Tom Mulcair: Trudeau seems to lack the drive, vision and will to improve health care

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to address this great national priority and accomplish something fundamental for the future of health care. The problem is, so far, he just doesn’t seem interested, says former NDP leader Tom Mulcair in an exclusive column for

Canadians value our public health system and want to preserve free, universal care that will always be available, no matter how wealthy you are and no matter where you live in the country.

Finding the best path forward is going to require good faith on all sides. It’s just too easy for the feds, and it produces zero results, when the provinces can be sloughed off as a bunch of perpetual whiners. It’s too easy for the provinces, and it produces zero results, when they just point fingers at Ottawa and provide no concrete solutions.

The siren song of the “savings” to be made by tasking the private sector to provide more health-care services is an illusion. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has had an easy time of it since he and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh hit their three-year snooze button. He’s been going through the motions. Bureaucrats have been taking up the slack, pushing their pet projects.


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ThomasMulcair I think because he is trying to kill us, and improving health care goes against that plan.

ThomasMulcair How can ThomasMulcair talk about “preserving free, universal health care” when so many of us can’t even access a routine doctor’s visit? People are dying in ER waiting rooms and some ERs are closing! It doesn’t make sense to preserve something that is completely dysfunctional.

ThomasMulcair Since his vision is to make this a 3rd world country.... he might be tired.

ThomasMulcair What is the percentage given to provinces for Healthcare now vs say 2010. There is no doubt funds need to go into Healthcare especially with the medical cases put on hold due to covid plus the impact of covid. Would like to know the figures

ThomasMulcair Who will trust him? He has accumulated backlog even on student visas. Studen vusas, Karl!! He created delays for 6-9 months in Warsaw office. He ruined all the programs and accumulated a backlog of more than 3 million throughout the program nomenclature.

ThomasMulcair Yeah, Trudeau, Furey, Haggie are all best buddies. They want the healthcare to bottom up Nation Wide. This is the Scheisse that needs to be protested more than this convoy crap. Convoys only did it when it started to affect them; where were they when it happened in the beginning?

ThomasMulcair Tom Mulcair was far better leader than SelloutSingh

ThomasMulcair Thanks Tom! Our current NDP Jagmeet Singh doesn't seem to have very much to say! Pierre is now sticking up for pensioners and working people! My how things changed!

ThomasMulcair Crashing it on purpose , as Cons hold out empty hands for further “blended spends “ not health care! They all need makeup and nose jobs .

ThomasMulcair Trudeau for treason. Now!

ThomasMulcair Mulcair lost an election and his job as NDP leader was it because he seemed to lack the drive and vision ?

ThomasMulcair Is this ctv’s first anti-Trudeau story ever? I mean I realize there is nothing to complain about in his flawless tenure but…

ThomasMulcair Lacks the ability no depth just a pretty faces that has learned to say what he’s told to


ThomasMulcair Unless he's on a world stage, like today, he has absolutely no time for Canadians or Canada

ThomasMulcair Health care is a PROVINCIAL responsibility!!!!!! He has been giving the provinces millions of dollars. The provinces need to be held accountable for their actions.

ThomasMulcair Russian trolls out in full force today

CTV. Why do you print this trash from has been mulcair

Tommy can you hear me? Retire and quit taking CTV's money.

ThomasMulcair Trudeau seems to lack the drive, vision and will to improve [insert name here].

ThomasMulcair He lacks the drive for everything. Western Canada has know that for 2 elections. Rest of Canada needs to catch up TrudeauHasGotToGo

Most of us knew this 7 years ago.

ThomasMulcair He lacks the drive to do anything that will help Canadians.

ThomasMulcair Why are you spamming this article from a has been never won as a leader? Who took his party from official opposition to 3rd place and still hasn't gotten overthe fact JT kicked his arse in 2015?

Healthcare is a provincial responsibility. Stop blaming the Feds for the bullshit conservative premiers are pulling, all in the name of privatization

I think you mean the provincial premiers.

What did Trudeau do to make Mulcair hate him so much? I would think liberal doctrine aligns closer with NDP than conservative doctrine. Yet Mulcair never misses a chance to trash Trudeau even when it’s a stretch. So much bitterness.

Tom Mulcair is still around? Cannot move on?

Oh, for chrissakes.


