Manchester Victoria station stabbings suspect held under Mental Health Act

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A man arrested after three people were stabbed at Manchester Victoria station has been detained under the Mental Health Act.


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Aliijackss A slap in the face to people who have real mental health problems, should be arrested under the Islamic terrorism act

Just seen the last bit of Dunkirk .. can you just imagine what these chaps must be thinking of good old Blighty 🤔

Mental Health? Yeah right. Another cover up by our left wing media

So Islam is a mental health issue ? theres a shock!!!

It seems all extreme islamic terrorists have mental health problem ......

Shouting “Allah Akbar “ and screaming against Western society whilst stabbing pedestrians and a police officer, doesn’t seem at all like something a Islamic terrorist would do?


Seems the majority of people commenting are suffering from the same condition that sky news regularly suffers from it’s called ‘I don’t know the full story, but I will have an opinion anyway even though I wasn’t there and don’t know the facts’ syndrome everyonesanexpert

Crap, still a terrorist , call it as it is.

Aliijackss Of course it could never be anything to do with Islam

What a joke

If you want to see more of this then carry on letting them in 🤔

Thought yesterday it was terrorism? 🤔

Terrorism act anybody?

Off the hook then

Deport him and his family

Such a sad day ,how did we ever get to this point ?

More lies from the corrupt news channel and most hated in the world.

Aliijackss I suppose all the IS fighters in Syria are all mentalli ill.

MaddenPko2011 Same shit different day

Aliijackss Ah, so that's what we're calling it now...

Ah, OK then.

Does anyone find it strange that every time there's a chopping /knife attack. The geezer is held under the mental health act

Why are we being repeatedly lied too!! This is just a bad public PR programme the 'mushroom effect' kept in the dark and fed a load of $hit !'

Attempted mass murderer, plain and simple. Deport the whole family back to the Netherlands

Seems all these Muslims are Mad,Yes they are.

Sky News - Why the hell do you bother ? Uttter bullshit every time.

🤬🤬🤬🤬you can’t put every Islamic terror act under the mental health umbrella. Otherwise why don’t you class all violent crime as that. We know you are trying to dampen any hatred towards Islam but it’s your appeasement of this horror that causes so many to feel such anger!!!!

So the police are now saying anyone who follows the religion of Islam has mental health issues 🤔

It happens every day in that place called London and it does not get this attention.

Fed up with mental health being used as an excuse. Totally impedes of those who actually suffer

This is all a set up to keep the illegal George SOROS stream coming without uproar,I wonder if you are caught for speeding now will you get off because of mental health I think not but attempted murder or actual murder by Islamic terrorists doesn’t seem to be a crime anymore 😡

Is Islam being recognized as a Mental Health problem?

Is that what we are calling Terrorism now?

Mental health issues ? Religion ? I see a connection 🤔

Be hearing soon how terrorism is on the decline because they all get classed as mental health issues.

Why do they still brainwash this shit when nobody buys it

This government is completely and utterly pathetic, it was a terrorist attack end of. Theresa may = SLEEPINGWITHTHEENEMY



I bet the authorities couldn’t get this out quick enough.

Flogging a dead horse again, how did we guess this old chestnut would be pulled out again

Muslim terrorist, there, I’ve said it for you.

A Terror attack once again covered up by saying it's a Mental Health problem!

The whole of the Middle East should be held under the mental health act.

Sky is a conspiracy enabling mechanism

Not that old chestnut




Lol brush it under the carpet as usual

The Manchester knife attacker is a Somalian Muslim from Holland. Holding an EU passport.

NO! Really

Mental Health Act my ass! Frightened of offending Muslims is more the point! Cowards


You’ve got be mental to stab a few people and face 15 years in the slammer! At £35,000 a year to lock up Jihadi Jim! That’s costing you and me the tax payer? Someone get a calculator! 😳🙄

We all know he's mental - doesn't mean he shouldn't go down for a very very long time! The public need protecting from these nutters.

I'm just gonna pretend that i believe their excuse so i don't get persecuted.

