The March for Life says it’s ‘pro-science,’ despite medical consensus favoring abortion access

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At the annual anti-abortion event, held today on the National Mall, debates about whether science can answer questions about when life begins.


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Ahh the power of...

Yeah, so that’s not a thing...

Good grief.

What is 'scientific' about access?

WaPo is complete trash

Yah, here for that ratio.... You know... vast majority of scientists favor death... it is SUPER GREEN!!!

Enjoy your sweet ratio.

The idiot class 'bitterly clings' to its consensus lie.

Here for that ratio.

*Finds bacteria on Mars* Liberals: Spends billions of dollars on trip to investigate and calls it life. *Egg is fertilized by sperm, has heartbeat* Liberals: Spends $150 to have it violently removed because it interferes with Wine Down Wednesday and Yoga class.

The answer to this paradox is that 'medical consensus' is not 'pro-science'.

Wrong abortion is Murder!


Consensus about the impact of policy is not how we define human life.

Conservatives own science now. Liberals can’t decide what a gender is anymore.

Not all doctors have a moral or ethical conscience I also know many that do & would never agree with what you claim nor would they ever be involved in abortions. And I say this as someone who works in healthcare

Ah, journalists

It wasn’t that long ago that the medical consensus was homosexuality was a mental disorder.

Does that pro science thing know the difference between a boy and a girl yet?

March for life understands science and how babies are 'born'. Wapo doesn't

March for Life is pro science. They march to save babies. Leftist deny they are murdering babies.

Pro science has zero to do with access. You used to be a real newspaper. What on earth happened to you? fakenews

Count me in for the ratio too. How pathetic. This is your coverage?

What the hell does your position on access to abortion have to do with the science of viability, fetal pain etc.

Science is supposed to be based on fact. Not consensus. Pregnant women don't have 2 hearts, 2 brains, 2 blood supplies, 2 sets of DNA, a penis, or a Y chromosome. This means an unborn child is undeniably a human being. A scientific fact that's not dependent on 'consensus.'

“Medical consensus” once favored bloodletting to cure everything.

'The Washington post says, Democracy Dies in Darkness, despite clearly endorsing Socialism in almost every article.'

So the political opinions of doctors constitutes science?

Nice I had no idea scientific truth was determined by consensus, thanks Bezos Post

Scientific illiteracy given its own newspaper colmn in 2019!

Do you know science?

Utter bs

YES! Empirical and quantitative research is authoritative to settle ALL questions of moral value. Scientists are the ONLY people who get to determine what is good.

There was a time when medicine thought hand-washing was a bad thing and ran the doctor out who tried to implement it. The poor man died a pauper.

Ratios are a form of consensus.

“Science”. God this is stupid

'Medical consensus' isn't science. You'd think after the buzzfeed debacle you'd try better journalisming, jeez.

I want legal access to abortion. You're embarrassing me.

Science tells us that life begins at conception. A human life begins at conception. Abortion kills a human life. This is called murder & has been the means (often violent & painful) whereby over 60 million humans have been killed in the US alone. Murder is not healthcare ever.

Tomorrow's headline.. The womensmarch says women are oppressed, despite medical consensus they live longer than men.

Here for the ratio

Favoring isn't scientific.

Remember when there was a medical consensus for lobotomies?


What the scientific consensus on when human life begins? The Nazi had on consensus on access to Jews too.

Science dictates life begins at conception. Science also dictates that abortion is the murdering of human life. I proudly am anti-abortion. I will never support, condone, see acceptable, or recognize abortion as a viable option.

“Vegans continue to insist that red meat is ‘scientifically’ unhealthy, even though a consensus of medical professionals think it is delicious.”

This is just not a logically sound argument. It’s not a logically coherent comparison. Whoever wrote this should be ashamed and you deserve to be dragged mercilessly.

PostBaron this headline is an embarrassment. you know as well as i do that you cannot get out a measurement device and test whether something is moral or not. retract.

How many fallacies can fit into a single headline?

Well this a sh!t post. But thanks.

Medical consensus? 'Science isn’t really designed to answer questions about the exact beginning of life' How can there be a consensus?

Its just sad that the same group of people having meltdowns about the children of illegal immigrants being separated from their mothers at the border...are the same people pushing permanent separation of children from their mothers through abortion !

Nazi scientists were pro genocide. Policy is not science. Science is the understanding that the baby being developed was a human child and will become nothing but a human person.

You misspelled “media consensus”

“A baby is a human being.” The Post: “Ah yes but X% of loosely-defined medical people want consequence-free sex lives. Therefore, you’re wrong.”