Trudeau seems to lack the drive, vision and will to improve _____ Just fill in the blank with any aspect of the Federal gov't and it fits Justin to a tee ! His only success in Canada was making pot legal ! The pot heads thank you !!

Sure dosent lack the drive of vaccine and climate fear porn. Wef agenda all the way

Not buying it this time Tom ... people want to see the province's plans, so far we hear 'privatize' and 'let's make it Trudeau's problem' - people are aware that billions of health transfer $$ are unaccounted for - provincial mismanagement is what's happening.

If you ever wonder why Tom Mulcair was a total failure in politics this article will tell you why. It's a commonly known fact that healthcare is a provincial responsibility and yet Tom seems unaware of that.

Tom Mulcair works for the homeopathic industry under the 'right to choose' banner of the wellness industry, many of whom eschew all vaccinations, inc for childhood illnesses like polio and measles. He is not unbiased nor is he qualified to speak on Canada's healthcare system.

Pretty sure the only reason constantly goes to Mulcair for comment is that he can be relied on to trash PMJT and Singh as well. He's such a poor loser.

...and the premiers, whose jurisdiction healthcare falls under? Opinions seldom ever reflect reality specially opinions from politicians or retired politicians of the opposition.

Mulcair took Jack Layton's legacy of Official Opposition and threw it away. Justin won that election and Mulcair has been bitter ever since. He is shameless on the radio and seems infatuated with Poilievre. Losing stings.

Nice try muclair…. Do you think Canadians don’t see through what you’re doing there. Provincial jurisdiction.

I believe it's about the right wing provinces trying to justify Privatization. What can the federal government do? Take over Health Care? Pondering.

Mulcair lacks the drive, vision, and will, to not run to the right of the Liberals.

I disagree. Trudeau has been clear that he's willing to sit down with the provinces, but isn't writing a blank cheque. I want funding with conditions. To hell with Ford funding his useless highway with reallocated healthcare dollars.

CTV, stop trying to make Tom Mulcair happen. It’s not going to happen.

Wrong 😑

Might be hard to see the drive, vision and will when he also has a desire for accountability. Provinces have proven they have no respect for healthcare dollars (or workers, for that matter.) Funding election campaigns our federal taxes. Fool me once? Shame on you. Fool me twice?

And many other things.

Actually he has the wisdom to know that giving more money to con governments that haven’t accounted for previous money that disappeared is a bad idea.

No need to wonder why Mulclair’s ass was kicked to the curb, he has no clue what the jurisdiction is for provincial health care.

The Prime Minister is holding the Premiers accountable by asking for details on how the healthcare money is being spent. It's for healthcare, not highways.

Tom Mulcair's opinion is Meaningless

Mulcair lacked the drive, vision, & will to improve the NDP. PMJT fulfilled his role. The CON Premiers of the co-SOVEREIGN provinces have intentionally destabilized healthcare as a lead-in to privatization. Not PMJTs monkeys, not his circus.Blame CONS & the voters who elect them.

JustinTrudeau lacks everything. Incompetent stoner

Tom Mulcair lost the election 7 years ago. Way past time to move on.

Who’s interested in Tom Mulcair’s opinion on anything especially on Trudeau? Mulcair is a washed up shill with no integrity at all. cdnpoli TomMulcair IStandWithTrudeau

Where’s the gazillions that Ford can’t account for?

He made a few good points in this article in which those headline words do not appear anywhere. Thanks CTV writer. But all his credibility went down the drain when he said this:

The big question is Oh who will solve this health care issue.... The rest of your conversations are zero productive... A blaming game😎

Dear Mr. Mulcair: I know you are fully aware of this, but in case you forgot, here is who controls what...

Trudeau spent too much time with the Foreign Affairs Minister without consent from Sophie.

Tom who had no control and lost party lead

It is the provincial responsibility. And my question would be, what has the provinces already done with money they had already received, from the Federal government towards health care. Hummmmm maybe look into that. BellMediaSucks and still does.

Sick burn, coming from a guy who never won jack shit

Its almost like you had to explain why Mulcair lost so much support after Jack.

