McDonald's urged to drop Monopoly game

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McDonald's: Tom Watson urges chain to drop Monopoly campaign

Mr Watson - who tackled his type 2 diabetes by adopting a healthier lifestyle and losing seven stone - has asked Paul Pomroy, chief executive of McDonald's UK, to cancel the marketing campaign, the Observer reported.

"Nutrition information is clearly displayed and we continue to review, refine and reformulate our menu to reduce saturated fat, salt and sugar." "A quarter of children in England are overweight or obese by age five, rising to over a third by the end of primary school. Obesity and a sugar-filled diet cause a variety of serious health conditions, including type 2 diabetes which costs the NHS 10% of its budget every year to treat.

"It is unacceptable that this campaign aims to manipulate families into ordering junk food more frequently and in bigger portions, in the faint hope of winning a holiday, a car, or a cash prize many would otherwise struggle to afford."Type 2 diabetes affects one in 16 adults in the UK and causes the level of glucose in the blood to become too high. It is strongly linked to diet and lifestyle.


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That’s in get it stopped take away some of the people’s fun!! Punish the sensible that treat McDonald’s as a treat now & then!! Surely it would be better to educate those that don’t understand that eating too much food types like McDonald’s makes you fat!!

Here man can a not have anything to look forward to like

Can’t even claim from the monopoly food unless you’re over 16, that started last year

The food at McDonald's is expensive anyways. If we get prizes from the monopoly campaign. It evens itself out

Watson prefers burger king obviously


Yeah but who is interested in anything the toxic .tom_watson says!

OMG tom_watson actually thinks this promo rather than any of their others influences us enough to buy the food resulting in obesity. How naive. If you disapprove of the food then deal with that Tom.

How many people were stabbed to death in this country this weekend? McDonald’s monopoly is not the top issue here. 🤔

Like that’s going to stop obesities. Sticking plaster

I'm amused that a fast food chain uses the slowest board game in the world to promote itself. Although I'm guessing it doesn't take as long to pass go and collect a happy meal in the Mcdonalds version as it does in the traditional version....

Soooooo, wouldn't the purpose of a promotional give away be to make people eat more McDonalds?

Willing to trade my St. Charles Ave for Baltic Ave — hmu 👍

Tom Watson is THE go to to guy to advise McDonalds. He’s had years of experience advising and working with the greatest clowns this country has ever had. jeremycorbyn DavidLammy dianeabbott_mp to name just 3.

Let me guess this is going to lead to another government scheme to tax people for eating food they deem as 'unhealthy' and throw millions of taxpayers pounds into healthy food places that won't be sustainable, if you want healthy food try Subway otherwise stay out of what I eat!

McDonald's is a danger to public health and always has been this is just preaching to the converted who already indulge in their crap.

And then there’s countries like Japan who gives all the choice to the customer and still don’t have a problem with obesity. We need to address the stem cause of why we overeat.

Tom Watson needs to keeps dropping off the weight fam

Typical Labour........ not a clue about the priorities ..... 👎🏻😡

McDonald's should be banned from putting kids toys in 'happy meals' children just want the toys they don't care about the food! They should make healthy food for kids, let them have a toy once they have eaten it!

Gibpve it a break. There’s more fat in the greasy spoon than in MacDonalds

Focus on takeaways grooming young vulnerable girls

What would be better first, was if McDonalds said thank you, and please dispose of your take away responsibly. Or offer a discount off next meal for photos of responsible disposal. litter

Shut up Tom

Great to see Tom with his finger on the pulse of the big issues

No. Best part of the whole year tbh 😂

Nope. It's choice. People get to make their own choices.

why should they

A party that couldn't come up with a position on the must important subject of the day has a position on burger-eating. We're all saved.

For crying out loud. Really ?

Since when did this nation of fatties ( sorry you thinners ) need any encouraging ...

It because it ridiculous. It’s not in any beneficial to anyone. I for one support the end of this. Because 2 double cheeseburgers in one sitting is awesome and painful at the same time. Long live maccys monopoly!!!!!!!

