Could a Mediterranean diet be the secret to avoiding gestational diabetes?

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Diabetes News

Diet,Gestational Diabetes,Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet significantly reduces the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) according to a new systematic review and meta-analysis. Higher adherence to this diet correlates with lower GDM incidence.

By Dr. Priyom Bose, Ph.D.Reviewed by Benedette Cuffari, M.Sc.Jul 25 2024 In a recent study published in the journal Nutrition & Diabetes, researchers investigate whether the Mediterranean diet influences the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus .

Several studies have suggested that preventing GDM through lifestyle and dietary interventions in pre-pregnancy or early pregnancy stages could significantly reduce the risk of neonatal diseases and congenital disabilities, as well as improve the mother’s health. Typically, increased consumption of saturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, cholesterol, and total fat increases the risk of developing GDM.

About the study For the current systematic review and meta-analysis, all relevant literature published until August 2023 was obtained from PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Scopus databases. Duplicate, animal, and ecological-based research, short communications, and non-English language studies were excluded.

Study findings Seven of the ten reviewed indicated that higher adherence to the MedDiet reduces the risk of GDM. Moreover, the pooled analysis identified a significant correlation between adherence to MedDiet and a reduced risk of GDM. Across all studies, these results were heterogeneous, which could be due to differences in study design or period of dietary assessment.

Greater adherence to the MedDiet leads to higher consumption of whole grain products, fruits, vegetables, extra virgin, nuts, olive oil, and legumes with regular fish and seafood intake. A higher intake of antioxidants and vitamins through this diet reduces oxidative stress and systemic inflammation, both of which are crucial factors in the development and advancement of chronic diseases.

Several studies have also shown that the consumption of whole grains reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, nuts contain MUFAs and polyunsaturated fatty acids that can regulate blood glucose levels and reduce appetite.


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