Would pay demands cost an extra £28bn?

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The prime minister and health secretary both claim they would cost an extra £1,000 per household.

On 7 December, we asked the Treasury how it came up with the £28bn and £1,000 per family figures.

That gives £27bn - the other £1bn comes from "assumptions on pay drift and workforce growth", which have not been specifiedWe asked the government why its figures were for 2023-24, when the strikes and disputes are over pay settlements in the current year? Ben Zaranko, from the IFS, points out that CPI inflation is forecast by the OBR to average 5.5% in 2023/24.year", he told us.


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You would be ok with your private health care doctors and nurses would be there for you prime minister

An extra £1,000 per UK household from extra taxation? Even from the 43% (23m) who don’t earn enough to pay tax? Wouldn’t it be better to use your time & energy ensuring workers get a living wage so they can pay tax & boost the economy rather than shrinking it & scaremongering

Stop giving our money away and pay us our due. Keep British money in Britain!!!!

Way less than the government blew on sub-standard PPE or Track and trace!

If an app can cost 37 billion a pay rise can cost 28 billion.

So basically Rishi Sunak is lying just like Boris Johnson used to...and look what a mess he left...

The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) forecasts average ~10% inflation for 2022-23. A rise for public sector workers in line with this would cost ~£23bn For 28 million UK households, that's about £820 each Sunak put £11pms down the drain. Paying for done work is different


No. This man lies like a rug.

Wow so not even as much as the failed track and trace app! Sounds good!



Now here is where we need more detail! Is he talking weekly sum or yearly! If it yearly it would be minuet! Weekly then very understandable and but unlikely!

So it’s ok to poor billions into the pockets of Tax evaders, but not ok for workers to get a fair days pay for a days work 🤬

all money gifted to hard done to workers will be spent and taxed many times over, it's not disappearing to tax havens. Come on BBC news lift your game!

How much has Brexit cost?

Michelle Mone could fund that herself!

blondiesa More than half of it will end up back in the treasury after taxes

The BBC are campaigning again. Inflation will be high next year too and taxes will have to rise further to meet these new demands.

A lot of the money would be recycled in local economies, better than being hoovered up by money grabbing CEO's and stashed in ever expanding offshore accounts!

Kick all these ILLEGAL immigrants out at a cost of £7million pounds a day and use that money to pay the striking workers of this country the money they deserve...Any other country would not house ILLEGAL immigrants in 4 and 5 star hotels its not being racist its common sense...

Found £37 billion for a shit app that no one used, was completely pointless and has now been scrapped. If they wanted to bomb another country in the middle east we'd find £100bn, we'll send billions to Ukraine this year. But fuck me what an outrage if we raise wages.

Well it’s a lot less than paying the government donors, if we just stopped the government corruption, that would be more than double the pay demands. I know who I want my taxes to go to and it’s not MattHancock pub landlord ToryCostOfGreedCrisis

Pay demands would not cost the public a penny, because taxes do not fund spending. Learn about Modern Money Theory. MMT trickleUp

It's all about applying the Thumb pressure to maintain the power. It's now the middle class who are feeling the pinch on there income. Which has not been seen since early 90s . Yet It's ok for MP'S to vote themselves a pay rise and increase the attendance for the house of Lords

davidamunday BBC does pick up the important issue of if Government pays public sector workers more, the workers pay Tax and National Insurance that goes back to the Government so it net costs the Government less. There is also a second order effect as the staff spend the money they pay VAT

No - & even if it did we have the Mone-y... we printed it up for Test & Trace - we have no idea where the money has gone... furthermore, our elite rulers don't care!

No one strikes for the fun of it. They lose pay. You only contemplate striking if you feel pushed to the limit. The Government must negotiate and stop blaming desperate workers.

He can pay that out of his own pocket since he is so keen to be PM.

How much wasted on inflated prices for PPE, Lordship fraud and gouging? How much not pursued by Govt for recovery? Remember Mrs May’s money tree that was found, when she wanted to find it? The amount wasted on shocking asylum provision?