God help anyone has a bit of fun. How about you concentrate on getting Brexit sorted Mr Watson and stop being a nanny to people who neither want a nanny nor need one.

So Labour have their priorities in place.


Worry about getting us out of the EU as per your instructions and let us worry about what we eat Tom. Now fxxx off out of it!

So if vegetables, wholegrain cereals, milk etc had a MonopolyUK campaign people would be eating much healthier? tom_watson

Wow! tom_watson doesn't half come up with a load of nonsense. If the chance to win prizes made people each McDonalds why not do a similar campaign with healthy foods?

Someone has been going through a re-branding in the last year to slide out mr ineffective opposition man. Gone are the glasses, beardy thing & henchmen enterage always on Corbyns shoulder. I don’t buy it.

Labour have joined the food police -down with the fascists 😂😂😂😂

another MP trying to make our lives a little more horrible and boring plus it's not as if the promotion is on that long

Stop taking all the fun away

Ffs Tom - think you’ve more pressing issues !

no bring it on more best part of a big mac get fat having fun

Does anyone ever win a significant prize apart from a free burger?

Can Tom Watson advise me on which bog roll to use ? I need MPs to dictate my whole life ...


He's right. Monopoly's gives us no choice and should stop! Oh hang on, you're talking about the board game? Why is golfer, Tom Watson trying to stop us playing a game?

I think we can make our own decisions Tom. I know its hard for you politicians and your ‘activists’ to understand. Buts it’s true. So butt out.

A fat git is gonna figure out a way to still be a fat git with or without this monopoly scheme. just let us decide for ourselves and stop trying to control free will.

Who eats this McDonald junk food shit anyway? This is not proper food and all about making money! McDonald junk food takes ages even rot down. See video. McDonaldJunkFood Unhealthyfoods

Hahaha 😂😂😂😂 heard it all now


This went well BBC, stop reporting on shit, grow up and report on issues that matter - yes report, not opinion, you stealth taxing w⚓️’s


lol you can’t stop a company advertising their product to sell more of it. If people are stupid enough to buy more McDonald’s crap to win prizes then let them. There’s people that won’t. I don’t drink alcohol, despite the ads.

Five years ago Tom would have been first in the queue - hypocrisy rules.

What's it got to do with him.

Thanks, I forgot it was on .... I must order 500 big Mac’s. Really do these people listen to the twaddle they peddle out.

The guy recently lost 7 stone - now we know why he put it on. He's easily influenced by big business He makes bad decisions He potentially has a problem with gambling Couldn't think of a better set of qualities to be deputy leader for the Labour Party

Give over

How ridiculous. Let's wage a campaign to make governments get out of the lottery business because it encourages us to gamble what's left of our paycheques away.

Unbelievable all the shit that exists in society and he picks this..? Jesus wept

Jeez Tom Watson, you drop a few pounds and are suddenly a preacher for the health conscious. Just have a Big Mac Meal, large of course. It may just keep you quiet for a while. 🍔

Ok fatty.

Blah, blah blah - I think there are more pressing issues to deal with......

McDonald’s should tell him where to go.

Why's that. Cos he doesn't eat them by the dozen anymore, he thinks he can preach to everyone who may indulge maybe once a week.

Now he has lost seven stones he wants to spoil Maccy D’s for the rest of us!

Watson is like an old woman.

Give them an inch and they’ll take the whole fucking lot if you let them.

This is definitely the root cause of obesity

Nooooo I want to win a Mc flurry while eating a Big Mac meal complete!!!!!!

Really want a Big Mac now. Cheers Tom

Just because Tom Watson thought (until recently) that 3 Snickers, a Rustlers burger and a Dr Pepper were a balanced breakfast, doesn’t mean the rest of us need nannying.

FFS, why don't they just ban fun altogether and we can all live in a desolate post Brexit wasteland foraging for mouldy bread and rotten vegetables.

