Poll: Have you received a flu vaccine this winter?

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

With health authorities noting a significant uptick in flu activity last week, over 65s who have not received an influenza vaccine are being asked to do so now. Have you received your flu shot this winter?

File photo Image: Shutterstock/fizkes File photo Image: Shutterstock/fizkes FLU SEASON IS in full swing in Ireland with the Health Protection Surveillance Centre announcing a “significant increase” in influenza activity last week.

A total of 37 new cases of influenza were notified to the authority, bringing to 120 the total number of cases reported since the beginning of the season. Given the increase in most influenza surveillance indicators, the HPSC said it “considers that influenza viruses are now circulating in Ireland”.Advertisement

Consequently, anyone over the age of 65 who has not already received their flu vaccine this season, is being urged to do so now.Yes No I'd rather not say #Open journalism No news is bad news Support The Journal Your contributions will help us continue to deliver the stories that are important to you


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No wasn't called 4 it by my doctor here in Dublin however did recive my two vaccines 4 the virus now doing the rounds and I m 60 plus with one heart attack behind me and recently diagnosed with kidney cancer which they caught in early stages during routine check up last year

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