Medical checks ordered after 2nd migrant child dies in U.S. custody

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Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is set to travel to the U.S.-Mexico border this week, to personally review her department after the deaths of two migrant children in one month.


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So it takes 2 dead children & a scolding from Congress before she decides to see what's going on the border facility, that this administration claims is riddled with disease?


...and you really think she will do anything? Please....there is no heart in this one

Isn’t she a good shit Maybe the time to go was before the two kids died Could someone tell me why does this country still have children in custody

This woman is racist, has no human values, she said, “this is the way migrants will learn not to come to our country.” With this approach her travel to the border is a charade. She couldn’t answer, how many people have died on custody becaus she doesn’t know!

Do not be side tracked we must shut down the boarder thousands upon thousands die because of open boarder from drugs alone! Wall and new stronger laws are what Americans want!

She'll probably kill a couple more a 'deterrent'

Finally watched her testimony...the contemptuous look on her face - as if the Congress was out of line for exercising their oversight duties was disgraceful. She needs to be removed from her job as soon as possible. What a sociopath.

She is one evil lady. She obviously has no idea how to do her job correctly. She needs to resign!

No excuses - no defense - Nielsen, Miller & Trump have committed human rights crimes against refugees, immigrants, children

You need new policy and an actual ‘strategy’ to do the job! You and Trump have fucked this thing up so bad, it may be unfixable! Sad, but not surprising, given who is dictating policy!!🙄🙄😅

Too little too late. She needs to go NOW. Fire her. Force her to resign. Praying the House Dems look into every aspect of her time as Sec of HLS and demand accountability.

Cant they check them in mexico where medical treatment is way cheaper?

Resign please !!

She’ll pose for photos. She’ll liea lot. She’ll insist the children are not there at all because we have no policy that allows them to be. Disgusting!


She’s the Homeland Security Secretary and YOU’RE NOT........:Period

Get the feeling we have another 'LOCK HER UP' candidate?

She supposedly cares now? Two deaths too late.

we r not equipped to be daycare center of the world. we cant allow these tragedies to continue. its all dems' fault. we could stopped/minimized illegals-flow w/secure borders n fix to our loophole laws. but dems would rather see america fail to see trump fail--pure evil politics.

Too little too late. Congress do your job and hold this administration accountable for all their actions at the border, against men, women and children. The deaths of 2 young children is heartbreaking. Are there more that we do not know of?

Hide all the Dalmatians.

Would not have been so slow under Janet Napolitano. Heads would have rolled under her.

A little too little, a little too late. When she gets booted out, will she find a spot on Fix News?

I'm sure she's practicing her talking points even as we speak.

If they were so worried about disease they would have had doctors down there from the beginning.

She does not really give a shee

What’s she going to do? Nothing

If she can find the plane.

Won’t make difference.

She should spend some nights in cages!!

SecNielsen and realDonaldTrump created this mess!

I’m sure she’ll be anover abundance of help. NOT

Long awaited visit.

Nielson-Trump kiddy prisons 14500 children incarcerated 3 sexually molested and 3 dead. Shameful.

This woman is complicit and should resign along with every other inept member of this administration. TrumpResign

What value do CYA checkups have if they don't treat the symptoms.

And she’ll come back, yet again, not knowing the basic data produced by her department.

No press allowed ! No pictures, video or eyewitness stories ! We are no longer an open government.

Run, children,run!!!


Do we care?


Why does she still have a job?

You casually use the term'kids in custody',and then wonder why they die? Kids don't belong in custody! The trauma of being taken from their family is too much for them.Theres no trial.Parents haven't been proven unfit The kids are not criminals They are political scare tactics..

Maybe she can stay there for a month at those summer camp like tent prisons. Good opportunity to learn Spanish.

Has msnbc reported on the illegal alien who just killed a California police officer? Just asking.

Does she know where it is, you know like it's south, not north? Does she know how to use Google maps?

SecNielsen You may want to do a thorough and complete review. While you're at it, release the children from their jails.

She has a ugly heart and one day her life will rot from the heart out. A perfect candidate for cancer because that's what she is.

It's the parents and Dems fault

Kirstjen Nielsen is a big part of the problem As she allows baby’s to be taken from there parents to be put in cages

She should resign and save herself some embarrassment.

Make sure she gets her story straight ... and nail her to a tree when she lies. Please be sure to use the word lie. Not mislead, misspeak or any other idiom.

