Three people have died in national parks since start of government shutdown

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Three people have died in national parks around the country, including a 14-year-old girl who fell 700 feet down a canyon, since the start of the government shutdown.


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Does ANYONE really believe that this was caused by the SHUTDOWN—READ THE FACTS, if “SNOWFLAKES” had been on duty the accidents would have happened—NOT EVEN GOOD FAKE NEWS NBC😎

has lost any minds they may have ever had...ZERO CREDIBILITY...Americans are smarter than you

You ahould read the book on how many die at the Grand Canyon!

🤔🤔 First: WHERE THE HECK ARE THE PARENTS! ⬇️⬇️ taking place when Govt is open. We lose LESS visitors on a Shutdown than when regular staff is available! Your story-inflammation is so old. FakeNewsMedia Better get SpeakerPelosi and crew to the table. PelosiSchumerShutdown

It probably would have happened anyway. Stop trying to make fetch happen

These deaths would have been prevented had there not been a shutdown?

More Fake News....

It’s horrible these people are dead from these tragic accidents. These things happen rather the government is shut down or not. People still fall cliffs and fall into geysers regardless.

Ok that sucks! Now do how many Americans have been killed by illegal immigrants! Why is NBC not worried by that? I guarantee it's more than 3 people. Build the wall!

How many were killed by illegal aliens during the same period?

Honestly who liked this tweet?

She died cause her stupid parents forgot to watch their daughter.

Just when I thought NBC couldn't kill journalism further, you come out with this headline. About 200 people die each year in US Nat'l parks... so about 3-4 per week. So... 3 in 2 weeks is actually less than average (although I'm sure fewer people normally visit in winter).

So the shutdown has made people less accountable for their own safety?

This implied correlation is false.

My Uber driver told me he was a furloughed park ranger. He said he totally would have caught at least one of those people. He didn't know what he was going to do for money as he drove people around for money with the new free time he had.

SarinaJansson It rained today.. Blame Trump... You people are pathetic Which is a good thing Because when the Muslims take over. You left wing nuts will be the 1st exterminated.

The rate of deaths in national parks is actually slower during this shutdown than when the parks are funded.

It happens all the time, even when the government is open. FakeNews

The leftists are angry Americans are still able to enjoy the parks and will twist the facts to demand a closure.

Y’all are morons for trying to make this story about the shutdown. People fall all the time

I was at the Grand Canyon a few years back. I tourist got too close to the edge and fell over. Unfortunately she died. The government was open. Please explain how that happened NBC.

I stepped in a mud puddle and ruined my favorite shoes since the government shutdown.

Remember when we had journalism

So, you're saying we need to hate Trump and abandon the wall so people will be stopped from walking off of cliffs?

3Writeandwrong3 I don’t know what to do with that information : obviously very sad but where to go from there ? Are deaths less prevalent when Gov’t is open ? Is there a correlation ?

OMG because of the shutdown there wasn't a single ranger there to catch her! IMPEACH

are douchebags

Lol. NBC. Is. So. Dumb.

prime candidates for the 2019darwin🤔

Seven months ago, Zachary Wallace fell 800 feet to his death from the same overlook. So is the lesson that government officials would have helped ensure the teenager died from a 100 foot higher fall?

park deaths per day are lower during a govt shutdown.

On average, 6 people die in national parks each week.

Nobody ever died in national parks before the shutdown? Interesting.

People died in national parks prior to 2018. Please cut the shit. Responsible journalism sorely needed.

So no people die during the rest of the year? Amazeballs.

My son has sprouted 3 new teeth since the shutdown.

And the media wonders why we don’t trust them? Strange

Notice how those govt employees would have deployed that emergency net to catch the girl from falling? Yeah me how many people die annually in national parks when the govt is open? Answer that then tell us how your article fits...

Great journalizing there, PhilMcCausland and AP, you paragons of honesty and integrity! People die all the time inside our parks yet your ignorant headline suggests NatlParkService is to blame for not being there! To what, hold the person's hand so they don't fall? Fail

Is every Network trying be TheOnion now? Seriously.

She fell off horse shoe bend all on her own...blame her parents if anyone...maybe

Wait. So let me understand this. Because the Government shutdown.....parents let a 14 year old play around a canyon and she fell down it........and that is who's fault? Thanks fake NBC.

, everyone! Journalism

Wow, it’s a veritable holocaust.