Another case of let’s keep the peace and not offend. And not say it as it really is. Do you really think we are that stupid we can see right through all this crap of excuses


The plot thickens guess he’s not a Muslim right 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

Im Over it, bore someone else.

And the police wonder why there is so much distrust from the general public! They have the same attitude as the politicians , pure contempt.


TomSkyNews You’ve got to be kidding me!

any mention of the racist attack on a serving British solider by 15 people in batley last night?

Correct. Any one who is believes in a god needs sectioning, but them who believe in Allah need killing

Disgrace. Justice system is a mockery.


Any person who follows islam definitely has mental health problems and this proves how unstable islam is if shouting Allahu Akbar while stabbing people classes that person as mental.!! 😜😜🤪🤪💩

Honestly, we need the death penalty & ASAP! 🇬🇧

Why cuz he’s not a Muslim ?

More bullshit to hide the true underlying issue.

I'm robbing hsbc tomorrow. I'm mentally ill fyi so just community service will do. Ta

Surprising what you can get away with when its put down to mental health, of course its mental fucking health they just stabbed people, you gotta be screwed in the head to do something like that.

He has the mental condition known as devout muslim.

Somalian. What a surprise.

So by that logic is Islam a mental ideology?

Political Correctness is fascism with manners

So if he has mental issues , would there be a record of this ? . One with severe issues would be known to the authorities already . If so then why was he let loose to roam the streets unaided .

Time to bring back capital p for premeditated crimes of shooting and stabbings where there is no doubt

Because islam is, above all else, a psychological problem?

I do love reading the comments, it does seem the British people have woken up to the fact that the media and our government are just not trusted no more, mental health fuck off 💤💤💤💤

Yup. All these guys are mental nuts and you can’t differentiate what’s terrorism any more. Boom 💥 be ready. More such nuts will manifest. Just saying. Rather safe than sorry.

Are we not all mental to one degree or another? If you commit a crime, call you mental & get a pass. What sane person will commit a crime?

Some people are clueless. Police have to check every possible aspect.


Mental religious act it should be

Absolute joke... corrupt establishment. Clear video evidence of that islamist shouting Allah Akbar, long life the caliphate.

🙈🙈🙈🙈 that old 🌰

Anyone any idea how many IRA terrorists were held under mental health. He wasnt so mental, he new it was New Years Eve to attract maximum attention. This cover up is so easy to pick off even by the establishments grubby standards. Same as Child abuse in Rotherham to scared offend

Same shit different day......


Of course! ... how many more cover ups

He was carrying a Bucket of frogs

Yeah mad. Let's blame it on that


So that religion of peace all suffer mental health ?

'Firmly clinging to a belief despite rational argument & an abundance of evidence to the contrary.' You can say that again.

🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😡😡 I can’t even....

Didn’t see that coming .....

What a fucking cop out

once you start letting them 'rabbithole' people into a Mental Health Act for crimes you will slip slowly into cataloging and disappearing people who are really mentally ill to back up their claims

Probably unfit to stand trial Secure Mental Health Unit awaits

Figures, he ain't no Muslim terrorist then? 😕

Call it what it is you pricks. It’s terror related

Of course......

Mental health act! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I’m going down the garage to buy some fags. I was gonna give up coz they tell you they’re bad for you whodoyoubelieve

Lol, unbelievable Jeff. They must think we're stoopid.

Bull shit

Quelle suprise 🤔

Well, some other country police hold guns. Gun was invited not only to fight. But also to protect. Protect civils. Maybe someday the UK will introduce guns to Bobby's. Or help us all in the face what is happening every day on streets.

Am I losing the plot or is this just to cut down the number of recorded terror incidents? Mental health or not, it clearly is a terrorist attack. Police = establishment puppets

Ah the old ‘mental health issue’ gag. This particular illness has symptoms exhibited in bearded men and include rambling ‘Alan’s Snack bar’ and an inability to drive cars and with a tendency to wave knives at Europeans.

Here is a tip. Normal people don’t get the desire to stab innocent people. Of course he is nuts. But that does not excuse his acts of terror

Yeah the Islamic fundamentalism is just a small detail not worth prioritising is it? Better to chuck the mental health chestnut out there? 👍bravo 🤦‍♂️

Can't be mental health.....he is not white Christian.

