RFK Jr. Suggests Sending People on Antidepressants to ‘Wellness Farms’ for ‘Reparenting’

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

The unconventional presidential candidate has unconventional ideas about how the government should deal with people suffering from addiction.

that RFK Jr. took several phone calls and a meeting with his political opponent, Donald Trump. According to these reports, Kennedy actively discussed dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing Trump for President. There was also discussion of finding a role for Kennedy in the billionaire’s next administration. Among the jobs apparently floated were high up positions in the government’s health bureaucracy, including the head of the Health and Human Services Department.

Another unconventional Kennedy health idea emerged this week. During arural hideaways where addicts could “grow their own food,” touch grass, and cleanse themselves of societal distractions that might prime them to use again. Kennedy claimed such a project could be paid for by de-classifying marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug and taxing the profits from its commercial sales, which, according to him, could bring in as much as $8.5 billion in revenue.


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