Bill Gates says Trump's decision to halt WHO funding is 'as dangerous as it sounds'

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President Donald Trump's decision to withhold funding to the World Health Organization pending a review of its handling of the coronavirus pandemic is 'as dangerous as it sounds,' Bill Gates has said

President Donald Trump's decision to withhold funding to the World Health Organization pending a review of its handling of the coronavirus pandemic is"as dangerous as it sounds," Bill Gates said Wednesday.

"Their work is slowing the spread of Covid-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever," the Microsoft founder and philanthropist said in a tweet. The WHO declared coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern in late January and a week later, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation pledged up to $100 million to help contain the outbreak.


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Well..BillGates and all his fellow these globalists with their sinister agendas are dangerous!!

STRONGLY agree!!!

Oh that’s Rich, Bill is the one who has the WHO in his pocket! Figures fredo would like this post!!! Cnn the China News Network, keep it up dipsticks - the jig is up, we know you are nothing but communists

ChrisCuomo No , they are covering up China . Why they don’t include Taiwan as part of WHO ? China manipulates WHO . There a lot more issues that WHO are hiding ! Be smart

Bill gates should fund WHO since he got the money, hypocrite. Their evil ll never work

Face it Trump wants people at high risk to get the coronavirus and die. He’s a Facist and committing genocide! WakeUpAmerica BernieSanders must support JoeBiden because Bernie Babies won’t vote for anyone else and it will be disastrous. Trump supporters will win again.

ChrisCuomo AND Trump’s TOXICITY has convinced GOOD people in MY Republican Party and Christian community that Gates is dangerous; I’m fighting with CNN and people like Josh Campbell, Cuomo, Tapper Others FOR America My WW11 Purple Heart Recipient paratrooper dad did TOO 🗳✝️🇺🇸❤️

ChrisCuomo A sociopath realDonaldTrump typically has a conscience, but it's weak. He may know that taking your money is wrong, and he might feel some guilt or remorse, but that won't stop his behavior.

No one cares what you think Bill Gates you are a murderer

hey Bill you've got enough money in your bank account that you could fund that whole thing for 1 year and wouldn't even affect your income how about you do it

JuddApatow People should fear Bill Gates. Why should anyone think China and WHO did a good job handling Covid19. They did an abominable job. China and WHO lied and lied and spread death across the world.

I don't like Trump at all, but on this one, the WHO royally screwed up. The timeline is clear. WHO downplayed urgency and delayed global response, JUST LIKE TRUMP DID. I hope this also applied to the Feds bailout of irresponsible 'Too Big to Fail' companies.

ChrisCuomo WHO is covering up China's cover up. To trust China, and their version of how this began, is sheer stupidity. P.S. Chris, seek some anger management

WHO is corrupt

The WHO is accused of being too close to dictators.If the mission is saving lives, I get the need to subordinate political correctness to the practicalities on the ground, including dealing with and cozying up to dictators. May be worth it to save lives. What is T***p’s excuse?

maybe bill can fund the w.h.o. hes got it

ChrisCuomo shut up fredo

It is dangerous to his bank account. He isn’t talking about the rest of us. Follow the money!

Almost as dangerous as Bill Gates.

Thank you Doctor Gates!! What? As much as he runs his pie hole constantly wanting people to get shots I thought he was a doctor. Go away Bill Gates! CNN this is 2 days Str8 running this same story.

BillGates you just support the corruption. Stop it and mind your own business

CNN reported the WHO was going to start working on pandemic response yesterday.

Why can't devils advocate himself to fund them l mean bill gate

Coming from the man who wants to force vaccinations and chip everyone. Uh huh. Over my dead bloated carcass.

Thank you Mr. and Mrs Gates.

Knowing what we know now, let his ass give the money to cover the shortfall.

The WHO is a crooked organization. With corruption all the way to the top !!

Bill Gates is more dangerous than anybody!

it is dangerous only to his own pocket

ChrisCuomo Bill Gates Who?

ChrisCuomo This is very dangerous for the elite that wants to create a 'new world order' to eliminate the freedom of individuals and control humanity by a global elite.