LordMuckington Another crazy jihadist. Sure do crank out a lot of them over at the Islamic factory.

Government cover up

Of course he’s mentally ill, most of these Islamist nutters are. But first and foremost, he’s a terrorist, and that is how the vast majority of the British public will label him. Not mentally ill, an Islamic terrorist.

So not under terrorism?

Here’s the psychiatrist who made the diagnosis

That is what China does to the Uighurs isn't it and the MSM and Establishment say it is against their human rights so why is it OK for our Govt to detain people with extreme beliefs under the Mental Health Act? glad it's a mentally ill man and not someone who thinks if they stab some non Muslim's they will get to go to heaven and have sex with 72 virgins.

O my goodness!!! When will they learn Political correctness is the downfall of the British nation!! At present trend an Islamic takeover just a matter of time!!

Let me guess a ‘psychiatric expert’ diagnosed this? Psychiatry is a load of bs. Double standards in this country is pathetic.

Theres a surprise, so nothing to do with Islamic extremism......must stick to the narrative...

Hope he gets the help he needs. Mental health issues should be treated and taken more seriously.

I bet he has a beard though

The spineless liberal elite will keep on lighting candles and continue the narrative of denial until the Islamification of Europe is completed.

Does the mental health act atill give him access to all those lovely virgins if he tops himself?

So Jihadi with mental issues

Please don't use the mental state of this scum as a reason to hold him he's a terrorist end of

Nothing to see here carry on... Nothing to do with islam Allah Akbar

He shouted Alluha Akbar. Can the gmpolice stop trying to cover up like the German police did.

No..... who would have guessed......

We must be mugs. Terrorists can commit murder and get away with it.

People are clueless here, if he’s attempted to kill people because he’s mentally insane he won’t ever get released. But, if he’s fit and we’ll he’ll do seven years and be out in four. Lock them all up under the mental health act!

Is there a medical diagnosis for someone who thinks he’s a terrorist ? fakenews happy to be part of this fraud ?

Well he’s not exactly likely to be sane, let’s be honest. If you follow Islam in a certain way, as he obviously does, then he has a screw loose, and the sooner we realise that the better. If it’s correct that he was on the radar his mental health should have already checked

Mental Health Act lighter sentences than terrorism charges. Surprise sur (fecking) prise.

Amazing how so many followers of a certain cult suffer with mental illness

Ha ha ha ha ha ha it’s embarrassing now for the police and the media, do they think everyone is as stupid as them

British citizens,including emergency services workers are attacked and in many cases murdered because the perpetrators are following instructions from a book.British authorities,aided by MSM,try to hide this fact by describing the attackers as mentally ill.Why would they do this?

Tweeted when it happened ! pisstake lies fakenews

Same story every time. When are we going to address the massive elephant in the room?

Implying Islam is a mental illness shame on you Sky News!

How predictable.


And another attack in Batley leaving a solider battered and run over. I’m sure we will here A PC version of what happened soon.

There is no mention of the attackers race; interesting how people are so quick to jump to conclusions!

Authorities will do anything to avoid admitting the truth as to what is happening & why


What a surprise.........

so you saying this was a nutter not a terrorist

If he did that to A member of my family he Wouldn’t have Mental health problems he’d be dead.

Makes sense... You have to be mentally ill to commit such acts. Manchester

This country is a joke.

absolute bollocks !!

Said this would happen to my da this afternoon lot a shite

Downgraded from a Terrorist action, keep the politicians happy ffs

This is laughable

One flew over the Jihadi's nest.

So now he’s got it cushy with expensive health care now paid for from the tax payer... what a total shambles of a country we are. He knew exactly what he was doing. He is a terrorist. Throw him off the fucking cliff in Dover! theresa_may oi... stupid.. sort it out

Fuck sake, he’s got away with it in other words. Easier to plead and listen to ‘I wasn’t in me right mind guv’ than to broach the elephant in the room: religious indoctrination. Poor.