If thats the case, shouldnt all children be aborted? Recommended by four out of five doctors. science

And the Washington Post is pro oligarch, and will bow their necks and knees to lick their boots in supporting oligarchic sponsoring of population control. You lie, coerce, defame and use 'science' in the manner Nazis used it for their population control propaganda.

Sigh. “You’re no Jack Kennedy.”

What five year old wrote that?


Things are wrong, even if people say that they are right.

I’m just here for the

Medical consensus says you should stop tweeting

Lol what?

Dear wapo, we live in a republic not a democracy. The 'rebuttal' of the life begins at conception article was pure red herring BS. You are spreading darkness.

We generally define something as alive if it grows, DNA test can be done verify that the living thing is human. In conclusion although I certainly make no claims to be a scientist I believe that a quote-unquote fetus, is an alive human.

Washington Post skips freshman biology one too many times

The WaPo () says its ‘pro-truth’, despite decades of slander, persecution, and bigotry towards ProLife activities and Christian culture dedicated to promote virtuous living and family values.

Post 👎


Favouring? Please do tell us the medical benifits of having an abortion.....ill wait.

Resistance begins now

What does medical consensus for abortion contradict the pro-life movement being pro science. This is the type of inanity journalists pump out when they’re completely ignorant in matters of medicine and science

Bezos rhymes with..

Favoring things isn't science

Nope you're wrong

Says the paper written by and for the

False equivalence between science and “medical consensus”, and “anti-abortion” will always be inflammatory.

The ratio is well deserved here.

The way the Washington Post categorizes a consensus: 'We gonna ask medical professional and ask their opinions, then we are going to discard every opinion and study that is contrary to our position except maybe the weakest one.' That isn't consensus. That's cheating.

here for the ratio

A poll the Post

These are the contributors to this dumb article.

This is absurd, illogical, pathetic, and should be retracted.


Hey WaPo, I biked past 38th and Lancaster daily going to college. Months before Kermit Gosnell's murder mill was shut down. What's the medical community's consensus on Gosnell, and why didn't you report on the matter as the most lethal serial killer of all time?

Medical consensus favoring abortion access isn't medical consensus that a new life, feeling pain, and with distinct genetics, is ended with abortion. That just because something is medically possible, that it's ethical.

Medicine is an art, not a science. Abortion stops a beating human heart; i.e., life, causing scientifically undeniable death.

Medical Consensus? 😤

Enemy Of The Babies

'Favoring abortion access' is not scientific evidence. It's a political opinion. Life begins at conception is scientific fact. March for Life endorses that science and thereby the fact that abortion ends lives.

I didn’t know science took political positions?

Favoring access does not equal Science. Neither does a questionable “consensus” of a philosophy

🤨 “that Apple is red, despite the consensus saying they don’t like apples”

Evangelicals can't say they're 'pro-science' when everything they say, write about, do or speak about is nearly 100% anti-science. In fact, they've demanded for centuries that we're either Bronze Age tribal goat herders or Roman Age peasants.


You guys are such lying sacks of crap. NO ONE in the scientific community'favors' abortion or access to it or anything. Even the staunchest supporter doesn't 'favor' it. What idiot wrote those words and then what moron approved them?

You have to know how much this is totally fake news

Science says when life begins. It does not specify when, during gestation, a baby in the womb becomes a “baby”. This is why Hillary Clinton says a baby can be killed and aborted up to the date of its natural birth. Late term abortion is abhorrent to a huge %of Americans.

This rag has become a multi page cartoon.

Did you hire all the creators of the MoveOn fake WaPo or something?

Consensus is not science.

Consensus? Pathetic. Look at how wrong “consensus” has been in the past.

March for life doesn’t concern themselves with anyone after birth. They only care about science when it furthers their limited cause.

Delete this.

What does that insinuate? Since says that children are alive in utero. Is there a consensus that murder is okay? That is not science.

WaPo just begging to be ratioed.

The shit I’ve heard spewed from the mouths of so-called “pro-lifers” and actual science are mutual exclusive.

Invoking science to make a nonscientific point. Classic.

The 'despite' in the headline being the way it is. 'This group says something, despite me thinking they are smellyheads.'

Abortion kills a living human being. That's the science. Whether people favor it or not is a philosophical question. Have fun with the ratio; it's well-deserved

Sarah Horvath, a doctor who has performed abortions & works as a family planning policy and advocacy fellow for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said “Science tells us that abortion is health care.” There is no justification for her taking innocent lives.

