Life expectancy is rising in Finland – unlike in the UK. What’s going right? | Annika Koljonen

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

Scandinavian spend more on public services and excel in preventive health measures, says Annika Koljonen


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Life expectancy is actually slightly longer in the UK than Finland. It would be helpful to know what illnesses are causing the slight decline in the UK rate.

They haven't got our Tory government

Life expectancy rise does not mean People live longer. Humans always lived and reached same elderly age. What it shows is that less of young humans die while reaching that age (car accidents, war, crime etc) so when caclulating average age of all deaths we get 'expectancy rise'.

Finland has one of the HIGHEST rates of Suicide in the World (27 out of 177...the HIGHEST of all Scandinavian countries). So..this may have more to do with less Marriages therefore less Divorces therefore less Male Suicides...than your Socialist Utopia Wet-dream.

* socialism *

Mothers/Women in charge of public policy!

Medical research informs us that obesity has a direct link to life expectancy. Obesity rate in the UK is higher than most other Western European nations. Obesity in turn is a product of dietary habits and life style factors.

Will it catch up with the UK?

And proper national healthcare with a focus on preventative care, education and a government focused on eradicating child poverty. I'm moving to Finland!

Interesting piece but it doesn't mention how taxation differs between UK & Finland or if both have same levels of mass immigration

Without reading the article I believe because they all have homes!

walks in the countryside for sure......:)

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