Cause he dropped the weight and craving now he's craving a quarter pounder ffs first he tryna stop Brexit now maccies, here tom come take my fuckin pac lunch aswell

Never won anything apart from a McFlurry

Thanks Tom I didn’t think it started til April 👍🏻

Nothing worse than a reformed smokers or Fat boy!!!

You are kidding People choose what they eat. Interfering in a company’s marketing campaign is just plain authoritarianism.

Nothing worse than a convert.....

Just stop giving treatments related to obesity on the NHS, simple.

Someone drop Tom Watson

Is this since he lost 6 stone with Slimming World ?

I don't know who Tom Watson is, but he's an idiot.

Just cos you never win!!!!!

Yeah, stop enjoying yourselves people! 🙄

Haven’t these idiots got more to think about than this.Its called in moderation.LabourParty useless

I do wonder that if Tom Watson hadn’t spent most of his adult life as a fat gluttonous bastard then he wouldn’t be so hell bent on banning everything now

Tom we get it you have lost weight! We get it, we get it, we get it! Now stop lecturing everyone on what they should be eating and concentrate on getting rid of that mad man running your party.

Tempted Tom?

CBCEyeopener Lower prices & bigger coffee cups.

What if, instead, you make self-inflicted obesity health issues not to be covered by NHS, instead of trying to ban stuff?

Dear Tom, you can have a small order of fries with your order, and if you are so inclined you can have a salad, you don't have to going to that particular establishment. I hope this has been helpful.

Ok, and we can urge Tom Watson to piss off. We all know what's good and bad for us. And who honestly goes to McDonald's to win a prize. I go once or twice a month because it's tasty.


its called freedom to choose... just another preview of life under a labour.. do you think one day he might talk about something important like solving knife crime

OMG just shows the mentality of MPs the country is fed up and tired of Brexit and the MPs have no clue what to do. Yet Tom Watson wants to focus on McDonald’s and there monopoly game. Your paid nearly 80 grand a year focus on what matters at the moment.

Of for the love of god, just trust people to make some decisions on their own!

Well, at the end of the day it's their choice to be a fat slob that eats this awful food...

This preaching is going too far. Leave people alone to make their own choices without interfering. First of all i read today that junk food ads are possibly moving to 9pm watershed and now this!!!

2 things, Who’s Tom Watson ? And Tom, get a fucking life and let people live their own

He was great at the Open Championship. 🤣

Don’t forget this fellow used parliaments privileged position to call businessman mafia, over rule the courts in a profoundly unconstitutional way. Is hard left,hates business as well as wanting state control of everything. Granted JC makes him look moderate but don’t be fooled

Monopoly isn’t the issue, the pointless plastic toys in the Happy meals are! plasticpollutes ChildhoodObesity

Please drop Tom Watson.

If anyone who says they don't go to McDs for the Monopoly game happens to get Mayfair, please DM me. You obviously wouldn't use it 😄

That's one glaring problem with government run healthcare...the government starts telling you what to eat.

Special tax for take aways. McDonald's litter all over the place as well as faeces in the burgers and chicken products skynews


Why is it he can try to tell us what to do, but when it comes to brexit they don't want to listen to us the voters

Is all business MC Donald is not taking notice of him

Stop eating Monopoly and lose 7 stone

Tom needs to learn that not everyone is like he used to be (a fat, hypocritical control freak).

Mr Watson. Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not collect £200.

The monopoly game where they make 3/4 of the pieces easy to get and the last one is 1/4000000 chance. It’s a scam

The health risks? What about the massive fraud surrounding the top prizes? Do a report on that.

Agreed. I think they should do Cluedo

Leave our McDonalds alone. 🍔🍟😍

Doctor_Twatson why you trying to stop monopoly

Tom who ?

More or less. Maybe it's time to stop playing Monopoly in McDonaldsUK.

Another Labour tool

Hasn't the country got bigger fish to fry at the moment.

