Trump shirks blame for migrant child deaths in federal custody

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Amid Saturday tweetstorm, President Trump tries to shirk that his administration bears any blame for the deaths of children detained trying to cross the US-Mexico border.


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Narcissism includes blame. Impeachment.

General Stanley McChrystal said it best he is absolutely immoral, but wrong is by now a moot point. Wrong can’t even describe his actions.

But they do and one day God will let them know that without a shadow of a doubt. God’s justice cannot be manipulated.

Obama had 250 deaths in one yr border.. media lies

I wonder if Trump still puts children in cages

Fund and build the wall

Democrats have no guts....they have a goat and they use him for everything...

DeeDash49 ON THIS ROCK HE WILL PERISH. May death come to him on swift wings 🗡️🗡️🗡️

Probably because he doesn’t bear any blame for people putting themselves and their children at risk to violate our immigration laws.

Does President bone spurs realize that if Russia or Syria make a move against Turkey that’s a move against NATO and would trigger an Article 5 Response, meaning America would be obligated to get involved? Maybe that’s the plan to destabilize NATO, Trump ignores Article 5 call ?

He is not trying it is Nancy and chuck who are responsible for the shut down. Put the blame where it belongs and stop trying to pin everything on the President

Of course he does lol


He really doesn't care.... TrumpResign

I would like every single person that voted for POTUS to recall every nasty vile comment, every lie ( thousands of them) or action he has taken thus far. Now imagine if that were Obama. Your pea brains would be exploding right now.

How sad, a human being who lacks all that truly makes us human. * Empathy * Compassion * Mercy * Concern for others * Kindness * Willingness to help others Donald J Trump you are a FAKE human being. GiveTrump1finger🖕 TrumpShutdown TrumpResign May God have mercy on your soul

Trump only takes credit for the positive things and blames Obama admin. for all the negatives. Recall he says the stock market hums since he got into office and as soon as it began to tank he blames the Obama admin. The guy is a lunatic❗️😂😂

99% parents fault. 1% us govt’s fault

I wonder how much blame the Democrats should take for the slain CA police officer

Why is it not? If Trumps to blame its as much dems. If the wall been built they know they gotta come threw the gates. Keeping them from crossing illegally. Crossing miles of desert no food or water was cause of death. Border patrol done what they could.

I agree you drag your kid accross a country on foot with little food and water and we are to blame

Sad to say history will look back with sadness as what is called now policies and people will hang their heads in shame.

I would lay it at parents feet.

OMG He is to chicken shit to stand up for what he really believes!

I am sick of him he has no heart will not blame himself


He’s not the one telling them to come the leftist communist in Central America funded by the globalist billionaires are completely responsible for every death of these peasant children whose parents are being lied to to bring them here

Not shirking. It’s a fact that the admin had nothing to do with those deaths. One child had been without food or water for several days. Had the CBP not discovered them she and others would have died in the desert. The other became ill, received treatment and later died.

If her home was sooo bad that her parents fled to seek asylum in the US. Why go back to bury her there Must not of been that bad. Sad she died but her parents shouldn’t of put her through that. BUILDtheWALL

Don’t expect a malignant narcissist to accept responsibility for anything negative. Their fragile little egos can’t handle it. trump will deny, deny till the day he dies.

Because there is no blame. Parents should be held accountable.

Dems are responsible for those deaths. Even the father of those kids admitted he hadn’t given them water in days and took the arduous journey because dems encouraged it. Start reporting facts! buildthewall

Under his orders , under his watch... Trump is a disgrace to America and everyone around the World sees that...

He's like that kid with chocolate all over his face saying he didn't get in the cookie jar.

Accomplice to manslaughter. Defying court orders.

Donnie Boy, You are the top of the pyramid. EVERYTHING is YOUR fault!

Why should the admin take any blame? The moronic parents dragged their little kids through 1000 miles of misery to be used as a border crossing bargaining chip. Did their childrens lives mean so little to them?

100% Schumer and Pelosi’s fault. They give an open invitation for illegal entry and this is the result.

He does not know what to invent anymore in his WH isolation. He is losing it.

It’s the blame of congress for refusing to do anything about immigration for the last 10 yrs! BuildTheWall CplSinghneverforget

If there was a wall this would be a non issue

Donald J. Trump is Responsible: For the fed govt shutdown: TrumpShutdown For the deaths of children: TrumpResign For revealing natl security secrets to foreign adversaries: ImpeachTrump .

His policy his directive to separate children from their parents He's totally responsible

Democrats have blood of American citizens on their hands from illegals.. where’s the outrage?

Anyone else have that happen? A friend or loved one sent home to soon happen to my family twice

I blame the hospital ! They send people home to soon sometimes

Why does tRump visit soldiers but not children at the border? To White Evangelicals: What Would Jesus Do?

The parents to these kids are the only ones that should be the blame for there deaths, along with Democrat leadership,cheerleading these people out of there countries, misleading them as automatic entry in America for life. Caught, claim asylum, release in US, stay in US for life

President Trump didn't drag children thousands of miles and not give them water. He's on point libbies!!

