Iain Duncan Smith says universal basic income during coronavirus pandemic would be 'disincentive to work'

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Former work and pension secretary says his Universal Credit scheme would be a better way of dealing with disease

The usually busy Royal Mile in Edinburgh is empty as people stay away from public areas amid the coronavirus outbreak on 13 MarchHo bart's Amusement Arcade in Westward Ho!, Devon is offering toilet roll and soap as prizes in grabber machinesAn empty platform at Farringdon Station in London the morning after the Prime Minister said that Covid-19"is the worst public health crisis for a generation"Shopkeepers Asiyah Javed and husband Jawad from Day Today Express, in Stenhousemuir,...


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That’s the point.

No way he isn’t wearing suspenders under that suit

El mundo se va a volver socialista mientras dure el coronavirus, el sueño de Marx


Why not though. Set it at 16k a year scrap universal credit all together. Then if you want more get a job.

Universal basic income might be cheaper than the current system with its massive bureaucracy!

Yes Iain, thats literally the point. Have you noticed there is a bit of a situation going on at the moment?


Not surprised he said that going off previous form. Despicable human being....

My initial thought was a swear word. But I'm not going to lower myself! Look after yourselves and eachother.

Workhouse next.

Hitler would have loved him.

Shame on you MPIainDS AGAIN

He’s just a big heart on legs. Funny though how in 2008 they found £500 billion to bail out the banks after their greed, incompetence and failure. Ten years of Tory austerity and what have we got for it?

and he's right. UBI is permanently untenable. Much smarter in this crisis to defer/waive mortgage,rent costs to the needy Don't GIVE away money. HALT the costs

I love the smell of facepalm in the morning

A credit scheme will only create more poverty in a britain that has been knocked down already to austerity. UBI is the only effective movement at this time. This is not a political game, this is life or death!

The face of Zionist/Nazis and pure evil. He is a descendant of the biblical murderer Cain.


much the same way his fat MPs salary & expenses have disincentivized him to work for the good of the country & its people.....he is an immoral toad and after this is all over should be run out of office & condemned to obscurity

This man received a knighthood, remember.

That's the fucking point.

Another totally clueless self serving politician with a big mouth

He's off his head.

From his rent free £2m mansion?

He has never lost sleep over paying a bill or feeding his children, such selfish detachment


from the article, 'Sir Iain said the taper rate of his own Universal Credit system should instead be lowered to pay more money to people who lose hours due to the pandemic and 'put a floor underneath employees as government steps in and takes the strain''

He’s a jobsworth! There is no clear guidance or direction to keep the engine running - and how we all play a part in that! Food production from farm to customer, Medical and PPE supplies manufacture, Our frontline medical services, Medical research/testing, how can we all help!

People don't lose their motivation to work just because they don't have a job. He might find out what being unemployed is like one day....

Sorry IDS but your century is over now. If he had his way there’d be riots and a revolution before the year’s end. Then where would he be...?

Dependence on China's production, China's money, allowed CCP sends their spies, infiltrators and virus. CCP is destructive by her nature, she can't be yours nor anyone's friend CCP authoritarianism must be put to an end hongkongisnotchina coronavirus

Hi IDS, please don’t worry 🙂🙂 We already knew you were a horrid, ghoulish, master of misery, cruising towards ruining lives of the vulnerable at every turn. You didn’t need to prove it yet again mate, we haven’t forgotten.

MPIainDS showing true colours.

Yes well the biggest disincentive to work at the moment is the way that the governments non policy on civil lockdown is destroying businesses. Why throw your life into a venture when it can be destroyed by the irrational actions of an incompetent government

You can't work if your job has gone and we are quarentined in buildings which we cant afford to pay the rent on.

A genuinely vile creature. Also says a lot about his constituents that they keep re-electing him.

There's a special place in Hell reserved for IDS!

Isn't that the goal & that's not what he suggested or hinted at today in the commons.

Blimey! Things must be bad - even his party is struggling to shut the silly ass up! 😏


I personally don't agree for I consider it to be disagreeable to the plight of those who have no other means of financial support than their wages!

Quintessential conservatism in action

It is, to be fair, the kind of thing that keeps this ghoul awake at night. So he’s at least on brand.