Again politicians looking to 'nanny' us. Ridiculous!!

Wiping the nations arse again.

Tom Watson - I urge you to get a grip! 🙄

People just have no self control! Not McD’s fault!

Most people are sensible why spoil things for the majority.

A potentially insane level of government intervention

Hasn’t he got anything better to do?

Good cause all it does is comes and goes once a month

He’s done well to change his lifestyle and cut out junk food, but he can’t then impose his wishes on others just because he’s realised in excess it’s not good for you

All this tweet has done is make me think of Mcdonalds. So I've just ordered a McDonalds off of UberEats Thanks Tom. I'm blaming you for making me fat. Had you not talked about McDonald's I wouldn't have ordered a McDonald's.

What a bunch of liars! Campaigns to boost sales does not MAKE people do anything they don't already want to do! Stop trying to take away people's right to choose what they eat! This Big Brother mentality is disgusting. & never mind the old 'We care about their health' routine.

It's their life,their choices. Not any other buggers business but theirs! FFS not as if you go straight to jail without passing go is it, you might pass wind after all those pickles on the burgers mind, but you wont go to jail! 🤣

I think this is over stepping the line, control where it isn't wanted

is it because he hasnt got fleet street for the set..

Focus on the important things like Brexit not what people are eating at McDonalds

Britain shows concern for children's health as it relates to what kids eat. Before January 2017 the United States did as well.

Bet he's never had a winning ticket, then? How can he be a serous politician if he cannot grasp that legitimate businesses are allowed to advertise & run promotions to maintain the market share. Would he rather this company goes bust and makes all the employees out of work?

How dare he, it's up to people what they eat.

Breaking News: Tom Watson throws dummy out of the pram because he's never won on McDonald's Monopoly. In a short statement: 'If I can't win then no one else should be able to'

They should also ban mothers until 10 am

Hmmmmm monopoly

Make our own burgers yummy 😋

Please credit people with being able to use their COMMON SENSE!! And if people want to eat junk then so be it their choice. We do NOT need a flaming NANNY STATE!!’n

More lefty vegan bs?

I think ' encouraging people to order more ' is the idea. More sales, more money. I don't know how you're going to get them to drop a very successful, 40 year old annual campaign. Might as well tell the Girl Scouts to stop selling cookies.

It's just junk food

You just worry about sorting the shitstorm that is parliament at the moment. I will worry mine and my families waistline like a good parent should.

Has he got more important things to worry about at the moment if people want to have 3 burgers 🍔 instead of 1 it's up to themselves

Does anybody got to McDonalds to deliberately collect stickers? (considering the chances of winning are really low anyway) We go after swimming on a Friday night, at no point have we ever decided to make extra visits to collect stickers?

Let’s tackle kids being murdered in the streets first then we can tackle fast food tie ins to popular board games

FFS! People need to take responsibility for themselves! Attempting to sensor a good bit of marketing is ridiculous!!!! Now off to get myself something off the secret menu.....🍔🍟🌭

Good to see an MP finallly focusing on the real issues affecting the country

Quite right, all the properties should be in public ownership!!

Agree ban

Anyone else tired of being preached at? Give us a rest.

Looks like he's talking from experience.

Sod the food. Monopoly is what Maccy D's is all about. Tackle the heart of the issue. Well done Tom.

Speaking of monopolies untroubled by public sector attacks....

Because people can’t decide for themselves what they want to buy and eat eh Tom

Why? Can’t he win?

Why does it resemble the Labour party, general election campaign, and you can't throw a six to start.

Why would people buy more McDonalds just because of a competition that you probably have little chance of winning? That's pretty dumb.

nothing worse than a fatty who gorged himself for years going thin and then boring everybody to death with veg tips

I'm sure there are far more important giving the people the right to live instead of being child grooming and halal drug ILLEGAL (do I need to continue?)

