Why obesity should be treated like a disease: 'Nobody chooses to be overweight'

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An overweight father-of-one has told Sky News how he believes changing people's perceptions of overeating can bring about change.


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I can’t believe what I’ve read..it’s a disease..steroids affected me blah blah.BUT when he exercised he lost 9 stone!!Then when the marathons were over he didn’t have a goal so poor eating habits started again, and put weight back on, hmm so why is he overweight I wonder🤔

Really? I think you'll find they do by shoving so much shit in theirs mouths and end up looking like the Michelin Man. All self inflicted. This article looks like the type of shit KayBurley comes out with.

Maybe in very few cases where people actually have a genetic disorder. Bit the fact remains that millions of people world wide lose weight through diet and exercise. And they make the choice to do so. I don't know or have I heard of anybody choosing to give up a disease.

But they choose to stuff their faces with too much of the wrong food for their activity level

changing legislation on how food manufacturers and supermarket retailers, force millions of people into eating crap loaded with fat, sugar and salt, as a result of fresh produce being deliberately expensive, is the only way of making a real difference!!!

People don’t choose to be overweight as such but it’s about priorities, fat people prioritise unhealthy food and unhealthy lifestyles over healthy ones - that is a choice.

Just stop putting food in mouth

People dont choose to be overweight; they choose to eat way to much of usually the wrong kind of food, the consequence of which is obesity. Simples.

Oh fcukoff!

Nobody chooses to be overweight is right, but you do choose to over eat and not exercise, so that negates the choice arguments........

I agree that obesity is a disease, much like driving too fast while on your mobile phone, and having a sex slave chained in the spare room, its not a choice we make its a disease, Each of the above gives us immense pleasure even though we know its bad for our health.

Yes they do. By eating

Why is sky news pushing this constantly it’s 3rd version of this story I’ve seen this week! Eat less move more = lose weight

Yes they do choose by doing nothing about it!!!!

The cure is to stop eating.

The prescription should read ' Move more, eat less '


Is it April the first?

I’m overweight and that’s bullshit

We’re all responsible for what we put in our mouths 😐

My earlier point proven,this is being irresponsible with nutrition and fitness. He can do it when he puts his mind to it. Trying not to be overweight for health benefits should be enough of a goal. Who wants to suddenly drop dead due a heart attack because you’re obese?

That’s not necessarily true!!!!!

Of course they do! “Do you want that supersized” “Yes please” It’s not hard, move more, eat less.

Skinny people are quite angry aren’t they...

I think the difference here is the solution is overwhelmingly not a medical solution, it’s a lifestyle solutions. You wouldn’t call ‘being a smoker’ a disease would you? Is the same as this and should be handled the same, ie support groups/education etc

If people owned their own health and took responsibility for their wellbeing instead of overeating then expecting the NHS to give them a magic pill that will make it all go away and the rest of us to pay for it.

Genetics can play a part but you have to ask the question why people during and after the war when rationing came in and very few cars to hop in to were few if any obese. Being the case it is not a disease that a bit of self control won't fix.

It's a choice

Maybe but in a long life the vast majority of fat people have been great eaters.

Really? I’ve seen people just sit down eat enough for 5 people

Obesity is not a disease unless it's in the genes. Period. For the rest, a proper diet and exercise will solve the concern.

Exactly. No one would want to be overweight. The inability to control food intake, the right food, and the unwillingness to exercise regularly is the issue. Fat ppl need to stop with the nonsense of pretending their proud and get healthier. Period.

Is this a joke?

Hold my beer

Well they didn't choose to be slim either did they?

I'm fat. 20 stone. Only person to blame for my obesity is myself. Too much alcohol, too many takeaways. I've not looked after myself. All my own fault.

You can't say nobody. It's a choice to some.

No self-accountably anymore. Welcome to the government‘s tit

Maybe first, try treating it as a lack of food education - this ain’t rocket science.