I didn’t think he could go any lower.


I wonder if the penny has dropped with some of those working class tory voters.

I think he missed the point, not for the first time.


DaleenLeitner Feckin arsehole.

😡 Chances are I’ll lose my job in my family business, I’m applying for night shift temp jobs so I can work and teach my kids during the day and hope I’ll get back to my old job if it survives!

Suddenly, even Trump sounds OK!!!!

Grow up man! What a shocker.

It has been proved in many trials of Universal Basic Income, that this is not the case. This is a typical nasty statement of the privileged rich, that everyone on low wages is a money grabber.

IDS like most Tories are driven by cut throat capitalism & will do nothing for the people and the establishment media have fooled ordinary people into voting for them. And yet, the likes Tories will gladly part with billions for their friend in businesses.


He doesn’t get it at all. It’s way way above him.

This man eats his own snot.

What a Twunt!

He's the epitome of everything wrong with society. The haves continue to have and those struggling can go rot. He's a disgrace.

In ordinary times, yes. But these aren’t ordinary times so it’s a ridiculous, uneducated comment.

What about the incentive to survive?


Take a seat.

Man deluded if he thinks a Universal Basic Income seems inferior beside Universal Credit.

And when there isn't enough work...?

You know what else is disincentive to work? Death.

He’s an idiot and insentive to all that have lost there job in light of this situation. Shame on him. He’s ok sitting in his Ivory tower.

Don't elect, don't nominate, banish from polite society anyone who says anything like this ever again.

He would- What a tosser!

Yes. That's the idea.

I cannot believe anyone with any intelligence would say this , people have to eat , pay their bills , look after the little ones , he encapsulates the I’m ok sod you brigade

What a despicable politician he is...

That’s exactly what you need! A disincentive to stop people working , so that they can afford to stay at home and self isolate, if they need to. If they don’t have the cushion of a basic income, they will be forced to go out and earn.

Okay, not sure he understands the problem here.

Why is this creature IDS, being given airtime? Ignore the idiot.

Not the brightest knife in the box

beelabamba Disincentive to what work? There won’t be any.

Nice man

If only everyone was married to an heiress as this ridiculous specimen is, does he even know what the word empathy means?

He suffers from an incurable Poison Virus

I don't use this word often but I genuinely hate this man. He has no understanding of how actual people live their lives. Zero compassion

In about 7 weeks..after the revolution..and they round all of these pestilents up for summary judgement..this pinch spirited shitmarshall will be right at the very front of the queue.

Oh my God. I simply do not believe he said that. Surely fake news, even for him.

Typical ..uncaring ,intolerant and short sighted

What do you expect from a bloke who gorges on his own snot

That man is a virus, oops, I mean a parasite.

A lemon, a right wing lemon, perhaps he doesn't yet realise,,, you have your place in the Lords, you can stop saying stupid things now. 👺

If he gets infected with COVID19, can I declare him fit for work?

He looks like a tough hardworking guy...

Since no one has ever tried it how does this pin-brain think he knows what he's talking about?

🤬 Clueless. Thoughtless. Hopeless. In any order.

Fucking weapon


A universal basic income is literally the only form of unemployment insurance that isn't a disincentive to work because you receive it on top of wages. However it should come in supply-side form to avoid inflation. That is free basic shelter, donated clothing,ration packs & water

Que grande cavalo!

I suppose he's right. That's exactly why we should get rid of the Royal family, those scroungers can start paying their way and not offering knighthoods to hypocrites.


Will someone draw a little tache under that nose please.

Says somebody from Parliament!

He would

Doesn't he realise how many of us live hand to mouth working on zero hours contracts?

I think this is what a real bastard looks like.......but I do have to cut him some slack: He MAY not understand what the problem is....ie that there could be many many people out of work as a direct impact of this health crisis. If he IS that thick...how come people vote for him?

A model Tory: ideologically opposed to helping the less well off

Sir Iain Numptysville people are already being laid-off because of coronavirus

Another selfish multi millionaire who has no conception of normal every day life. There are lots more on the Tory front benches.

Says him on £80k + salary per year

What a piece of work this gobshite is He can’t help himself can he.

Stupid out of touch man! People are being laid off or staying home..... but the bills still keep coming.

