Ontario hospital shutdowns lead to mounting calls for premier, minister of health to address issue

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

“The nurses are showing up. Doctors are showing up. Paramedics are showing up...Why is it that the minister [of health] and Premier Ford can't show up?”

“The nurses are showing up. Doctors are showing up. Paramedics are showing up. All across the system, the people who care for the people we care for most are showing up. Why is it that the minister [of health] and Premier Ford can't show up,” Ontario Liberal MPP John Fraser said at Queen’s Park on Tuesday morning.on June 24, she has not addressed the staffing crisis that has led to dozens of hospital closures. The premier has not addressed the ongoing issue either.

"Either [they] had to reduce capacity in their emergency departments, O-Rs, beds, labour and delivery patients that had to be re-directed to other hospitals. It is absolutely outrageous," Ontario Nurses’ Association President Cathryn Hoy said on Tuesday.


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Because they don’t want to deal with issue while they are robbing Peter to Paul for their new Mechanics training program .

He is conservative. Racist and US footman. I want a warm winter and a quiet city, not freedom convoy from conservative.

Ford is a lying p.o.s and people are dying under his watch. Nearly HALF of nurses polled are thinking of leaving. FordFailedHealthCare nonconfidencevote

Too little too late = CdnMediaFailed

Because he’s a clown 🤡

And have you been challenging him about this absence or just towing the line that the govt is feeding you?

It’s always the same story, after elections we all regret having Doug Ford as Premier again and again, we never learn do we? And he’s laughing so hard right now 😢

Meanwhile, the Costa Rica surf boy is in the middle of a 4 month summer break, after an exhausting Canada wide selfie tour. The state of 🇨🇦 media…

Oh, that you had looked at our healthcare system this way two months ago.

Here's an idea, take money that is used in ridiculous amounts for bureaucracy and delivery it for the people. Giving people money will help overall mental,spiritual,emotional and physical health drastically.

Same as the coronavirus, how many people died because of his negligence and ignorance. Even nobody supposed to take planes and he went to Chicago to make a business with 7/11 according to him'………..

They are still in shock that the people of this province re-elected them despite being one of the worst governments of all times.

How many workers were wrongfully terminated for standing up for a patients right to refuse or right to informed consent

vangoesboom This is the problem when you have two individuals holding important public offices that neither has the background, experience, or education, to manage competently. The public education system in Ontario is governed by two equally incompetent and unqualified individuals.

sharandstevie It’s holiday time for Dougie

Hey ! Did you see the bombshell emails about your boss’s “science” that didn’t exist? Probably have your 16 year old “reporters” all over it right? Will it be breaking tonight? Let us know in the comments!

THEY DON'T CARE That's why.

sharandstevie Doug Ford let our Healthcare collapse!!!!!

We deserve what we get when this province votes conservative.

Because a bunch of narcissists are running our Province. 🤬


End the vaccine mandates

Did the hospitals remove their useless vax mandates yet? Are those staff back at work?

The whole thing is set to collapse, due to prolonged hysteria and religious fervor.

Doug is to busy golfing and enjoying his free endless summer holiday. fordnation should be held to 4 weeks of summer holidays max. Enough of this milking the Ontario taxpayers globalnews CTVNews CityNewsTO NEWSTALK1010

I’m pretty sure everybody in charge is ignoring the issue as the triple and quadruple vaxxed are the ones in the hospital. And they were the ones advocating for unvaxxed to be fired and let go. Short staffed, overworked, zero management while they all get bonuses

Why show up when you just got re-elected? 🤷‍♂️

fire all the overpaid hospital administrators first. then hire back all the healthcare workers let go because of idiotic vax mandates.

Why is Sylvia wearing a mask? We can’t have a covidian health minister - that will just perpetuate the problem.

Because Ford's head is fatter that his ass ! !

Ontario voted in a totally incompetent government again. We just didn't learn anything from the last Ford government, so should we be surprised this time around.

He’s a fraud

more left media pushing fear. where was all this media attention when the Liberals were in power over 10+years?

Ford is at his cottage

gee idk..

It’s kinda late now. He’s in for another 4 years and he’s going to do whatever he wants, like usual. Who’s going to stop him?!

