Trump-loving Sheriff attacks 'despicable' Harry Reid after Trump remarks

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'I was willing to let Reid alone due to his dying of cancer but NOT AFTER THIS ATTACK.'


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It's so amusing they are going after their own - Pill Bugs. It's like, 'watch out for friendly fire'....Fools!

Trump loving? No one loves Trump. Not even Melania and other folks paid to love him. Men like this sheriff only hide behind Trump in other to express the hate in them.

Trump’s favorite Uncle Tom.

Lol......”Trump loving” Context of article determined through first two words used in headline.

I have the impression that SheriffClarke ‘s fake medals are fukcing and making children at night. 😂

sheriff Clark is hero, harry reid was the biggest liar in the senate !!!!!! you the fake news media have a short memory, we don't !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clarke, a Russia NRA/Butina devote, is a former sheriff. Richard Schmidt is the acting Sheriff because Clarke quit to join a Trump superPAC.

Sheriff Bling rides again

LOL. Maybe 'sheriff' Joe should try to get a Just for Men contract. Maybe he could also find a way to monetize his self-hating blackness,

That hotep is useless.

There has to be other things going on in the world. That's why I watch OANN.

FORMER sheriff, isn't he?

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Trump-loving ex-sheriff attacks 'despicable' Harry Reid after Trump remarks'I was willing to let Reid alone due to his dying of cancer but NOT AFTER THIS ATTACK,' tweeted former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. He is NOT a sheriff anymore. He ran when the investigations into his negligence which led to horrific deaths in his jail were getting close enough to get him removed. DoctorRobin “Trump loving, Russia tool sycophant” realDonaldTrump chucktodd kasie mitchellreports maddow And Clarke has been in hiding for over a Year and Harry Reid is dying of stomach cancer but these bozos have no limits on who they attack.
Source: Newsweek - 🏆 468. / 52 Read more »