Based on past shutdowns aren’t the Democrats considered terrorists?

Question for nbcnews : does this mean no one dies when the government isn’t shut down. Your click bait headlines are what is wrong with America today.

Oh for crying out loud. No one one died in NP’s before the shutdown? What an absurd headline.

How many people died before?

Wait. Are you saying that president Trump is responsible for gravity?

These deaths had nothing to do with anything other than people being stupid. Thanks for reading...

Get back to me when this is relevant.

Park Rangers coulda caught her smdh

For nobody ever died in a national park before December 2018...

How were any of these deaths attributable to the shut down?

digitalbrigitte if you are stupid enough, to go climbing or hiking in the national Park, during the government shutdown, there are consequences. Everyone knows how the shut down works. This has Nothing to do with the shut down, they could’ve died whether the park was full of employees or not.

Gravity .... the only law that never fails.

I've drank 3 bottles of wine since the start of the shutdown, just as relevant.

Lol are you seriously trying to blame the govt for these deaths 😂😂😂

Now do chicago with their govt operational.

Are you sure it wasn’t NetNeutrality? I’ve been told it’s a killer as well.

An average of 6 people die in national parks each week

Hikers needlessly dying because the Democrats won't fund the wall.

Geez, no one ever died in National Parks before. 🙄 FakeNews Journalsim Guardians

GlennCanyon (where 14 yr old fell to her death) -is technically a National Recreation area, not a National Park. It is however, a unit of the National Park Service (and affected by shutdown) NPS TrumpShutown

We need to build walls in all National Parks for safety. This is the kind of wall our brave truth tellers in the media can get behind. BuildTheWall journalism

Framed as if the shutdown is responsible for these deaths. Idiocracy.

People die in National parks when the government is open too, idiots.

1 + 1 = Orange Man Bad

Also, I can’t help but notice the media has gone from the doomsday rhetoric about a govt shut down to accidents & toilets in national parks. 😂😂😂. A Statists worst nightmare happening right now: the public realizing we don’t need the state to run our lives.

Yes. I’m sure that if our Superman-like government, spewing with virtue & competence, were working, every person who stepped foot inside a hundred square mile park would be completely safe from gravity. 🙄

Would have been nice to have a Ranger there to shoot the canyon before the girl fell in. Thanks a lot Drumph.

Does no die when the government 'shuts down' (this is only a partial shutdown)? FakeNews

Yet another example of why we dont trust you

The government shutdown caused a girl to fall 700 feet down a canyon. It’s science.

Damn. That janitor could have saved her. Or that store clerk selling postcards could have stopped this tragedy. Sorry for the sarcasm. sadly people die everyday. Partial shutdown or not. The illegals won't stop crashing the border or stop killing citizens either.


How many non essential government employee does it take to stop a girl from falling to her death? None, because non essential government employees should be in the private sector.

One doesn't fall 'down' a canyon, one falls 'into' a canyon. 'Journalism'...meh

I guess the girl was so triggered by the shut down that she fell

For the snide commenters on this BS article

so she fell cause Govt shutdown? Now how many died last year when Govt was open?

The government threw her off the cliff?


An average of 160 people - ie, 3+ people every week - die in national parks every year. But it's Trump's fault


Delete your account

People die in the parks every day. What does this have to do with it?

Anything done by paid federal workers can be done by volunteers better.

in other words, half as many per week as usual. The shutdown is saving lives.

This is because the damn Republicans refuse to fund the anti-gravity devices that prevent people from falling to their death.

Stay turned for the next onion article on government shutdown

😂😂😂😂😂😂 trying to tie deaths in national parks to government shutdown

Ridiculous fake news!!!!!! NBC You should be embarrassed 😩 Framing the deaths around the shut down 😷Pathetic The families should come after NBC

Hahahaha trying to pin it on Trump. Another hit peice by the Democratic party of NBC. Pathetic. Lib media destroying America mentality

Would having the gov opened have prevented her from dying? You fall 700 ft into a canyon and I am going to bet that the gov couldn't have helped. Correlation =/= Causation

Mercy! Where were her parents?

aewright I don’t have a frame of reference. How many people die in national parks on an annual basis?

Damn government lost control of gravity!!

Happens all the time, stop trying to prove Trump right that you're fake news

14 birds have shit on people since the government shut down. 5 toddlers cried over spilled milk. 30 horses shit on the road while pulling a carriage.