ChrisCuomo But one thing it does do it does show a pattern that he did stop funds from going to Ukraine plain simple

The best president ever Trump2020

Let Gates Pay the Tab for Pathetic service........

Screw the WHO . Their cover up of what really happened in China is much more dangerous. The did the exact opposite of what they should do

This losers face makes me want to puke

Bill Gates doesn't seem to understand what is happening.

Wasn't Teddy the one that said that China is being transparent? Wasn't WHO ignoring Taiwan when they said the communists were lying?

StopAiringTrump . 25thAmendmentBeforeWeAllDie

Bill Gates is a evil individual!!! And The Who is his evildoers Shame on Bill he was able to live the America dream and this is how he helps his country and takes the side of a corrupt organization and communist country! Just pathetic

To me it sounds right, it’s not feeding the evil that‘s abusing you. Corrupts have been spoiled for too long, this is new to them.

BillGatesIsEvil Bill Gates is one of the greatest enemies of humanity. Fuck BillGates

What is wrong with wanting to know how 500,000,000 dollars of US taxpayer money was spent? Seems like a good question

Trump cares nothing of the danger to the public. He has only two things on his mind: blaming everyone else for the virus, and opening the country businesses.

Best decision ever

Bill has some problems.

Bill Gates and who cares.

The only people that criticizing this WHO move is the Democrats. Because they have no campaign platform only to criticize everything the President says and does. Not a good platform to run on. Voters see Democrats hate President Trump.

Who cares what Gates has to say? He's just another one of the 1% you people claim to hate so much.

Bill should pay them if he feels so strongly.

WHO should have been truthful about the deaths in China FROM THE START. Instead they lied, people died and we are in quarantine! They can’t be trusted with the next outbreak. I don’t get what is so hard to understand. Tho with YOU it’s intentional. realDonaldTrump is right again


Its dangerous that the WHO is China-Centric!

JOE BIDEN WILL SAVE OUR COUNTRY AND WILL SAVE OUR LIVES FROM THE Coronavirus.. JOE Biden WILL LISTEN TO ALL THE EXPERTS! BECAUSE HE WANTS WHATS BEST FOR OUR COUNTRY.. Joe Biden can do the job without blame or lame excuses as (Trump does, because Trumps a coward.)

Why can’t Bill see that Tedros was eating Xi Jinping’s ass?

Can we replace the term “Bill Gates” with “Thanos”? Seems more relevant, given genoc... depopulation goals.

So, not dangerous at all. We’re gonna need that money once American families are starving because there are no jobs and no money

Bill gates is evil and should be in jail!!

He should try his vaccine on himself and his family and whilst he is at it - chip himself and his family rather than trying to experiment on poor Africans.

What is the use of your money if not for a time like this

WHO and China deserve criticism for their stupid reaction to corona when the outbreak started earlier, but how about Donald Trump? I still remember he told you Americans that everything is under control, coronavirus is just like a flu…he downplayed the virus and messed it up.

And we’re supposed to care what Gates thinks? 🤦‍♀️

Hell has no fury as a man who's eugenicist pet project was spurned by a world leader with a high level of discernment for things that don't seem right

Bil gate he wants to be gate in hell

The trump administration has destroyed the great political heritage created by the Obama administration, and the American political virus has begun to destroy the Americans and the people of the world once again!

Bill Gates is an agent from hell and satan himself. His a evil wicked ungodly demonic people. He is the leader to establish the NWO and preparing the way for the antichrist.

Microsoft-Google : FISCAL FRAUDSTER & PERSONAL DATA THIEF : =FEWER sanitary-collective-educational & ecological projects, more SOCIAL & DOMESTIC VIOLENCE more DESASTERS TAX EVASION & AVOIDANCE... are SOCIAL CRIMES

The WHO spends $200M a year on travel and luxury hotels. F* that! You pay it Billy boy, you can afford it. I want my tax $ to stay right here at home.

Why are we hearing his thoughts on things

WHO’s mistakes over Coronavirus led to global loss of life and economic damage realDonaldTrump

Get out

Bill Gates for President 2020!

