Trump proposes big cuts to health programs for poor, elderly and disabled

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Trump proposes big cuts to health programs for the poor, elderly and disabled

By Jeff Stein and Amy Goldstein March 11 at 12:05 PM The Trump administration is proposing a sharp slowdown in Medicaid spending that would shift more than $1 trillion over 10 years by steering the entitlement program into a system of block grants that would give states far more freedom to set their own rules over how to cover the poor.

The spending plan calls for a cut of nearly $1.5 trillion in Medicaid over 10 years and for $1.2 trillion to be added for a new “Market Based Health Care Grant” — that is, the block grants that would start in 2021. It also would eliminate funding for Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act has gone to about three dozen states over the past five years.

Federal health officials have quietly been exploring the controversial idea of giving individual states permission to convert their Medicaid programs to block grants or a system of caps. Senior officials of at least one state, Utah, have said publicly they have been discussing the idea with leaders of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and leaders of other conservative states also appear to be interested.


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inieam 7RUMP's a straight-up SAD1ST.

This Trump is a real piece of work

This would be a HUGE mistake! Targeting vulnerable people who have worked all their lives paying into social security programs that promise care in their later years would be Trump’s second-term death knell.

What fresh hell is this?


A real sweetheart. Another thing I hope all makeamericagagagain lovers remember

I am not paying taxes gor this shite.


Just more theft from the retired age group. Our money. They steal.

So basically he is attempting to call the population that would most benefit from the annulment of his entire administration? And how would this not be a human rights violation?!

Thank you, Bradley.

Stop supporting freeloaders(illegals) and you could better help elderly, poor and disabled with far less money anyway.

But his supporters will back this plan because FOX will tell them that it will repeal and replace Obamacare.

Gop is against any gun law if it could possibly affect even 1 law abiding citizen from not getting a gun but they would risk every person on Medicare to prevent fraud. Medicare fraud is a serious issue but they always seem to support laws that create more death

Of course...that pretty wall is expensive....The new motto: “Wall over People!”

How stupid can he get?!? realDonaldTrump

Example of Trump hanging himself

Nothing says better America like ducking over the poor and the sick

While simultaneously asking for $8B for a border wall that 2/3 of the country does not want.

Complete SPIN. How about a headline that reads, 'Democrats allow more illegal immigrants to come in and take the jobs of low-skilled American workers'. You can take any budget proposal and spin out crap like this all day long. You just are the kings of junk news.

Fake news

Elections have consequences.

So, do 41-46% of voting Americans really want a government and a President that would propose and push for cuts for health programs for the elderly, poor and disabled? Really? What about cuts to environmental protection? Is that the America people want?

Are wonder if Trump’s ‘base’ is smart enough to know he’s screwing them.

Oh really?

I notice that he didn't sign those books...

Now we have it. This is the other shoe dropping. He wants to cut Medicare, Medicaid and social security. This is his real game plan. If the Democrats do not block this, then they are useless to us and not doing their jobs.

This. Is. Not. Surprising. GOP has wanted this since the 1990s. AARP what say you now, still trust Republicans?

My daughter is disabled with autism. I am her mom, and I take care of her to insure that she stays as healthy as possible. Very good! There should not big health care cuts to medic-aid for disabled folks like her. Why would this President not realize it is not humanitarian.

The 1% want the poor, disabled and elderly dead. Putin is okay with that as well

Trump's standards were pretty low when he was making America 'great'. If he's lowering his standards to just make America 'better', we'd better buckle up.

Make more Americans Homeless


How disgraceful can you get? What has become of you? Daily humanity is being eroded by this Administration.


6 Medical errors are third leading cause of death in USA and they increase our health care costs. Improving health care quality, improving access to health care, and reducing health care costs by trillions of dollars over time - links to articles

No thanks. We aren’t for the tax cuts to the rich

Even more motivation to not be poor and live a life that can generate prosperity for yourself and your family members.

Hey MarshaBlackburn VoteMarsha, you ok with this?

Wth is wrong with him?

5 Minimum Wage and Discrimination How increasing minimum wage harms disabled workers. How to increase wages and reduce poverty without harm caused by increasing minimum wage

Must have that wall at our expense. What good does it do if there is a wall and we are sick and dead?

What a disingenuous headline! Cutting out foreign aid and reducing fraudulent and abusive billing isn’t cutting programs that benefit our poor, elderly or disabled. Better that we expect folks to become more efficient and lower costs over time.