SecNielsen RESIGN NOW!!!

And do what? Not feed the children in the cages while she high fives ICE?

Too little too late! DEAD IS DEAD!☠️💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️💀

SecNielsen We're all impressed

Let’s see if she has the guts to really see this trip through. I personally dythink she cares about these children

What a joke this administration is!

Stop feeding the birds and they'll stop coming to our yard.

Will somebody tell me how these children dying is the fault of the U.S. goverment? I’m almost certain some American children have gotten sick and died in the same time frame. No one give a crap about them?

Thanks to trump's way of doing everything now Japan will be killing whales again. HIS presidency is a disaster for ALL living things (with the exception of the super wealthy who don't give a damn about anyone or anything other then their $$)

In last week in office?

Here is an idea. Find out who discharged this child with a 103 degree fever.

She is part of the problem far from being the solution.

Lock her up

Where does trump find these people...this lady seems clueless.

Katemay100 If it doesn't involve that CREATURE being sent on a one-way trip to THE HAGUE for the CRIMES and BLOOD on her hands


liveluv707 Remember her beautiful face You helped in her murder


She could save tax payers money and not go to the border. She will not serve any purpose at the border, and she will continue to kiss up to POTUS. Her non-action or fumbling around is not needed.

liveluv707 Remember his beautiful face You helped in his murder

liveluv707 When will they be caged

Liberals should care as much about the execution of unborn children in the U.S. at the rate of one per minute, 24 hours per day. In the last 10 years, 2 immigrant children died while in U.S. custody. .During that time, over 600,000 babies were executed in the womb in the U.S.

liveluv707 When will you cage this thing


Sorry but Sec Nielsen should be fired. The deaths of children, & her lack of knowledge in front of a Congressional panel about her own department, should be enough to ask for her resignation. Her lack of oversight & the loss of life of detainees is simply unacceptable. Full stop.

SenSchumer and KamalaHarris are starving border patrol from the resources they need and then complain they don’t do a good job to spite trump Congress needs to fund them so they have the necessary resources

Kind of like Titanic investigative group going to do forensic study of the iceberg.

Puhleeze it’ll b a big photo op for her, that’s all. Nothing will change bc she & her despicable boss don’t see anything wrong. After all, it’s not their fault some kids died, it’s “the parents’ faultfor bring them here”. 🙄

SecNielsen ResignNielsen Too Little Too late

Returning to the scene of the crime.

Does she know where it is?

People there need to video her visit! She’ll lie about what she sees!!!!

Useless exercise focused on photo ops. The women is a monster.

what about all the children that are dying over here?

Too little, too late!

Just doing her job

She is useless and worthless

What's your spin now fake news

I'm not sure this woman is clear about what day it is, never mind anything else. 'Wall. We need wall' Do you trust her to investigate anything thoroughly? Do you trust her to tell us the truth?

Want to prevent accidental deaths in immigration camps? Send them home

SecNielsen too late

She’s going to die from her lying

Two children deaths to late...

But not until she kicks a puppy and drowns a kitten before she goes.

Neisen will 'personally review' the policies and practices of border control? Where has she been all this time and what the hell has she been doing? Her goal seems to be creating the most misery possible for asylum seekers and especially the children.

'Keep up the good work.'

The parents are 100% responsible for these children's deaths!!!

So sad that you tweeters can't see past your own hate. The problem isn't here - aim your hate at the countries they left.

They were critically ill before they got in custody. Blame the parents.

Well then. Everything will be coming up roses under her expert guidance. NOT.

Fire her racist, bootlicking a$$.

Perhaps she will come to the conclusion that it’s the children’s fault that they died. Herebis a solution, Madam Secretary: leave the children with their guardians!

What about 18 who passed away, or the constant use of tear gas? Wait thats Obama

No one wants to see her.

So it takes dead children to get Nielsen’s attention?

Too little too late.

trump sure does know how to pick the incompetent

Too little; too late

Why didn’t they do one first when the first child died?

Both kids were brought on a treacherous journey by their parents and were taken care of by CBP. Both were taken to a hospital when they showed signs of illness and both were subsequently released. BuildTheWall & Save the kids. CDC should be as worried as American parents are.

Msnbs is so dishonest.

Perfect candidate to go to prison for a very long time.

This is a clear example of someone being in way over their head from the beginning.

NOT two migrant children. Two ILLEGAL migrant children.