Trump is trying to shirk the blame for the deaths of those two innocent children but it’s not working. His administration killed them. trumpshutdown

Please sir, I want some more gruel...

Trump, Nielsen , and Igor's walking semen sample Stephen Miller are solely responsible for caging babies and murdering children for their inhumane policy.

His abhorrent attitude towards other humans caused the death of children in custody. Or think of it as imprisoning young children whose parents were attempting to avoid their children’s death in their own home country. They trusted they might find solace. And their children died!

Blame the irresponsible ppl that put their families at risk. You let your child skate board without a helmet they fall and die, was it your responsibility or the parks?

Not his fault, that goes to the liberals and their encouragement to let illegals in

Saturday-probably the Adderall speaking again

He didn’t bring those children thousands of miles and break the law.

Trump is hardly to blame, if your going to place blame put it on the parent's for making the journey with a sick child with no guarantee that they would enter the country....your hate for Trump is showing in your fake news!

Two years with the majority in the House and Senate is still blaming the minority does this guy have a clue

Who out the children there? Trump and his dirty republicans

Blatant disregard.

Despicable behavior has become the norm. Pray to God we never accept it as such.

Don’t be absurd. No one but the parents of these children are responsible for their deaths! Just as you are responsible for your children and I am responsible for mine! STOP the BS already! The American people are FEDUP!rushlimbaugh marklevinshow seanhannity VP POTUS

I am sorry Mr President but if you want to take credit for anything good that happens while you are in the White House then you need to be ready to accept blame.

Can we just stop this blame, no blame game and settle on an impartial judge to investigate what is happening with the health of illegal immigrants at the border? Every time politicians get involved, things go off the rails.

First a government shutdown to hurt federal employees now this...

That would be because Donald Trump's administration is not to blame . . . not at all. The Democrats need to take responsiblity for how they are playing hard ball in this matter. DV

Those DAMNED meddeling Democrats, President Obama and the Clinton's. Their devious plans are seeping into and affecting EVERYTHING that poor, poor TWumpy Poo tries to do. The Stock Market is crashing down around his ears, a massive recession looms and the government is shut down.

Did we expect anything different?

He has none. Told them not to make the trip just like Obama did. Try again.

Children’s blood on Trump and the GOP hands! This administration is sick completely sick!

Trump blaming Democrats for the death of the 2 children is ludicrous! Trump and his policies are pointedly at fault and Ttump alone should bear those deaths on his shoulders

Make no mistake realDonaldTrump the blood of these children are directly in your hands.

It doesn’t. Did people blame Obama when illegal aliens died in his administration’s custody?

Cowards, frauds and bullies never take responsibility when they are caught doing the improper, unethical or mean. Fraud trump has made it a career to con people, launder money and swim with the criminal. If that sounds unfair, take a hard look at our country now.

No blame Mr. bear a RESPONSIBILITY to make sure all people are treated with respect and given humane care. You are cold and callous.More worried about the blame game than helping another human being. What a Christian.

It’s the parents’ responsibility, NOT the POTUS!!

Donald. It's called videotape. It is an easy to remember things you forget.

The alternative would have been one child and her large group remaining in extreme distress out in a remote area of the desert for another 16 hours or so in one child's death and delayed initial medical attention and hospitalization in the other.


Same thing happened under Soetoro but evidently you puds missed it.

Msnbc How about the DEATH. of an American Citizens part of Law enforcement MURDERED by one of YOUR ILLEGALS. The American blood is on your hands

Contempt before investigation

Surely you jest.

Ok Kirstjen....stand up and defend ur boss....then take a shower.

Anyone who calls out our Government for the responsibility for the death of the two children in custody needs their heads examined. This is total bull shit. Your behavior is unexplainable.

Funny how you forgot about the 18 children dying at the border when pos obama was pres. Hypocrisy! !

It's not like history hasn't told us that imprisoning people based on differences wasn't going to backfire and cause the death of innocent people. Conservatives think human lives are dispensable if they aren't like them. If there was a caravan from Sweden, it'd be no problem.

The person who shirked their duties was the father who refused asylum in Mexico. By your logic, every citizen harmed by an illegal immigrant has the right to sue the sanctuary city that 'shirked' their responsibility. And God I wish they could!

Maybe we should put the blame on the parents, if I drug my kid through the dessert with the flu and they passed away? I would be headed to jail.

All negative effects and affects are trumps fault! He is god! Tell me more lame stream media! Yall are so sad, but its sadder that people buy into your garbage.

This man hold has no heart!

They do. It have anything to be blamed for. Again showing your bias. The people at fault parents and democrats telling people it is ok to cross the boarder illegally.

Admin is NOT to blame for those children dying. They left their home country BECAUSE of the poor health situation there - not here! If their own country had not failed them, they would not have trudged their children across a country that doesn’t GAD about THEIR own people

Hey MSNBC why didn't you ever report this; 'Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. …/introducing-michae.../

Trump thinks he's coated in Teflon.

