7 Signs You Might Need To Take A Magnesium Supplement

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Tired but don’t know why? You might need to take a magnesium supplement. Here’s everything you need to know about why and how to take magnesium supplements to improve your wellness.

The interest in taking magnesium in supplement form has piqued our interest recently. In our hyper-busy world, the growing demand for finding ways to help us relax has become a high priority. However, it’s important to recognise the symptoms of magnesium deficiency and understand the best ways to take it before you decide to supplement. We spoke with Dr Álvaro Campillo, a digestive surgeon and partner at supplement brand, Kobho Labs.

Campillo points out that while the symptoms of magnesium deficiency can be varied, several key signs are worth noting: Irritability Chronic fatigue Frequent headaches Repeated respiratory problems Muscle cramps Depressive symptoms Symptoms related to metabolic risk or diabetes Can everyone take magnesium supplements? Magnesium supplements have become increasingly popular for good reason, but it’s crucial to analyse the formulation of each supplement to know whether it’s suitable for you.


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