Lock Her up...

She should travel to The Hague to answer for the deaths instead

All you individuals that are responding with hateful statements should be ashamed of yourselves and try to help solve this situation. Criticizing government officials needs to slowdown.

so how many died under Obama? inquiring minds should report that

She must go. She doesn't have a clue about what's going on in her org. She couldn't even answer simple basic questions about what her job entails. Perhaps another job would suit her better. Bye Bye Nielsen.

Kirsten Nielsen should be the one to spend time in a cage and on concrete floors, then she would understand what a useless bitch she is and how inhuman.

Oh, that makes me feel better. NOT. She’s a conspirator in child abuse who belongs in jail for what she’s done.

Blood is on her hands.She collaborated with other members of the Reich- Steven Miller, Trump and John Kelly-to maim & injure these children & their families.She had no answers for Congress about the number of migrant deaths,because she still needed 2 coordinate the lies with ICE.

Nice photo op. Shows she really cares. She'd better not wear Melania's jacket on this one.

Fire her now and then have congress investigate her shenanigans.

She needs to get her lazy ass to work. Was she too busy consoling her 'friend' General Kelly.

We shouldn't even be having this discussion. Thanks to tRump deciding to make seeking Asylum a nightmare

They would be alive and in their home country if the USA simply deported them immediately. Deport these kids to their homeland, not doing so is a crime.

Which isn’t our fault that these are sickly children whose parents have drudged and dragged them through miles and didn’t feed adequately, died! AMERICAN children die yearly from the flu! Where’s that concern?

They should have she go through all the steps these children go through. Tin foil blanket, separation, abuse....everything.

Why? All she's gonna do is stand there and be her usual bobblehead

'I could have supported the help of health, security and safety if only I would have received my funds from IMF, US Treas. Dept. and the Fed. Resrv. Bank sooner...'

Why doesn’t she just get the poor kids out of there!

She should stay in those conditions and see if she can make it a week.

👎🏿To HE— 🔥 w/her!! The 🍊🤡 all of a sudden, goes to visit troops & clown’s himself even more &, now this LYING XXXX goes to make a, photo op/public relations visit, after children DIE!! These people have no..., & warrant NO FORGIVENESS!!! At least from US(A)!!!

What will be gained by an unqualified, incompetent and ass of a department to the Mexican border and the idiot can't make a phone call to elicit proper information.

Its disturbing that the public can't get the facts on this. Local news seems to be the most reliable. O before it gets twisted to a agenda. Left or right ,,disturbing.

For what?

Yeah... maybe time to check on the places where people you have incarcerated are dying.. What a great idea..

from her office, it must not seem so bad if you want to go deep into denial. hopefully, she will be exposed to some reality that will fucking ruin her life, like she ruins theirs.

Anything that they’re doing now could and should have been done earlier

Have they got her cell ready? Can't imagine this cold hearted women spending the night in a plush hotel with room service, maid service and a soaker tub! She is there to collect facts...RIGHT?

What is she ‘reviewing’ Is she not briefed constantly? What kind of circus is she running? Is she going to be put on trial for what she’s allowing regarding all the innocent children left in filthy, unsafe and unlawful ‘camps’? Is she dead yet? We are waiting!

And the she - monster isn't gonna do a dam thing about it but lie and blame the parents

She belongs in jail. Period.

That's what happens when you drag your child across half a continent.

SecNielsen Is an evil person. Remember, Kelly, who is a racist, was her boss.


Oh please. KidKillerKirsten

Who is Homeland Security paying millions to run these detention centers?

Put the blame where it goes on the Parents or whoever drug those children all those miles ill. Their conditions should have been addressed before they were! Parents fault!

What’s the point? She will deny any wrongdoing and just tell the American people what realDonaldTrump wants her to say. She’s a complete fraud like the rest of Trump’s administration!

So she can't get straight answers from those who report to her? Sounds like it isn't a tight ship as she may think.......

It's about time!

maybe she can bunker down and stay a few days, to give her a feel of what its like as a scared child who doesnt speak the language of her captors.. just a thought.

Perhaps a visit to the unemployment office would be more in order.

Pretty certain she'll give herself an A+...

What good will that do!!!!!

Yes! Because she's an expert on how to cage children in a healthful way!

Is there a nice beach resort there? Because I can't imagine she cares any more about migrants today than last week

Is this her chance to kill one of those kids personally?

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