The BBC should also ask how much a new gen of fighters planes w'd cost which won't cure but rather kill people faster n further away it w'd cost(Billions u bet) n how we can afford that when we can't afford any workers pay's demands 🤬🤬

Why don't they use the 350 million a week being saved since Brexit. That would settle these pay disputes. If only...

What happened to all that extra cash lying around because of Brexit

Labour's solution 'We think we should ................ La de dah..........'

The economy is stuffed, 'so let's try for a permanent recession' says the BBC know-alls.

Get the money back from Mone, job done.

You let people pull out to electric don't no let people suffer not really sure what you consider need to get up on the way back home 🏠😂 good luck with the results 😊 bye

Obs - Sunak lied. The BBC estimate that if the government ‘give into the demands’ it would cost each household approx £423 a year, or £1.16 a day. But the BBC haven’t estimated the cost of failure of not negotiating ? Obvs - this would need to be shared out progressively.

Just HOW MUCH have Tory Government Ministers cost UK Families with THEIR Corrupt Allocation of £70bn+ of Covid contracts? RECEIPTS,Police Investigation, SEVERE JAIL TERM Prosecutions for 'Conflict of Interest' contracts. FREEZE/RECOVER/SANCTION ALL of Their UK Assets . CORRUPTION

Sill less that they spunked on track & trace that didn't work. And a fraction of the 100bn a year Brexit is costing.

No. The Prime Minister of Great Britain is a big old liar!

No, because they are aligned with ticket price increases, tax increases and profits. It is the government's own fault for allowing pay to slip so far behind year-on-year inflation. 12 years of austerity has been a disaster. More debt and larger spending as a result.

Ofcourse, more than just 28bn.

No. 32% would immediately come back immediately in Tax, N.I. & private pension contributions, the rest would be spect into the economy, boosting it & where it can further be destroyed by taxation. We can’t afford not to.

He never seems too concerned when it comes to corporate COVID fraud, or spending OUR money on an absolute waste of time, £37billion on Harding's flop is beyond criminal. This man, as with the previous PM, should be in prison, not Downing Street.

Doesn't compare with £37b squandered on track + trace amongst other simply ridiculous COVID-19 related expenditure.

Could we get the money back from Mone and Dido Harding… oh and the Covid fraud money

No because they would get half if not more back in taxes.

how did he work that out, using a calculator?

Stories you wont hear or read on the BBC - 16 MEPs houses raides, 5 Arrestes, £600,000 in cash seized - 2 corruption investigations into Labours largest donor Unite Union - Nick Browb Suspended from the Labour parrt 90 days ago, no reason disclose - The Twitter Files

You are so slow. This has already been debunked comprehensively by Professor Murphy. Sunak acting as if the money for a pay increase disappears into the ether because he, like the BBC, thinks of British people as dunces.

Why does the BBC keep asking the general public questions, when they should be finding the answers for us

Truss blew more than that on her 44 days in power. Is he asking her to pay that back?

£37bn not spent on COVID fraud would’ve covered it easily.


It's not like The Tories to tell lies. How many new hospitals ? Trying to demonise public sector workers is just wrong. Just stick to the facts and let's have the 'honesty and integrity' that Sunak promised.

Shocked that he doesn’t understand his brief…shocked I tells ya

So what if it did?

What about billions in tax breaks for banks and private schools

Get rid of the Fking immigrants coming here bye Boat & it won’t be a problem will it because you will be saving 7m a day. Do the Maths.


Would taxing the energy companies on there excessive profits help cover the cost? Definitely. He blames the unions for this but it’s all their own fault, they fiddled whilst Rome burned now they’re reaping the rewards.

One is incandescent with rage that families might have to pay £1k for pleb’s wages. One might have to lay off the royal toothpaste squeezer and even the royal willy shaker. Is nothing sacred…

Just posting it here without any explanation as it's so obvious

No. RichardJMurphy dissected this particular topic earlier this week. Pop to his page and give him a read.

If we stopped throwing away our money at other countries we would all have a better way of life.

