PolitiFact - Claim about actor Jamie Foxx’s health debunked by daughter

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False claims about actor Jamie Foxx’s health have persisted on social media. The actor is recovering, according to his daughter, and hasn’t been in the hospital for weeks.

This was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed.

We found that the claim seemed to have originated from a celebrity gossip site and from stories that did not cite their sources. Jamie Foxx’s daughter, Corinne Foxx, debunked the claim. "Update from the family: Sad to see how the media runs wild," Corinne Foxx posted May 12 in an Instagram story, ."My Dad has been out of the hospital for weeks, recuperating. In fact, he was playing pickleball yesterday! Thanks for everyone’s prayers and support."


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