President Dump must not be allowed to Reneg on his promise.

Should be titled ‘Better For Rich Americans. Screwing Over All Other Americans’.

Gotta pay for them tax cuts. Anybody who didn’t know this was coming is stupid enough to be a trumpkin.

2 Over 80,000 dead since 2003 while on waitlist for Social Security Disability - info from Social Security Actuarial Note Number 159 GAO discussed backlog 2003 CBS in 2008 - deaths while on waitlist

Repeal last year’s tax cut fiasco!

1 Over $20 trillion in welfare to corporate welfare queen parasites since Reagan became President - banks, prescription drugs, etc. When will this be eliminated? Links to articles from IMF on


That sounds like exactly what his heartless big money backers want. They will probably be surprised when the torch carrying mob burns their mansions to the ground some day. They’ll not even understand why. delusional

He’s not going to take away my family’s $2500 healthcare savings, is he?

In which case we might not have either at this point The REPUBLICANS goal is to take all social services away from everyone and keep the money for themselves, LIKE THE TAX PLAN. HEARTLESS is the word that describes Republicans best, HEARTLESS

Does our dear POTUS represent thechopes and aspirations of RepDrewFerguson and sendavidperdue?

Here we go.....”The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. “ Franklin D. Roosevelt

He does not understand caring for others and advancing society.

Oh hell no!

The REPUBLICANS for years have tried to do away with Medicare and Social Security now they have the presidency and Senate and at one point the House. They went after OBama care first, but they could have gone after either Medicare or Social Security

We are not making America better for everyone, JUST THE RICH. TRUMP is trying to force the poor, elderly and disabled to move to another country so he doesn't have to worry about them. He has squeezed every ounce of life out of them, then discard them

It's scam fake

This was the republicans plan all along. They wanted to cut OBama Care to fund their Tax Plan. They didn't get it done so now we are stuck with Two trillion in debt. Who in our society can afford getting their programs cut less than the poor, elderly, disable

KMaceyka I hope the Trump’s assets end up forfeited- just like what would happen to any other person who built their “empire” on fraud and dirty money. They aren’t “rich”- they are frauds.



... fake news...!

realDonaldTrump should be adding funding to health programs not cutting it!! The disappearance of rural hospitals IS a national crisis. One that no one is talking about. What's wrong with Trump and the GOP? This affect their voters as well as Democrats.

Only trump chumps would be surprised by this...they would shoot themselves in the foot to wave a maga banner...and this budget would hurt them deeply.


This mad Man is going to Destroy this COUNTRY by any MEANS NECESSARY. Sad INDEED.


That books title is such an oxymoron in Trump America nothing could be further from the truth. The policies and redistribution of wealth to the wealthiest 1%.

Why does charge for news? News should be free!

Days after signing Christian Bibles.

MikeOkuda Hmm

The fraud and abuse that hardly exists. It's another scare tactic used to pit the American people against each other instead of focusing on who is really taking our money the corporations and wealthy who profit off our labor, pay no taxes, manipulate the economy/ expect us to pay

Why is it proposed to take away from poor, disabled and elderly and transfer it to war and defense lobby? At a time of big budget deficits due to big tax cuts to wealthy? 😏

Odds are this is fake news.

Trump proposes capturing all House flies in America so he can pull off their wings. For when Trump is bored. NationalEmergency

He’s just a horrible person inside out!

Go peddle you fake news somewhere else. Your news isn't worth the cheap paper it's printed on.

In other words, the gullible folk who voted for him are being shafted again by him... readbeforeyouvote

Of course he is.. FollowTheMoney

73SNAngel Hurting those least able to defend themselves is the trumplican motto as the Make America Worse Every Day. MAWED

He's just evil.

Why on earth he wants to do that . Poor Americans are human beings or not .

Of course. He loves doing this kind of stuff.

Of course he does, just like every other bully he goes after those who have a decreased ability to defend themselves

Fake News! Seems that's all they have in the quiver.

Clearly, his focus is making certain people remain poor & ignorant....

umussbekidding Why would any senior citizens vote for trump? Of course I wonder why any women or minority vote gop.

Water is wet

Well there goes Medicare, and disability. Bet there is more too. Well the MAGA hat wearing BUTT MAGGOTS are fixing to find out Dumpf does not care about them. Thoughts and prayers!!!

Because that’s the fake “Christian” way. A wolf in sheep's clothing

But he will sign your bible!

