JKNP foils online sale of unregistered drugs, seizes products worth nearly RM1 million

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Bernama News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

KUANTAN: The Pahang Health Department (JKNP) through the Pharmacy Enforcement Branch (CPF) foiled the sale of unregistered drugs and unnotified cosmet...

: The Pahang Health Department through the Pharmacy Enforcement Branch foiled the sale of unregistered drugs and unnotified cosmetics on social media platforms with a seizure value of nearly RM1 million.

He said that the department had conducted an investigation for six months and successfully thwarted these activities through Op LHT in the area last night. “We believe these in demand products were illegally brought into the country and sold at low prices to buyers. Among the seized products are for joint pain and energy medications,” he told a press conference at the JKNP office here today.

In light of this, he advised the public to always be cautious and not easily swayed by advertisements or testimonials on websites, especially those making unreasonable medical claims as the consumption of such products can have adverse effects on health, especially on the kidneys.


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