Health minister: Previous gov't failed to contain tabligh cluster

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

CORONAVIRUS | Adham Baba said if it was not for the failure, Malaysia would only have small clusters of Covid-19 cases.

CORONAVIRUS | Health Minister Adham Baba said the previous government had failed to contain the tabligh cluster, without which Malaysia would only have small clusters of Covid-19 infections.

"On 10, we had a new cluster emerge which the previous government failed to contain, which is the Tabligh cluster.


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Air suam mana?

Kalau kita ni pemimpin sejati dan akhlak Islam kita tak mudah salahkan perkara, yg dah berlaku....kita maju ke depan dan cari jalan penyelesaian....menteri2 ni bercakap perlu berhemah supaya dihormati... Bi iznillah....

We had a pandemic at our gate but political party of all persuasions were busy with power play. I would say they are all to blame , Anwar, DrM, air suam .......the lot !

Check your dates...when did the previous govt dissolve? We had no govt because of u ppl.

600 countries?

first your over confident speech claiming 500 countries you spoke to was ridiculous. And now you trying to pin point the tabligh cluster incident on previous government. You got your education during days of UMNO is it?. No wonder you are stupidly over confident.

Because current govt was distracting them with backdoor activities 🤭

Terbaru : Kluster VIP (Very Idiot People) 🖕😂🖕

This is a loose cannon...another Ahmad mazlan joker..

He just failed to contain his mouth, and his head failed to contain a brain

Abdul Bebal : 500 negara Tn Sadiq Segaraga : Dekat mana tu?! Abdul Wahub : Dekat-dekat negara setan 👹 Jangan marah, nanti kena jual FightCovid19 StayatHome MCO PerintahKawalanPergerkan

a media statement to overrule his deputy's violation of the PKP oder

Well done 👍

DrAdhamBaba u said it best, when u said nothing at all....singing Ronan Keating song dedicated to u

Permits for such gatherings are done by the Home Ministry. Please grow a pair of balls and ask the previous Home Minister even if it’s takes you 500 times. 😂


It wasn’t the previous government. It was THIS government!

Habislah... jena kutuk... he..he.he. pasni terpaksa lah Papagomo backing dia lagi..

Oh my. Stop politicking and get on with your job as Health Minister to try save lives. By the ways, please refrain from spewing stupid nonsense from your mouth.

Bodoh, perkara ni berlaku semasa kamu semua sedang bermuslihat Dan berkomplot menjatuhkan kerajaan.jangan twist cerita

Stop blaming..U all people yang tamak kuasa punya pasal lah..I m not supporting any political party..I supporting the goverment in place dont care who as the goverment was elected by people..U all political people leave nation behind just to gain and who suffer now we Malaysian

If this is what he said, what else he say will make sense?

Nak tanya sket lah...ramai ke Dr yg tempah name tag letak title Dr skali? Ke dia ni sorg je..😂😂

Tok Din, ni Tok Adham 500 kata Tok Din failed sbb masa tu Tok Din la menteri KDN yg bg approval kt tabligh...dia kutuk Tok Din ni..kasi ajar la..😂😂

While his ministry officials are doing a great service to the country in trying to stop the spread of the deadly covid-19, they cannot stop stupidity from spreading. You can’t win everything.

Dah xde berita yang positif ke nak disiarkan utk masyarakat baca dalam tempoh pandemik ni...

Kepala bapak kau.. Tgok body language dia ni masa berckp pun dah tau bodoh.🤣

When an idiot starts to play smart, he will end up being thrown eggs.

MuhyiddinYassin DGHisham Khairykj HishammuddinH2O IsmailSabri60 DrAdhamBaba This Health Minister is a DANGER to the RAKYAT. He is all about BLAMING OTHERS instead of finding solutions to the problem! Yesterday a VIP CLOWN broke MCO & now another troublemaker, Pls wake up

I think you resign and take care of your clinics. Better that way.

Menteri Air Suam, all cos Langkah Sheraton and u part of it.