Ok, Post, now you are just being liablous. You should be charged. This is not responsible journalism. You really need to join the Inquirer.

Typical GOP move... Take from the poor and / or most needy, along with of course the elderly. Just typical...

“Let’s build a wall, amp up the military, have a big-ass parade and kill all the old, poor & sick to cover the cost.” DJT

The hypocritical evangelicals apparently have a different version of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus. Their Jesus doesn’t care about the poor, elderly, or disabled. They will continue to support this evil man and his equally evil VP.

For all of those who were for last year's tax cuts, here comes the hammer we told you would be coming.

Steven Miller Budget? How long are we going to put up with this? ImpeachTrump

Whoa! Gripping headline, eh? Did you know there is also a national paid family leave? Yeah, didn’t think you were interested in letting us know that. Let’s see what SpeakerPelosi does......

drhuseman Or better known as POTUS Joke book.

Obviously needed to pay for Trump’s wall and to offset the GOP tax giveaway to the wealthy. Just say NO these mean spirited proposals. realDonaldTrump GOPLeader SpeakerPelosi senatemajldr SenSchumer VAHouseDems SenateDems HouseGOP SenateGOP

Of course he does. Meanwhile, Ivanka gets a $100 million program for women that's a guaranteed con. That money will somehow end up in her pocket. Bet on it.

Because of course he does.

Of course realDonaldTrump POTUS has, he and the GOP do not give a shit about us.

This is what happens when Republicans cut taxes for the wealthy. Deficits rise and then they come for your healthcare to pay for it. This will impact seniors and the poor. Seniors vote Republican. It makes no sense to me.

They are being polite at this point. The next step is a virus, with just enough vaccines for the rich, their chosen slaves and the bare minimum agro workers and laborers. The fatcats are getting sick of hearing the masses complain so you can bet they have a plan B waiting

Where is “for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.”

MikeDelMoro Better America my ass

But he’ll get all of his crazy Christian supporters to rally around abortion rights. Why not also rally around infant care once they are born.

Trump to cut 1.5 Trillion from Medicaid and $845 billion from Medicare over the next 10 years- Trump apparently loathes the poor and elderly, no matter what skin color they have. Medicare4All Billion from Medicare

Why do you even think this matters to we the people 🇺🇸😎💯🇮🇱👼🏼

ANYTHING for another expensive, already obsolete new aircraft carrier.

MikeDelMoro Wanna see baby boomers like myself lose their minds and head to the streets with really creative, snarky signs? Just try to touch Medicate and SS. impeachtrump

How very pro-life.

lsfarmer311 These ridiculous attempts to obtain money from entitlement programs is unacceptable. This serves as distraction & signals his followers that he’s still working on the make-believe wall. Donald trump does not have power over the purse.

You knew this was coming. Despite campaign promises to the opposite.

This is just appalling.

Take our healthcare just don’t take our guns - GOP

911CORLEBRA777 Which would hurt much of his base, but they’re too stupid and ignorant to know or care.

Yes, let's screw over those who are already struggling so the Uber rich can have more. Said no one, ever.

And they will still support, and vote for, him

He’s just talking shit. It would end his re-election campaign. A lot of his voters depend on these programs.

No heart. No soul.

It was only a matter of time. The GOP said President Obama was going to kill the older people off. He. Actually helped. Now this demon is going to do what he can to hurt the elderly and poor.

A post like this exposes the people who read this rag. Soon to be $250mil lighter.

Why do politicians hurt the elderly and poor. Please stop

A copy of this should be mailed to every one of his supporters, a good portion of whom fall into one of these categories.

If Trump is God sent, then it’s fair to say that God not Putin, interfered in US elections, and the large number of Russians conspiring with Trump’s campaign, were God’s Angeles. It also reveals that God is now siding with the corrupt rich against the poor, elderly and disabled

metaquest Why would he and his advisers do this, unless he is actively trying literally end those people's lives by governmental neglect?

pannlewis44 If you add in the psychologically challenged, you've got most of his voter base.

GOP Spineless Hypocrites

After he has gifted hundreds of billions to corporates and the wealthiest top 1%? This is robbing the 99% to benefit the top 1%!

