Local construction workers 'step up to the plate' to drive cancer patients to Sudbury

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

'The joy you get from doing it, it’s hard to describe': Since April, employees at Mike Moore Construction have volunteered for Canadian Cancer Society's 'Wheels of Hope' program

A well-known Sault businessman has encouraged several of his employees to become volunteer drivers for the Canadian Cancer Society Wheels of Hope program, transporting local cancer patients to and from treatments in Sudbury.

Beginning in February of this year, Sault cancer patients needing radiation therapy have had to receive their treatments at the Shirley and Jim Fielding Northeast Cancer Centre in Sudbury while Sault Area Hospital installs a new, state-of-the-art radiation therapy unit.“I thought: ‘I’ve got the trucks, I’ve got the guys, so why not step up to the plate?’” Moore said.

The drivers take patients to Sudbury on Mondays and return to the Sault. They then go back to Sudbury on Fridays and transport the patients back home. On some occasions, they transport them to and from Sudbury for same-day treatments. The drivers started making their first trips for patients in April.

He added that even after the new SAH radiation therapy unit is operational, his team of drivers will still be there if needed as some cancer treatments are available only in other cities such as Sudbury.


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