Death of man who was placed in chokehold on New York City subway ruled a homicide

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BREAKING: The death of a man who was placed in a chokehold on a New York City subway was ruled a homicide, officials say.

on a New York City subway train Monday afternoon has been ruled a homicide, officials said.

The New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner confirmed to CBS News on Wednesday that the cause of death for the victim, identified by CBS New York as Jordan Neely, was determined to be"compression of neck" or a"chokehold." showed the victim being placed in a chokehold by another man for several minutes.

The New York City Police Department said the victim was 30 years old and the man who allegedly placed him in the chokehold is 24. Sources told CBS New York that the 24-year-old is believed to be a Marine. He supposedly restrained Neely because he had been acting erratically on a train in a station in the SoHo area of Manhattan, the sources told CBS New York.

The NYPD told CBS News that when officers arrived, the victim was unresponsive and was brought to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The younger man was questioned and released by police, the NYPD said. Police have not said if charges will be filed in the case.


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