Trump shirks blame for migrant child deaths in federal custody

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Amid Saturday tweetstorm, President Trump tries to shirk that his administration bears any blame for the deaths of children detained trying to cross the US-Mexico border.


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Tries and fails to shirk his responsibility.

Total bs

Biased opinion from Democrats publishing under the moniker “NBC News.” Immigration reform requires Congressional action, and Executive leadership. IllegalAliens IllegalImmigration MediaBias NBCNews

He’s never wrong 🤮

Exactly when did President Trump tell the parents that it was a good idea to drag those children to the border?

He tries, although he won't succeed. 🙄

Idiots President Trump can't stop flu. These kids were drug across bad country with diseases by parents or someone else. This is not the problem of Americans. Shame on NBC. Build the wall.

They don’t shoulder any responsibility. He didn’t ask them to come. Much less bring children. They’re not supposed to be here. We give their home country welfare to keep them there.

MariannaNBCNews He is not completely wrong you know , but the blame also goes on the Dems considering they never proposed a true solution for so many years !

Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi is getting a sun tan in Hawaii.

Thank you for calling it what it is: Trump trying (again) to dodge responsibility. WeSeeHim and GOP we SeeYou too - and will keep Resisting.

Not only is he a crooked real estate developer the man has no shame. TrumpResgin

NBC caused the deaths of those children. NBC should accept responsibility.

He doesn't amy other news is fake. Your game is over played NBC and you now will lose. Blue Push Back

Potus is not responsible for death of child. The parents of child bear full blame for putting child in dangerous situation!

MariannaNBCNews The only shirking is your complete lack of honesty or respect for the truth in your reporting . Your party and its leaders paid for the caravans and ordered the partners to lie to immigration, and you lie for them

realdonaldtrump you said Mexico would pay for the wall. Your words.

Trump is a chicken shit hiding in a corner who can't even stand up for what he himself believes!

He literally said he'd be proud to shut it down and wouldn't blame others for it.

He's not responsible for anything but his own fantasy world.

It’s not our fault that horrible parents endanger their children by dragging them on a dangerous journey to illegally cross our borders. The parents should be charged with child endangerment.

Hey how come ur not blaming the parents for taking them on a dangerous trip? .. Put the blame on the parents where it should be.... We spend billions each year for the illegal immigrants.... How much more she we burden

Shirk it? The H1N1, small pox, measels, and TB tearing through the caravan, are going to kill a lot more of them. You helped Obama encourage this shit-you own it-not trump. remember when 8 of them died under obama and you didn't cover it? We do. FakeNews

Toddler is solely responsible for all deaths at & resulting from boarder crossings. He created untenable situation w/fear, bigotry, racism.

So, if I march my children from San Francisco to NYC with little or no food or water, ignoring their obvious signs of illness and distress, and they die in front of the Rockefeller Center doors...that's your fault, correct?

The Trump administration is not responsible for any deaths of people illegally coming into this country. He is however responsible for keeping them out of this country. The media is wrong to distort the facts and attack someone for doing their job. Pathetic!

Of Course it's Trumps fault that these children died In his Fema camp prison! For if he didn't create this system they'd be alive today!! Catch it!! Kids in Cages, Kids gone missing without a trace, I wonder what happen to these kids? This is a broken system!

Trump: you and your freaking temper tantrums! Your are destroying American enterprises!

Then don't try to break into our country: Duh. Liberals are the ones into things that lead to death. Same old story..

He's right, His Administration wasn't the one dragging him thousands of miles through dessert with extreme conditions with no food or water etc.

Liberals Have Blood on their Hands!

They don’t, blame parents if you must blame someone

That is what a juvenile narcissist does, and he is president. Pitiful.

Children coming here legally or illegally ? Please clarify NBC

... están errados y siguen siendo malintencionados. Porqué usan la tribuna perdiodistica para dañar la imagen ejecutiva estadounidense? El presidente Donald Trump es un excelente líder/Presidente. Está en sus funciones el uso de la razón, sin considerar costos descontrolados


NBC desperately trying to convince people to deny all logic and believe whatever they say when everyone knows for a fact that it's the parents fault!