He lacks the drive and vision to do anything which can happen when u r a rich spoiled over protected child who has never grown up

Actually Trudeau seems to lack the drive, vision and will to improve anything...only surfing and free flying... oh forgot touch nice women...😂🤣😇😛😛

Classic editorial slant from bellmedia and michael_melling to influence the reader. Healthcare is a provincial purview and the provinces refuse to accept any oversight. noaccountability

This is all SO dystopian. WTAF and YOU are centering this? Why am I not surprised? HEALTHCARE IS PROVINCIAL!

Could have left off the 'to improve health care'.

Tom who? The guy who believes in homeopathy has no f*cking say on healthcare.

Seriously, this headline is so condescending. We know too, Mr. Mulcair. It’s patently obvious to Canadians.

Grandpa that tried to tack right, smiled like an automaton in 'sincerity' mode, got his tired ass handed to him by Trudeau and lost his job because of it has thoughts...

Why do you even dpend time talking to this cranky sore loser?

Hey Thomas Mulcair and CTV, Dominic LeBlanc is 100% correct!

how can you NOT know that health care is a provincial responsibility?

He's not interested in serving the people. He's interested in implementing the globalist WEF agenda. Nothing more.

Healthcare is PROVINCIAL. CTV and Tom Mulcair should know that. Premiers like fordnation lack the drive and vision to improve healthcare. CTV should ask Muskoka Doug where the billions went that Trudeau gave Ontario for healthcare during the worst of Covid. Do better CTV.

Mulcair is a poor loser, and just a whiner now, oh, and he’s irrelevant.

How about a headline where this is provincial jurisdiction? Want relevance? Do some legitimate journalism.

Tom who?


Has Mulcair ever learned about provincial responsibility?

Tom Mulcair: the man who has no clue about many things.

Mulcair like Jaggy can’t understand federal provincial jurisdiction!

Says the same Tom Mulcair who lacked the drive, vision and will to WIN an election and hold down his party 🥱


ctvnews and ThomasMulcair seem to lack the competence, integrity, and responsibility to communicate that healthcare is a provincial responsibility.


I think if it's anything, the PM is tired from having to clean up the messes made by Premiers who can't do their job.

Canada's health care system is broke and managed by utter incompetence . The government does not run health care in Canada . What needs to happen is a complete house cleaning of administrators that are failing the people.

Could you possibly find a more irrelevant twit to interview? You know damned well healthcare is Provincial. How about you doing a story about how Conservative Premiers decimated our healthcare on purpose so they can bring in more privatized healthcare? Dare you!

Lol if Trudeau have Ontario more money for health care, Ford would build another highway with it 🙄 I’m sorry you don’t understand but Trudeau does not control the health care in individual Provinces and is not responsible for the dumpster fire Ford created!

Yup, never answers me about my hubbies condition and the cerb.

I know! Why can't he just keep sending endless pipelines of cash to the provinces so they can continue to not use on public health care? I like that Trudeau tries to go the 'sunny ways' & not take shots at other leaders, but maybe he has to start pointing out failings in others

Seriously? I support Trudeau attaching strings to the funds. I certainly don't trust the bcndp to spend it where it's needed. They were happy to give themselves a pay raise while failing to support BC Doctors and burses.

Global first. Canadians last.

i think you spelled Doug Ford wrong.

Lmao. Now do the Conservative premiers who actually have all the money and power over Healthcare. JT has sent them more than any other PM. Where is all that money?

Mulcair seems to lack a seat in the HoC, after JT handed him his own ass in the 2015 election .

He tried - the premiers said no to being accountable for the HC $ sent from Ottawa. HC is a provincial responsibility, Ottawa just supplies the $ and some regulations.

'Seems to' Like it's only kind of obvious

Sorry, who? The only times I see his name in anything it's to slander the Prime Minister with nothing important to add.

You know that healthcare is a provincial jurisdiction why would you spread this misinformation

or anything else but his bank account

Healthcare is a premier's responsibility. Go back and learn civics again Tom. CdnMediaFailed NeverVoteConservative NeverVoteppc healthcare

Feeble musings from a political has-been. Very on-brand for 🥱

Hey Tom: have a little chat with the Premiers who “lost” billions of Federal dollars meant for HC. HC is their jurisdiction. Put the blame where it belongs.