No. This is wrong. Lots of people choose everyday to eat more calories than they expend. This already puts a massive strain on the NHS and this kind of excuse making doesn’t help. It isn’t a disease and 99% of obesity can be ‘cured’ with a calorie controlled diet and exercise 😡

I’m only here for the comments, keep scrolling

I will sum it up in one word, 'bollocks'

I disagree with making obesity an illness, steroids can give you the desire to eat but you can decide whether you will or not. We are responsible for what goes into our bodies and classifying obesity as an illness will give some an excuse to stay over weight.

U can't catch obesity. It's not a disease. It's a choice or a lack self control . Just like alcoholism isn't a disease. It's down to weakness .. if u say it's a disease ppl will use that as an excuse not to change.

No one chooses to be obese, but they do choose whether to eat that doughnut or not. Unless of course it’s force fed intravenously? I hate watching what I eat. But I do, because I don’t want to be obese. We all have choices. Take some responsibility.

Sky news is pushing this ,must be making money out of it

I don’t choose to be poor so will that be treated as a disease 🤔

A disease? How do you catch it?


sugar addiction?

Calling obesity a disease is making it an excuse to be overweight. “A few more burgers please, I have a disease”. Equating stuffing your face with Maleria is unacceptable.

Ridiculous statement. Of course they choose. Stop putting food in your gob. Why is it people always look for something else to blame for their own problems.


But they do choose what they eat....

You choose what you eat 🤷🏽‍♀️ so yes it is a choice

Lazy People

Admittedly there are cases like that in the story, but they can't paint everyone with that brush. It's not like you wake up obese. When your jeans are getting tight, you've got an option to control yourself and change, or buy bigger jeans and another pie!

We have to accept responsibility for where we are (exceptions of course for those who suffer from med conditions) but he’s right - nobody wants to be like this - some support would help rather than taking the piss - after all, you lot slagging the guy off are all perfect...

I don't agree, overweight = eating wrong things plus lack of exercise

Correct....leave the cakes alone or you will get fat. Lets kid on its NOT their fault. Give us a break.

'Nobody chooses to be overweight' *Orders triple combo with extra large fries and 36oz drink*

So being a crack head is a disease .


Food banks?

No but they do choose to eat 16 packets of chocolate digestives on the bounce 😀✌

So stuffing yourself with crap food, and sitting around all day is clearly not choosing to be obese.

Of course no one wants to be overweight but there are some people who don't want to do exercise and just want to eat crap. That is their choice and to suggest it is a disease is bulkshit!

Disagree with that. Some people are just lazy and are addicted to food, so that is their choice. It’s too convenient to say it’s a disease.

Ridiculous, we all know what junk food does to you. Nobody is forcing it down your throat. If you’re fat it’s because YOU chose to eat terribly.

I don't think anyone sits there and thinks oh I want to be obese so let's order and eat 4 large pizzas. Many people are obese because of many reasons including depression eating for comfort etc. However there is no help in MI eating disorders of this type.

Of course they don't... Oooh look a cream cake...


Yes they do. Stop putting food in your mouth and do some bloody exercise. It’s not a disease it’s a way of life. It’s called will power !!

THEY DO NOW!...thanks to certain Magazines,News Channels & Papers who glamourise obesity in such a way people(Especially young women) see it as a way to make money!!!


obesity isn't a disease it's a lifestyle choice of overindulgence lack of restraint & exercise I see no reason why NHS have to deal with throngs of fat sods who eat & drink too much & take no exercise apart from waddling over to the pub or McDonalds or why we have to pay the bill

No one chooses donuts

'It was never my choice to let it get out of control.' but it was your choices.

They choose the causes not the result.

The most important point here is that no one should be held accountable for their actions. Society is to blame


but they choose to overeat and not exercise


Labelling obesity a 'disease' ENCOURAGES more obesity! It gives an excuse to people who willingly eat/drink too much of the wrong things to put the weight on so that they can then call themselves 'victims of a disease'.

I have another disease ... Twitter

Yay.. I now get away with shoveling more pizza in my face..

Of course all obese people spend their whole week eating cakes, biscuits and McDonald’s. They couldn’t possibly struggle with weight due to having a sedentary job, young children, other life stresses which leave them little time to exercise. All who comment must be without flaw🤔

I'm on the side of the chubsters.