I don't believe this have nothing to do with the government shutdown, there I people that they et murder/ kidnap on this parks when there is not government shutdowns

How many dolphins have raped paraplegics in therapy centers tho? America deserves to know!

Maybe use common sense and don’t visit national parks while there isn’t anyone working there.

*Wonders why Mainstream media is dying*

Mainstream media is the enemy of the people.

Guessing she would have fallen 700 feet either way.

So now your concerned about national parks

Which as NOTHING to do with the shutdown. Stupid people die in the parks every year. Nice try Lefty. FoxNews POTUS

How many have died without the shutdown

PelosiSchumerShutdown killed them.

I hope it stays shut down and the Darwin Effect has time to work...

Here's some other Correlations you may want to try,

Google Missing 411 if you really want to get angry about government and the National Parks

I also got two hemorrhoids during the government shutdown.

well, SpeakerPelosi did say there would be collateral damage....

Newsflash: People die every day.

'On average, approximately 160 visitors per year die while visiting national parks'. The government has been shut down for 14 days, there's 365 days in year, so we would expect over 6 deaths over that timespan on average. THE SHUTDOWN IS SAVING LIVES!

real_farmacist Add those to Trump’s death list, that includes the two children who died at the border. That’s five that know of, but there are those now unable to afford medicines necessary to live. Trump is a barbarous butcher.

Correlation. Causation.

Three died in parks. Two children died in border custody. How many more by pollution, illness, violence, before the Repubs stop the TrumpCrimesAgainstHumanity

There legitimate things to write about the shutdown, specifically how it is affecting valued Air traffic Controllers and National Weather Service employees. But this? This is utter nonsense.

Imagine a time when humans knew how to navigate the Earth.


Gravity still works during gov. Shutdown

Darwinism doesn’t stop with a government shut down.



Since the government shutdown, 312,000 jobs were created.

I thought that the parks were closed. Why were they hiking there?

I blame 👇

1776PatHenry And the government shutdown was the reason? NBC CONTINUES TO REACH FAKENEWS

OMG! If the government wasn't shut down they would have been able to save that poor little 14 year old girl!

real_farmacist Are you saying she would not have fallen if the parks were open? People are pigs wether or not rangers are on duty. You can’t stop stupid. Period.

Her parents were?

Dodie609 Can Trump be charged since he’s conspired to cause their deaths?

real_farmacist To be fair, people die in national parks all the time. This is probably has nothing to do with the TrumpShutdown . Trying to blame these deaths on the shutdown does no one any good.

And this is the governments fault how?

real_farmacist Shutdown is a shit show for the national parks for sure...but I will say people fall to their deaths all the time in our parks without a shutdown. Had she slipped on overflowing trash causing her to lose balance and fall, then I’d put it on the shutdown..not seeing that nexus.

Are you insinuating that the shutdown caused the deaths? Now do how many die PER MONTH when the goddamn parks are officially open.

Can you prove any of these incidents are directly related to the shut down? Other than ppl knew there was a shut down before they went to the park, and went anyway?


I'm so sorry that child fell and died may God be with her family, but the government shut down didn't cause that to happen. Need to know more about why she was there while it was closed and where were her parents?

How many people died while the government was open? Did the government shutdown lead to the fall? Why was this even a story?

You go at your own risk.

How many people die each week at national parks when government is in session? governmentshutdowns

I missed this headline last week “Another Law Enforcement Officer Needlessly Killed by Illegal Immigrant while Americans still wait for the wall.”

And of course the Dems blame Trump! Sorry for deaths but call your Dems tell them to approve the budget for the wall!!!

kneadinghands Stalinist solutions to opposing obvious plunder.

Useless does this rate of deaths compare to previous weeks, months, or years?

I hate all zoos , free those poor creatures put them back where they belong and tear down all zoos !!!!!

This is the most moronic news post I’ve seen in a long time and that’s saying A LOT!!!

Oh boy this is the pinnacle of journalism. I guess Pelosi is to blame.

Happens when govt is open also. Don't try to make a political point when there is none.

Millions of people have died since NBC started doing the news

A few killed by ill egals… Dems know and don't care...

Not Trump's fault,,, how many killed by ill egals every day..

This is why the MSM IS the enemy of the people.

Has nothing to do with it get serious stop creating garbage.

