Bloomberg: Medicare-for-all 'would bankrupt us for a very long time'

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Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg said replacing private, employer-provided health insurance is financially impossible and a Medicare-for-all system, a popular progressive policy, would not work in the US


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I agree with Mr. Bloomberg!!!

Americans are already paying what Medicare for all would cost but we're paying it all to the evil SOBs running our corrupt and evil insurance industry. Corrupt, ugly old white men like Mike Bloomberg!!!

It will work When Bloomberg can work & make money So can any sensible business enterprise In this case every one pays taxes Govt runs a trust fund which stipulates everything based on Medicare/ Medicaid model One payer no insurance companies

HarperJacob3 It works in a dozen other countries ( including Canada, quite successfully) around the world. It’s not that it *wont* work. The GOP doesn’t *want* it to work. Their big cash flow from big Pharma would dry up.

Why not ? Too much paperwork ? Don't be lazy !!! 😳😳😳🐽🐽😭😭

Yes it will work, he just don’t want to pay for it. warrenwealthtax billionaires will fund healthcare for all.

Living in Japan as a foreigner paying 70 Dollars a month for 90 % health care coverage including Dental. And in some cases 10% paid back from the Government for hospital stay. 21 years green card Resident. Before getting a permanent visa , I paid 22 dollars a month.

Why are all the billionaires saying it won't work Is it because it would cost them more in taxes?🤔🤔🤔

So no free health care like Bernie, Kamala and Ocasio want!! Damn I want free stuff!! I’m moving to Venezuela!!

I call bullshit.

It literally works all over the world

It won’t. Talk to Canadians who wait MONTHS to have a breast lump checked, or have ACL’s horrible. We are blessed. There are many opportunities for jobs with health care. have to work hard but there is the reward.


Well duh

Yeah, there's too many lawyers profiting off medical lawsuits and big pharmacy, insurance, lobbyists, hospitals, lawmakers, etc make too much money off the current system to change it.

Has samstein seen this!!!!!!!?

Just look at the Obama Care Mess

How about stop screwing around and implement a flat tax. If you make 100 or 100 billion you pay the same percentage WITHOUT write offs. Boom plenty of money for all the pet projects and everyone pays in the same percent.

It will work provided you stop taking money from insurance companies and pharma companies and all those who profit from such ventures Canada next door has the system just copy it

Instead of saying it prove it

Studies prove otherwise! It ACTUALLY saves trillions MikeBloomberg

I finally can say that I agree with Mike Bloomberg. Didn't think it would happen.


He’s right

at least someone has some common sense. at least some of the time.

So says the billionaire who would have his taxes increased

Oh c’mon Mr. Bloomberg, you’re just afraid of an increase in your taxes...We are one of the only countries who doesn’t support universal health care for all. Why can’t we

FDR still scares them till today ImpeachTrumpNow

Finally, someone on the left speaks out against the stupidity coming out of their party. The theory that you can get healthcare and college for free is ridiculous. It sounds good to all the people who don’t have a clue the way the world works. Aoc and Kamala are a complete joke.

So, he really is a Republican, after all.


I guess when you do the math, taking every dime of wealth in America still wont pay for it! Guess you ran out of other peoples money.

More Poor Decisions: ... In 2017, the insurance industry's value added to GDP stood at 3.1 percent compared with 2.9 percent for the banking industry.

Insurance Employees: 🛑In 2017, there were approximately 2.66 million people employees in the insurance sector in the United States.

Yeah, and if you believe a privileged, spoiled-rich multi-billionaire that something is 'financially impossible' then, I have a bridge in the Sahara desert that I'd like to sell you ;-)LOL

Bloomberg obviuosly does not understand that the socialist libtards dont care about the facts or who is going to pay for it...

Awwww... Won't work because the rich won't make as much?

That is correct! It is not a viable option!!

Sit down and shut up.

And he’s like a real smart guy? Pffft

I guess that would make the United States And capable, inept, and dimwitted Compared to so much of the rest of the world where universal healthcare is not only working, but ABSOLUTELY NO ONE has gone back to for-profit healthcare. Could it be Bloomberg has healthcare stock?

My question is: Can we conservatively start the process of transitioning to that? Not just IMMEDIATELY start when a new Prez takes over cuz that would suddenly gut a lot of interconnected ties/compensation that the med system has already built? Maybe that’s Y there is resistance.

BS Bloomberg

It could if responsible ppl ran it.

