San Jose Unified board slams Civil Grand Jury, rejects findings that it’s ‘adrift’

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Health Health Headlines News

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The Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury dropped the 42-page report last month, which expressed concern over an unusually high rate of leadership turnover, a lack of student wellness centers, issues…

SAN JOSE, CA – DECEMBER 10: Demonstrators gather in front of the San Jose Unified School District office during a demonstration on Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020, in San Jose, Calif. They urged leaders in the San Jose Unified School District to cease the contracted presence of officers at their campuses.

The district had 90 days from the civil grand jury report’s publication on June 10 to respond but pushed board members to approve the response Wednesday night in an effort to resolve the issue before school starts in two weeks., which expressed concern over an unusually high rate of leadership turnover, a lack of student wellness centers, issues with school safety and employee investigations and an overall lack of transparency.

“San Jose Unified School District is disappointed that much of the Civil Grand Jury’s report consists of opinions that are not supported by specific and accurate examples, properly interpreted data or rigorous research,” the district said in the response. “I was really disappointed and concerned that most of the response seemed to be denial and defense about the report,” said Trudi McCanna, a Willow Glen parent. “If we can’t acknowledge that we have problems then we can’t address them.”


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