Coronavirus report card: Experts give Canada a B, U.S. an F

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines asked public health and infectious disease experts to grade the pandemic responses of Canada, the United States and the world.

. There have been more than 15 million confirmed cases of the virus and more than 600,000 deaths worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. In Canada, there have been more than 110,000 cases – more than the entire population of Moncton, N.B. – and nearly 9,000 deaths.

Dr. Ronald St. John, the first director-general of the Public Health Agency of Canada's Centre for Emergency PreparednessAlthough all of our experts said that our country's response to the pandemic had obvious room for improvement, Canada was given high marks relative to the U.S. and the world. "In the grand scheme of things, we have actually done a very good job and we should actually be proud of ourselves for that -- but proud in a way that we don't get complacent."

Many of the experts praised Canada's federal, provincial and municipal governments for often presenting a united front during the pandemic, learning from experiences elsewhere in the country and usually having clear, rational explanations for decisions around shutting down and reopening parts of the country.


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CTVNews Funny to see this report card now. Love ya Canada, but this virus doesn’t care where you’re from and declaring a W in the 6th inning makes you a patriotic fool.

CTVNews Hahaha. Ask anyone with family in a nursing home how canada did!! USA case fatality rate is 3.9 Canadas is 8.1. realDonaldTrump saved hundreds of thousands by shutting the border. CanadianPM let hundreds maybe thousand die by not shutting the border.

CTVNews the united states was in a recesion, very high unemployment rate, what was expected, this 'raters/judges' are rating epidemic numbers, not a pandemic attack, i find the rating completely ignorant, canada gets A for pandemic folks! that my rating! you all did well!!!


CTVNews lol no way. Jason Kenny and the Canadian Armed Forces saved us not PM Justine Traitor and his puppet Communist Party of Canada

CTVNews Nope, more garbage political mumbojombo, Canada still has no treatment the US does. I wouldn’t want to be a white personseeking medical help these days in Canada. They’ll inject with HPV or a herpes simplex.

CTVNews Very curious scientists to be so subjective. Don't they look at data? The data is that Canada and the USA are about the same less than 1/2 of 1% of the pop has died - but Canada has the shame of having double the deaths of our elderly than any other developed country in the world

CTVNews A country of 332 million and 50 individually governed states will have a slightly tougher time mandating and getting consensus than a country with only 37 million and 13 provinces/territories will.

CTVNews O Canada we have to work harder to make the A grade

CTVNews I see 2 professors I should have taken classes from, they don't fail anybody!

CTVNews Absolutely agree!!

JamesLHSprague CTVNews agree except Tuite's D for US is too high

CTVNews Does New Zealand get all A pluses?

CTVNews Gawd, the stupid people on this thread all seem to believe covid is actually real!

CTVNews Grade F. Canada ignored the pandemic until it had begun to spread within Canada. They refused to stop it at the border.

CTVNews A biased anti-American, anti-Trump report by Canadian quacks grading themselves. Why just look at Canada, USA and the World? To push the US rating down, naturally. How do they rate on this chart?

CTVNews This is so ridiculous. There are 320 million people in the US. There are 67million people in Canada. Yes the US will have more cases and deaths. It much harder to control this many people. New York has 8 million people all crammed into apartment blocks. Canada has smaller cities.

4AQuotes CTVNews I thought I was clicking on an image of realDonaldTrump report card

StokedHealth CTVNews SenateGOP HouseGOP Message for you! That “F” is Your Grade as well!

4UWell CTVNews Can you imagine where Canada would be if we elected Andrew Scheer as Prime Minister 🤮🤮

4UWell CTVNews So all it took for the USA to fail was to elect serial failure trump. Everything realDonaldTrump touches is violated, bankrupted, or failed.

CTVNews Yes

CTVNews You mean New York. Ask Coumo why the death toll so high in his state.

Yet, Canada's death rate is 30 times higher than; Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, AND YOU SAY NOTHING?

PepperMiss CTVNews Canada deserves the B. The US...F- at best.

CTVNews These coming from the same people who screamed Russia Russia Russia

CTVNews Nope

CTVNews Strongly disagree. D Minus closer to F for Canada. Who paid for this nonsense?

CTVNews The death rate by infected is twice as high in Canada than America so......

CTVNews Putting ideology over science... I’d give Canada an F. Despite what our leaders would suggest it is not racist to ban flights from a pandemic epicentre.

