long and painful death.' If not I just said it.


🤬 posprez rethuglicans

EqualityAct needs to be passed. This is a vulnerable population that people don’t understand.

transgenders get special treatment. They get to legally roid out. Why can’t the rest of us roid out to then on insurance dimes. It’s not fair so why would I care if their special treatment is not covered any longer. How about stop the prescription hostage situation and be free.

We're 'making America great again' through discrimination? And a massive amount of people support this administration? There is nothing great here...

That's great news

Speculation is not journalism. Try harder to be better.

They should definitely be treated for their mental illness.

I dont agree with this. Its not ok to discriminate against mentally ill people

This isn't discrimination. Doctors should have a choice in deciding if they preform abortions and if they preform transition surgeries on children. No doctor should be forced to practice medicine that they feel is incredibly harmful to the patient.

Why? Because they want to use 'biology'

Oh puhleeze. Surgery should only be paid for if it is medically necessary to save a life. That’s common sense.

Gender reassignment surgery and abortions aren't 'healthcare', they're choices. If a transgender person attended to a physician for an illness , that would be healthcare.

“May soon” ”proposed” FakeNews

Lies, lying fake Nazi CNN!

This is evil sickening...playing god...not good...there humans too you bigots



Fake news

Just get ERA ratified and everyone will be equal. Non Gender discrimination doesn’t provide protection. A woman can be discriminated against because she’s born a woman, regardless of whatever gender.

You are believing advocates? FakeNews Of course they are going to say he is against something. Stirring the pot and you bit! Did you call Trump people about his position! NO. FIND OUT BEFORE U REPORT LIES!!!

Wow is is disgusting.

What they mean is he won't force doctors to perform sex changes if it's against their morals. which by the way, why would you make someone do a delicate surgery on you that doesn't want to do it? Do you want to die because his heart wasn't in it? Is your secular god that much?

Look down at you private parts. What you see is what you are. How in hell can you beg the government to intervene at taxpayer expense. If you can’t manage your feelings. Tough shit. It’s all on you.


Is it even legal?

OMG! These people are in humane.


“According to equality advocates” - SHOCKER.

May ?! BS


Very Smart and should have happened a long time ago!!!

Why report on something that hasn't been decided yet?! Or this just another opportunity to attack the POTUS 🙄

Sooo now you’re in the Nostradamus business? DumbassCNN

According to equality advocates. Equality. Advocates.

Omg omg omg

Drama at its finest!


Don't believe these creatures. there is a good reason very few people watch them.

The problem with Democrats is the fact they do not know the difference from right and wrong. The BIBLE clearly states what is right and wrong. You may raise your liberal middle finger to GOD. The end result is at your last breath, you still will go to HELL and sizzle forver!

More lies

This tweet should be headlined that CNN continues to report negative opinions about Trump quoting unnamed sources like the unnamed source that claimed their was Russian Collusion. The American People does not want to hear it any more from CNN, CNN Sucks.

Sounds good to me !!

According to some shit huh.

This president is obviously mentally ill...someone needs to step in

Sounds like the hypocritical prejudiced homophobic F. Graham is showing the way. Must make Mother and her homophobe veep ever so proud.


'According to equality advocates.' Sneaky CNN.

I always thought of CNN as being TRANSGENDER..

Liar CNN

May soon?! So it’s just an assumption you are try to make to stir up hatred, correct?



Don’t believe you.


By discriminate you mean not pay for a gender change, I agree!

Thank you HateFeed it’sso commendable of your Toxic Bias Media feed to provide a Outlet for people to Project Hatred Contempt Admiration or Love Now how about some actual news? Congress done any work for the Taxpayers yet? I know that is a stretch to actually report!

Hope not

WTF? This must be fake news.

If y’all read the article not once does it mention how it why the trump administration will do this. They’re making stuff up

This is absurd!!!!!!!!

Fake news once again.