It’s dangerous as his Microsoft chips & global lockdown for up to 18 months.

Nothing right now is more dangerous than billgates who wants to inject and biochip everyone on earth. IWillNeverComply, nochip no Mrk 0f Th3 B3ST EVER!

Are you working with China? Are you working for China?

What's wrong Billy? You don't get to use your cattle prod to jolt the victims vaccine? POOOOOR Billy.

You fund the gap please. I know you can.

President Tom is the historical president of USA. I really admire his quality and vision, Good job. Cutting funds of WHO is fair for taxpayers american. I live in Nepal, I have seen the huge misusing UN funds and WHO funds by employees. They relax and live luxurious lifestyle.

Go ahead Mr President Donald Trump

Bill has many billions of dollars invested in WHO and CDC so his opinion may be a bit bias. WHO needs to be an open book for the world community instead of being a propaganda arm for China. BTW....when did MSM become a propaganda arm for both the DNC and China?

Spewing a lot of hot air. Hopefully, at a safe 6 feet distance away!

Is Trump from Mars, to save America or to destroy America?

Stop being brainwashed by Trump'opulist who uses capitalist moves to buy you. WHO alerted and updated all nations on January about the measures needed to protect them. Most nations decided to ignore these! WHO is important not only for research now but for the next season strike!

Commonsense = “dangerous” to idiotdems FakeNewsCNN mental midgets

He does not know 1 little thing about the normal middle class man on the street. His whole life is so far removed from reality yet he wants to be god and savoliour all in the name of his mighty self and for more money. And we are guilty in idolising the rich to the expense of why

This is literally fakenews - having a 15 second delay so you can see whether or not to air it. mcuban

No one person should have the power to decide where millions of tax payers money goes. That should be up to Congress

Really? So Bill Gates is President now? It's about time he stood. One of the greatest men to have graced the world is upset? A mere £150 million? Put your money in Mr Gates.

All Trump's decisions are not correct, he seems to isolate America from the ground, especially the Middle East


Trump has lost control, defeated by the virus 🦠 and now acting angrily n shamefully. Why bring ur anger innocent people WHO. Ur arrogance has costed death of innocent souls , recording the highest case n death .hmm

About time this man ran for President. For some time he, and the wonderful Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi have been funding immunization programs across the world. Doing something and doing it quietly, Trump. Not just running their mouth.

Hey Billie, how bout you donate more and let Americans hold on to their taxes?

Shame he doesn't know someone with $100 billion to step in and cover the $400 million we're contributing if it's really that dangerous.

Where are the HK protesters?

Mukulaa This is good news

A president should be sane before assuming the responsibility. This is typical challenge faced by the third world.

Screw Gates

There goes China News Network

So your staff fails to do their job, lies & falsifies info you BillGates Alyssa_Milano would pay them? You know this was purposely started by China. can’t beat us in war, so they go this route. WHO’s pockets are lined like yours. realDonaldTrump will stand up to you and them!

I sure as hell hope so. Until the WHO leadership resigns no dinero.

It’s only $583,000 from an annual WHO budget of $6B. I reckon Gatesy could step in to pick up the slack.

No need to look behind the curtain.

Já pensou se a China assume está posição dos EUA?!

WHO di di mau! realDonaldTrump they are the spoken enemy!

Bill Gates Is Not An Expert!

WHO is a disgrace , I wouldnt be funding their agenda either

Sorry Bill, an org doesn’t get to spew incorrect info that results in 100,000+ deaths and carry on with zero consequences. Do you think WHO can actually help us at this point more than we can help ourselves? No way.

Bill, you have lots of money. If the WHO is so vital, why don’t you find them then?

F$&K Bill Gates. He’s got a hand in creating this virus...

the fuck does Bill Gates have to do with the government

WHO’s actions or non actions have been a disgrace.. why isn’t brainiac Bill analyzing how much WHO’s mistakes has already cost us.. what is their ONE role .. to protect and applaud China This is sickening

Who cares about Wat Bill Gates says

One should not throw stones when you live in a glass house.