Brexit cost us £100bn! 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

but no problem spending £5.5 Billion on illegals and keeping them in 4 * Hotels at our expense

Remember Liz T they burnt 30 million in a week

Couldn’t rishisunak pay it out of his loose change or is he as greedy and self serving as the rest of his party

That money is easily found by cancelling the climate-wrecking new road schemes the tories are insisting on pursuing. Far better to put it into the pockets of people who'll spend it & keep local businesses going, than waste it on unnecessary infrastructure.

If it's to cost an extra £28bn rest assured it will be the long-suffering public who, one way or another, have to stump-up the cash.

I don't understand the issue get a loan from Michelle Mone? 30 million easy place to start? what about all the hidden fortunes wrapped up with PPE contracts get some of that back. Corrupt Tories have created this mess bleeding the Taxpayers dry now fix it🍕🍷

Care to remind viewers at what happened to £37billion on Track and Trace?

no it would not

A better question to ask, which needs to be answered is How much do the top 1,000 high income earners in the UK actually earn? Not just salary / wage earners but all types of high income earners.

No...Just ask RichardJMurphy on to one of your discussion shows to explain...

Would a useless track and trace cost £37Billion?


Lies. Maybe they could stop funding the war in Ukraine as well as recover some Covid PPE contract money. Possibly even chase up some of that fraudulent furlough, SEiSS and Eat Out to Help Out cash while they're on. I have never despised a government so much in my life.

Depends. How does it stack up against the cost of living?

Why is this illegitimate PM being allowed to blight the lives of so many 🇬🇧 citizens?

The public sector sat at home during the pandemic on full pay, providing a hardly useable service. Many are still sitting at home living off the fat of the land. They are bloated, incompetent and greedy. A wage freeze for 5 years would be a fair recompense to taxpayers.

Let's believe the millionaires who awarded themselves a pay rise and claim it's an independant body... Then tell us its not affecting the post, services are carrying on regardless of strikes..... Who's telling lies know!

Even if they did it’s still less than Harding and Mone buggered off with he was ok to sign off on that!

The money saved from 'Brexit' should cover that nicely no!? Wasnt it all to look after 'our own' & all that...& deffo not the racist stuff!? 🤔🤣🤣🤣

Easy - get the £37bn back from Dido - sorted - and 9bn spare to pump into hospitals Sorted - thanks , next problem ? ENGFRA ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern ToryCorruption

That's pocket change compared to how much the tory cartel has embezzled from the uk economy.

From BBC andyverity That 'can't afford it' thing...here's the text of a report I did for BBCRadio4's six o'clock news bulletin - one of the best places you can go in the BBC for strong, objective reporting:

He’s just given Pakistan 37 Billion taxpayers money!!!!!! Don’t tell me he can’t affect to pay British workers what they want!!!

That’s nearly as much as Dido Harding spaffed away 2 years ago.

Brexit is costing us twice that each year... can we rejoin the EU and use the money saved to pay the workers a decent wage so they can live with dignity?

And once again, you're looking the wrong way, you dribbling Tory sycophants.


Yet he can find billions to spare on ‘climate reparations’ 🤔

No and especially if they managed the economy properly or at all

This is misleading, the government creates money for these purposes. It’s not like borrowing a tenner from your mate saying you will pay him back next week. He knows it, as does the BBC. This is a political decision, they truly do not care or give a damn about the working class

At least and rocket inflation for those already suffering

Of course not! For starters they would all be paying income tax on those rises. The extra money would be getting spent and that would raise more taxes...

That money goes straight in to the economy as the workers spend it! Giving it to the millionaires just sends the money to offshore bank accounts

Faaaaarrrr less than the profits made privatising our national infrastructure.

We all know the tory government only cate for themselves and their rich mates, they took the people of great Britain for mugs for to long! Thank god the wave has turned. Let's start paying people a decent wage so they can live, not just live to work!

Not quite as much the Conservatives have lost us in the last couple of years

Governments always crying about financial crisis when they could just print some more cash during a financial crisis. They’ll rather take it from the impoverished🤓🌚

So basically more Tory lies. Who’d have guessed?

Maybe get some of that ££££ you GAVE to your WIFE for NOTHING as we never got any PPE from her or your pet Biatch baroness ( ha!) Mone!

yes, but the good folk will be happy to pay more in taxes to make sure nurses and civil servant's, get the pay rise they need, and they will do it gladly. and ingress NI, as well. as you pay for what you get.