That’s not GENERALLY true. It’s a choice to get off the couch & go to the gym. It’s a choice to choose fast food over cooking fresh. It’s a choice to stop eating after 7pm, or not drink pop... I work had making healthy choices & to teach my kids the same. It’s more an addiction

I have thyroid disease & an auto immune disease & I am not fat .... the diseases are real and irreversible . Medicated for life . Fat people just need to eat less !

I am 2 stone overweight - because over time I know I have chosen to eat and drink a little too much of the wrong things and I’m not physically active enough. Thanks to these doctors though, I can now tell myself I’ve caught a disease instead. Hooray! 🙄

Agreed. It’s like getting sunburnt because you didn’t cover your skin. Sunburn is a disease too. It’s more subtle than all fat or sunburnt people have a disease. Lifestyle choices and genetics.

Is this a joke?

I’m not a big fan of KTHopkins But one thing she said I really thought was soooo true . People a mainly fat cos it’s what they push in there mouths (words to that effect ) stop putting it in and you will not put the weight on.


If you eat more calories than you burn, you become obese. This just solidifies the crazy arguments that people who choose to do this to themselves make. They are overweight because they eat too much. It is literally that simple.

Some people choose to be fatter than they should be

But they do choose how much they eat and what they eat

All the people that are over weight I bet they eat take away once a twice a week .

It’s an addiction.

Make Fat Shaming law!! putthatbiscuitdownfatty fattybumbum imbigboned

Feeders feed. Eaters eat.

But when you’re stuffing your face with all the unhealthy carbs is that not a choice I’ve been obese and have lost a lot of weight and can confirm that when you’re eating like that, it is most definitely a choice.

a disease ? we all eat . some eat more than others. its not a disease. its a bloody liking for certain foods.

People chose to be lazy and eat too much!!

And nobody forces them to stuff their faces with pies, sweets, crisps, or ice cream either

I'm sorry but to me obesity is a choice in more 99% cases, it doesn't happen overnight and you definitely know when you are putting on weight.

Yes they do by shoving shit in there faces.

We make choices. It’s about will power. People need to take responsibility for themselves. You can’t say it’s a disease when you’re munching a Mars bar and drinking a 2 liter bottle of Pepsi. Eat right and do exercise. Some things are not easy, but we all face challenges

Lots of hostility in the comments - maybe consider the individual who was overweight as a child (their parents responsibility), leading to isolation, depression, low self esteem, no external motivation for self care. Perhaps some people are a product of their circumstances?

Yes they do

Nobody chooses to get blisters. Therefore blisters should be treated as a disease. 🤔

I am sorry but I don't believe that is true - of course you can control what and how much food goes into your mouth. There are big boned people and Amazon type people - big is different from fat and obese.

You mean they are forced into eating Big Macs?

I wonder if powered-milk given to babies has anything to do with it...

I'm fat i didn't used to be then 15yrs ago arthritis in my feet set in and I stopped working and got less mobile the weight piled on then I got miserable and more piled on then I had a full and broke a bone in my back and more piled on then my heart started going wrong

If you treat it as a disease, fat people will blame something else for their condition. Self control and taking responsibilty are required.

ScottMill5 darrenbox do you two think you’ll be able to disability badges now? No more long walks across supermarket car parks.

Dry and shameful stupid arguments

What a load of Horlicks, give free healthy food to poor areas and families living in poverty then thats a great start, stop closing all the local activity centres for people and get rid of the crime stopping people wanting to go out places, that'll help

This has made my day haha ffs

You can eat what you want if you just do 30 mins hard cardio each day - simples

*poor eating habits.*

How ridiculous

Some do so more fake news.

“Nobody chooses to be overweight,” he says as he’s photographed trying to eat his medal.

I imagined this would be the response.

Weight gain can be caused by medications, metabolic and auto immune medical conditions and depression. People with those conditions should be offered all available help. Morbid obesity caused by wilful overeating isn’t the same thing at all.

Give me a break... nobody chooses

I've over indulged during the festive period, now that I'm diseased can I quit work, live on benefits and park wherever I like? Also if I lose the weight again am I cured? Or just in remission? How will that effect my benefits?