And why don’t u give some of your money

Why does anyone care what Bill gates has to say about this? WTH? CNN is the worst

Why are you supporting him? How much does he give CNN? Makes me wonder: How much does big pharma give CNN?

Bill Gates not liking it is exactly why it should happen. GFY Bill

What handling? Why funding a „health“ organisation that stated the virus is not transferable human-to-human, mouthprotection is useless and closing boarders is not the right step? WHO is responsible for the deads This whole thing needs investigation.

My definition of danger is a billionaire who wants 85% of the population gone. Paid for a patent on a deadly virus, owner of companies creating vaccine for said deadly biological weapon. Yeah, that Bill Gates

The U.S ask at the begining if the virus can be transmitted human-human..and they say NOUUU!! 😶 now look all the ppl death bcos this organisation is just a joke.

How many times are you going to Tweet this? We know where you stand Bill Gates is the real danger and we will not comply to his forces vaccines.

Shouldn't he be working on a computer virus?

Bill gates is dangerous.

f gates too

USA only pays $59mln ever year, and still $100mln receivable outstanding... Trump always blow the bubbles... Exaggerate too much...WHO whofunding TrumpIsAnIdiot

Maybe NOT. And please note I'm Blue not Red. WHO is doing nothing to stop China from reopening the wild live animal markets again. Already happenig now in WuHan. The animal markets must be abolished.

This guy steals from his college buddies and open source developers to get rich and now he's a world expert in everything?

So you could pay them.... how disgraceful is this network defending a company who is there to protect us, instead did the opposite.. Was CNN in on the cash deal to? Must’ve been. CNNfrauds speaklouderchris

No not really. Our funding is only 14 %. So what did we get for our 900 million dollars over the last two years? A Wuhan Virus they should have reported on correctly? Imagine. Trump gave each America 1 million dollars this year. We would still have the Virus but we’d have 💰

Well tell Mr Globalist (Bill) to write a damn check then!!


Fund it yourself. You could literally write the check for the next hundred years if you wanted to.

A possible crime against humanity.

I never knew Bill Gates had a medical degree. Maybe that explains the over 400k children he left paralyzed in India after experimental vaccination.

Why does his opinion matter here? Gates is not a doctor.

BillGates you mad bro? 😁

The WHO failed to acknowledge that 3 governments (Taiwan, HK, Japan) were reporting a totally different data set than China, but decided to listen to China’s data. China released this virus in the world, and the WHO stood by with the eyes closed, ears covered.

More crap news from the CNN, the Communist News Network. Why would we pay any organization if they are not going to do their job correctly?


So the WHO is the new China , he just blame blame blame , what kind leadership is this

If Bill Gates is worried about WHO not being funded, maybe he should fund it himself instead of asking the American people to do so!!!

Gates can foot the bill for every country. He really shouldn’t say much and just be a good American

trump makes things from bad to worst

'As dangerous as it sounds' means a lot for the US and its future role in global affairs and means good news to the world, because the world can have quality health care with or without US funding.

Fuck the WHO

Bill is the Dangerous one!


Pretty sure Bill Gates is the most dangerous in all of this

WHOhan virus


Hey Bill anti up you got the cash flow

Take a hike Saddam and Gomorrah. You're a joke next to our Bill. Next to today's politics with hollywood sise prixs, you not even fake news on CNN.

Ten days after Wuhan lockdown, Xi: admitted ‘shortcomings and deficiencies’. Trump: I don’t take any responsibility.

Who is Bill Gates anyways. Does he have any scientific degrees or background? Why does it matter what he has to say. He is NOT an elected public official. Also he funds the WHO himself. Why do you want people to care about what he has to say?🥴

Here is a list things a technocrat billioneir is not: a) a health expert b) an ellected official c) a credible source on anything other than technology.

Just using his most commonly used ploy to misdirect...changing the news cycle. Can’t stand that EVERYONE is reporting on and talking about EXACTLY what he WASN’T doing in FEBRUARY.

Everyone opposing the decision to halt funding should have a look at this.