He is totally responsible as POTUS.

'...Una casa dividida contra si misma, no puede sobrevivir...'.. Abraham Lincoln. Desde América Latina y como ciudadano del mundo, preguntamos a la prensa, porqué tanto odio contra el presidente Donald Trump Porqué no la dirimencia sana e imparcial en vez de causar daños

BridgetNaso He's not blameless, just a shameless sociopath.

Blame parents that put their children to the terrible ordeal of such criminal journey.

How can Our President bear any responsibility for those two children, there parents walked them through jungles & deserts under poor health conditions / not Our President. Who's fault is it really ?

he’s not the one who dragged them out of their home countries their parents did

I guess the buck never stops at him. Pathetic! realDonaldTrump

Lies. If our border had been secured like the democrats promised years ago these deaths would not have happened.

The blame is on the democrats. They want open borders give freebies so these people come here thinking it’s a breeze to get in. Build the wall. Take care of our own

I remember when NBC was respected,, although a long time ago. Posting bullshit opinions as news. C’mon , get back in the news business, you can do better than this.

Sounds like another episode of DictatorTactics.

This surprises you?

You can’t blame it on President Trump

It’s nobody’s fault

Many see the parents are responsible. Right or wrong they look to America as ultimate example of freedom. They cross in hope of a better life for their children, legally or not. If the child is in US custody by trumps police, trump is responsible.

As if it was his fault or responsibility , grow up nbc

Respectively, unless Gross negligence or a Criminal act is honestly proven I don't think it's fair that a American can be held responsible for these precious children dying.

Tries to shirk? And you wonder why he calls you fake news. You are a disservice to your viewers.

Only because the MSM only told the part of the story that helps their narrative. They need to explain the kid was abused prior to arriving at the border.

Because that’s a fact idiots

The parents of the dead children said they hadn't give their kids water in days.... remind us what did trump do to have these kids die?

Trump is right his administration is not responsible, the buck stop with trump, his policy and his presidencies. He has no respect for life or children of any race, creed or color.

I’m sorry , maybe I missed the part where trump and his administration traveled to these countries , kidnapped children and drug them across a desert .

How is the administration responsible for anyone who comes here illegally? CLEARLY HE’S THE BIGGEST OPPONENT and THEY ALL KNEW IT IN ADVANCE!

Because, as we ALL know, 45 never can accept blame for ANYTHING!

He didn't kill any children. Their own parents marched them thousands of miles w/o food, water, first aid, etc.

At this point Nancy Pelosi has taken up the Mueller approach and let the man child in the White House tweet out whatever he wants in desperate attempts to sway public opinion. Sometimes silence is golden.

What a surprise...😏

NBC is just as responsible for deaths of children detained trying to cross the US-Mexico border as President Trump... NBC personnel like to hide behind a camera...!!!! As if they're not obligated to help...!!!!

All presidents shirk responsibility, the last president shirked the responsibility for the death of 18 children while msn kept it quiet

A real human being would be saying something different about that situation not oh it’s their fault. And that’s the fact of the matter.

nice try NBC

Tried? Do you have facts to counter his statement?

realDonaldTrump GOP Mr. Trump, they were following YOUR directives so YOU own it. For once in your life admit you were responsible. They were children.

A narcissist does no wrong in ones head.

Showing bias not the presidents fault all in parents and democrats for telling these people they are welcome to cross the boarder illegally. If you had any guts you would call the dems out BuildTheWall

Immigration stats will show it's been years since a child has died from medical neglect. Trump is a sociopath and empathy is not a characteristic. We have allowed this thing of a POTUS to do this in the name of the U.S.A. That's all 300 million of us. Two children! One is to many

Their parents 'shirked' their responsibility by dragging sick kids across several countries. Quit being ULTRA LIBERAL and tell the truth for a change without your normal BIAS.