Thank you for reporting this. Please keep applying pressure to hold fordnation and SylviaJonesMPP accountable. RepealBill124 FordFailedOntario FordFailedHealthcare

Should be calls for his resignation due to incompetence

Ford has had years to RepealBill124 . Why would he start caring now? He's never listened to nurses

This is the first headline I’ve seen in years attacking a right wing politician by Canadian media ! It’s almost as important as a haircut ffs !

Dock their salaries for being totally absent during Ontario's dangerous health crises. HealthCareCrisis FireSylviaJones AbsenteeMinister AbsenteePremier FordFailsOntarioAgainAndAgain DougFraud DrinkUpSuckers StopVotingConservative StopVotingForIdiots onpoli

Or how about the Deputy Prime Minister? Where has she been hiding,? Oh shit I forgot she's at her 2nd job...that Board of Trustees job

good of you to finally notice.

Can s.b. Please explain it to me? In different news you read different reasons: is the Bill 124 the reason & since the nurses do not get the raise they want, & they can’t go on strike then the ERs are shut down to put pressure on the province?

I was a patient at North York General ER today. Ford’s government is hiring PA’s to replace nurses. I was left in a wheelchair, in the parking lot, alone, with no phone, at 9pm by a PA, waiting for my husband to find me. Not knowing how I would get to his car with vertigo.

Cottage man...

Ontarians have no one to blame but themselves, they did after all reelect him to office.

About fucking time you reported on this

It's their summer vacation

CTVNews Good to finally have you reporting about FordfailedOntario qnd sylviajonesismissing but are you going to press them for a plan to fix it? The talking points aren't getting us anywhere. fordnation & SylviaJonesMPP need to get off the golf course & focus on their jobs.

Because they want our healthcare to fail, so they can bring in private companies to ‘save us’.

It‘s new normal in Canada. Justin doesn't show up either.

Bonnie Henry showed up,? To vaccinate young children,? Must have been a court recess for with holding Evidence on how bad the vax could be for human beings,? Way to go Henry,? Sure would love to know the dollars you made through all these lies

merry123459 Because they could care less about our healthcare system

Because hiding worked during the election, so they are all hiding. Rather than be accountable…. Like hiding crucial money from healthcare during a world wide pandemic…. Shameful…

Bc he wants to privatize healthcare and as usual the Canadian government has ignored healthcare issues for decades. Nothing new here. It’s sickening!! It’s neglect on the governments part. They should be charged just as a nurse could be.

GreasonScott fordnation wants the healthcare system to collapse. He put his head clapping seal SylviaJonesMPP to ensure it. A complete collapse will facilitate and speed up the privatization of healthcare which has been a goal of Ford’s since day one.

We already know the answer. It's because they're lazy and corrupt worthless bags of hammers

Thank you for asking questions and exposing this government 18% only voted for this majority

Why didn’t anyone vote again? 😩

Has anyone contacted CEO of UHN? I know he has plenty to say on the state of health care in the province. From what I've read he thinks there's a lot of blame to go around.

And why has it taken so long for CdnMedia to notice. We’re tired of you giving DougFord a pass. You saddled Ontario with this corrupt callous lazy govt. This is your fault. You gave fordnation a pass consistently. CdnMediaFailed. How many will suffer now.

But I heard nurses are not showing up? I heard there was a shortage of personnel ? What is the truth?

It’s all Trudeau’s fault!? Isn’t it!? Where’s that $4.4billion? Where are the mandate letters!? Can we get to see their real plan for our health care!? You know the one on which private sector kicks in!? CdnMediaFailed NeverVoteConservative

Same reason you guys didn't show up BEFORE the last election to talk about Ford.

Because they want to privatize and line their pockets

We can thank the people who didn’t vote so sad we are stuck with this shit for 4 more years🤮😢

The problem with the Emergency Care is the fault of the Liberals and Kathleen Wynne & their stupid elitist fast tracking design... fordnation will fix what the Liberals broke

Are they showing up though. If they are then why is the system failing?

Every single Health Care provider in this province should WildCat They could crush ONgov to ashes overnight.

Mostly because he is that white stuff that forms in the corner of your mouth when your thirsty. Cant expect too much from that sort of thing

Too bad the media didn’t show up before the election. 🤬

To busy golfing, doing photo ops with corporate donors, and cottaging.

Not to make light of the despicable deriliction of duty by SylviaJonesMPP fordnation......

