Why is my colleague making fun of my standing desk?

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

Your slightly crabby teammate may think you’re participating in a frivolous fad rather than making a change for genuine health reasons. They’d be wrong.

I have started using a standing desk at work and have been a little surprised to find it has been greeted with doubt from people I work with. One person is making fun of me – it is light-hearted but still a little prickly, if that makes sense.I am not trying to insinuate that my sitting colleagues are “wrong”. I am worried merely about sitting all day and thought standing was a well-established way of avoiding that.

And if these verbal barbs aren’t a response to a perceived insult, they might be a form of indignance. Perhaps your slightly more crabby teammate thinks you’re participating in a frivolous fad rather than making a change for genuine health reasons.Sitting at a desk for work is now so routine and conventional in the post-industrial world that most of us don’t even question it.

Sitting at a desk for work is now so routine and conventional in the post-industrial world that most of us don’t even question it. What we have started to question is whether we should be doing it for long stretches, and the answer according to the experts is a resounding no.recently said that “current guidelines strongly point towards the value of varying postures, positions and alternating between sitting and standing throughout the day”.


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