He’s white then


Well...somebody here is bonkers for sure

What a load of bollocks, they should of shot him 😡

Fucking shock eh!!!!!

Well there’s a fucking surprise


Follow Allah's every word in the Quran will you get you classed as ill instead of a terrorist


Once again the police have proved the racists wrong. Just because an Islamic extremist commits an act of terrorism, it doesn’t mean it’s terror related, or even anything to do with Islam.

Next thing will be an announcement that he is Norwegian.

I wonder when the police would come to this conclusion


Shut all the same lol

Mental illness! So you are saying !slam is a mental illness? Yup that sounds right!

So now he’s got it cushy with expensive heath care now paid for from the tax payer... what a total shambles of a country we are. He knew exactly what he was doing. He is a terrorist. Throw him off the fucking cliff in Dover! theresa_may oi... stupid.. sort it out

I’m sure all the KTHopkins supporters are well sick 😷

Does anyone actually buy into this pc bullshit anymore?

“Suspect”, and “mental health” code words for immigrant and terrorism now.

What a farce

Did he have a disillusioned childhood as well. Fateher left. Bullied at school. Didn’t have new clothes. Boo hoo. Execute him.

So radical Islam is a mental disorder then ? It's official ! Better start rounding up and sectioning, mentalhealth going to be busy time for the NHS ,

Imagine if that was YOUR mother/father/husband/wife he tried to murder in cold blood. These radicalised animals should be euthanized.

*** If he's criminally insane, he will get locked up for life. If he's sane he will be on the street within a decade. Stop moaning!

Give us a name! Bet my bottom dollar it’s not Dave from the nags head pub

Well, that is a surprise.

So being a Muslim terrorist violently attacking people in the name of allah and the caliphate is only going to get you an appointment with a therapist no jail time.. amazing how nobody at Sky news or other MSM outlets have not seen the video of the man being arrested

How stupid do the authorities think we all are? Ridiculous; evil does not equate to mental

At least this one is aggressive for stabbing people while me CEMEX_UK Marine just wanted to discredit by supporting lies that were spread abour me by itv and cemex for money so i will not interfere in their earned additional income in 2013/2015 and be in sort of 'control'.Liers.

This is disgusting racism. Just because he's a muslim, doesn't make him mentally ill!

This is getting a joke so it’s got nothing to do with his ideology and religions beliefs to rule the world

People will not be happy about this.

Well f’ me. That’s a surprise....

We really need to learn to refrain from declaring these incidents as terrorism until we know the full facts

Lol what a surprise

'Mental Heath Act'. OK!

He is obviously in need of Electro-Convulsive-Therapy.

It’s like this headline is just taking the piss out of us the little fools now 🤡🤡🤡

Oh, that old chestnut. Blame it on the mental 'elf.

Scandalous that whoever his defence solicitor is has been allowed to play that card!! 😡

Must be a Brexit theresa_may queenelizabeth sympathizer

Bring back the hanging

Sheila45005286 searchforbreezy psychopaths - Merkel and Mays guests are...

What a complete cop-out!

Shoot to kill now! The UK has become so weak!

Our authorities are thick.. totally, utterly and stupidly thick

And there it is... the get out of jail card


You’d have to be crazy to follow religions (including Izzzlum)

So basically he going to get away with it....

NEVER!! That’s such a shock, what’s tomorrow’s revelation’ water is wet?


Here we go. Why do followers of the religions of peace suffer disproportionately from violent mental health problems?

lol think we knew this was coming.

Shame on you .

It's amazing how many mental health legal experts come out of the woodwork when things like this occur.

that old chestnut ...


Good, they should be using the MHA more often to hold the terrorist types as in substance they are deluded maniacs....

Didn't see that coming! 🙄 Called it last night. Always mental health these days!

What a laughing stalk he's making out of us 😡

Who are they fooling?

Of course he's mental he's running around stabbing people!!!! Nothing to do with his religious beliefs? Really?

Aye the illness of Islam.

What was suspect yelling?

The old voices in the head told him do it

Mental illness is called Islam


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