Why Cristiano Ronaldo, Mbappe, others spit on pitch during matches

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Cristiano Ronaldo News


The reason behind football players spitting on the pitch has been revealed. A study by the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism shed light on why players often spit on the field.

The practice is known as 'carb rinsing 'and involves swishing a carbohydrate-rich solution in the mouth and expelling it instead of consuming it. Cristiano Ronaldo, Kylian Mbappe, and Harry Kane are often seen doing this. Fans often wonder why these players and many others spit on the pitch and now the study reveals it is a technique athletes use in sports to keep energy up.

It's an intriguing process aided by carbohydrate receptors in the mouth. They signal the brain that energy is forthcoming when activated, leading to positive motor function and perception of effort. The study discovered that male athletes are less fatigued when using the practice during their events. Studies have shown that carb rinsing can improve performance by 2-3 percent. Footballers spit the liquid out rather than swallow it to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort.


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