Asal bunyi je nampak bodoh ... however tahniah ... 500 negara .. huhu

I'm not supporting this guy cause . But MEDIA WILL IGNORE 100 GOOD THINGS THIS GUY SAID AND POST 1 SHITTY THINGS HE SAID AND MAKE IT VIRAL. every clicks comments and share is MONEY FOR MEDIA. so we throw negativity here, they get cash THRE. Bravo media.

Muhyiddin lah yg sebnrnya mereka tuduh. Kerajaan PINTU BELAKANG dah goyang dgn pgolakan besar. Tunggu masa retak dan goyah.

More like warm water

bangang jenis apa yg dibawaknya ni.

memang nak kene Dr Strange ni

This is the stupidest person since PN came into power. Perhaps he is influenced by Trump. Nevertheless the MOH is an irresponsible incompetent idiot

Blame game after blunders

Layakkah seorang yg berlatar belakang sbg professional perubatan memberi kenyataan sebegini. Beliau seolah2 ingin mencari jln mudah dan memberi gambaran buruk kpd peserta tabligh secara tidak langsung

Ni kira fake news ke bukan? Boleh saman tak?


DrAdhamBaba You are not in a position to speak and point finger. Deal with your deputy first or your tenure as Health Minister will be the biggest joke in the history of Malaysia’s Health Ministry. MuhyiddinYassin IsmailSabri60 KKMPutrajaya MKNJPM

Kehadapan DrDzul , saya mencadangkan untuk saman sikit DrAdhamBaba sebagai pengajaran selepas selesai COVID19. Duit saman itu boleh bantu rakyat yang terjejas disebabkan COVID19.

Langkah Sheraton happened at a time when 2nd wave of infections are hitting most parts of the world. 3 weeks of not having a Govt prevented quick & effective response. If MCO had been enforced 2-3 weeks earlier, transmission won’t be so widespread.

It’s not worth mentioning now.. Just get on with the job, will ya?

We are fighting 2 wars : COVID-19 & COVidiots

This govt also failed. Look how many of them already infected the rest. More than 1700+... Also, you're not credible to voice what or who failed. Go back to your clinic

menteri ni nak buat kelakar apa pula ni.. salah kau x nampak ke.. ke kau nak sindir PM ni.. masa PH, tu PM.. menteri di KDN.. apa yg hebatnya menteri ni.. sampai nak keluar tv pun x boleh.. semua DG buat..

Dia jealous, Dr. Hisham lebih popular.

DrAdhamBaba are you really saying this? Can you not say anything like this till the COVID end? Or till you end your tenure?

He definitely need to see a psychiatrist...DrAdhamBaba . You need to reset your memory YB

stop the blame game and get to work..

Pc harian pun bg hantar DG je lg nk kutuk previous govt...

Biasalah tu. Setiap parti mesti ada clown.

Eleh.. Menteri air suam

Health Minister: I've done video conference calls with 500 countries

bayangkan kalau menteri yg buat press conference tiap2 hari instead of DG Hisham..beginilah jadinya..

Don't think he's qualified to be Health Minister of Malaysia. Perhaps should replace him by now. What do you think fellow malaysians?

Jagan tipu.

he is criticising his current boss, oops...

To cover his deputy faulty he put blame to ph and diverting rakyat puiii

Previous government was affected by group of elected buggers who decide to enter into power from backdoor! There was no government during the period of tabligh! If you have nothing good to do or say, keep your mouth shut and let others that more qualified than you to work!

Tahap dewa alasan dia ni..

bodoh DrAdhamBaba

YB, minta pandang belakang sikit, your deputy reflecting the scenario

How Adham Baba handle covid 19 - Air suam can kill virus - Tons of photo-ops everyday - Signed on machine - Discuss with 500 countries - Don't know how to wear mask

This stupid joker should just shut up and leave it to Health DG to make statements. We r not interested in his statements.

Current government fails to contain clusterfuck

Sis...sis x tau ke? Menteri KDN time tu ialah PM sis skrg ni? Kutuk PM sendiri ke sis?

Masa2 nie pun nak main politik.. nak cari salah orang.. buat keje la.. tunjukkan kredibiliti kita sbgai pemimpin.. bukan nak cari salah sapa..