Trump did very well

WHO LIES! That is why he is withdrawing funding. CHINA LIES! Withhold funding. CNN LIES! MSM LIES! LIES LIES LIES

No listening to the WHO is as dangerous as it sounds. They’re a big reason we have a pandemic now.

Congress time to pull your heads out of the sand and do the jobs WE elected you to perform.

Billgates U r the witch here! U created this Pandemic.

Ha! Who the fuck cares what Bill Gates has to say?!!

Bill Gates pretending to be a health expert is as dangerous as it sounds

Good thing no one fucking elected bill gates then, amirite?

Then it's a perfectly good decision!! NWO Agenda21 Agenda30 GatesVirus FauciFraud ChinaLiedPeopleDied CCPVirus

WHO is more dangerous under the leadership of someone that is not transparent

Well he helped make and as well ruin the world with Microsoft creations .. so why not donate 800 million or more a year BIll .. as a charitable donation

Bill who And WHO is Bill Gates? A liberal billionaire who thinks he knows everything- NOT!

Says the Billionaire globalist, lol

Fck the WHO

Most appropriate decision by our President!

Tell him Bill.

Well if Bill Gates says so then.....🙄

But chipping american citizens is cool though. Globalist pos

Bill Gates 😂😂😂

OTHER TheDemocrats LIKE SpeakerPelosi WHO LIED ABOUT COVID...

Acosta Yeah Trump failed to act in Feb and Mar because he was fooled by the WHO. I feel sorry for the folks that died in Feb and Mar thinking they just had the flu because Trump said it was just the flu

Bill can send them 400 million if he thinks it’s that important

If Billy boy doesn't like it I do

Acosta can he pitch the money in?

Screw Bill Gates. Why should we support a LYING communist led organization. Let’s defund the UN too!!!

(Donald thinking) hmm, what can I do to distract from my mishandling of the Covid-19 response? I know! Put the blame on the World Health Organization! That will take the heat off me and put the blame on them. A new enemy for people to ponder. I will defund during a pandemic.🤡

Why is this guy trying to become politically influential and also funding the WHO big time? Is he making lots of money from manufacturing in China

If it upsets Bill then he has made a good decision. Well done Trump, great move 👏love from the UK 🇬🇧

This from the man who brought us Windows Vista.

Let Bill Gates fund them.


Good work CNN always rooting for the bad guy.

Who the f*ck cares what his opinion is ? No one voted for Bill Gates.

I think Bill Gates is dangerous. And creepy!

Shut up Bill. If you find that you are not getting what you paid for then you stop paying until you do.

chrisbrzy007 At times, you find it mystifying how a person like Bill Gates despite his intellect, exposure, success, and maturity isn't the president of U.S...🤔


So not at all.

Another person with financial and ulterior motives in this.

Fuck Bill Gates

Maybe Mr Gates can become the prime donor to fund the WHO instead of 2

Way to go POTUS!

Who cares what some billionaire thinks

What's wrong with this guy😂 people don't want his vaccine he should stop forcing. 🤣😂🤣

Fake news CNN Nothing but useless negativeness. Disgusting and vile They need to go out of business Hopefully soon . WHO director needs to go and Gatrs knows it . Make it happen and you get our money

What the US takes away China will provide. Items such as retail goods. Restaurant chains, Auto manufacturers and , importantly, global leadership. Good luck US. You will be on your own - just in ways you didn't imagine.

His the cause of all of this corona,the wall he wanted to build took alot of lives,and still will do,an comeday actor can be leader in politics

Well, Bill Gates might be evil, but how could Trump be good? They probably are from the same camp, just a show to influence the audience. How about the senators support Trump, which capital they represent? As I can tell, they are just fooling us around.

Omg we got a bunch of MAGA Zombies talking trash they don’t really understand...very very Stupid indeed!!!

No, it's not. It is a wonderfully courageous move that just proves, yet again, how necessary Trump's election was. The man is, quite simply, the best POTUS in many decades. Not a perfect man but the perfect man for the job! Let him who IS a perfect man, say so and be a liar.

Gates should fund it!!!

