Bosses resign at Japan health supplement firm amid probe into supplement-linked deaths

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Kobayashi Pharmaceutical News

Food Supplements,Japan,Investigation

TOKYO, July 23 — The chairman and president of a major Japanese dietary supplement maker announced their resignation today, as the company probes dozens of deaths potentially...

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The company’s board released a damning external report today that said the firm had failed to prioritise consumer safety and acted with an “insufficient sense of urgency”.Medical studies say it can improve cholesterol levels but also warn of a risk of organ damage depending on the ingredient’s chemical make-up.

The scandal erupted in March when the company, a household name in Japan, recalled three brands of dietary supplements after customers complained of kidney problems. At the time the government called Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s delay in reporting the number of cases under investigation “extremely regrettable”.

“Kobayashi Pharmaceutical had never before received multiple reports of serious cases from doctors in such a short period of time,” the report said.


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Bosses resign at Japan health supplement firm probing deathsTOKYO: The chairman and president of a major Japanese dietary supplement maker announced their resignation on Tuesday, as the company probes dozens of...
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