Fake news. What are your sources. It you don't have facts don't post it. Enemy of the people.

Obviously not the land of the free

'That could' 🤪 'Not saying it WOULD, but it could' Idiots. Example: High schoolers 'could' run CNN.

I can’t understand why some people are so perturbed by Transgendered People. MIND YOUR OWN BUISNESS and let go of your pointless hate.

What Your country is going down the shameful is this

There are people suffering from life threatening illnesses that can’t get coverage. That’s not life threatening



Relax. They are still humans, so they are covered.

transgender=hot mess pre ex conditions=piss poor diet & gross exercise very unfair to insurance companys

See, here’s the thing. Men and women are biologically different. For instance, men have prostates. Women have uteruses. And so forth. Doctors weirdly want to know what sex u are to better help them diagnose the problem. biology101

Transgender is not about religiosity or faith, it is the physical, emotional and psychological belief that one has been born in the 'wrong' physical body. As for all the 'religious arguments' - are legal or religious spokespersons like judges, making the INCORRECT assumption 1/2

Good, healthcare is not a right. Let the free markets flow

How many people to the Republicans have to step on before there is no one left to vote for Republican candidates?

This can't be true!

Trump has gone to far!! He won’t Resign, he’s already done enough so start Impeachment!! He’s sick!

Just mean and vindictive. He appeals to the worst in us. We need to come together and crush him like a cockroach in 2020.

Okay. So it’s all right for taxpayers to pay for wars the American people oppose and subsidize rich corporations who already don’t pay taxes. And bailing out the big banks is acceptable too I suppose. No one minds corporate welfare. My final word.

Fake news

I love Trump, the battle will be won. It is male and female. Only the two can produce. CNN change from your sinful ways

Abortions - should be covered. Gender transitions ? No chance.

FFS !!!!!

We expect this horrific discrimination from DJT. But there are those in his administration that will actually see that this is carried out. What are they thinking or do they really care? What a shame that this is even contemplated.

Fake news

If actually true that’s terrible

He’s tearing the country apart, everything good that makes America America is going down the drain

Why? What's the point other than to fuck with people?


So you have no idea what the legislation or rule change is, you’re just assuming it’s going to discriminate against someone. This should be an opinion piece.

Again speculation and LIES propaganda and bull shit CNN cannot report facts about anything THIS IS NOTHING BUT SPECULATION! opinions is all you are good for

This Administration keeps finding ways to be even more discriminatory and hateful.

This must stop!

Trip better make sure Stephen Miller is covered

Fake news

Never too early to start complaining right? Even before you see the changes.

Looks like the U.S. is heading in the direction of Brunei. The white evangelicals would cream their jeans if that happens. ChristianExtremists

More Fake News... two years of Collusion Delusion Russia Russia Russia lies and deceit. Dont fall for their crap anymore people. They keep you by brainwashing you, move on to another news outlet.

Bullshit story searching

Is not there a Federal law somewhere that forbids descrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age?

He is such a pos he better hope and pray if he ever get sick and have to go to a hospital his doctor or nurse isn’t a transgender because they will have the right to refuse service on a law his dumb ass pass

Baloney. Stop the bullshit

Yeah That’s Right,Jesus Said YOU Get To Be Get To Choose Who Lives And Who Dies,Right?None Of That Crap About Leaving Judgement In The Hands Of God.Jesus Would Stand By With Over Whelming LOVE And Let A Gay Child Bleed To Death With Joyful Evangelical Glee

Not providing cosmetic surgery is not discrimination. This is fearmongering by the media. There is also nothing on the books yet. Might as well say they are discussing possibly doing this thing _____

'Plaintiffs argue the new regulation will require them to perform and provide insurance coverage for gender transitions and abortions, regardless of their contrary religion beliefs' Seems like a legitimate concern.