Can you catch obesity? Lots of people are overweight because of what they eat. I went out running 4 times a week last year and lost loads of weight. Then I stopped and went back to my old eating habits and put the weight back on. I didn’t have a disease.

No choosing to stuff their faces all day...

Words to take out of the English dictionary in 2019: responsibility, shame, fault, guilt, reason, logic, consequences. Care to add to the list?

Having no will power and eating not a disease, may not choose to be fat but still have a choice.

Eeeer.. they fucking do.

WHAT!? Being overweight is absolutely a choice- or rather a series of choices. Consistently good, healthy choices are the way to combat it!

Nonsense! You eat too much, you exercise too little you gain weight, simple. It’s a lifestyle choice nothing more, nothing less

Maybe it’s more of a social disease ? Due to the stresses of society & diminishing opportunities for certain people ..therefore it’s not a cause but rather a symptom.

Nobody chooses to be addicted to most things.

Yes they do👺👺

98% do.


Eating is a choice!!

The anti-fatists are out in force it seems

So none of them choose to laze around and eat crap food. I don't think being lazy is a disease. What's this world coming too.

People who are fat eat too much therefore a choice

Disease my arse. Eat less move more. It’s not rocket science FFS.

Calorie intake vrs Calorie burning hmmmmm

You choose to eat more food than you need to you get fat its a choice stop msking excuses for people eating too much why didnt we see many fst people in 60s 70s and 80s

Yes, they do. Every time they eat more than they burn off. Own it folks.

Nobody chooses to eat a big mc with large fries and coke with cheese dippers and cheeseburger on the side. They are forced upon you

Nobody chooses to eat cake, crisps and fast food every day and do fuck all exercise too...I suppose?

No, they choose to stuff their faces with too much food!

Yes but they choose to stuff their faces that’s the choice they make it puts in weight

The girl in the interview chose a panini over 650 calories and a cloudy lemonade one of the most sugary soft drinks, whilst claiming she watches what she eats. A chicken salad sandwich and a cup of tea would have been a healthier choice with half the calories! Choice not Disease

Over indulging and zero exercise =obesity. Your not born obese and shouldn’t burden the NHS . Or the state for that matter.


Eat less and exercise....simple


Just like a jhiadi shouting aluah akbar before slaughtering innocents has no choice and can’t help his/ her mental illness?

And nobody forces cake down their throats. fatty lardarse tubby fatbastard

Yes that’s right, nobody chooses to eat Big Mac & fries thrice weekly, Chinese every Friday, pizza every Saturday, 2-4 litres of coke, biscuits and sweets in between 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️

Yes they fucking do, they keep on eating!

Everything is a choice! Calling it a disease is an insult to people who genuinely suffer

Rubbish! I was four stone over weight! My Missis left me and I lost four stone in weight! No stress no weight gain! It’s simple! 😂

I get that obesity itself isn’t a choice but everyone has a choice to minimise risk by having a balanced diet and getting regular exercise.

Sumo wrestlers do

Lazy types looking for excuses to justify being overweight and fed by their own greed.

No obese person chooses to eat a salad or go for a run it seems

Stop eating.

I’m four stone overweight currently but I know it’s because I’m a lazy, greedy prat. It’s not a disease.

BS.........yes many of them 'do' choose to be overweight. You might be more correct in saying sugar/fructose are addicting but one can just as well choose to eat right.......

I wonder what piersmorgan thinks. He commentates on food choices. We definitely need to know.

That’s right, nobody chooses to be overweight, especially people suffering from medical conditions like hypothyroidism, which can cause unwanted weight gain, without having to gorge yourself on fast food.

Never heard so much nonsense in my life JimBelly excuseforthelazy moreinthanout

Of course people choose to be overweight when they choose to over eat and choose not to exercise.

Yea they kind of do. Over eating, over drinking, wrong foods all takeaways zero exercise. I know because I’m a fatty have been most of my life but at last trying to do something about it. Soup maker between 5000 and 10000 steps a day. Joined gym it’s not easy but please try

What a load he is spewing. The other common misconception is that eating fast food is cheaper. For every cheesburger you buy, you can get two cans of green beans or a can of tuna. America has become fat and lazy.