Can we get Dr Dzul back?

mkini_bm jgn lupa esok keluarkan berita dia ni dengan 500 negara..hahaha..'Menteri Kesihatan: Telah Berbincang dengan 500 Negara'..tu tajuk berita yg sesuai..hahaha

Another wrong info given by your publicity team again?

Government said jangan politik masa Covid-19 ni tapi diorang yang berpolitik, government larang rakyat keluar rumah tapi orang diorang la yang keluar rumah 🥴DrAdhamBaba

Sbb bodoh dia, tak pasal2 kena makin netizan!!!😲😆🤔🤣

Your own deputy pun cannot be contained.. you expect tabligh can be prevented? Ask your deputy to obey law first 😂

Stop blaming everybody ... please focus your work as health minister! Focus more on covid19 issue.. please be functional health minister

This guy must certainly be the most out of touch person , politicking at this time , motivated only by his pride or rather in this instance his shameful debut as a minister . MuhyiddinYassin please address his accusation as i believe he is referring to You!

Sedarlah wahai adam baba.... sila pg buat kerja.... jgn sebok mengomen sana mengomen sini.... kerja tak nak buat....

Really. I cannot comprehend how? Its the same KKM isn’t it?

Dah minum air suam ke belum? Shameless. Truly shameless.

Can anybody please ask their kid to write a letter to him so that he can feel special too?

just shut up and drink your warm water.

Halu pulis ade org kutuk2 PM

Jgn komen lebih2 kang anak sedara dia maroh

Mostly the same can bring it up at the next cabinet meeting and tell them off

KKMPutrajaya blady shit DrAdhamBaba

Iidot play politics

Time2 PKP ni, org2 mcm ni mmg boleh buat org naik darah....TIME TU KORANG SIBOK RAMPAS KRAJAAN LA BODOH!!!!!!

Jarang menteri PN tak bangang

DrAdhamBaba apa ni? blame game? Minum air suam banyak sangat ke? Ambil la responsibility tuuuu..

babi betulla dia ni. muka mcm bantal busuk pun ada hati nk sembang politik. kerja pun satu benda haram tk reti buat.

What have you been smokin' YB DrAdhamBaba? 🤔

Sbb wasted about 2 weeks korang yg sebong nak gulingkan kerajaan Kebenaran perhimpuan telah diberi awal lg sebelum ni kes menjadi menjadi pendemik Ade window 1 2 minggu utk tarik blk kelulusan sebelum event berlaku Tp korang sebok nak rebuk kuasa ms 11 hari xde jangkitan br tu


Bukan dia orang kata jangan dipolitikkan krisis COVID19 ni?

say that straight to your boss face first.

I dont think he uses his brain before making the statement :)

suka betul dgn dia ni. mmg thought provoker 🤡

Dah tu.. kenapa kau tak suruh tabligh tu minum air suam je?


Seriously? We didn't have a minister of health from 25/2 and Datuk DG held the fort like the professional he is. Self-praise won't erase your air suam blunder

Sebab tu laa masa DG Hisham buh kata langkah sheraton dalam chart dia, tak lama lepas tu chart tu kena delete naik chart baru.. Lawak mmg lawak.

kerajaan tanpa somongan majoriti

Wait whattt.

Mula dah cari salah org. DrAdhamBaba . Masa tu ada kerajaan ke? Timbalan kamu pun langgar arahan PKP apa cerita? Rakyat tgh marah ni. Sy percaya IsmailSabri60 akan amik tindakan terhadap timbalan kamu tu.

Menteri air suam...🤣

And the person who was in charge of KDN is the prime minister now. So he blame his boss la now?

Kawan. Ph are the best ever Cos it have the ohm to down those snake like corrupted one. Otherwise we b in even deeper shits. Don’t bother to comment negative ya your comment doesn’t matter at all beside supported corrupted one doesn’t welcome to comment. Pc of unwanted shitlol

Haa dia dah start. Dorang takpe main politik time COVID-19 ni

Another attempt to display 'stupidity' to get media attention. AttentionWhore

Apa lagi sibodoh ni nak. Pi maki menteri kdn itu time la. Dah tak reti buat kerja, cari isu bangang.

Go back to your bat cave and hibernate please.