Whats the pount of this? The government has no sense anyways! So as a DIRECT or INDIRECT result, a little girl died? I dont think so! Idiot parents! If you’re depending on ANY government official or employee to save your life........go ahead and fall down 700 ft!

How about not going there?

Misleading, lazy reporting that is trying to create a false narrative. Their deaths had absolutely nothing to do with the government shutdown. In other words just more FakeNews

ya know, any chance to point a finger at Trump... Did you know that my neighbor's dog died during the shutdown? Yep. Trump's fault.

Obviously, if the government was never shutdown none of this would've happened. This is what the libertarians want! Chaos!

And they claim the department of levitating 700 feet above the ground was “non-essential”, smh.....

And wtf does this have to do with the shutdown?

No politician is responsible for the 14-year old’s death. Where the fuck were her parents? A minor detail suspiciously absent from this biased article.

This is absolutely terrible and sensationalistic reporting. You should be ashamed that you have lowered to this level. Twisting peoples’ tragic deaths so you can make a subtle political statement alluding that the shutdown is related to these deaths in your headline. bebetter

So people illegally entering closed it.

More blood on the Demorats hands....

At first I thought you were trying to imply that Trump was actually throwing people off of cliffs! Then I realized this is NBC and you guys suck!

This is lazy news. What does the price of rice in China have to do with any of these people having accidents?

That has nothing to do with the shutdown but you have a narrative to push.

So what does the shutdown have to do with it? Or is nbc just a parody of what we think nbc is?

Again, make a deal. Compromise. On both sides.

Under normal circumstances, approximately 160 people die in national parks per year. So, that's a gnat's ass less than 1 person every other day. Statistically then, we should have 7 or 8 people dead by now eh? Looks safer when the government is shut down...

The girl falling was her own fault. The area is not manned or secured by park service. Fake news beating the drums stirring up the natives

So the “partial shutdown” caused these folks’ deaths? and their clickbait garbage headlines.

Also 13 people were shot dead in Chicago alone and more in L.A, yesterday when Pelosi and Schumer were sound sleep in comfort. The Media and DC is a pig pen.

People are joking about this.....but would you be laughing if it was your child or grandchild? Maybe think before you try to be a snarkass. We need less assholes in the world people. We have enough.

How in the hell does the wind blowing down a tree that kills a woman have ANYTHING to do with this partial shutdown? Did the wind say, 'Here's my chance to wreak havok?'

An average of 3 people die every week in American national parks with or without a shutdown. This is sensationalist trash

Img_Invisible I guess NBC thinks that the government controls gravity?

Are you saying the government canyon pushers were still at work? I'm confused.

Blame the Democratic Party.

Better blurb: Media puts out pointless story in a reach as 120-140 people die in national parks each year even with our miraculous gov't around to save us all from ourselves.

Build the wall, Pigosi

It’s a shame what Pelosi and Schumer have done. Blood on their hands.

So many deaths on Trump’s watch. Children in custody, children in Yemen and Syria, children in national parks.

How do you guys go through life with the shame of what you do to your profession and it's credibility every day?

Dont you people believe in Darwin? Let him do his job

TetonGravity gravitycenter gravityhurtssometimes

I’ve seen many asinine tweets from this account, but I think we have a leader in the clubhouse here.

Yet you scratch your head in wonderment that people call you FakeNews

Now it’s getting stupid. Fake News. Blame the parents not the government.

Clear example of media trying to manipulate people.

How in the world did people survive these places for thousands of years before Government came along? Ok sheeple baaaaa it out 'We need more Government. We are incapable'.

Government definitely would have saved her...

also, my car has had trouble starting 4 times since the start of the government shutdown...

Now do people that died while government was 'working'.

How many died while government was in full operation? Or do you not care what that number is?

Guess these deaths are Trumps fault as well...

Death is tragic..The shutdown is terrible, but aren't parks closed?

Of course it's the shutdowns fault. It couldn't possibly be candidates for a Darwin Award. Because we all know that no one dies in a national park when government is up and running.

If it is closed, why are they trespassing?

In what way does the government shut down have any way in being in charge of these people’s deaths at these parks. This title is so misleading it shows how these news sources just can’t be really trusted... no political swing btw

I believe that the National Parks are closed meaning that you proceed at your own risk, fool. No sympathy for idiots and fools.

Build the wall

Her falling was a direct result of the shutdown? Whoa. Maybe, just maybe, it was an accident that would have happened regardless?