Why force medical people to treat someone who choose to go the unnatural way to change his/her natural gender Why put the burden on the medics who are trained to treat what is natural not what is unnatural

da asco el transgenero

Why are we moving backward as a society? And they are “scared” of the “sharia law”? Bunch of hypocrites

Well because we have no standard on what Trans is...or even non binary gender. The medical science doesn't exist.

According to equality advocates are the same Lying Liberal grouplike as the so called Russian experts 😀

Geez...he’s not even trying to not be an asshole anymore.

BS as usual.

Any licensed medical personnel that discriminate should lose their licenses.

Fake news.

Thus crapping all over the Hippocratic Oath

CNN is the network of lies and fake news. Those people are full of hate.

Next up, police, firefighters, and paramedics will be able to discriminate.

This is FAKE NEWS!

Not to discriminate, just to tell them respectfully they may get health coverage and services somewhere else in matters pertaining of them pursuing changing their God given bodies to something they aren’t.

I support Trump and believe that transgenderism is a mental disorder. But I’m not for discriminating against anyone. Even the mentally unstable

Enough with the Fake News already 🙄

May soon introduce?fakenews

If anyone reads this headline and believes a word of it, you are gullible.

Sounds like bullshit. 'Reads article* Yep, bullshit, as this is about taking elective procedures off the public dole.

Transgender people are mentally ill.

Another fake news headline. The article does not say anything of the sort!

See both sides but in the end we can't force doctors to do procedures they don't believe in & or make them pay more money for their personal insurance? Forcing private doctors especially won't work & hospitals can't do! Maybe a special insurance plan on side with doctors willing?

Just when I think you can’t get any lower. Oh yeah how’s that Russia thing working for you.


Deplorable!! Human beings are human beings- regardless!

U R just as bad as Trump U evil corrupt corporate bought news. U are trying to stop SenSanders but you will not stop the people. KEEP IT UP AND we WILL stand up even greater THAN BEFORE so you can't hurt the people of this country anymore. U WILL LOSE U EVIL BEINGS OF THE PLANET

It seems like these fights are about ppl on each side standing up for their rights and beliefs. Why FORCE anyone to do what they are not comfortable with? They should just label willing HOSPITALS, doctors, clinics ect as TRANSGENDER FRIENDLY and let those get their business.

Holy crap! What a thirsty news station you are!

More evil hate.

They need mental care more than anything

Npc, npc everywhere.. y’all are a bunch of sheep people... Orange man bad, CNN good

They call refusing anything to people these days discrimination. This article as written is misleading. There is plenty of cosmetic surgery not covered by insurance and it's absolutely nothing to do with it discrimination.

DerangeDonald TrumpCrimes

I like in the headline 'may soon'🤔...ur failing network is getting into the CLICK-BATE game, eh

Fake news

Orange man bad.

Why would this be a health care issue? If your a health care provider are you not supposed to take care of all sick people? Someone explain, please!

Well in all fairmess they are obviously the ones who need the most help from mental health providers. JS


How does a doctor discriminate a person by needing to know their biological gender to give proper care? And equality advocates are the source? Lmao bet the Russians are behind this too giveupalready

Total Bullshit... when the Dept of corrections are made to pay for hormone treatments and breast augmentations whilst Transgenders are serving prison sentences!! There is NO discrimination against them.

Is the choice to be transgender not an elective? If I wanted plastic surgery because I wanted to feel and look better, I am sure that would not be covered under any insurance for any reason. It’s an elective surgery.

Fake news

'May soon' 'that could' ......

Fake News Again!!

What CNN isn’t telling you is that these organizations are faith-based health organizations. The only religious organization that this advocates never challenge are when they are Muslims. For example IMANA – Islamic Medical Association of North America

Fake news? Fearmongering? 'We cannot go into further detail because these matters are subject to ongoing litigation, and rulemaking processes and procedures governed by the Administrative Procedure Act and subject to longstanding Executive Branch policy,' ~ press office.

Bunch of racists.

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