Gun violence impacts Marion County, Health department dedicating $2 million to prevention

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Health Health Headlines News

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Rachael Wilkerson joined the WRTV family in September of 2021. Rachael comes from NBC 15 in Mobile, AL where she worked as an investigative journalist and fill-in anchor.

INDIANAPOLIS — Marion County's top health official has a message for parents about gun violence now being a public health crisis.

Pictures can't replace the hole Lawson now has in her heart after her son, Spencer, was shot and killed in April. "They don't know what they took from me and it's not fair. Who are they to take anybody's child? So many moms are in the situation I am in, and I used to watch the news before my son was killed and would cry for other mothers because it's sad that sometimes people never get caught," Lawson said."I promised my son everyone involved will be caught and he will get his justice.


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