Where’s the £37Bn spaffed up the wall by Dido Harding. And the £30Bn frittered away by Kwarteng and Truss?

Meanwhile, recently on another planet:

No, stop being a puppet of the Tory party!

Surley. theoretically, if everyone paid their taxes & didn't put it in their offshore stash it would just keep circulating in the economy?

What about the money we saved from Brexit? …..Brexiteers after reading this:

👆🏼No! It’s more of RishiSunak’s ToryLies Read this thread 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

Even if they did it's a fraction of the money spunked by the Tories on shady deals with their mates.

I recon if the boundaries commission reversed its boundary changes from 1980 to today, we would see a saving of £28B, just in the number of politicians who take a wage for doing nothing. We need to reduce the number of politicians to one seat one member. Enough is enough.

Tackle tax evasion rather than enabling it and that cash (and more) is easy to find.


Let's spend loads more on a sexy, shiny new jet, instead, say Willy Wanka.

How is it the public sector pay review bodie decides that public servants, blue collar workers, don't deserve a pay rise even though government have lost control of the economy but the same pay body decided the politicians needed £11k pay award last time, who's needed more?..

Not our fault though is it. PPE and the mini budget was more than this

Please go on strike.

Lest we forget!

Too important to strike, not important enough to pay… 🤔 pay the people, they’ve done a grand job these last few years!

It was said every household in the U.K. would have to pay £820 a year more in taxes to fund the rises. The posties and rail workers should think, we’ll have no money left to use their services!!

And much higher would that push inflation?

Even if it did, IT’S A LOT CHEAPER THAN DILDO HARDING’S SPREADSHEET-and that didn’t even work.

Just get all thay fraudulent PPE money back....

Am I missing something? Surely if ordinary workers get pay rises, they spend them and stimulate growth in the economy anyway

No, as 42% plus would be taken back in taxes and economy

Rail strike boss: There's no shame in drug-dealing or defrauding the dole... Shocking admission by union baron causing families misery at Christmas. Dempsey,an RMT General Secretary who is paid £108k, defended drug-dealing, petty crime and dole- fiddling

Still way cheaper than the failed test and travel system. Furlough cost 70bn. Yeah I reckon the gov can find that magic money tree once more.

I don't think.he understands the tax system Probably hasn't paid any.

Special number

Tax = 20% National Insurance 12.5% + VAT 20% would return over £14 billion pounds almost immediately to the government. Additionally experts agree and Wages rises would ensure £9billion of benefits would not be required. Soooooo Pay rises are great for the economic growth.

Michelle Mone can pay it then 👍👍🤦‍♂️

That's not a proper Tory PM! Where's the flight helmet, the squadron patch and the callsign?! I think 'Train wreck' Sunak sits pretty well. .....or maybe Ricci 'Well.... not working class'. Thoughts?

The cost, if worked out this way is about £300. And that would be an average. If taxation is used to 'balance the books', it would cost the vats majority of people £0 Sunak is a liar, and also one of the greediest individuals in Britain

Maybe if the bankofengland didn't increase inflation and interest rates as quick as they have we wouldn't be in this mess. But the government are to blame, writing off millions of missing furlough money and the billion wasted on track n trace. Incompetent conservative party too

I don't know, but they paid Dido Harding £37 billion for Track and Trace when other countries did it for less than £1 billion. Where did that money go? If they recoup it, we could pay everyone a decent wage.


Ok ...

Pay people a living wage you privilaged rat bag.

Who cares just pay them a decent wage

What’s the point if a rise if it goes on tax?

Wow, what a plan? Workers to pay? Again

Don’t they seem to find billions when it suits? Maybe stop expenses claims & allowances for PMs who have left?

Would I allow billions of public money to be transferred through the VIP lane, to supporters taking obscene profit, often for defective goods, leaving the population in financial difficulty? It seems you would.

Gov made £40billion extra in taxes from April to Oct this year compared to last year …prob is got to goto war effort!!

