CDC Warns of Shortage of Bottles Needed for Crucial Blood Tests

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CDC Warns Of Shortage Of Bottles Needed For Crucia News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

Hospitals and clinical laboratories across the United States are facing a critical shortage of bottles used to culture blood samples, federal health officials report.

“Shortages may also discourage ordering blood cultures, leading to missed infections that need treatment,” Kuppalli added.

The BD continuous-monitoring blood culture system is used in about half of all U.S. laboratories, and is only compatible with its own BD Bactec blood culture media bottles, the CDC noted.bottles from our supplier that has prevented us from manufacturing BD Bactec media to meet full global demand.” In the meantime, “BD Bactec blood culture vials are being allocated manually so we can best mitigate any impact to patient care,” he added.


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