The chances of falling off of a 700 foot cliff while standing next to a 700 foot cliff are extremely high.

This reads about basically as 2+ 2 equals fish. One of these things is not like the other and has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Hey Fake news, the park rangers don’t follow every tourist around and babysit. People die every year in National Parks

It was just reported that this was a BirdBoxChallenge incident.

If it wasn't for the government, we'd all be dead. Praise our dear leaders. Please save us and turn the safety back on!

What does this have to do with a shutdown?

What’s the shutdown have to do with it

O gezzz. Here we go again with misleading headlines.

Better tell Chuck and Nancy to let the Average American have their wall. My hope is that President Trump, a man of great integrity, will stand strong.

People die in national parks every year, why is this news? People make mistakes and/or do dumb things and suffer the consequences. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Sensationalist propaganda. Nothing to do with the park workers. Happens all the time. FAKE NEWS

'Ok guys, government's shut down. REMOVE ALL THE FENCES'

Fake News. Falls happened before the shutdown. Only Democrats need Government babysitters

Stoke that fear!

LOL. yeah, because if the Gov. wouldn't had been shut down, the 14 yr old girl wouldnt had fell down a canyon. LOL. You can't make this stuff up!

Well then blame the Democrats, they are the reason for the shut down. The sad thing is the real reason the Democrats are doing this is their bias hate for the President. They feel if they keep the shut down going it will give them a better chance in the 2020 elections. MAGA

Other than the tree falling on the know what I thought while reading your story....Sometimes you just can’t protect people from their own stupidity. BeMoreCareful

PhilMcCausland Where was the parents of this 14 yr old? She went alone and didnt know the dangers herself? Wouldn't a parent teach their child what is right/wrong Phil? Not sure it's the responsibility of the Park, Phil. buildthewall trump2020 giveinnancy

🙄 sure death only happens when the gvt is “shutdown”

Why do you hate America and keep trying to spread division within society? This has nothing to do with the shutdown, this tragedy could of happen with a fully funded government

NBC, how would these deaths have been prevented if the government wasn’t shutdown? Stop the DRAMA! Do better.

Really NBCBullShit come on!!!

How many deaths before the shutdown? Slipping and falling is not uncommon.

How is this relevant to the shutdown? Oh just trying to connect it somehow?

People that work for government, unions, etc need to start rallies in Washington. Take the battle up there. TheDemCoalition, DNC, ACLU

This is what PROPAGANDA looks like. Lying, twisting, fabricating to place irrational blame! Take a memo ppl!

I mean, you could just not stand near the cliff...

What are the democrats plan for protecting the border?

Because that’s the cause .. you news people get more ignorant with each day that passes

The blood is on your hands Mr President

This is what happens when you cancel regulations designed to protect the public.

So the governments job is to stop people from falling?

Sounds like bad parenting more than lack of govt oversight.

The deaths by falls have nothing to do with the shutdown. There are tragic deaths which happen with out a government shutdown. Rescue or retrieval might be impacted. I think your headliner is misleading.

$150 billion to Iran. $5 billion for a wall Which one makes us more secure? buildthewall 🇺🇸

How is not being supervised by your parents the government's fault?

Where are the parents of those children that was climbing so high without an adult around.

You are horrible humans for cheapening the unfortunate death of a person to slam Trump. Maybe you will lose someone in an untimely tragedy and there will be people there to use the event to prove their stupid, irrelevant point.

Dumbest article of the day

Sorry that girl died, but did you expect the government to redefine gravity?

What's it got to do with the shut down... Tokyo Rose

This is a prime example of misleading news headlines or in other words FAKE NEWS. This might have happened, but not because of the shutdown. nbcstirringthepot

What does this have to do with the government shutdown?

As to this 1st case, you didn't even explain what happened! But it's the fault of gov't shutdown/Trump? This is what passes for journalism today. Thank you for putting it on the internet for all see. I can't believe people get paid for doing such a poor job at their profession.


On average 160 people die in the national parks each year. That’s about 3 people a week. The government shutdown has gone on for over two weeks now. The government shutdown has cut national park deaths in half. Better headline: Government shutdown reduces national park deaths

eyesonfoxorg The girls fall is tragic. False equivalency.

That's sick of you to use a tragic incident of a 14yo's death and blaming it on a govt shutdown. Was Paul Ryan also there pushing old ladies in wheelchairs over a cliff?

