Dr. Drew: Marijuana is a totally different drug now | National Report

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Health Health Headlines News

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'Psychotic episodes are on the rise dramatically, addiction is on the rise dramatically.' Dr. Drew Pinsky warns of the health concerns associated with marijuana with his daughter Paulina. drdrew ShaunKraisman EmmaRechenberg JosephPinion MORE:


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drdrew ShaunKraisman EmmaRechenberg JosephPinion He needs to chill out and hit the bong

drdrew ShaunKraisman EmmaRechenberg JosephPinion

drdrew ShaunKraisman EmmaRechenberg JosephPinion Right... because Fentanyl is so much healthier. Oh, and the opiates. Cocaine Meth But by all means go after that killer weed.

drdrew ShaunKraisman EmmaRechenberg JosephPinion Refer madness 🤪 sounds like the paranoid delusions of someone experiencing psychosis to me 🤔

drdrew ShaunKraisman EmmaRechenberg JosephPinion Maybe vaccines

drdrew ShaunKraisman EmmaRechenberg JosephPinion This is 'reefer madness' level propaganda from Dr. Drew. Marijuana is not psychically addictive! His daughter has self control issues & that's why she thinks she was addicted. Not to be mean, but she also can't control what she eats. Does that mean food is addictive? imo

drdrew ShaunKraisman EmmaRechenberg JosephPinion This is what BarryOnHere has been saying for years!

drdrew ShaunKraisman EmmaRechenberg JosephPinion I know people who smoke pot every day, all day long and their lives are in a total mess and has been for decades! Two died in their early 60s, found dead in their homes with no real explanation. I can't imagine living life in an altered state constantly

drdrew ShaunKraisman EmmaRechenberg JosephPinion pot is the least of our worries. our youth is angry & violent. i'm sure it has NOTHING to do with puberty drugs, ridlin & all the other shit we're pumping into our kids

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 /  🏆 16. in HEALTH

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