Financially impossible is hard to prove with how much money our Gov wastes. However, if VA can be looked as an indicator of how gov. run health care would be then we need to avoid it like the plague. Never mind that if it’s “free” hospitals would charge whatever insane price

The current cost of employer-provided healthcare is financially impossible for millions of Americans.

Worry not Mije the dems never do what they say they’ll do once elected obstruction is the ONLY THING they have achieved

My opinion, MMMMM! almost sure most of the health insurance investors are politically related and don't forget the phamaceutical and hospital care businesses. A lot of 💰💰💰💰💰 for the few on behalf of the rest.

Can’t wait for one of Radical left candidates to tell Unions and Govt workers they will have to pay for their own healthcare.

Canada has public universal healthcare for all and we are doing fine as a country despite having Treasonous Trump for a neighbor

The poll shows that support 'plunges'when people are told they have to pay for free health care.

Wow! I actually agree with Michael Bloomberg.

It works in countless other countries the world. Stop sucking up to lobbyists and your billionaire friends. You might even visit some of those countries that have made it work. (That's so stupid it sounds like something Trump would say.)

Hard to make it work in America because billionaires like Bloomberg don't like to pay taxes.

Just what a billionaire who worries about paying higher taxes would say.

Oh no...don't say's democratic platform for 2020

A hybrid model can work

WhyDetail this objection!

it will work if you put caps to the stupidly greed prices that hospitals and doctors chargers you. $2500 for three hours in a hospital bed for an ambulatory procedure ? Ridiculous

Coming from a billionaire..

Crazy how all of these billionaires are against policies that would positively affect people other than themselves. Wild.

Billionaire, opposed to having to pay his fair share in taxes, says thing that works everywhere else can't work here. There, I fixed your tweet.

Yeah because it stops the funneling of billions into his buddies pockets, it will reign in the cost of healthcare and stop the 10's of millions of dollars in big bonuses for CEO's...of course this moron says it wont work

Healthcare professionals are already moving to ACOs, which will help. It would reduce GDP by ~14% & if we reduce the ridiculously out of control defense budget, it can work. I prefer politicians that have critical thinking skills. MikeBloomberg doesn't.

A billionaire that thinks a system that might tax his billions a bit more won't work in the only wealthy country that doesn't guarantee healthcare. Suprise suprise. It's only 'financially impossible' because self-serving pricks like this keep suceeding with such BS propaganda.

Can someone explain that to the entire Democratic Party? Please!

It would, but poor mikey & his contemptible contemporaries of the Bastard Billionaire's Club would have to become mere millionaires. Seize their ill-gained assets & help working-class Americans!!!

I think he means 'politically impossible' because execs would lose their $weet jobs

Spoken like a Billionaire who ownes Health Insurance Company stock

Unless government privatizes or implements kind of 'eminent domain' type of law on private health insurers, Medicare for all may become possible.

BS, Canada been doing it for years and they have a lower mortality rate and a higher birth rate. Go figure!!!

Why does almost every other industrialized country have guaranteed health care? Don’t give me the “We are different” bullshit.

What ? U mean the pie in the sky free everything doesn’t work.. please inform the rat of your party

Countries with single-payer healthcare systems is long. Norway instituted one in 1912. Japan in 1938. UK in 1948. Canada in 1966. If it worked there, without bankrupting these nations, why not here?

Unless your hear it from the horses mouth, Don't , listen to a jack ass

tell that to the crazies.

No kidding

And he's an elite oligarch that wants to keep things the way they are.

caution Mike socialism is taking over in the minds of these young ones 😂😂😂😎🇺🇸

If you doubled everyone’s taxes you still couldn’t pay for it.

I agree when we spend trillions on defense ...nothing left over for health care

I would bet he’s invested in medical insurance in some form. Another billionaire telling us what best for us. If I needed another daddy,I’d go to a gay bar.

Per capita health spending in Canada is nearly half of what it is in the US and Canadians have a longer life expectancy. Just saying.

Bye Felicia...we don't need more of that buuullllshit.

Someone please tell Williebrownsconcubine

sums it up ya

El típico viejo que cree que la torta debe ser repartida de forma dispareja. Al final se va a ir a los mismos dos metros bajo tierra que todos los demás y no va a ser polvo distinto al que nos convertiremos todos!!

Holy shit! Common sense!

No kidding, nothing is free. USA is too big for Medicare for all. If it’s such a great idea why is congress & senate exempt? Must be an equality issue!