Because they're not there to help improve Ontario. They're only.looking after thir own interests. They're divergent interests

Doug Ford only shows up for his tee times with real estate developers

Thank you for trying with this headline. But the whole crisis here is literally that nurses and doctors are NOT showing up. And the ministry is doing absolutely nothing about it....

too busy at his cottage

CountFloyd2020 Conservatives are not interested in healthcare or public education. They are interested in building pointless highways and condo towers.

More young people should have voted and we wouldn't be in this situation.

No Internet on the cottage so Ford does not know what is happening

Where were these types of stories before the election? This didn't just start happening yesterday.

Appearantly, the nurses and doctors are not showing up... otherwise there would not be shut downs. Worse now than when pandemic started. Why? Burnout maybe some. Unvax firings..some. I don't know. There is one other thing that could be happening...unintentionally.

So we're what 30 minutes from national post and true north and CPC proud to start saying 'how could trudeau do this'?

Maybe there are busy! You never know

Fuckin jokes

The answer is easy … hire back nurses fired during the pandemic … take action and make it happen .. this will alleviate a huge burden

What is that animal that hides its head in the sand when danger presents itself

Health care has been broken for decades but sure blame Ford, nothing he can do, if he tries to fix it he will have to fight the unions.

Ford et all won the election. They don't have to answer for another 4 years.

Can the Premier be thrown out for dereliction of duties?

And cons bleat about Trudeau taking a vacation instead of Ford spending the summer off at his cottage. Where is the outrage for that from Cons in the midst of a healthcare crisis?

Well, if the premier of Ontario has allocated the funds earmarked for healthcare the way he was supposed to, guess what wouldn’t be shutting down? Get rid of fordnation

Ford & Jones are useless.

Yeah, they are not showing up, this is a war against billc124, they want it repealed and are not showing up for work. CEO`s had better get a grip this is their problem, drop the mandates and call your workers back.

The Ontario Health Services is a disaster, the most of doctors only work 4 days Many work people sick is waiting for appointments to resolve the health problems. WHAT IS GOING ON?

Defund the hospitals then say there's a problem okboomer *maybe... hire a journalist?

They are at the cottage enjoying life fordnation

The prime minster never shows up either what’s the point he’s constantly of vacation. Did you know the climate Prince only spent 11 days not flying last month talk about a hypocrite

Why would they show up when they have a majority and gutting healthcare is their goal. And they are totally lacking in morality or empathy. These are cold hearted politicians.

Only the doctors and nurses and support staff deemed 'clean' are showing up. The rest were let go because of unjustified vaccine mandates. As more and more refuse to get boosted more and more health care professionals will be let go until......BREAKING POINT SNAP healthcare crash

The paramedics are showing up significantly later. The nurses are off sick or too burnt out. The physicians are often doing the work of cleaning staff and other services. You’re not paying your staff what they’re worth, for the workload they’re taking on. End of story.

Sk8judgeDT 'The provinces ongoing work with partnering health organizations.' Oh screw right off. Privatized healthcare leads to worse results at a higher cost. We don't want this. Stop trying to do this. Just throwing our province under the bus so their rich friends can get richer.

And what exactly do we expect them to do? Start triaging patients. ?

So herein the conundrum! There’s medical posters claiming that the issue is that nurses are not showing up. Either wage disputes and or COVID or overwhelming ER, Need to root cause any issue in any industry before it can be solved. Care to review your story? Just the facts ma’am

An overwhelming majority gives the Ontario PCs a sense of invincibility. Ontario has become a one party system hence the feeling of invincibility

Get use to it 😂

It’s all his plan to make us pay for healthcare. Make it bad then dangle a payed medical option carrot in your dumb faces and you will all welcome it

Is this journalism or smear campaign by Liberal paid media

They r at grandpas cottage eating

Voters did this. More than half didn’t show up. onpoli

Too busy feeding her goats.

Doug Ford’s net worth in 2022 ($50 million) jumped more than 15 times from his $3 million recorded net worth in 2019 while simultaneously freezing ODSP up to a maximum of $1,169 a month ($14,028 annually).

Because not even money can fix the problem

How about holding our federal governement to the same standard CTV!!!! You are a joke CTV!!!

They’re too busy golfing

Showing up for what? Covid is over and CTV needs a new anti Ford bugaboo.