When did Justin Trudeau have the 'drive, vision and will' before he was first elected? cc ThomasMulcair

he wants us to die, are you new here

Yeah, right. He's actually bolder than he's ever been, implementing something tough measures, i.e. handguns, and making some great deals to benefit our regional and national economies, Volkswagen, Mercedes, Newfoundland green technology...

Or the conservative premiers are trying to sabotage healthcare, so that they can privatize it......and NDP helps them by distracting and blaming the Feds, knowing that health is provincial, and feds asked for accountability before giving additional funds....and ctv is helping😉

If it isn't about climate change Trudeau doesn't care

Trudeau haters forget that healthcare is a Provincial matter & that Trudeau has given the Provinces Billions of dollars for healthcare that they chose to use for other personal things. Don't forget theres over 10 Billion unaccounted for due to Ford the Fraud/couple other Premiers

When you are done with the Govt, Media, Lies, Silliness and being Divided, please follow me.

Maybe if the Provincial Premiers stopped sabotaging it.. CTV is useless. More a mouthpiece for disinformation and manipulation lately than anything else.

Self before country…..

JustinTrudeau is the most useless piece of sbit in Canada.

Tom are you advocating for the Federal Government to assume responsibility for Provincial Healthcare?

Is the ER overwhelmed because of lockdown protocols imposed for 2 years or are the injections causing a healthcare epidemic via suppressed/destressed immune systems ?

If Trudeau's destruction of Canada was simply due to lack of vision or incompetence his party wouldn't be encouraging him.

Not really. He lacks primers to cooperate.

Has Tom articulated what exactly Trudeau needs to change in the national Health Care Act? Please be specific.

Provincial government responsibility. He wants to help the province’s. All they need to do is spend the healthcare dollars that Ottawa sends the provinces on actual HEALTHCARE UNDER THE CANADIAN HEALTHCARE ACT. But you know this CTV. You are lying. CRTC will be getting my report.

Seems to lack the drive vision and intelligence to improve anything including his sham or a marriage. Fixed the headline for you.

And the brains

Tom Mulcair: Has-Been

It’s ctv. They want to hear only the worst about our PM and they will pay anyone who will do that.

That is all

The premiers are actively sabotaging HC, and it's out of the Prime Minister's jurisdiction. This isn't a Trudeau problem, it's a voting Conservative problem.

Tom enjoys the conservative pay cheques

It's not that Muclair He has to walk that fine line between supporting healthcare and encroaching on Provincial responsibility

SEEMS CTV is supporting this!1

Does the former leader of the NDP not realize that Health Care is a Provincial matter? No wonder he couldn't run his own party....

Because it is not election time yet ...

Canadians: Trudeau seems to lack the drive, vision and will to govern Canada like a responsible PM.

Whether it is Federal or Provincial jurisdiction is beside the point. They are managing tax payers money. Everyone, politicians and health care people, need to do a better job taking care of our heath care system and making it work efficiently for Canadians.

Why would he want to revive what he has so purposefully sought to destroy...

Trudeau ain't doing anything for Canadian's it's all about how he looks on the International stage ?

Is this a block suffered by the NDP? Jagmeet was moaning about this last week I think. Healthcare is Provincial it just gets Federal money to help operate.

Actually, Ford and the rest of the Premiers need to quit pissing the money they are given for health care up a tree.

The freedom convoy was the end of trudeau.

And it’s driving our country towards the cliff.

JT lacks drive for anything but collapsing and resetting everything. Sure there is incompetence, but it’s not all incompetence.

His WEF handlers wont let him

The Premiers of each Province are in charge of Healthcare. The Federal Gov’t PMJT provided the funds. Cons withheld funding to defund Healthcare in order to bring in Privatization to enrich themselves and their buddies. Doing the same to Education. fordfailedontario

Also Tom Mulcair

Health is a provincial responsibility so why should federal money be used to fund Premiers tax cuts.

You are truly evil

He’s not concerned about Canada. His focus is outside Canada with things Canada has no business being involved in. Re: his speech yesterday about how populism can’t solve the big problems that only elites can solve. He’s out of touch big time.

Tom, Tom, Tom, Healthcare is provincial jurisdiction. The solution is for the conservatives to stop trying to privatize it. This in no way helps, contrary to the lies being fed by the conservative premiers. It's time to call out the true grifters.

Mulcair still has hurt feels from 2015

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