Send 'Death Notices' to realDonaldTrump

2/2 'A third person died Thursday of this week, when high winds caused a tree to fall over on top of a woman and her 6-year-old son in...' Wind is the fault of government shutdown/ Trump's fault? What idiocy. Then you wonder why people don't trust the MSM?

1/2 Another mentioned: '...the investigation into the man’s death is taking longer than usual because of the ongoing shutdown. ' So it even states the cause it not yet known, but it's still the fault of government shutdown and therefore Trump's fault?

With the TrumpShutown and FAA workers not getting paid will the airways continue to be safe for commercial flights?


That's less than the number killed by illegal immigrants over the same time period. Just saying.

Wow, that's terrible. Poor little girl.

So, O masters of false implication, did the death rate increase with the shutdown? Will you report on the delta of the death rate when the wall is built?

Have you no shame NBC the 14 yr old didn't die because of the shutdown, she died because of NO parental supervision. Love to know the moron that wrote this article.

how many died before?


The parks are closedduring the shutdown, correct?

You can't fix stupid. Even when the government is open.

PaxNostrum YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME There are no 'National Parks' IT'S SHUT DOWN

Don't care. Build the wall!

DianeSwonk The government was supposed to keep 2 people from falling from cliffs and a third from having a tree blow down. Sad stories and prayers to the families, but this is a grossly misleading headline. ShutdownStories

post hoc ergo propter hoc

KFlintNBCBoston How many died before the shutdown. The same number I bet. Hyped up journalism at its finest

SO THE GIRL WOULD NOT GAVE FALLEN OTHERWISE? What, a for estranged would've been nearby and ran over and swooped her up halfway down the canyon wall? Once again, more BS.

Do not blame it on the shut down it had nothing to do with there deaths.

This is on you, Donny

How would a park ranger keep her from falling? Maybe he could of caught her at the bottom, as she bounced of the rocks.

If you fall 700 ft, you are better off dead than alive!

At some point parks become a hazard. It would be safer if we turned them into oilfields and mines.

If you can't take your kids out of the house without government supervision to keep them alive maybe you shouldn't have had them in the 1st place.

And they would have even if there wasn't a GovernmentShutdown stop spewing your filthy agenda and report the news MAGA

Just agree to give funding to the wall, why is that so hard?

Over 250 Child Deaths in Foster Care since 2010 – Many Without Investigation in CALIFORNIA!!!

These sound like accidents that would be no less likely to happen if there was no shutdown. In other words, nbc is trying to mislead people.

What a misleading headline. The girl at Horseshoe Canyon might have lived if there had been a proper wall. NBCLIES

Guess folks die even when the government isn’t shutdown?

So the girl that fell off a cliff in a canyon, how is the government responsible for that ? People get out in the wilderness and it's dangerous.


It's not safe with those government anti-gravity fields shut down in our national parks.

Price to pay when u play w Mother Nature


Lol Can’t blame the shutdown for stupidity.

It’s so stupid , the ONLY people who suffer consequences in a shutdown are the taxpayers. Not the childish assholes that caused it. Congress pay should halt also when there is a shutdown.

Apples and oranges brought to you by EnemyOfThePeople

Blame the hateful democrats...

Falling 700 feet results in death regardless of government shutdown. Why are you conflating the two? Fake News !

realDonaldTrump since you claimed responsibility for shut down this ones on you!

They knew the risk.

You make it sound as though the shutdown caused it. Why not share the statistics of all of 2018? Might surprise people.

empiricalgirl People are aware of shut down but going to National Parks anyway. Solution, shut down parks until PelosiSchumerShutdown is over.

...What? How are these two separate things connected?... Oh I see... They Aren't! Journalist really suck these days.

How about doing something that can actually PREVENT bad people from killing Americans. Like A Wall.


Don't make me defend the government with this headline.

Darwin was the cause not our park rangers not being on the job.

Has nothing to do with the shutdown! Propaganda!!

Since the start of the government shut down I stubbed my toe.

You know who doesn't care? Gravity.

Enough... it is s tragedy when anyone falls to their death... open up the government. Statistics show there are less illegal crossings now than in the 1970’s. Border security comes in many flavors!

Today’s MSM logic flaw: False Causation. If a tree falls on a person or an inattentive parent lets their kid walk along a cliff, how can we blame it on a shutdown?