Oh, he is most certainly to blame for this.

Trump doesn't accept blame for anything. Period and not worth the mention. How is the general population? How are the elderly surviving this flu season? Are there doctors? Medicines?

nbc report how many deaths happened under other presidents? Wait...what am I thinking you would NEVER do that! But keep it up we’ve got realDonaldTrump covered and he WILL be your President until 1-2025

Well its been already stated the girl had not eaten in days before she died and its already been stated the boy died from the flu...which unfortunately children have been known to die from the flu.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration.

Well I guess seeing that Mexico isn't paying for the Wall, President Donald(no-balls)Trump is gonna blame the wind if possible! He's already blamed Obama, Democrats, I guess somehow also Mexico?...even though these kids died in US custody due to his zero tolerance laws!

They don’t.

Even his illiterate base doesn’t believe his lies anymore

Call ARKHAM, they have a new inmate coming !!

It all starts with being a responsible parent. Good biased try NBC.

He didn’t invite them to come here. Stay in your own damn country.

Yup the GOP have blood on there hands for not trying due somthing on immigration when they were in charge of both chambers

Why his behavior so acceptable with so many people is beyond me. He gets away with everything and whatever he wants and listens to absolutely no one. Worst POTUS ever!

Even though not intentional does not absolve the policies that agents are forced to follow

Hey kids, daddy is going to drag you thru a desert for several days w/no water or provisions...and if you happen to perish it's trump's fault. sounds logical.

Separation of children from parents who enter the United States illegally has been practiced for several years. What has changed under the Trump administration is that Democrat officials, wealthy liberals & the MSM now encourage people to come here illegally. Build the security!

Trump must think he is a Monarch and can demand what he wants instead of being a good leader and convincing the Congress what he ask for is best for the Nation.

7 people have been arrested for helping the suspect in the murder of Cpl. Ronil Singh avoid police

The parents have 100% responsibility, 100%.

It’s a big stretch to say America is to be blamed for the 2 children’s death.

Tweetstorm=communication from President bypassing media opinioned reporting

They were being given food, water and medical care by Americans. the adults who brought them are responsible.

He’s insane.

18 died under Obama. Those aren’t hospitals, they’re holding facilities. Sanctuary cities responsible for the CA officers death? One enabled a death, the other tried to prevent it. Libs literally can’t tell the difference.

Fake news

Opinion; 2018 is the year SelectineMedia , NonJournalistic & Propaganda became the norm. Where mythical Sources rose from the shadows to Deceive & Disrupt Congratulations CNN CBSNews ABC FoxNews nytimes to name a few. True news reporting is dead!! Opinion

'No terrorist organization, has yet to figure out how to poison an entire American city. That took the Republican Party of Michigan & its CEO Governor to pull off.' - MMFlint Fahrenheit 11/9. Flint TrumpKlan Now he's killing refugee kids as pawns?

Well...he wants to build the wall to curtail the flow of illegal immigrants. I don’t see how he gets any blame in the children dying. They’ve been out under tremendous physical stress walking all that way. With a wall...the parents won’t try to cross.

Nothing to shirk. It was the rotten parents' fault. Parents abused their children, used them as tools to abuse laws, as they broke laws in country after country. Their families confirmed they were not seeking asylum, they just wanted to get in the US to abuse our system.

Trump shirking responsibility is who he is; remember when he said the President should be fired for a govt shutdown? FactsMatter SaturdayMorning realDonaldTrump PressSec cnnbrk

realDonaldTrump doesn’t know how to take responsibility for anything, Especially the USA. He is too busy deflecting, bullying and blaming. He needs to do the job he was elected to do instead of whining, deflecting or bullying. Or step aside and let a real president handle it.

And trump is correct. The USA bears no responsibility.

All trumps fault everything that happens is because of him

Well being that he's at the White House has cancelled all his Christmas plans only left to visit the soldiers and Pelosi is where? Oh right in Hawaii at a exclusive resort


REPORT: 8-year-old Guatemalan boy who died in U.S. custody on Christmas Eve tested positive for influenza B, according to the New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator.

