My Son Asked Me How Two Men Have Sex. My Reaction Surprised Me.

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Parenting News

LGBTQ,Sex,Sex Talk

Emily McCombs is the Deputy Editor of HuffPost Personal. She writes and edits first-person essays in all topic areas including identity (race, gender, sexuality, etc.), love and relationships, sex, parenting and family, addiction and mental health, and body politics. She is based in New York.

"I found a lot of information on how to explain the concepts of sexual orientation and gender identity to children, but practically nothing about actually talking to them about queer sex, at any age," the author writes.As my 10-year-old gets ready to enter middle school next year, he’s been getting increasingly curious about bodies, puberty, and of course, s-e-x.

I am very much a parent who says gay, because my son’s sexual orientation has yet to be revealed to me, and it’s imperative to me that he knows I will love and support him no matter who he turns out to be attracted to. in the popular lexicon, there has been a lot of talk about how supporters are assuming that discussion about the existence of sexual orientation or gender identity and related topics is somehow sexual in nature, and thereby inappropriate for children. That is wrong.

“If my son is old enough to have gotten a frank explanation of the mechanics of hetero sex, why did I feel so uncomfortable giving him the same information about queer sex?” Despite my attempts to resist assuming my son’s heterosexuality, when I half-answered his questions about gay sex, wasn’t I assuming it was information he didn’t need? If I was truly considering the possibility that my son might not be straight, wouldn’t I have answered him differently?d and the more I thought about it, the more I felt like I’d gotten it wrong. Luckily, this is no uncommon experience for a parent.

He even made me proud when he pivoted from a reaction of “Wow, that’s so weird” to “Actually, it just wasn’t what I was expecting. I shouldn’t call it weird,” in less than 3 seconds with no prompting.


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