Then fix it

No one cares what you think BillGates be part of the solution not the problem trump2020

Then the who Director should resign immediately

This is the smart people BillGates ...Fauci Obama .... can they please stand up for that this trumpthing is getting the whole world in his own created cave

Did he have a brain fart and forget he terminated the CDC specialist Obama had in China . Did he also forget he golfed and held rallies after he was warned 10 times,including once by the WHO.

Pay Trump to step down then Bill Gates

Bone Spurs Trump did this to distract from the MELTDOWN on Monday he does it every time to deflect from his failures

A LITTLE more dangerous is when an organization like the WHO provides false information about a pandemic.

He's talking like it's his money, the best WHO can do is to plead and be responsible. US is facing an increasing number of cases and should be focused on themselves first

But America’s billionaires can fund WHO if they sit together and discuss it!!!

Same as giving money to terrorism, but here we are...someone should be accountable for poor and bais decision made by WHO and favouring it to chaina, and losses of there loved on due to this. soldwho, WHOLiedPeopleDied

Who cares what bill gates things? From Africa, tell him that he can go to hell with his vaccines.

No Mr Gates you need them to push your pro vaccine and pro contact tracing agenda. Unconstitutional. Know your role. Our president is on to you.

Great decision by Trump WHO assisting China now in Wuhan to open wet markets where virus started. Now normal sales of exotic animals including bat's that have COVID19 pathogen and 1000 other viruses will continue to transfer to Chinese public and other animals on market.

Time to FireTrumpNotFauci

I’ll keep posting this as a reminder of Trump’s hypocrisy...

UN is next Bill

Dangerous for Gate’s eugenics

Bill and epstein... He's not fooling me BillGates

Then YOU fund it BillGates

'the head of the WHO outlined a timeline of the organization's actions in response to the pandemic, saying in a statement, 'please don't politicize the virus.'' did they include when they said it was not contagious?

why are u so Anti Trump? You devils

What concerns Bill Gate and WHO?

Bill Gates can eat bat sht, either WHO is corrupt or incompetent, both cases underscore why we shouldn’t give them $400 million of our tax payer dollars. Tell BillGates to pick up our tab if it’s so important to him to hAve these clowns running China’s lies

Im not pro-Trump but yall making it sound like WHO is America's illegitimate bastard.

Bill Gates is a liberal globalist. They are the reason America has very little manufacturing in this country and farmed out 95% of its antibiotic manufacturing to China and India.

Will trump destroy America for his own benefit? Without a doubt. Trump first. America whatever.

I hope he doesn't regret this decision

Omy God why bill your right we my be in big trouble have we found a cure yet . is there a chance that even if you do find a cure you can be reinfected again will you help us please

Hilarious! Sounds like a threat!!

Says the guy who is trying to takeover the world

Trump makes careless and uninformed decisions. He keeps trying to point the finger. This isnt the time for this. Lets find a vaccine and then worry about WHO later.

Ahaha...sort of like his virus and vaccine. He can afford to give them more money. Why does he give them money anyways and he's in the vaccine business. Sounds like a conflict of interest.

We should do that to Cheetolini and his minions! No money until we investigate the criminal incompetence of Donald Trump and the GOP! Projection much!!

Quote from A genius!

BillGates fix this shit

Билл Гейтс- это враг человечества. Жестокий и циничный убийца.

Finally!! Thank you Bill. Are people asleep over there? If America does this while a pandemic rages, you are on your own. No country in the world will forget this despicable act. TrumpPressConf KingTrump COVID19 TrumpOwnsEveryDeath JoeBiden DictatorTrump

We ain’t dealing with Microsoft here.... Bill go and sit down!

Trump's decision is correct. Not only will this not cause damage to the world's health, but on the contrary, it will better help the world fight the coronavirus. --Because it is better to form a new international medical organization next!

głos rozsądku

Loved how your fake news was grilled by Mr President!

World health organization failed it's run by grifters

Since when did Bill Gates become an expert on medical matters? While I agree with his viewpoint it is no more valid than mine. I don't give a f**k if he is a multi-billionaire. It doesn't make his opinion newsworthy or more worthy of respect just because he is rich.

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