If it disincentives that drunken shit from working it would be a good thing.

Jesus fucking Christ in hotpants what is this creature?

IDS - Irritating Dogma Syndrome (why can you never find enough toilet role to wipe this arse out of our consciousness)

Plonkers like ids is making it hard to be kind.

What the fuck would he know about work?

Ian Duncan Smith is really telling us what kind of lazy chancer he is, very different from the hard working ordinary citizens of this country.

Some one needs to give him a good shake.

Who can work or is taking on new staff during the 3 month shutdown, moronic behaviour from IDS as usual

He seems to be determined to live up to a reputation of being a complete tosser.

Rumbling of Roman Army 01_The Destruction of Jerusalem - Great Controversy (1911) Ellen G. White

I dont think they will riot they voted them in remember. This might wake them up! Life is not worth living if its just about earning money for the millionaires to have a great life its more than feeding the share holders and hedge funds income when you dont get any yourself.

Rumbling of Roman Army 01_The Destruction of Jerusalem - Great Controversy (1911) Ellen G. White

Suddenly nobody voted Tory. You’ve got what you voted for!

Rumbling of Roman Army 01_The Destruction of Jerusalem - Great Controversy (1911) Ellen G. White

Mps paycut nhs staff pay rise

Rumbling of Roman Army 01_The Destruction of Jerusalem - Great Controversy (1911) Ellen G. White

Oh piss off Iain, nobody likes you.

Many many words come to mind that I would like to call him, but I think Twitter would suspend my account. It's just disgusting.

IDS is still pushing ahead his social cleansing policies. The Nasty Party is still alive and well!!!

There are no jobs 🤨

If parliament is forced to close is he still going to get paid and claim expenses and get paid by the umpteen different companies that he's a director of?

just hang, draw and quarter the bastard!!!

What a dreadful stupid man!!

Give me the money and I’ll still work

What a prick IDS is!!

Which is what self isolating is soft lad

Thats what you sadly voted for .. not too long ago

Says a millionaire....people will need money to feed their family when they lose their jobs or receive the paltry SSP (which is the lowest in Europe) COVID19 Equality

I think IDS is oblivious of the Covid 19 situation. When exhausted people are drowning you give them a life belt you don’t say giving them a life belt will stop them from swimming.

Yeah f*ck this guy

Or as an incentive to stay at home. He is right, but that is the intention. Stay home stay healthy

Who cares about the opinion of this heartless man?

Men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. John 3:19, 20.

As is a dangerous global pandemic you buffoon

Cruel. Callous. Crazy. C.....


Just missing the little black moustache! Always been a despicable individual- once again showing his true character

What? So out of touch with ordinary people. This is still only basic substance living. No incentive to work. ! Why are the Conservative party so dangerous?. Massive concern when people say these things as sound bites and just don’t know what they are talking about.

DuncanSmith needs a good trip down the Thames in a leaky boat.


That’s the POINT.


The man is a hollow psychopath with a hatred of anything resembling compassion or community. And fits right in with the rest of the right wing ghouls in power

Who is this guy?

All his friends have trust funds but it hasn’t stopped them hoovering up the top jobs in Whitehall.

What an idiotic thing to say,but it’s to be expected from the numbskull IDS

How disappointing to hear of such comments in these uncertain times.

The man is a complete cock 🐓

Another 1%er

This POS right here 💩

To use a MRD quote from the 60s ‘he would say that wouldn’t he!’ IDS doesn’t have to worry about losing his job or how he can feed his family like a lot of the rest of the country.

He’s a disincentive to progress.

Still a horrible bitter man

What a horrible specimen.

He would say that...


It's strangely comforting that the UK has their own horrible 'poor people are lazy' officials.

He never wastes an opportunity to show how mean-minded he is.

Oh do fuck off, Iain

Christ he's a loathsome creep...I don't know who's worse, IDS or Cummings. They. Have. No. Idea...😠

Man is an animal.

Beware the IDS of March!!!


Correct. Because we don't want people going in to work and contracting and spreading an infectious disease.

Who reared this reprehensible monster?

Words fail, who on earth voted for these heartless bastards.

Their can’t let go of their right wing dogma even in a time of crisis

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