Colorectal cancer most common cancer among men, breast cancer for women, says report

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Cancer News

Men,Women,Breast Cancer

Melaka-born, Hollywood-based Praboo T. Arivananthan served as the film editor for the horror film, 'Aro's World'.

PETALING JAYA: Colorectal cancer recorded the highest cancer incidence among men, followed by lung cancer and prostate cancer, according to the third edition of the National Cancer Registry Report 2017-2021.

"A positive trend in cervical cancer incidence in Malaysia is observed consistently decreasing from 7.6 per 100,000 women in 2007-2011 to 6.2 per 100,000 women in 2012-2016, and further down to 6.0 per 100,000 women in 2017-2021. In a statement on Friday , the Health Ministry said cancer should not be taken lightly as it has ascended to the third most common cause of death in 2022 with some 15,200 cases, up from fourth position in 2021.

"To achieve this goal, the Malaysia National Cancer Registry was established in 2007, initially relying on manual reporting.


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