Lol NBCNews is deep state propaganda. EnemyOfThePeople BuildTheWall

This article is such BS. The government shutdown has zero to do with theses deaths. Way to try to push an agenda . Only an idiot would believe the government shutdown is the cause of these deaths.

yvonne_erdmann trump has made it clear time and time again that he has no regard for human life.

It is not the government’s fault people don’t follow the rules or do unsafe things.

Oh pls, now let’s blame tourists’ deaths on the President!

Such a reckless tweet. Do any of these relate to the shutdown? Or is this just another over sensationalized tweet designed to mislead and serve your agenda. Can’t believe how atrocious your “news” coverage has gotten. FakeNewsMedia

Because when the government is open nobody dies and everything is sunshine and cupcakes and the whole world is right with......... idiots

Sad but how many have died in national parks before the shutdown? Be fair in reporting?

How many ppl have died from drugs due to poor border control? Fund the wall so we can open up the government. How many more people have to die before congress does their job?

Don’t they know that the parks are closed down. You can’t fix stupid

Yep that's nature accidents happen

“Many of the thousands of national park rangers are on furlough because of the shutdown that began Dec. 22, making conditions in parks more dangerous and affecting the capacity to conduct timely rescues.”

You should do the same reporting on the number of deaths of illegal immigrants or caused by illegal immigrants while the Dems refuse to build the border security. I guess that “loaded reporting” wouldn’t match YOUR agenda NBC?

Also, predatory animals have been murdering innocent prey in national parks around the country since the start of the government shutdown. Bears using the parks as their own public bathrooms.

Fund the wall!! It’s really that simple Do what is BEST FOR America SecureTheBorder

Don't forget about the overflowing toilets, which makes it look like San Francisco. Without the homeless and needles on the sidewalk of course.

If only those parks had a wall. A wall would prevent people from falling.

DianeSwonk Essentially your point is that we live in a world with 1) Republicans and 2) terrible things that happen, so you are there to connect the dots with maudlin allegories. Non-obvious if you misunderstand statistics or just hope your TV audience does.

The shutdown bas nothing to do with that girl falling. NOTHING.

More blood on Trump's hands, just like the two innocent children who have died in incarceration from hs malicious immigration policies!!!! 'IMPEACH THE MOTHERFU*KER!!'

So your blaming the shutdown for people being or doing something stupid? Really

3 people died in national parks around the country in two weeks. The historical average is 130, or 5 every 2 weeks.

If deaths were a reason to close parks ...

Unacceptable- we can do better!!

duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if it werent for trump, someone ON THE CLOCK could have caught her and prevented her death duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we're nbc duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we have journalism degrees duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so we're smart. and YOURE NOT. duhhhhhhhhhhh yeah

Maybe you should report how many people die in National Parks with Rangers present! Because people do stupid things like get close to cliffs with no railings or get into streams with under currents or want selfies in precarious off trail areas.

Since the shutdown, up to 280 women and girls have been trafficked into the US on the southern border. The children have about a two year life expectancy in this horrific life. Build the wall.

Ya know, shit stirring is not a sign of responsible journalism. It's despicable you try to associate the death of a child to the shutdown. She wandered away from her family and no one knows how it came that she fell to her death. You have no shame.

No mention from NBC Fake News that 12 people die from falls at the Grand Canyon every year where the 14 year old sadly perished. Such perspective gets in the way of a good smear.

Why isn’t anyone in the mainstream media reporting on the riots/revolution in France? Serious question.

The way liberal media highlights 3 deaths in national parks, it infers shutdown was a causation factor. Death in national parks range between 120 & 140 annually, not including suicides with no shutdown. Let’s not say shutdown. Let’s say a gov’t that puts egos before solutions.🙁

Democrats will vote to end gravity soon because Trump likes it.

This is the dumbest thing on Twitter today. How is the SenateDems shutdown the cause of these deaths? People fall and die in these parks all the time. Trees get blown down all the time. To infer that these deaths wouldn't have happened if we weren't shutdown is bullshit.

These deaths had nothing to do with the shutdown. Not everyone is as naive as you to believe this crap. The 14 year old girl stepped back too far while posing for a photo. Stop your LYING!!!

And you wonder why people don’t believe any reporting the MSM do...we know your agenda so you can stop with the bull 💩 reporting.

The government hires people to prevent people from falling off cliffs? Who knew?

What does it have to do with shutdown? fake news

Lol. She fell because of the shutdown!? Idiots!!

