Low Alcohol Use Offers No Clear Health Benefits

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

Do people who drink alcohol in moderation have a greater risk of early death than people who abstain? For years, a drink or two a day appeared to be linked to health benefits.

in moderation have a greater risk of early death than people who abstain? For years, a drink or two a day appeared to be linked to health benefits. But recently, scientists pointed out flaws in some of the studies that led to those conclusions, and public health warnings have escalated recently that there may be no safe level of alcohol consumption.

“That makes people who continue to drink look much healthier by comparison,” said Tim Stockwell, PhD, lead author of this latest analysis and a scientist with the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research at the University of Victoria, in a For the study, researchers defined “low volume drinking” as having between one drink per week and up to two drinks per day. When researchers carefully excluded people who were former drinkers and only included data for people who were younger than 55 when they joined research studies, the abstainers and low-volume drinkers had similar risks of early death. But when the former drinkers were included in the abstainer group, the low-volume drinkers appeared to have a reduced risk of death.


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