If Boris Johnson doesn’t save Geronimo the alpaca then the man is finally losing his touch | Tom Peck

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Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

If Boris Johnson doesn’t save Geronimo the alpaca then the man is finally losing his touch | tompeck

‘Geronimo first tested positive for bovine tuberculosis four years ago’Today is understood to be the last day of Geronimo’s life, at the Alpaca Power stud farm in Gloucestershire,


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friendofthefox tompeck 'Finally losing touch' hahahahahhahahshshahhsgagaggshshsgshsggsgsgagagahahahahahah

domdyer70 tompeck Boris needs to resign if he doesn't save Geronimo. Helen is live right now on the Jeremy vine show, there are many inane remarks being made by the ignorance, unbelievable!

domdyer70 tompeck Johnson doesn’t care about 150.000 people he killed so alpaca got no chance

tompeck Quite right..... total lack of empathy.

tompeck Sad yes, Currently it is a disease risk to other animals, it’s running around in an open pen, high risk of passing the disease through faeces and urine via birds. farmer poor bio security. Putting local farmers livelihoods at risk, shame on her

tompeck BorisJohnson could order that Geronimo be tested with the Actiphage test. It is more accurate and safer. DefraGovUK, and MPGeorgeEustice don't want it used as it will likely be prove Geronimo is bTB free and all they care about is 'being right' instead of being fair.

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