DrAdhamBaba g buat keje la..takyah nak sibuk cari sapa salah laaa..menyampah aihhh aku menteri lagu ni

Fucking Ali Baba... nw the blame game starts... 😂

Oh dear...when will these people grow up... so budak2

You might turn out to be useful if you just sit down and listen to what DG Hisham orders you to do

Menteri Kesihatan suruh rakyat minum air suam Dan Timbalan Menteri langgar PKP.

Kau ni kena minum susu Neelofa baru cerdik sikit.

Just stay at home and minum air suam....

Buat kerja jer boleh tak. Jgn nak salahkan org. Previous govt to TPM ialah boss hang la ni. Pi la tanya Pak Din tu

Health Minister: Warm water kills Coronavirus, hopeless against my stupidity

Agree with you

DrAdhamBaba Its no more of important what the previous govt. did. What's important is how the govt. of the day takes it on...

Eleh, you just nak cari brownie points je. Baru sekarang nak bising.. Lame..

Kena faham. Semalam kes baru 69, harini pulak 54. The number is decreasing. So someone think this is the right time to come out of gua and take the spot. Politician gais come on


MuhyiddinYassin Sir. You have to get rid of this guy DrAdhamBaba

jap nak minum air.

Sudahlah! DrAdhamBaba buat keje lah betul betul. Jgn merepek

aduh pakcik siapa ni benak sangat.

Asal bunyi je.. Kau mesti bodoh kan adham baba😂😂

Ada amnesia kot

DrAdhamBaba u are right, the former Home Minister should stop the gathering as it was under his power, y don’t u push him to resign from any the cabinet post now? But were u not 1 of them to support him to be the PM? Or u think C19 is not serious, minum air suam will settle?

X payah jadi menteri le kalau sibuk complain pasal goverment lepas. Ko tu incompetent makan gaji buta je

Get your facts right before shooting out. Thank God it's DG giving briefing everyday

Minum air suam sampai nyuk.

Camni kira fake news tak?

DrAdhamBaba Jangan nak Salah Kan orang je lepas jadi Menteri bodoh😂😂😂 Belum 2 Bulan jadi Menteri pun cakap macam sial. Guna otak sikit bengap. Apa langkah yang kau buat untuk menangani COVID19malaysia Beleter depan media Ini menunjukan otak awak memang di lutut bodoh 😂

DrAdhamBaba biar DG hisham je la yg bercakap. Buat org mara je. Nak main politik lepas PKP la. 😅

Classic tin kosong = minister of health

Stop 🛑 this blame game, I wonder why you’re still here. Mr Hot Water synopsis! You made a world laughing blunder & you’re ok with that?

It’s true

Who is his advisor? He badly need them.

YAB PM was Minister of Interior who is the same ministry approved sri petaling gathering. So are you saying YAB MuhyiddinYassin is not competent? Shame on you adham baba. Minister of Lukewarm Water. The first in the world.

Salam menteri.. Semua hentam you.. Stop being tak pandai boleh.. Or berlakon pandai.

Deflecting his own shortcomings. No surprise that he will come down this level.

Inikah standard Menteri Kesihatan Malaysia? Kita dah masuk PKP Fasa 3 masih nak main Blame Game?

Ye ke apasal ko tak kasi org tabligh minum air suam je...

I think ppl forgot during PH days that Malaysiakini supported PN very subvertly. Please keep your eyes and minds open to Mkini. Not as alternative, not as independent as it seems. They helped bossku.

Layak lah dengan gelaran Menteri Air Suam. Membazir duit pembayar cukai bayar gaji menteri tak kompeten macam ni.

The bodo is here

Everyone is a GENIUS on hindsight. Using pandemic for political gain. Very very sad.

Jika bukan sebab langkah sheraton there is no kerajaan & no YBMK PN pon sebab kerajaan terdahulu tu masih berdiri. Siapa suruh buat pertukaran kuasa time wabak? Terima ajelah yg awk tu incompetent YB. DG Hisham duk cover kerja awak sebelum dan selepas awak jadi YBMK pon xbising!!

asal berckp jer bodoh.. asal berckp jer bodoh..

Well done, Minister Air Suam. U trying to get the rakyat on your side without getting our vote Pfft.