They can't make the pandemics bow to white man as god and law and go by their doctrine of discovery order of nazi white supremacy. It worked on the prostitutes of plunder in pays in plunder. Now, they are standing up against the tyranny of such laws of governance. Lives matter?

Because he was voted for another 4 years by the smartest ppl

Triple’F’ F*T, F**k ,FORD is to busy at the poutine truck by his cottage to care .

Meas Rhea !

Are we done blaming unvaccinated for hospitals being overrun now? I think they are all waiting for an apology still..

DFisman 'Ontario's health minister broke wind.' There fixed that first line for you.

CTV is a joke

Did Ford's antivaxer daughter succumb to covid? Or did she just skate on by with no consequences for not participating in the program?

Sk8judgeDT Because they can’t talk to any problem or issue in any real way without a teleprompter or a binder. They don’t have any solutions or suggestions. They won the election and they think their jobs ended right there.

The NDP called for this forever yet they only mention the stupid Liberals that fired 1,500 nurses adding to the crisis. Why is it the NDP is not mentioned when they are the only party that had power that did not make any cuts to healthcare? Radicicolous mind control is the answer

Maybe because they weren’t elected by a majority of the province? ie are illegitimate leaders? Why would an illegitimate leader care about constituents?

Prepping for return to Queens Park.

he made brief announcment someone died then that was all....its like 'i need an excuse to not be public' sad someone passed but woa , do you care if more die? he doesnt hes back hiding on his roof

Run with this and report back..that would be an amazing story. Also track down hospital administrators and see what they have to say about the crisis.

Let me guess what possibly may occur, lack of workers are forcing shutdowns, 'covid/monkey pox' surges, having a 7th wave. Need lockdowns and mandates, hospitals can't take the volumes. Fall is approaching. Preventing people from dying and spreading !

It's easy...when the CdnMediaFailed never holds them accountable for anything and focuses on the PM vacationing, fordnation and co do whatever they want. In this case they do nothing.


Premier and the rest of his crew are MIA. Lackies are running the show.

jaspal91 where's Doug man the hospitals need him 😂😂😂

Busy traveling? Oh forgive me...that's BlackfaceHitler

I see the presstitute corps is working hard at not addressing the reason why ERs are understaffed... ...Because of your vaccine mandate bullsh!t. Who wants to work for Facists?

They're is Costa Rica with the man responsible. Thought we was in this together.

Ah yes, glorious canadian healthcare.

Because they caused the shortage and don't want to cause any attention to their blundering of all the health care systems.

Congrats to those who voted CON, this is the result. But we get an expensive highway that will never be used.

Ford and Jones are ending hallway medicine by shifting it to hospital parking lots and ambulance bays.

Oh dear!

Surprise ! Surprise ! .. what did u expect from the con man and his goons ?.

Is he in Costa Rica?

It’s our biggest crisis along with climate. These guys don’t get it.

fordfailedontario fordfailedhealthcare onpoli

This has been a legit crisis for weeks now and a media outlet is FINALLY giving it even a quick mention. I guess enough people died waiting in the few emergency rooms that are still open to make it noteworthy. Still no 'Trudeau takes quick vacation' mind you, but something...

Wasn’t there a recent photo of fordnation golfing or something

Thank the people that voted for this

Its cottage time in Ontario. CottagePremiere

Minister of stealth

Because he is the kind of person that digs his heels in and hides his head in the sand...No kind of leader. Ontario deserves much much better!


FFS now do Trudeau. Ford’s gov is back to work Aug 9. When is Trudeau back?

Isn’t it too little too late? What else could you expect from him? You are one of the reason we have ended up with this pathetic premier.

You know what their Jobs are?

Why is it the governments fault that nobody what’s to work has PSW or a Nurse anymore

Ontario voters are responsible for this crisis. Those who didn't vote, those who voted for fordnation, those who didn't pressure their MPPs,those who clung to a fantasy paradigm that things can't be that bad. We get the government we deserve and the health care crisis upon us.

Thank you ford for killing Ontario health care and you have the death of many people on your hands. Your a greedy person who kisses ass of big companies to get kick backs and watch the people die is all on your hands and you alone

That because he’s in Costa Rica with the PM. This is what you get when you vote in a loser like Ford

Because this is what he wants. They’re waiting patiently to make their case for private health care. It’s very clear and obvious.

She was useless in her previous portfolio job, didn't she try to card everyone when leaving their homes ?