Whoa! Only last year we were celebrating an obese woman for being on the cover of a women's magazine, and how she celebrates being large. Now we're saying it's a disease? Can people for the love of God make up their minds! Are fat people 'brave' or do they have a 'disease'?

It's not my fault They forced cake don't my throat And YOU have to pay to fix me

Sky Fake News

Watching this like.... Can I add that it’s low fat, low sugar and no added salt type popcorn. Also possibly vegan friendly

I didn’t choose to be overweight either I may have chosen cake and biscuits over celery & lettuce I may have chosen Guinness over water I may have chosen sweets and crisps instead of apples But it’s not a life choice it’s a disease - as I’m over 65 can I get slim on the NHS now?

The word we are looking for is example. Give me an example of why this sentence is true.

the chose to eat too many calories and not exercise (enough), yes, it’s a choice

Yes they do! If u continue to eat too much crap & sit on your ass, you’ve chosen to live an unhealthy lifestyle. Take responsibility!


Should obesity be treated like a disease? That's one to chew over🤔?

Yes they do, i made a choice today not to go swimming this morning cos I couldn't be arsed and i went and got a dirty greasy english fry up. No one cares

What’s the big deal FutbaItweets

What utter bullocks. I’ve seen real life fatties on documentaries who wilfully stuff their greedy faces.

Agree totally. I used be healthy if slightly overweight. I now eat due to depression and its a viscous cycle.

Yes they do

What utter bullocks. I’ve seen real life fatties on documentaries who can’t stop stuffing their greedy faces.

Some people are overweight due to health conditions which make it difficult to lose weight. Thyroid issues can cause this. I know this because my mother has this issue & I see on a daily basis that she tries to lose weight. Don’t judge something you don’t know about

Bring in Fattax and they can be treated (no pun intended 😉) for anything they want. Even have their own airline and trains with wider seats all comes out of the fattax budget

Nobody chooses to be overweight? No, but they do choose unhealthy foods as he mentions time and time again in the article.

What a load of bollocks.

Move more eat less

Utter tripe! Take responsibility for your actions and then just maybe you won’t get fat!

obesity is a disease of the mind , but we live in a very sick society obesity is the smallest of our evils

Every hamburger, bacon, cake, KFC or unHappy Meal is next step to obesity.

Time humans stopped blaming others and actually take responsibility for their own lives. Laziness and apathy are rife!

I’m just here for the comments.... Carry on

Of course they do. Not being obese is pretty straightforward: eat less, exercise more. Not exactly rocket science

TFW you catch obesity like the rhinovirus...

Dont talk shiz whenever you go shopping you choose your food when you go to a restaurant you choose your meal it's a life choice to exercise It's a life choice

Yes they do. By eating more calories than they burn off.

I do!

Then it's a mental medical condition, not a disease. Btw doesn't omit self responsibility.

Yes they do.

You are what you eat. Tell the burger stuffing fattiest to get off their backsides and do some exercise.

I consider it self harm.

Traffic accidents are too, nobody chooses to be hit by a bus when crossing the street while only paying attention to the smartphone while the bluetooth headphones are busy blasting your favourite playlist!

Yes some do

Nobody chooses to be white

Everyday and every moment is a choice, every time I eat junk I know I'm making a choice. Stop obfuscating, next it'll be 'no one chooses to murder'

What a load of crap...which is what people eat..which is why they put on weight..

Beg to differ. You want to see some of the weebles wobbling around my home town stuffing their faces with lard.... Pretty sure no one is holding them down and forcing it down their necks. Eat less crap, move around more and faster. Best diet in the world.

they do choose to look into their mirrors and stuff their faces.

So should going to work.

Nobody chooses to be poor either, maybe that is now a disease?

Nobody chooses to be an alcoholic...

Well they do. It’s a life choice.

How not to be obese: don't eat chippies every day

Nobody chooses to be a crack addict...

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