What makes the US so unique? Single-payer public healthcare works everywhere else in the world. It's not that it wouldn't work in the US but rather the US is unwilling to try.

yes it would, you just don't want your cronies in the Insurance industry to go out of business.

But Kamala Harris said she could do it. So - there put that in your pipe and smoke it, Losers

Another completely out of touch corporatist billionaire... shocking. Thank u, next.

Die Amerika hat andere Lebensweise als die Europa und seine Lebens Strukturen die für Europa nicht in diese Art der Amerikanische nicht funktionieren kann/

Bloomberg says single payer not possible. It is very possible. Medicare as a claims payer has a minuscule overhead saves 15% right there, no surplus/profit or fee saves an additional 15% premium for a 30% saving. The rest of the system stays as is. reversethedystopia

Oh and lets not forget EDUCATION!! The GI Bill is a free college program for all military members. Hello, McFly!

He wrong. It works everywhere. This country is so far behind it’s ridiculous. Those making money on health insurance will continue this lie forever.

Every other country does it quite successfully. As a matter of fact, there's a country near ours that does it and is quite satisfied, eh? So tell us Mr. Moneybags, why can't you financial geniuses find a way? Of course I know the answer. The endless greed of Piglionaires.

He's wrong. The problem is lack of political will. And greed. Lots of greed. Our current system is not only wasteful and inefficient - it's immoral.

What is this employer provided insurance you speak of ? We all need to stop using mythical terms. Almost all of us pay for the insurance offered through our employers’ negotiations. NotI NoInsurance If we have money for war & bailouts, we have money for insurance for all.

I hope MikeBloomberg runs; spends millions of his money on a failed campaign of gaslighting and platitudes.

Stop with the stupid billionaires. I really understand why the french liked the guillotine so much.

And sugar is not a drug, &Teflon is not poison & tax cuts have a trickle down effect. Gotcha.

But that won't stop the Democrats! :D

Medicare-for-all works in numerous other countries, so obviously Bloomberg's statement is BS!

At least someone is finally willing to say it!

My billionaire friends and I do not want you cutting into our profits and we will scare the people.

Capitalism and Republicans will never go for dissolving insurance corporations, Medicaid for the most needy will wind up being the only solution.

We're going to prove you wrong MikeBloomberg Many say the same exact thing about gun regulations and climate change action. We're going to do all three! With or without you.

“I think you could have Medicare-for-all for people who are uncovered, but that's a smaller group,' he added. 'But to replace the entire private system where companies provide health care for their employees would bankrupt us for a very long time.' For those reacting to headline

What are the barriers? Why won't it work? Don't just say it won't float. Why wont it?

He was starting to hit some progressive notes with him Green New Deal proposal...

Oh look, he makes sense at times!

He really doesn't want millennials to vote for him, does he?

1. Always more $ for war; no questions asked 2. ~$500 billion in billing fraud every year with current system 3. Similar systems work all over the world and are cheaper 4. Broken tax system allows corporations and the very rich to offshore trillions of untaxed $’s The $ is there.

I hope someone in the left is listening.

We know! Please tell the liberals to give it up! The mere idea of medicare for all is insane!

Bullshit, the ONLY reason it can't is GREED.

Have a look at Europe. Not perfect, but still one of the best medicare systems. For EVERYONE.

Wow a voice of reason on the left! Breaking News!

Don't tell that to AOC. She still thinks money falls from flying unicorns.

for once i agree with Mr. Bloomberg! which isn't alot, also Stop and frisk was a good thing!

Why? Please explain, in detail please! Thank you!

The price tag for Medicare for All. 300 million people getting $10K per person for healthcare costs a total of $3 Trillion dollars a year. American taxpayers cannot afford that. Hospitals and Doctors will be getting that $$. The govt decides if you need an operation, medicine.

No shit. A campaign promise that’s DOA.

So there's only one country where it wouldn't work?

why does it work in europe so well?

People don't need access to healthcare anyway. 🙄

Of course it wouldn't work since it means taxing him at a higher rate. Why do billionaires run for President and think they can relate with middle class families.

Make Medicare C available as a national health plan.

That is a complete load of hot, steamy BS Mr. Bloomberg


we don't need to hear anymore from billionaires.

Nice to see Mike Bloomberg suckling at the teat of commercial insurance companies and major for profits

I just love these billionaires who got a $1.5 trillion tax cut telling us what we can't afford. Especially since every other 1st world country can somehow manage and love it.

Yeah it would.

And he's Exactly right.

Yeah? Most of us living in the real world could have figured that out without Michael's help

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