Because the administration doesn’t It’s the parents committing multiple criminal acts by hauling their innocent kids 1000’s of miles cross country to illegally enter the US.

With him, it’s always someone else’s fault/responsibility. His cousin ‘not me’ and his niece ‘ida-no’ are running the country!

Put it all out in the Tweet. He’s blaming the Democrats for the deaths. Trump realDonaldTrump is the most despicable and a person with no empathy at all.

Shirking that Trump didn’t give someone the flu or a father didn’t give his child water?

If it were not for Twitter, I would have no idea what is saying. boycott

They were in America being kept in conditions unfit for an Animal with only the barest Of Medical Supplies If America and This Administration Are Not To Blame Then Who Is? There has to be Field Units like a MASH Hospital for the care of these Humans!

Because they don't have any. Zero. No one forced them to drag children across a treacherous landscape. That's on the parents. Rofl MSDNC at it again.

Uh, you democrats who openly advertise anyone can cross the border illegally own this. Duh!

Trumps fault. Hope it comes back and bites him in the ass. Karma will get him sooner or later.

Maybe a terrorist of a sort!

Maybe cause they don’t.

Fake news


That's a better headline. Improved


No more than the ones that died under Obama.

Kids died at border by Obama too

They have ZERO blame. The faster you understand that the better.

Another dead cop, way to go liberal Democrats. Put another notch on your belt!!

I think the person who just wrote this should be blamed

Chancy and parents are 100% responsible! NBC is Gaslighting!

TheDemocrats worry more about illegal invaders NancyPelosi SenSchumer want American citizens murdered? HELP-HELP don't let the democrats KILL US SenateDems SenateGOP HouseDemocrats HouseGOP SenateMajLdr WhiteHouse ABC CBSNews CNN MSNBC

The liberals own the deaths of the children, giving false hope to the caravan that they would be let in if they traveled here. The liberals want them here just for other reason. Liberals are frauds....... BIGTIME.

TheDemocrats No life is worth risking crossing the desert just for your votes. ALL immigrants should be encouraged to go through Legal and SAFE locations!

TrumpKillsChildren ResignTrump

Trump is a weak person’s idea of strong, a poor person’s idea of a rich, and a stupid person’s idea of smart. Above all, Trump is showing his criminal character by shirking any responsibility and shifting blame. He is awful.

He can try to shirk blame, but reality is reality. Kids didn’t die in custody in years, until THIS president

It is not the presidents fault for sure, we all know it - but those in denial will blame him for EVERYTHING we all also know it.

The boy died of the flu. Yet the deranged think that Trump somehow was responsible.

Bottom Line.

He always tweeted in the past how the blame sits on the President when Obama sat in the oval office. Now he wants to pretend it doesnt ?

What a shock - the man-baby realDonaldTrump eschewing responsibility for the disasters he’s caused and taking responsibilities for the good things Obama left behind.

Because they don’t bare any blame. Those children were already very sick in route to US. Parents should have known better than to make such a journey with sick children

The blame is entirely Trump’s. He murdered these kids and their blood is on his hands. Put him in a chickenwire cage with no food or water. Let the punishment fit the crime.

Parents fault not us

How is he responsible for the actions of irresponsible parents!!

Every single GOP needs to read this vile piece of garbage's tweet; grow a spine & remove the piece of c*&p from office.

A new low

It's never his fault or his pals....Always someone else NEVER him.... He's blinded by his own ego....I would go on but I have other matters to deal with. Like caring for others. 👍


That's a pretty limp-wristed way of covering, 'Tries to blame opponents for deaths caused by his administration.'

han skulle skamme sig

It's all his.

Now that’s a headline with substance

he's a nutt case at best !

If you die doing something illegal it's not the government you should blame

Trump didn’t ask nor drag these people through the desert for days without food or water! But Democrats are to blame for the immigration laws!

Who is to blame for Officer Singh....the Democrats.

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