DrAdhamBaba , Menteri Dalam Negeri kerajaan sebelum ini adalah MuhyiddinYassin , jika anda terlupa.

You could not even do your job well, nak cakap pasal orang lain pula! Don't forget when PH was in power, our numbers were very low! Minum air suam lah, maybe it can help with your memory!

Yang baik Kau dgn deputy MOH hilang bayang, Yang buruk mesti muka mu

Everyone knows the PM at that time is the backdoor MuhyiddinYassin and due to Sheraton Move, the event was not regulated or controlled! Wave 2 Covid19 is due to good works of AzminAli

Cuba tanya Menteri KDN masa tu kot kot dia ada jawapan?

Sudah2 la dok nk salahkan org lain, klu rase diri tu dianiaya pls jgn accept perlantikan as health minister, tu je, simple n clear

What did you say when daily new case reached 100 for the first time? 'It is Sunday, we will discuss tomorrow' But you have time to launch coup in Sheraton on Sunday. Ya la, politik didahulukan, covid 19 dikemudiankan.

Plausible is there!

Air suam bersuara..

DrAdhamBaba what an idiot statement

And the minister failed to control his own deputy to comply with the law...

Too much warm water makes you a fool.

Kepala hotak kamu DrAdhamBaba

Bila Menteri Air Suam jawab, kita maki sajalah tunggu apa lagi!

His kencing not suam anymore!!

Asal buka mulut jadi bangang. Tabligh tu tanya la PM sekarang yang dahulu jadi menteri dalam negeri.

Ha ha ha

Can you pls stop talking?

Lanjio la mat air suam ni

DrAdhamBaba pls look into the timeline & tell us again who is to be blamed? To start a blame game at moment like this is unnecessary & idiotic if this is all u care to do now. It is also possible to blame that Sheraton move killed the Golden time for previous gov to act.

The PM is from that previous gov you're mumbling about. Tell that to him stupid!

DrAdhamBaba Good governance isn’t abt finger pointing. MY is already in a bad state. Pls work towards nation building.

Antara menteri kontroversi yang tak perform. Sama dgn rina harun, azmin, menteri mewa, dgn zuraida


You have no credibility to blame anyone DrAdhamBaba. Perhaps you should just start by getting your Deputies & other ministers to comply with PerintahKawalanPergerakan & stop wasting PPEs. This blaming game only makes us lose even more respect for you.

jgn bg statement yg mulakan kebencian boleh?

Tag menteri air suam ni ramai2 DrAdhamBaba

I thought only the minister was daft. Turns out, the deputy minister is no different for flouting the MCO.

It is incompetent&wicked ex_DPM Dr Wan Azizah-useless NADMA head_Useless_ex_dpm, did not stop all gatherings and no issue Travel advisory 'Stop Oversea Travel',she caused Tabligh messes else Msia only 100++ cases chedetofficial MuhyiddinYassin drwanazizah anwaribrahim

Mkini ni xhabis2 mislead

Just an excuse.

Mana anak buah pakcik.. tolong bekap pakcik cepat. Pakcik tgh terbakar nih

Ni macam nak attack MuhyiddinYassin je ni. 😂

DrAdhamBaba please lah, jgn keluarkan statement yg tak membantu mcm ni... Just do your job, think how to improve the condition. Bukan duk menyalahkan orang lain. Otherwise you will be same like previous government.

And why is this blame game important now? You wanted to take over so badly, now go prove your worth and make a difference. Btw, leave the daily updates to the calm and collected Dr. Hisham.

budus..masa tu orang politik bodo mcm korang ni duk sibuk nk hijacked government of the day yg SAH diundi oleh rakyat. korang ni bukan government yg di undi rakyat tau. tapi gov tak bertamadun pintu belakang. klu kt negara yg betul2 amal demokrasi dh huru hara dh dissbkn korang.

Nak kata bodoh, belajar tinggi, sampai jadi Dr pulak tu. Tapi, tula, bodoh dia tak boleh bawak bincang.

Mantan Menteri Dalam Negeri masa tu MuhyiddinYassin, siapa yang nak gaut keuntungan dari air keruh pada kluster tabligh boleh rujuk pada dia.