What a terrible idea

In a future socialist UK, which will be called Cubanzuela, the UKLabour govt will ensure no one eats more than 1,000 calories per day

I think we should stop letting Tom Watson wear glasses too. Let’s see what his blind ass can come up with then? He probably couldn’t even put his clothes on properly. See the ridiculousness of telling others what they can or can’t do?

Get a life! It’s our choice what we eat and if some people can’t help themselves and pig out then it’s there own fault.. not all of us are like that and eat in moderation why should we be stopped having what we like. This world has gone mad!!!

I see at least 2 of your 5 a day in that photo. Watson should be championing McDonalds, not digging then out. Blame Monopoly for creating the game, it’s already broken, and ruined Christmas’ for over 1 billion families world-wide. Go for the organ grinder, not the monkey.

Meh. All things being equal, if I buy twice as much food I already get twice as many airline miles.

Im not sure how many working families can afford mc Donalds 😑

And whilst the Country heads at full speed towards the end of a Brexit cliff the deputy leader of Her Majesty,s opposition seems more concerned with a takeaway scratchcard game.We deserve so much better

Why? Is he waiting for Pentonville? Ironic really as he should be Jailed.

Why doesn’t the government just send everyone a weekly food hamper,with what we’re allowed to eat and drink in. Then they can shut down all the restaurants and ‘fast food’ establishments. The way things are going we’ll all be eating Soylent Green anyway.

If you are worried about overweight kids try focusing on parental responsibility rather than which game a business uses to promote it's products.

I thought the majority were franchise's 🤔

Ex fatty wants to spoil things for people who don’t over indulge... F... O..

McDonald's thanks Tom Watson for free advertisement of their monopoly campaign


Wait for a monopoly tax on it

Doesn’t Tom Watson understand that the whole point of promotions such as this is to persuade people to buy more?

This food is just instant health problems.

I'll still eat it regardless of any promotion

Snowflake , nanny state time

Watson is a mug

I love that Monopoly

Overeating is different for people, some respond to cravings like the Big Mac or Liquorice buy staying away most of the time and then overeating. Over eat, then get it out of your system and leave it alone for a month or so !!!


Can we talk about the food waste in addition to the obesity crisis.

And I'm urging the LP to drop its Brexit support.

Is it because he doesn’t look like Mr Monocle anymore?

James_Dack you prepared to riot?

Can ‘people not be treated/trusted to act as adults, rather than be ‘supervised’ at all times ?!

OMG I almost missed the Monoploy game at McDdonalds! Thanks Tom!

Hold the front page!

Ffs....and what about people who are able to eat McDonalds in moderation/achieve a balanced diet and not have to lose 7 stone in weight because they'd developed type 2 diabetes?

Why it don't get me eating mcdee all the time just STOP nannying every one Becues you lost few pounds soon put it back on

Monopoly game or not if people want to eat McDonald's then they will

He feeling the pressure to get back on the the fast food train?

That picture of maccies is maki g me want one more than the monopoly...

Is he worried he'll be tempted and go fat again? Go on Tom have a big mac

Isn’t Labour policy to have State monopolies?

This is why Labour are completely and utterly unelectable

He is the most opportunistic and misguided of politicians.

Talk about focusing on the wrong issues.

Ban any kind of fastfood promotion deals....

Is there anything Tom Watson doesn't want to ban? Jesus f'ing Christ he's a full authoritarian isn't he? Thank f**k Labour will never get in power while Corbyn's their leader, eh?

But the idea of the campaign is to get people to eat more McDonald's.

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What a scumbag of a man

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Tom Watson urges McDonald’s to cancel ‘danger to health’ campaignLabour’s deputy leader says the company’s Monopoly promotion jeopardises children’s wellbeing The title is so misleading. I agree with Tom Watson about how McDonald’s doing the Monopoly game might lead to more kids and adults to eat more McDonald’s which will affect their overall health. God help us. He should follow his own advice. Talking about ‘danger to health’ that’s funny.
Source: The Guardian - 🏆 84. / 53 Read more »