Well folks the ONLY ones responsible for the death of those children are the ADULTS that had them travel miles and NEVER took care of them...How the H is our country responsible for other Peoples kids. Huh? We aren't and this is how the media controls the morons with this 💩


He cannot take any responsibility at all! He is seriously deranged please get him out of office he belongs somewhere with a lock and key

Children’s deaths after detention along border have been a total of 2. The causes were unknown medical conditions. How many innocent deaths resulted from your beloved leftist voting base of illegal alien criminals, MS-13, narco-traffickers, human traffickers & child sex abusers?!


They don’t.

The US bears no responsibility. ITS THE FAULT OF THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. PERIOD. They should be quarantined at the border because who knows what diseases they have. MSM makes a big deal of this but what about those who died b4 getting here? U don't hear about that, do you?

Possession is 9/10 of the law. Once you take them,they're yours. If you break it, you bought it.

45 is to blame for every death and every atrocity in those camps. There is absolutely no doubt. 45 and the Republican Party have allowed this horrible incident.

It doesn’t

Shirking blame is what realDonaldTrump does. He’s such an awful human being. How horrible that the POTUS responds to the death of a child under US care in this way. The GOP who stay silent are just as disgusting.

President Trump staying in Washington ready to sign budget bill. Hey Rep Pelosi, your State Sanctuary policies causing crime, get back to Washington and start legislating to build the wall and protect the public! How much a day?

CrimesAgainstHumanity ImpeachTrumpNow

I don’t know many athletes that could make that journey without ailments.. much less 5-7 year olds..

ResignNielsen ResignNielsen

Trump is responsible for the deaths of the children detained and for the shutdown. He needs to go!

of course he does...he is never responsible for anything....but he really is responsible for everything. wonder how he likes being president now 😀😀😀

It is ALL his fault! His separation policy is inhumane. Overcrowding of his detention centers Has caused an inability to provide proper medical care. Trump will never uphold our American values and ideals. Time to Impeach, Article 25, or Resign.

It’s all his fault!

Why are we blaming the US immigration dept. They are just dedicated citizens doing what Congress has charged them to do. Anyone really think they wake up and say lets kill some kids today ? Its political ridiculous rhetoric.

How would it be his fault?

How is it anyone else’s fault but those who put them in that situation?

A vast majority of the children were brought here without their parents, and a good percentage of the kids who did have adults present had no clue who the adults actually were. Those poor children suffered because of the neglect from their home countries, not because of the U.S.

This is the T-RUmpian Era. T-RUmp is never to blame for anything. All problems are the result of Obama, a Clinton, Deep State, Democrats or never-T-RUmpers. Get with the program.

No deaths, in decades due to immigration policies, until the Trump Administration. That should tell us something!!

But honestly, they are down to just trying convince themselves at this point. Accepting you are an evil villain, capable of the most cruel and inhuman of acts... that's got to be hard to do. I'll ask the GOP....

The blame for the deaths of the children should go to the parents and the Democrat party. The Dems don't want any border security. The parents are dragging their children across thousands of miles in horrible conditions without food and water. BuildTheWall

Must be Hillary or Obama or Pelosi but not trump? Maybe Schumer! Carter, Bush,Bill Bush? Not trump!

Without 60 votes his hands are clean. He can’t do shit with his own party or the dems. The Swamp! Tag your it!

They don't...the parents do. In fact, one of the dads refused help for his son. Border agents took the kid to the hospital and he was released.

trump is the most pathetic potus ever to take up residence in the White House. He owns this shutdown, free and clear.

Never hear anyone blaming the governments in Guatemala or Honduras for this. It’s always Trump’s fault? BS!

Anyone subjecting a child to the caravan trek should be cited for child abuse.

What about Black children?

TrumpKillsKids ImpeachTrump

Childrens death must be fully investigated and wrong doing held accountable. Police officer Ronil Singh don't have his life. His child will not have a father. Build the WALL!

Because it has nothing to do with parents placing children in harms way...nothing at all.

'Just criminally' charge these folks in our WH. already! nvrdrmp; 99%

Shirking responsibility... something the media has been doing for a while now. Two wrongs don't make a right but neither does the blame game when you're doing the same thing.

How the hell is someone dragging a kid across the desert without food or water the fault of president Trump? If you people honestly cared about these kids you would support a wall.

Kids dying - who is holding this administration accountable?

That’s right. It’s the parent fault . Plain and simple.

The fact that they even have an iota of care is truly surprising.

Here’s the reality: the blame fall on trump and his Godforsaken administration. Above all else, it falls on the pathetic SenateGOP for failing to check the m0r0n.

The parents that used their kids as tools to get in the US are responsible. They cared very little for the wellbeing of their child when they drug them thousands of miles without necessities and put them in danger when breaking law after law among countries they trespassed.

He shirks blame for anything that makes him look bad, he's revolting & hateful 🤮🤮🤮🤬🤬🤬

Did he bring them here?

“Clearly, Hillary’s Benghazi Emails to Obama are the real killers.”

I share the shirk

What were y’all expecting?!!

Typically it is the immoral that will work hard to get others to believe that morality does not matter because that is the path that justifies their immoral behavior. Morality always has and it always will.

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