And yet those people will continue to vote republican 😕

HouseGOP will NEVER gain power again if they target the poor for the rich. They come off as such COWARDS hiding behind their lies & deceitful titles. They are all cowards afraid to tell their truth. realDonaldTrump GOP Greedy Cowards GOPTaxScam GOPTaxSCAMStories

how do cuts to health and social programs for our fellows Americans make USA a better country? they don't - this is ridiculous and additional military spending is unnecessary and wasteful - spend money on programs that will benefit people NOT Trump donors and corporate welfare

Trump is cutting government waste and cost for federal programs that do nothing for the poor, the elderly and the disabled.

I propose for him to resign. He's bankrupting America just like his businesses. He doesn't have enough assets to be confiscated if proven criminal behavior while sitting in the oval office.

How is this leading to a better America. Making America better isn’t just keeping out the people you don’t like and making our military bigger. Cuts to healthcare and education is what will destroy our country!

911CORLEBRA777 Sweet, exactly what the voters of WI, MI and PA wanted.

Is the same Mar-A-Lago triumvirate that's trying to steer VA medical care to the private sector behind this 'cost cutting' idea? Sounds like it.


Just cut all funding to ILLEGAL aliens, that would save us billions .

Don't forget, if you need nursing home care in your old age and you don't have long term care insurance, then Medicaid is all there is between you and dying a horrible death alone and uncared for. I know you think that won't happen, but it does happen.

Your paper&some of your staff is old enough to remember when when being poor&needing help meant that your car couldn’t be worth more than 500, you couldn’t own anything, not even a used tv&were checked. Now it is given as a lifetime wage

Tax cuts for the rich paid for by the poor and vulnerable in society. What’s not to love about this plan?

Dear twitter user: Before jumping into the comment section, you should at least read more than just the headlines. read what the proposal is all about.


One sentence, yes we can? You know what i mean!

realDonaldTrump runs up the deficit when he can pass a budget. Suddenly becomes fiscally conservative once he can't pass a budget. This is my surprised face.

well it's their own fault. those disadvantaged people should have been born into a rich family like he was

If America was a hotel Trump is increasing security team to 2x floor in Ruit gear and gold plating the lobby and China but at the same time now charging for use of phone, elevator, pool, TV, non revolving door, AC, Safe, and internet ... while also refusing non white guests.

And the Damn Fools that vote for him will get hit hardest. May grandma move in with everyone of them.

You people really believe the BS the TWP tweets and write up Lmao lmao that’s funny

The Great Controversy: Chapter (37) The Scriptures A Safeguard. The Great Controversy: Chapter (38) The Final Warning.

Ripping off 99% of Americans is to be expected of a five time felony draft dodger running a criminal racketeering Kleptocracy. We can't get rid of the electoralcollage fast enough.


These are the true death panels

MAGA if you are not poor, elderly, or disabled. How many in those groups voted for Trump? I didn’t!

Pro-utero party.

I want a copy

I hope he goes down in history as the POS that he is!

The elderly in rural areas are large supporters of Trump. Guess what... he doesn't give a crap about them... trying to take away their medicare. LOL.

That's how to do it start at the margins the sick the poor the other. The politically vulnerable. The voiceless. Then work your way in slowly. Nice.

What a perfect way to show your base how much you care about them! No one has cared for the poor, elderly and disabled like trump has. Previous administrations were doing it all wrong...

Because the orange idiot has to make room for surging debt service payments and the defense budget which apparently can’t be questioned or scrutinized.

SO MUCH FRAUD IN SS PROGRAMS! at least someone is trying to stop it

How about the top one percenters?

~That's not surprising.

Hey MAGAts, that includes YOUR poor, elderly and disabled too, in case you thought that supporting realDonaldTrump would somehow exempt you from these cuts. 🤨

YorkUPresident yorkuniversity ylc_jlc CJPMYC CanadianPM JustinTrudeau liberal_party parti_liberal businessinsider Harvard DukeU benhiggi

'This country has socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor.' - MLK

The real death panels that GOP warned us of during the ACA debates

MAGA amirite? 🤬

Is this Neo-Malthusian, Social-Darwinist, or just plain cruel?

Medicare belongs in this headline

God obviously wants this

So what is this country going to do? Throw the elderly out of nursing homes onto the street? Starve poor children? Deny health care support to the disabled and infirm who cannot afford private insurance? Oh but we have the money to build a useless wall on out Southern border?

Tall can always support these programs with your own money!

But more money to the military.

Of course he is. Why is anyone surprised?

How compassionate of him. ResignTrump and MAGA.

Trumpies, can you see and hear what you leader is doing?

How republican of him.

Of course he does.

The pro-life party strikes again

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