CTVNews Canada had better not talk too soon ....pride comes before the fall.

CTVNews This is not a competition


CTVNews Agree with Canada and US ratings; World overall is a challenging question. Would like to see the panel expanded to include experts outside of Canada for perspective COVIDー19

CTVNews I'm surprised the US got a D and a D- rather than all Fs

CTVNews Cdnpoli polCan Canada's Covid19 death rate per million of population currently stands at 236 compared to China at 3 per million. I think that CTVNews' infectious disease experts are quackers! For reasons unknown Theresa Tam declared that Covid19 was not an airborne contagion!

CTVNews Canada is like the younger child. Always trying to prove how awesome it is.

CTVNews Interesting. Do the math and divide the number of cases versus deaths between the US N Canada n see what it is. If u believe China had only 5K deaths then u will believe anything.

CTVNews In Canadian fashion, we never compare ourselves to anyone better. We highlight our smugness and set the minimum as 'better than the US'. Had there been more columns, or specific countries who did far better than us instead of 'the world' - suddenly we don't look very good at all.

CTVNews I give Canada an F. We do not have the urban density that the US has. We are more like Australia. Australia gets a B+.

CTVNews Well the US numbers would be due to the response of each states Governor.

CTVNews God we're so full of ourselves. Taiwan is an A. We're like a C along with plenty of the states

CTVNews BillKristol

CTVNews Check out this anti-American propaganda president realDonaldTrump The arrogance is these fools. Also, they support your opponent. It's embarrassing

CTVNews In the US, hospitals are reaching capacity, and the process of sending people home to die of COVID has begun. How do you grade that above an F?

CTVNews All you need do to come to the conclusion that these so-called experts are full of BS, is read a tweet reply where I once again call out the Liberal organized crime family CTVNews for being disingenuous. How can Canada rate better than the rest of 🌍?

CTVNews I understand why it’s being shown by country, but it should be shown for more specific regions, even more specific than provinces and states. I’m in the US and my area is not bad, thankfully

CTVNews Wrong

CTVNews Canada said the virus wasn’t a danger to people’s health until the UN declared it a pandemic. How many lives were lost due to this incorrect information? The government’s mask inventory was depleted due to incompetence. Canada gets an F. The provinces get varying grades. cdnpoli

Fake news

There are no experts. Otherwise the advice would have been correct the first time, or the second, or the third...

If you look close at the way things were handled, without the $ that the liberals are paying msm, Canada would get an F also. The China virus has been here longer than the media will admit.

How can Canada get a 'B' when we allowed flights from the epicenter of the outbreak? Also how brainwashed do people have to be to believe this drivel ?

CTVNews Let’s Keep doing the good work Canada this is not over yet! 🙏🙏🙏💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

F? I think you mean incomplete- Too many days absent.

Not surprised...

Are these same experts that have made mistakes since January 2020?


And yet the Canadian ratio of deaths/infection is 7.75% while the US percentage is only 3.5%. Is Canada's health care system that bad, that we are twice as likely to die if you catch COVID19 ?

This is an official guideline addressing COVID-19 safety practices from Canadian health authorities:

These are not experts these are the probably the same people that said Russia Russia Russia.

How about Australia, a roughly same size and population distributed country as Canada that was running neck and neck with Canada until they shut their borders.

No kidding

Seven unbiased 'experts': Dr. Anna Banerji, Toronto Dr. Lisa Barrett, Halifax Dr. Zain Chagla, Hamilton Dr. Sumon Chakrabarti, Mississauga Dr. Brian Conway, Vancouver Dr. Ronald St. John, Canada Public Health Agency Ashleigh Tuite, Toronto

Experts, like the ones that told us not to worry, closing our borders was racist, don't wear, wear masks.......?

Despicable to give a leader who tried to stop covid19 travel from entering and F But give the 1 who did nothing, & called Canada racist for expecting action, a pass..

Same exerts whom put Canada in this situation? Open borders, No PPE, calling concerned Canadians racist?

A 'B' - don't know whether to laugh or cry.

The CNN of the North.

Also “experts”

'experts'..................Trudeau's liberal shills.

🤔 sounds like back patting to me !

BC should really get an Exceeding or an A!


lol, not a chance

Of course! 🙄

What experts?