There isn’t one person in America that believes a wall doesn’t work. Even the people who despise Trump know a wall would work. They would rather spite themselves and the American citizens than let Trump keep a promise.

The Parks should be Closed now! Unfair to the Dept of Interior employers and contractors to clean up after slobs leaving messes knowing no garbage pickups, etc.

So no one dies when the government is open? Got it.....

So... on average, fewer people than normal over a similar period of time. Wow, the shutdown is SAVINGS LIVES!

Know what would have stopped her from falling down into the canyon? A wall!

A child falling to her death is tragic..but the fault is with whomever was watching her..or rather not watching. People are still supposed to exercise sense, caution and responsibility regardless of conditions & sometimes more.

How many died before the government shutdown If the Dems cared for Americans as much as illegals, there would have never been a shutdown. LiberalsSuck LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

as a parent, hoping the family sues trump - This man will be noted as the potus who destroyed so much more than our democracy - environment rule of law, regular order, compassion and provoked fear violence and some have committed crime in the name of maga

Now media implying death will be prevented if the shutdown is not happening ? The left thinks americans are that stupid ?

More blood on his hands

The Parks are closed. You DO NOT go if they are closed. Period....

This is an outrage! If not for the shut down, there would have been someone at the bottom to catch her.

I feel badly...why would you on the other hand bring your loved ones too these places knowing there is no staff?

The government is now responsible for gravity?

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the increasing trend of lack of common sense that's at fault. As I've said a hundred times THIS year already, nice spin, NBC 'news.'

Idiots. How do you know it was because of the shutdown...……...

Sounds to me like people are not using logical safety measures.

It’s closed. Go somewhere else. 🙄

Cause and effect 🙄


Then the socialists should vote for wall funding and stop the deaths

Leave it to the Democrat Media to pretend that there was no personal responsibility involved in the deaths.

People need to start being responsible for their own behaviors.

Your point?

Ummmm I don't quite understand how a government worker would have saved those people from dying when no other people in their lives could. Why does MSM think the government has some magical power to stop death?


POTUS doesn’t care about US citizens or US lands. Begs the question: what about the US does he even care about besides himself?

Are you seriously blaming Trump because someone did not need the caution signs? That's like blaming Cuomo for someone getting killed by jay walking in NYC.

And realDonaldTrump OWNS the shutdown! Dems have offered him the same deal already passed by the Senate and SenMajLdr refuses to take it to the floor.🤔🤔

Ah yes, no one has ever died while the government is open. Woof.

That’s a drop in deaths. So are you saying we need to keep the government shut permanently

Juliethewarrior 💔

Thought these parks were closed!

2 children dead in US custody at the border. Three more dead at US national parks also on realDonaldTrump watch. All 5 useless and avoidable deaths directly related to Presidents wall. Sickening. FoxNews CNNPolitics

TrumpShutdown is killing people 2 weeks in.

Don’t forget the cop that was killed by illegal alien and the child that was raped by illegal alien in Alabama recently-and my family that was harmed by illegal alien with no ID no insurance no English no address CNN

Y’all don’t stop at anything do you. This is why you are the enemy of the people.

Thats sad. Tell Schumer and Pelosi to end their shutdown. Although i dont think that would have saved their lived. SchumerPelosiShutdown

Killing children - a donald administration tradition TrumpShutdown

Sounds negligent parents...

Here we go oh, I read similar stories in 2013 that blamed Republicans

Are you insinuating that park rangers would have saved them? That’s a stretch

Just stop NBC. Nobody is connecting those dots

so with a government, humans can survive a 700 foot drop...

Donald should be charged with manslaughter. TrumpShutdown

How does the 14 year olds death have any thing to do with the shutdown?

Trumpshutdown Here is a GoFundMe that will help the families affected by the trump shutdown please show your support.

Then build the wall on the border. Of course it's not one's own fault they fell off a cliff.

Democrats can end the shutdown. They don’t want to.

Ok not to be cold but none of these deaths were because of the shutdown; this is disappointing NBC.


Blame it on the Dems! SchumerShutdown2

Damn it. Without government we can’t stop gravity!!!

You can't legislate against stupid

What does a criminal do when accused of doing something wrong? FIrst, U Try to cover it up, as Trump tried When that fails, one looks to explain one’s actions as non-criminal Prosecutors call that “Consciousness of Guilt”..Trump’s actions were criminal

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