Yes, because as everyone knows workers' pay just vanishes from the economy completely the moment it hits their bank and is totally not a part of the circular economy

No. No they wouldn’t.

If the Government said so the answer is probably no.

The only person you need to listen to in all this mess is former Citibank trader garyseconomics who has gotten very rich from knowing our economy is doomed until wealth inequality is sorted

Where's there 895 billion QE money gone ?

Get Dido to pay !

Does he care either way?

Well didn’t truss & co lose us billions in literally a day?

Get back the Dido Harding money, won't 'cost' anything then 🤷‍♂️

The BBC needs the 'reality check'.

Brexit: 65% of voters say EU withdrawal has gone badly - Steady ‘erosion’ in support for Brexit amid economic gloom says John Curtice * Professor of Politics, University of Strathclyde * Senior Research Fellow, National Centre for Social Research

What was the average Cost of a Track and Trace App Globally? Does anybody know? RishiSunak ? Anybody The UK's £37Billion must top the List.Where in the Cayman Islands is it? SOSNHS

How about reporting on tax dodging and the waste Tories have inflicted on the economy

No, test and trace ended up costing us 37.5bn and sunak didn't so much as bat an eye lid

Great. Pay it. Stop wasting money on tory cronies cons

Of course not, the vast majority of anything extra paid out would be re-extracted as TAX anyway. It's a load of SH*T!!!

If only these Tories hadn't stolen so much money (Mone etc) fiddled it by giving it to their mates like that £37bn, or spent it rubbish like a Garden Bridge or Gold wallpaper

They can fund an endless war in Ukraine, useless nukes, so fund pay rises.

Nope. Almost half would head straight back to the treasury. The rest into the economy. But he-ho we are used to Tory scum lies.

Oh look it’s a rare sighting of the invisible prime minister.

He’s talking rubbish. RishiSunak would just need to collect the unpaid tax from all the tax-dodging he’s enabled, collect on the windfall profits he’s allowed & recoup the loss to fraud of £billions in public money (Oxford study said up to £37bn) he wrote off. He says ‘no’? Why?

No they wouldn't

Why not get back the £29million of tax payers money this tory thief stole

Decisions this government made is already costing households thousands more every month for the profits of RICH people but apparently that's okay.WAKE UP PEOPLE! Stop letting rich billionaires walk all over us! (Yes I know I'm shouting this on a platform owned by a billionaire🤷‍♀️)

ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern SunakOut ToriesDestroyingOurCountry

Pay increases will further increase inflation but I struggle to see why they can't be given seeing how much the government is wasting housing illegal immigrants and not reclaiming the fraudulent money obtained during covid.

Billions for Zelenskyy and his cronies, 100+ Billion for friends and PPE contracts, no money for the tax payer. Parliament is full of criminals and financial terrorists. Treasonous scumbags

Tax the rich. Easy £28bn.


Test and trace cost £37.5bn and Sunak didn't bat an eyelid.

That photograph, honestly!

Well he wrote of £8bn in Covid fraud and wasted £30bn on Covid contracts most of which were also involving fraud.

A pittance compared to what the Tories have robbed the country of...

It would cost nothing if he got the money back from the thieves who profited from his time as chancellor and the free money he gave them.

No. Especially if we get back the money from Track and Trace.

And people still vote Tory 🙄

Here they go official media opposition

No. Any further questions?

Pocket money to you Sunak

No. Why not ask why ToryCriminals not getting back the tax payers money from illegal contracts that would easily all the deserving a fair lay rise. Maybe cut back on BBC spending £,millions on third rate performers. That money could be better used.

Even the BBC are questioning Rishi's lies ... I mean maths.

Wasn't Brexit going to give the NHS squillions a week?

The extra they get would be TAXED All the things they could then afford would be TAXED and TAXED and TAXED again so . . . . NO

Actually more due to eroding purchasing power

Not as much as the relaxing of financial restraints for the bankers will cost the UK economy for the next 2 years

Plus, what is not paid in tax goes into the local economy. It looks like the government is somehow framing spending on us, the working public, as giving money to some outside entity where it is swallowed up and destroyed.

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