Medicine has nothing to do with Science.

Favoring infant murder is not science, it's amoral.

For Scientists life begins when they can make money from it. That includes killing a fetus. Medicine, as education, is now based on greed. Little dedication seems to exist.

In our next segment 'we cant understand why no one believes our biased asses'

Here for the ratio


The fact that there are doctors killing kids doesn't make killing kids scientific

“Scientists” don’t define and are not arbiters of philosophical or moral questions. The Soviets were notorious for confining and drugging dissidents in psych hospitals, all in the name of “Science.“ After all, anyone who opposed the glorious Revolution must be insane.

There once was a medical consensus favoring being bled as a cure... Trepanation, that was a kick in the head... Four humors that controlled mental and physical health... FOH with your “consensus”

Everything about that headline is garbage. It's proof that your staff lacks critical thinking skills.

Perhaps this needs to be prefaced with IMO

Please show me said evidence that a baby in the womb isn’t alive.

Nice “scare quotes” clowns. And you can’t understand why most people can’t stand the MSM. Ratio time!

A person is created at the moment of conception. That’s the science. There is no way around that. It is not an opinion.

Dear Washington Post. It is not darkness that democracy dies in. It dies when mired in metres of fakenews excrement like this.

“medical consensus favoring abortion” doesn’t prove a fetus is not human or that killing a fetus isn’t murder. Medical professionals also at times have favored euthanasia and eugenics.

The NEW scientific method is all about reaching 'consensus.' This is idiotic.

As a scientist I detest the use of 'consensus' as a basis for scientific arguments. That's not how science is 'settled'.

Wrong. Why are you anti science?

The March for Blastocysts and Fetuses is anti science and anti women.

I remember when scientific consensus favored Picard, and those anti-science Kirk fans just kept doubling down


Objectivity dies in scientific illiteracy.

Consensus No. Science also doesn't work on consensus. It works on facts, evidence, and reason. It's far too easy to manufacture a consensus that has no connection to any of that.

Which medical consensus favours abortion. Would you kill a new born premature baby? It is exactly the same baby you kill in the mother's womb. Go to neonatology an kill some of them come on it is nothing for you, you like to do it inside the womb.

Shilling for Baal. As always.

3D ultrasounds clearly & convincingly show humanity of unborn child. If we determine life ends when heartbeat & brain waves cease shouldn't converse be true. It occurs 10-13 weeks after conception. Parents 1st memorable experience is hearingf their unborn child's heartbeat.

Embryology is a scientific field

'Abortion access' is not the same thing as when life begins. Good try though.

Person says they're pro-apples despite the existence of oranges.

This is why people distrust the media.

You guys do know about the distinction between science and morality, right

Wow. After reading these comments I’m just sad. If only our schools taught the trivium method. Maybe then we’d have a fighting chance.

This all comes down to bodily autonomy. Antichoicers don't think women are people.

wapo implies doctors' opinions/politics about/on abortion constitute science. the science is settled, the fetus is a living being. instead of playing scientist, why don't you play journalist & stop lying to people & distorting the facts?

Pro dumb-ass.

the anti-abortionists fall in the same slot as middle eastern countries where men control women's lives. she may not drive, go to school, leave the house, leave the country without permission of her father, husband, uncle, or brother. they want to enslave women's choices. Be best

Pro abortionists deliberately kill babies, or stick their heads in the sand and ignore the realities of modern science.

What an exceedingly stupid take. Doctors are experts in medical science, not public policy. It would make no sense to cite a medical community consensus on, say, the border wall.

The anti-abortion zealots are being used by GOP extremists to hold power. No one likes abortion, it’s necessary sometimes and people should have the right to take care of themselves and their family’s health.


the word 'consensus' with science or medical in the vicinity has become a rhetorical tool of the left. along with the following terms: problematic, dogwhistle, performative, gaslighting, whataboutism, and then all the isms (sex, race) & phobias (islamo, trans).

As per usual, an article claims to have a scientific basis for being pro-choice but doesn't actually offer one, other than doctors hearing pro-life arguments and going 'No, that's not how it works.' Well here's your chance: what is the science that says an embryo is not a life?

Hahahahaha. “We come in peace” said the martians.

Why does Bezos hate little babies ?

Abortion is medically harmful to women and children.

It ain’t killing if you don’t see it - Dems

What is this shit logic? fake news?

I'm sure they say many things. They probably also think they are numbers people. But won't support family planning funding that has been proved to reduce the number of people seeking abortions.

Humans: imposing their views on others since the dawn of time.

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