You must all risk ur health while waiting for privatization, we're working as fast as we can to get it done, it's in the mandate letters, right fordnation and SylviaJonesMPP?

Been mia since the election but yet running the province is 24/7 ...😡😡

CTV I thought I blocked all you Fake news criminals from my feed. Like rats scurrying about.

Cheesecake doug ford only cares about how much donuts and cheesecake he puts in his toxic belly.

Cottage season

Thank GOD! Finally! Someone mentioned paramedics! Thank you!

I hope everyone commenting VOTED in the last election! Welcome to 4 more years of Ford cuts !

What about the CEOs making over $600K a year. Are they showing up? Or are they with the Drs who have been barred & nurses who were fired over vaccine mandates

What about the hospital administrators making hundreds of thousands of dollars to make sure these hospitals run efficiently?

Imagine being in a ambulance for 4 to 8 hours before getting into the hospital, that's what is happening right now! In ontario


They are only interested in building highways. Let people suffer and die.

Okay, now do Trudeau.

DFisman Vacation time for SylviaJonesMPP & fordnation

He is following in the footsteps of his fellow eugenistic friend PremierScottMoe Collateral damage is their middle name. Also how many DD charges does your premier have? (3) with one causing death. Still can run for office.

Finally the Canadian media is showing up! Thank's for helping Ford's reelection campaign by not calling him out on these issues during the election! Better late than never I guess!

With Minister Jones as Minister of Health Ontario’s health care system is going to be in for a lot of pain….Sylvia Jones is lazy and will do nothing to make our health care system better…buckle up people and hope you don’t need to visit the ER this is going to be rough 4 yrs

Wtf? You noticed Why doesn't Canadian Corporate Media report more on the Fascist wannabe Premiers in the Con parties? Just kidding. We all know, Fascists.

the media knows and is just playing stupid this is all planned and the governments are all in this together

Liberal attack dogs and bot army has been going overtime. Are the hospitals removing their vax mandates? (these are not done by fordnation. No? Then go pound sand. Once that is done, lets see next steps to reverse issues created by ALL GOV for the past 30years.

elections have consequences

Good to see. But it's curious why these calls, which have been escalating since March, are only getting reported on recently. It has not been for lack of people raising awareness.

There are 'highly-qualified' people running these hospitals, being paid very well to make decisions. Where is their responsibility? If they can't do their job they need to be replaced, before the government steps in

Threatening and firing healthcare workers has consequences!

DFisman The province didn’t bother to show up to vote now we’re crying about electing a literal scumbag

its called conservative government, its in the name, they cant do goverment every day, thats too much government, thats a liberal amount, the media should know this

fordnation there is NO staff shortage. There is lack of governance, and hospitals that care more about mandates than patients. Whatever happened to do no harm‼️

Because they’re collaborators

It's a Puzzle

How in the world did Ontario vote for this incompetent fatbassturd I have no idea HealthCareCrisis ONThealth

Next time people, maybe exercise your right to vote. We have 4 long years of further dismantling health and education by these leaders. Good luck to all of us. Oh, and Ford and Jones are out culling investors, but you knew that, right?

fordnation needs to resign for this catastrophe HealthCareCrisis ONThealth

Because fordnation and his cabinet are just a bunch of self serving cowards who only show up when there are benefits for them. They don’t care about the people they are supposed to be representing.

DFisman His daughters won’t let him show up!

Doug was installed, like a toilet.

Welcome to the culling part of our over population they dont care if the elderly immuncompromised and poor die they prefer it and they can relax at the cottage and sit back while it happens maybe canadian proganada was strong when i was a child but this doesnt feel like canada

DFisman Because the lummox is too busy golfing with his donor buddies.

1loriking There is a problem if the Premier and Minister require prompting to do their jobs!

Do your job Doug, this is completely unacceptable

He has a big majority and don't give a shit about the people.

WHERE is Doug Ford as hospitals are in crisis? '14 Ontario hospitals were forced to close their emergency rooms, beds or intensive care units this long weekend'

6 dr death. But hey the propaganda medias say to move on.

But folks, somebody needs to support the golf courses.

Out fishing with his buddies. Wait, did he ever come back from Victoria? Maybe he got lost and is still there. That’s probably it. Otherwise he would be right on top of this I am sure…

In Costa Rica

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