“Anyone greater than 50 k away is an expert” (FH, 1978)

Trying the USA comparison to burying liberals ineptitude again. They both get a huge F for fail. Thanks China

Lol 😂

CTVNews Mayor NAHEED NENSHI CRIMINAL! Abusing power to manipulate elections His adherents coerce business owners & employees to vote for him. Using criminal organizations to threat the owners not followed him Police is the accomplice of criminal!

Really, here’s some numbers I was given...... 1. Belgium 858.69 2. UK 684.34 3. Spain 608.38 4. Italy 580.53 5. Sweden 556.51 6. Chile 463.29 7. France 449 8. USA 437.06 Maybe, just maybe, the USA is doing a better job than the MSM let’s on?

Are these the same experts that said closing the borders wouldn't help, or that this was nothing to be concerned about or that masks don't work or that that that that.

CTVNews Nope

CTVNews Just hope that Canada stays on track and immediately shut down hot spots.

'Experts'? 🤣

Political hype

Canada could have done better JustinTrudeau fordnation more testing is needed. Drive thru testing. Quicker results. Alert public where outbreaks are

CTVNews COVID CON 2020...Magic to hide the REAL nasty to be released in the second wave to blame USA (F) so left can blame trump and right. How many elderly in Canada were killed under the euthanasia laws and it was counted as COVID death?

CTVNews The States should have nothing but F's (overall only). Canada's grades are somewhat generous. And the World should be a graded higher

More expert trough feeders likely looking for more 'funding'.

And China & WHO a failing Z. Covid is a political phenomena in the US. Everyday, there are reports of anomalies on how the numbers are reported. I think it is erroneous to look at absolute s without analyzing the % in relation to the population, hospitalization, etc.

Meat packers and for profit Long Term Care.

JJ_McCullough destroy this pls

Who got A and why Canada kept borders wide open in Jan?

Who are the experts? Some purple haired ring in their nose freak living in parents basement collecting verb

Canada 🇨🇦 1 US 🇺🇸 0

F for the US? Seems generous.

We could have done better but we are getting there. No surprise with the US sad what’s happening

'Experts' have a pretty low batting average.

Canada 🇨🇦 gets a B for bullshit

CTV NEWS epic FAILURE to tell the truth.

*Canadian* 'experts' give themselves high marks vs country with TEN THOUSAND TIMES the population.

Deaths per million: USA: 449 Canada: 235 Let's not be so smug.

USA needs a G or maybe an H

I thought everyone got a trophy for participating.

Instead of all the cynicism and negativity we should be thankful we live in Canada. Our numbers have trended significantly down for the past couple months. Whereas look at the shit show in places like the US and Brazil. Even the number of deaths in the UK.

Is the the Theresa Tam type experts?

Good job...hard to get an A for something as catastrophic as this with out any experience except for history in another time with less people, less travel between countries, etc

Anyone gets an A

It is a great job by Canadians and leaders in the country. Who are these experts to rate us and what have they done to help people get over the fear they have successfully been able to create.

Compare us to Australia and we get an F.

More unnamed experts.

Oh here comes those 'experts' again.

now imagine if CPC_HQ AndrewScheer had been in charge 😬😬😬

We have the 22nd highest death rate out of 215 countries tracked on the worldometer. How does that equate to a B?

Awwww we got a B. We are so good. 😑 really what the hell is this report card day at school?

Fake News Alert ! a Butts Unifor diversion from Justins crimes

Australia death toll 155. Canada is 9,343 what left wing nut job gave us a B

So what I see for numbers. Canada has 1/10th the population. And 1/10th the same infection/death rate What’s up?


Not much bias in this report. It’s a world wide pandemic, and countries who have heavy populated cities are hit the hardest.

A panel of 7 all of them from Canada, All rely on funding from various levels of government.

Our mortality rate among those infected is almost double that of the US.

Keep grading school is a bad idea imho

Why are you floored? Seriously you have to have ppl with actual leadership skills to navigate a tough situation. Like a conductor directing an orchestra. South leadership and direction is simply: Yes Sir! How high Sir. But sir is way in over his head.

With a death rate 3 times higher than the world average your 'experts' rate Canada's response as a B - really credible.

I look at the numbers in the US and am completely floored how they are doing so poorly. Thank you Canada.

And Atlantic Canada an A+++

grahamelwood figured this headline may give you an idea to do a 3-4 minute clip of you blasting mf’ers

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