Bodoh dia ni.. Dah kena sasau ke apa

empty vessels make the most noise.

previous government pun masih Hisham Ketua Pengarah..jadi nak salahkan DG? kalau salahkan jemin sheraton tu ye lah betul..

Air suam... Haha.. No one believe u

So DrAdhamBaba just threw MuhyiddinYassin under the bus la kira ...

The Home Minister of the previous government is the PM! 🤦🏾‍♂️

Dah ambik gaji minister kerja la.. Time langkah sheraton takde lak pulak ko sound pasal covid.

hmm. is he accusing his current boss?

Why is he still the Health Minister?

Ya rabbi die ni ...

DrAdhamBaba even ur Assistant Drnoora44726363 zmi could careless abt the PKP , mayb because of u air suam cure ... tankengliang

blame? that time u were busy with sheraton move

wow langkah sheraton tu xwujud eh wow xsangka

Kenapa sekarang dia dah tak keluar tv pasal covid? Sbb tak competent lah..

DrAdhamBaba piece of shit good for nothing minister sekarang nak salahkan org lain

Ala... minum air suam kan boleh. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Terima Kasih PN Dan Menteri Air Suam. Masa inkubasi virus Covid adalah 14 hari, ketika waktu kritikal ini lah KerajaanTebukAtap mengambil kesempatan dan membuat Langkah Sheraton 😎 Tabligh Coronavirus PNyakit

Not failed. It interrupted by political drama and selfishness attitude

Air suam 1

Current gov't failed to contain you

K, move on

sindir dan kutuk mantan Menteri Dalam Negeri zaman PH tanpa sebarang lapik. Siapa menteri tu? Beliau adalah YAB MuhyiddinYassin dan walau menteri dia sendiri yg buat; tak berani nak amek tindakan sebab majority akan HILANG...ker beliau nak 'KEMBALI' ke pangkuan PH & WARISAN?

Nak buat lawak....tapi punchline x menjadi...hehehe

Ni anak sedara dia ke yang tuliskan presscon text ni :((((((

Dia ni pun nak jadi mcm trump juga ke?sibuk nak cari salah org,dia yg failed act sebagai Menteri kesihatan.

Alaa jeles la tu...lepas tu nak mengamuk2.. DG dapat perhatian dpt penghargaan ... Dia dpt air suam je... Mengaku je la Jeleskann...hahha

Ni nama dia kebodohan tak bertempat ya

Oi seriously? Sapa yg kata ni? Adham Baba atau friends of Adham Baba?

24 Feb 2020: Tun M resigned. Cabinet automatically dissolved. No health minister. 28 Feb - 2 March 2020: Tabligh event at Sri Petaling. Incompetent Health Minister after asking the people to drink hot water to kill Covid seems to have a short historical memory too.

Si bodoh DrAdhamBaba ni cakap pasal Menteri KDN PH MuhyiddinYassin ke? Byk sgt minum air suam ni...😂😂😂

nice.. is he blaming the tabligh cluster?

Damn someone has been drinking a little too much air suam.


Lepas ni mesti kena kutuk sebab bodoh. Lepas tu anak saudara dia si walauntit tu datang backing dia...

wow... this just shows your weakness and who you really are. But you're not genuine doctor btw, just a politician that's take granted from others work.

Jap lg adalah anak menakan dia mai bekap.

dia starttt dahhhhhhhh...

DrAdhamBaba tak payah nak tunding2 salah siapa la... pekena air suam segelas... lepas tu teruskan kerja, sebab sekarang ni you yang berkuasa.

YAB PM resigned in a middle of a pandemic. We lost 3 weeks in our battle against COVIDー19 according to Prof Jomo.

Whatever it is...thanks to wuhan.

Hahaha. Bankrup idea

Do you know who’s....that time !!!!!

no politic please

DrAdhamBaba nak suruh aku latah or maki? Hang pilih ..

Who willing listen to Minister air suam.

What about current health minister

Apa benda menteri air suam ni

Over to u DrDzul drwanazizah saifnasution LiewChinTong fahmi_fadzil 😤😤😤


I have an idea to save money for the Govt

Just do your work lah!


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