High cost of fertility treatment in UK forcing many to seek treatment abroad

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Health Health Headlines News

Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

A sharp fall in the number of NHS IVF procedures, and the cost of private fertility treatment in the UK, means many Brits are now looking overseas in their quest to conceive

The NHS has markedly reduced the number of IVF procedures it provides across the UK, according to a new report. That, coupled with the cost of private treatment in the UK, means many are being forced to look into fertility treatment overseas. One in seven coupes in the UK may have difficulty conceiving, according to the NHS. Despite this, the number of cycles paid for by the health service is at its lowest since 2008.

'Postcode lottery' The report also found there was a postcode lottery when it came to NHS treatments, saying it ‘continued to vary’ across the UK. There was a decrease of 17% of NHS-funded treatments in England, 16% in Wales and 7% in Scotland between 2019 and 2022. 'Unfortunately, we see black patients have far less funding than white patients. And those in heterosexual couples are most likely to have funding.'

'The cost of fertility treatment has had a huge impact on the way people are seeking help,' said Fertility Family. 'Almost 2 in 5 have been forced to use their life savings in the pursuit of having a child.'


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